Can killers please get something to counter camping?

Maybe something like, if the killer remains within terror radius of a survivor on hook for more than 5 seconds he loses 50% speed for x amount of time.

Before you say it's not fair, we all know camping is incredibly toxic, and survivors get birds fly over their heads if they camp too long. So why should survivors get penalized for camping, but not killers?



  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Well you said killer's, but killer's do have a perk that highly encourages them to not camp, but to tunnel. It's called Make Your Choice (MYC), but the perk is underrated, and I see a lot of meta potential in the perks as well.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Make your Choice.

    Devour Hope.


    It'd be nice to get some more to further encourage killers that it's okay to leave your comfort zone.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    One of the reason's why I stopped camping was because I got a taste of it as a survivor and vowed to never camp as a killer again. But I strongly agree with what you are saying. There should be more perks to encourage anti camping.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    MYC is actually anti-tunnel because the killer will go for the off-hooker, not the off-hookie.

    No, killers are not penalized for camping or tunneling unless, perhaps, it is a SWF team - which is not the majority of teams.

    Isn't it a little ironic that the killer who provides and runs BBQ most, is the most renowned face camper? Go figure.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    "we all know camping is incredibly toxic"

    LOL bait

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    All the more reasons killers should get penalized, unless they run Insidious. No one should be allowed to afk or camp.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    The reason why it is also a anti camping perk is because killer's have to be 32 meter from the hook in order for it to activate if the perk isn't on CD

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited April 2020

    As for the original comment I agree and would support a killer penalty for overtly camping within a radius of a hooked survivor. I do not understand the above comment stating that survivors should be penalized for "being near a hook for too long". Survivors have zero incentive to hang around a hooked person. The only reason the be chilling in the area is if the killer refuses to GTFO and they are waiting for an opportunity to offhook. So if the killer had incentive to leave the area, the survivors would not be loitering, they would offhook and be on their way. Also how can a survivor abuse a camp penalty, they can not make a killer camp them?

    PS. I wish this had been a poll

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    So basically, in order to win every chase with a killer, I just run near the hook and loop them for 5 seconds? Eazy.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    make your choice is good in theory if you have a killer who can be mobile enough to see the guy who just unhooked the person. For everybody else who has to make that trip back to the hook its a waste of a slot because the person who's exposed can just hide leaving you to flip a coin during your next chase to even determine who has the debuff on. They feed survivors tons of information for free but didn't even bother to mark the exposed person with this perk......trash.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    So if a killer stays more than 5 seconds within ~30 m from a hook he's a camper?

    What about breaking a pallet or checking if someone is close? What about when you hook someone, turn around and see scratch marks 2 m away from the hook?

    If killer hooks you, opens a locker and then goes away he's gonna be within your 5 seconds rule. Is that fair?

    This just proves that when survivors said they've been camped, most of the times it's not true.

    Imagine wanting the killer to teleport to the other side of the map 1 second after he hooked you

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    Punishing doesn’t have an effect. Reward others for not playing so toxic and people will naturally learn and change their game style to maximize their blood points. If you gave a bp bonus for having all four survivors down (slugging) then a strong portion of killers would stop hooking until they achieved that bonus.

    You want a small step into the right direction? Give a bp or point bonus for leaving the hooked area and increase the bonus if they never returned to the hooked area until after save. Will every killer stop camping? No. Will killers still debate Internally and decide to return early for hook potential (mid to late game)? Yeah. Still would get a lot to change the killer meta to charge away from hook for that bonus before a possible quick save.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    None of them also can't make it to rank 8 as a Killer😂

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Camping was considered problematic by the developers themselves, looking for a solution. They failed or abandoned. Now at least one of them has expressed that it is a legitimate strategy. And all the most biased opinions joyfully repeat this opinion hoping to be authoritative, repeat this ridiculous reversal of conviction.

    In most video games, the concept of griefing often includes camping. The first is condemnable in DBD, not the second. Likewise, camping is rarely - if ever - a desired mechanism in video games. It is not complicated to understand why: it brings nothing - or almost nothing - of interest. No dynamic, close to AFK, and deeply penalizing the experience of at least one player.

