Key and Mori idea’s

I see a lot of controversy between both keys and mori’s being in the game, I can understand where both sides are coming from since I play both. However I think some small changes can fix both and make them a bit more balanced. Feel free to air some complaints with my ideas and share some insight!

For Mori’s I think it could be simple, if it’s there last hook you get the option. It could make Mori’s more of an option between final kill to be flashy or hook for information (bbq chili and such). I’ve also heard ideas like it could have a cool down or something but I have no idea how that would work.

For key’s, this is probably more controversial but have keys only work if all the gens are done and or if killer closes hatch. The do 4 gens and then leave thing isn’t the problem to me, it’s the fact that after you close the hatch it instantly goes into end game collapse, so there’s no last generator still going.

Pretty simple changes to me but I’m sure there’s problems to these changes and be happy to hear some other ideas. I’ll probably get some pitchforks and such, but let’s try and all be reasonable if you have a complaint.


    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I'm a little confused about the key change. Why do you care if there is no last generator going when EGC hits?

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    I mean like if the killer closes the hatch egc doesn’t commence and the survivors that didn’t leave yet still have to do last gen before they can leave, so it would make keys more of a no one left behind type of deal. Sorry I wasn’t that descriptive, my bad!

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    Mori’s are way more powerful. It’s too easy for killers to hook and tunnel and Mori once he’s unhooked. Whereas survivors still have to practically do all of their work to even use the key. 12 hooks reduced to 4 with ebony Mori. That’s a 66.666% objective reduction on an Ultra rare OFFERING that survivors don’t have. Keys are typically used when there’s 2/3 survivors left and to use it they have to do 60/80% of the work respectively. Which at most is a 40% objective reduction.

    id say Mori’s have the biggest objective reduction percentage, correct? And they’re easier to get once you find someone and inevitably get your first hook. But how is the game supposed be fun if you don’t find anyone the whole game? How is that fun? So why does the game penalize you for getting found? Then you leave with a few thousand blood points to show for it? Nonsense

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    The mori idea was more just to stop with the one unhook dead play style that some mori users have, I do feel as though Mori’s are stronger than keys but I didn’t want to make mori’s completely obsolete. I was thinking that they could increase the rarity on ebony’s as well as the two hooks before mori change but then again I’m just spit balling idea’s.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020


    so if there’s someone on your team that’s avoiding the killer and working on gens like they’re supposed to while someone else is getting hooked from running the killer you’re protecting your team. Maybe it’ll further encourage the killer to find other people and not tunnel.

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    Also a very good idea, probably better since it’ll combat tunneling and camping, if someone had a mori that is.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Ebony Mori’s are, in my opinion, ruining the game that I queued up with my valuable time to play Too. Now, people make the argument, if you have something that lets you escape earlier why cant I have something that lets me kill you earlier? But like I said, I think with the combination of having one hit downs from exposed (Michael goes infinite) huntress has infantry/iridescent giving her 3 ranged one hit downs, Mori.... that’s just excessive and quite frankly I don’t even want to play at that point. Also you gotta factor all of the times you’ve experienced inconsistency in game play. Lag is detrimental when you’re rubber banding into a one hit down, or the vault hit box didn’t quite play out in your favor as you vaulted and the killer gets the down due to lag or... just crappy hit boxes. Which we know this game has both. With how ez it is to go down I don’t think it’s very fair.

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    I’ve thought mori’s were cool coming from a cosmetic standpoint but gameplay wise they could be implemented better, specifically ebony’s. The other ones are alright I think but there should definitely be a change to the ebony, plus I always think about how ebony’s exist we have perks like devour hope. I do think being able mori every survivor in a game should be a thing, but just in some different way, maybe once the last gen is done it’s like a noed thing (even though that paired with noed would be awful) or something, just no clue what to do with it though.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    My brain is slow today...

    ...but if the killer is closing the hatch, that means there is only one survivor left on the map. If the killer murdered your teammates with only 1 gen done this would mean a lone survivor would need to finish 4 gens before they could use their own key? That's not viable. If you just meant they have to finish 1 gen regardless of how many are left, that just seems like a means to unnecessarily elongate the game for both parties.

    If you have multiple people alive and gens still up, no one can leave until you meet the requirement in place that is one more gen to be done than the number of people on the map. So if everyone is alive, all the gens do have to be done before you can use a key anyway. The requirement gets tapers depending on how many are alive because of the aforementioned last survivor situation and the fact that this game is not designed to be a 1v1.

    I dont know that this key situation would work without being a huge nerf during a period of the game that is already heavily killer sided.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    I just don't want to be killed 