    “Just abandon the hooked survivor (hoping he doesn't commit suicide), repair the generators and escapet!” WHAT A GREAT GAME, THANK YOU!

    Yes, some players have a different vision of DBD, which they want dynamic. Some people don't want a game where they can find themselves doing nothing for several minutes, destroying a key on their keyboard, and where this ridiculous scene is the end of their game. And for the others, a game where they will only repair generators without ever meeting the killer supposed to hunt them...

    Yes, some players want that in DBD, the killer must always make the effort to go to the survivors (this is the principle of the hunt), and not the reverse by a vulgar and simple hostage taking.

    Dare to tell me that camping brings dynamism, is interesting, that it is beneficial for the game. Dare to tell me that these multiple people coming to taunt here on the forum because they use Leatherface for the sole purpose of camping with Insidious and Moris, that they do this by lEgItImAtE sTrAtEgY. Dare to say here that these people are not griefers.

    Camping is problematic. It is not desirable. It's a game defect.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678
  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Exactly. Camping has been frowned upon in videogames for decades now, yet somehow bias players on DBD think this time “its a good strategy”. Its not healthy for the game.

    At least in a game like Call of Duty when you know theres a camper you can do something about it. Throw a grenade, sneak attack and shoot them. Problem solved. In DBD since you cant attack as survivor if you know the killer is camping you can’t do a damn thing to help. At best even with Borrowed the killer will just tey to trade hooks then camp the next survivor until someone else comes along.

    Thats why I dont understand why they nerfed BBQ. Showing the killer where the next survivors were was a great idea. They just needed to nerf Hillbilly since a killer that could be on top of you instantly with BBQ was unfair.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Survivors aren't punished in a traditional way. They just lose out on BP and emblems, generally de-ranking because they were unlucky to be caught first by a killer who decided that playing a traditional and desirable game is part of the meme of the "Survivor Rulebook".

    Camping a hooked survivor is just worse in every way for the survivor than the killer. I should know, since I've been on both ends.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I would just like to point out that even if your concept was good (which it isn't), your numbers are garbage.

    your average 4.6 m/s killer has a terror radius of 32m. In that 5 seconds you've given them, they can travel 23m. They would need a MINIMUM of 2 more seconds to get the hook out of their terror radius post hook and that's with them making a bee line directly away from the hook.

    your average 4.4 m/s killer has a terror radius of 24m. In that 5 seconds, they can get 22m away. They also don't quite make it.

    Huntress is an odd bean and actually does make it because she's 4.4 with a 20m TR.

    Obviously the hyper mobile killers also make it for obvious reasons... but still. Your numbers hard punish the majority of the killers in the game. There's like... 5-6 or so Killers who can hook a dude and actually get away from the hook in time. This also doesn't give them any time to do things they may need to legit do after getting a hook... like kick a gen, break a pallet, or reload.

    Also none of this considers The Game. With this punishment, you hook one guy in the middle of the map as a 32m killer... congrats you don't get to play the game anymore until they die or get unhooked... fun.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    I didnt mean survivors that got camped. Survivors dont get penalized for camping the hook .

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    And DS and Borrowed Time is a strategy. Especially jumping in a locker to activate DS. Glad we all agree

    I underatand your logic behind MYC being anti tunnel and i dont have a big issue with it because of the distance barrier, but it does prioritize the killers mission to get to that hook as soon as a save occurred. Thats strategy of killer with or without the perk but once they down the saver, the saved isn't far away. Usually.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I assure you, plenty of Rank 1 killers camp. It is not as viable against SWF. It can be very effective against random teams. Especially when combined with their other favorite play styles: tunnel and slug.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951
    edited April 2020

    50% speed after 5 seconds, so you want facecamping games only then?

    Edit: What constitutes camping? From what im reading its literally referring to killers who dont ignore survivors and sprint away from the hook asap. Whenever im killer i do a quick nearby check before leaving, does that mean i camped because i spent a few seconds checking for a hook runner.

    So many edits. That last question is for everyone not just the quoted

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Camping killers is a terrible strat. There's really no way to camp anymore. Maybe if you're facing a Leatherface then it could be an issue. But with 3 healthy survivors and the perks they have. The killer has really no way to camp. Borrowed time and body blocking will easily get a camped survivor away free. You just got to have a team that's willing to man up and do it. If you have teammates that play afraid then it won't work. But if you have survivors on your team with any amount of confidence you're going to get saved.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578
    edited April 2020

    A good killer doesn't need to camp to kill survivors. That is all I will say about that.

    I don't do a lot of saves because of it. If I'm closed to a hooked survivor and I hear a heartbeat, I go find a gen, it's better than trading hooks, so to speak. Doing gens is the only way to punish a camper.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Lol why the poor attempt at b8?

    If this were to happen, how about if survivors M1 generators for 5 seconds, they lose a second for each extra one spent on the generator?

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Suicide on the hook and pull another game with less cheese.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    1) MYC wont be able to trigger, unless the killer is at least 32m away from the hook. so while its also an anti tunnel perk, its mainly a anti camp perk.

    2) killers are heavily penalized for camping by the emblem system, the scoring system and the survivors correct ingame behavior. unless the survivors literally feed the killer kills, the killer is very unlikely to get more than 2 kills that game, aswell as a safe depip and almost no Blood Points.

    3) it sure is ironic, though i dont really understand what you were trying to prove here? its not like a killers power and their teachables would have any synergy with each other...

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114

    I mean its a valid tactic a toxix tactic but still a valid tactic and there are ways to punish camping such as doing the gens and if you know its a camper and you are being camped you could just hook suicide if you want or just not go for the save not only that but there are already perks that discourage camping in the game

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Hiding in a locker or a bush is not afk'ing.. It's a legit strategy and should not be punished by birds.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Every day I check these forums and there's a new post about how camping sucks. If that doesn't alert the devs that something is wrong, then nothing will.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah without knowing what counts as camping. Since going by the op idea. All we got is, standing near the hook. Which might not be camping. Since the other survivors could be swarming the hook, leaving marks around the area and other things, that tip off the killer they are nearby. That and as someone else pointed out, 5 seconds would not be enough time for a majority of killers to get out of range of the hook. Leading to punishment for the killer, even if they are speeding away from the hook. Which just punishes fair legit play. Yeah without a clear meaning of what camping is. Now if it was face camping, like A bubba standing in front of a hook to watch a survivor die. We would have a clear meaning we could talk about. Yet the op didn't give us that. So we have nothing to really work on. Since i seen people call a killer going between gens, to keep the survivors off of them, as camping. When that is one of the killers objectives, kill survivors before they can do gens and escape.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    If this were true it wouldn't be a go-to strat in red ranks against random teams (in my solo experience) for soooo many killers.

  • petneato
    petneato Member Posts: 6

    Killers already do get punished its very hard for them to pip while camping. Its not their fault that survivors choose to feed them by immediately going for save. If a killer is camping do as many gens as possible then go for save with bt and ds.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Wow, the overwhelming hypocrisy here is mind boggling. Saying survivors have zero incentive to hang around a hooked person is blatant BS as everybody will know. Then you say the only reason to do it is if the killer is in the area which is the exact case 100% of the time when a killer hooks somebody because in case you haven't been paying attention, they're not immediately teleported away from the map after the hooking animation finishes. Of course, there's the rampant hypocrisy of saying the survivor had valid to reason to camp if the killer is around while pretending that the killer doesn't have a valid reason to camp when another survivor is around.

    There actually was a hook progression slow down test when the killer were within a certain distance of the hook at one point. But survivors would non stop rush the hook and keep the killer there (which is what still happens quite often now) and the killer would constantly be punished because the survivors gave him all the reason to stay near the hook. And of course, this was before the egc so the final hook was just an utter crap storm. Getting all 4 survivors out was even more ridiculously easy during that test phase.

    I also wish this had a poll so I could watch you quickly wish this didn't have a poll. The idea of giving killers a movement speed slowdown for being near the hook for 5 seconds is one of the worst camping penalties suggested so far. Even most survivor mains would realize that's not a good idea.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    Is it really tunneling when your going after the person who made the rescue instead of the person pulled off the hook? You make it sound like the killer shouldn't go after anybody. If you go after the unhooked your tunneling. If you use MYC and chase the rescuer your tunneling. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT US TO DO? Let both of you go?.............on second thought don't answer that. I'm sure plenty of people in here legitimately believe the killer shouldn't go after anybody.

    I find it funny when so many survivors say BBQ is OP. When in fact the devs created the perk to encourage killers to stop camping the hooks.

    I love using DH. Now that ruin is crap I run DH more often. Most survivors don't look for totems unless there's a notice. DH doesn't give one until 3 stacks and by then I'm not letting you cleanse it.

    Post edited by EvilJoshy on
  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Devour Hope on Wraith gets me some laughs... For some reason at my rank people only expect Ruin, and when you reach that 3rd stack they start losing their minds :D

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I'm searching for the 'mind boggling hypocrisy', but I'm not finding any. But before that...

    Survivors "camping the hook" is not a ######### thing. 😂 Survivors cannot 'camp' because they do get a penalty for staying in any one place for too long, unlike a killer who can stand in front of a hook for the full duration of both phases nodding their head for funsies. Stop trying to use this wording as though those two things are apples to apples.

    Ok, back to your other commentary...

    They do have a reason to be in the area, hidden, if the killer is in the area...they can't (well, shouldn't) run right out and try to off-hook when the killer is right there, so naturally they are going to get within a radius and hunker down, waiting for the killer to leave. There's a number of reasons for this: BBQ, proxying that give you a very small window, the person went down conveniently near you, etc. No one said anything about the seconds it takes for a killer to leave the hook as though we don't realize that a killer has to walk away - or even that a killer needs to reload hatchets, kick a palettre, or wants to do a cursory sweep of the immediate area. None of which is camping. We all know what camping is and it has nothing to do with whether or not a psychic killer knows someone is in the area.

    The idea that survivors "force" the killer to stay within hook radius is somewhat true, somewhat false. I have definitely seen dumb survivors run in right away in front of the killer and so the killer ran back. This is more a low rank issue, but I get that. I would expect the killer to come back too if they legitimately saw someone running in, scratch marks a-blazing. But at the end of the day, it would also be a strategic choice. If you knew you would be getting a penalty, and there are two other people on the map, go scout the two other people. Or, pursue the person who ran in and smack with a couple seconds of slower movement speed and then chase them down and hook them too. More people off gens to save the originally hooked guy and another hook for you. Or, if the person on the hook is off-hooked by the time you get there and you're feeling spicy, try and smack them down again. No one is gonna like it and they may have BT, but there are several options that don't force your hand to stay locked at the hook while still pursuing your objectives. If you choose to defend the hook knowing there is a penalty, that's a choice. Like killers say all the time to survivors, adapt.

    Also, the OP is just making suggestions for how to deal with camping because zero survivors find it to be a fun and enjoyable part of the game. Maybe it's not a 50% within 5 seconds...maybe it triggers after 20 seconds, which is plenty of time to scout or break a palette, etc. Maybe its 15% instead of 5. Maybe it's not based on terror radius...but a smaller set perimeter around the hook - say 16m, the same radius as kindered. Which means killers who use camping as a strategic choice still could - but would either suffer the penalty after a more reasonable time or they could camp just outside the edge of the penalty zone - giving survivors at least a better chance to save without having it be a suicide mission. Lastly, maybe it doesnt trigger in EGC or once the last gen is done, the penalty is removed. I understand camping the last hook.

    This is just a discussion.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    The reason why it can encourage tunneling is because of it's name sake. You can go after the person that's exposed or go after the person that just got off the hook.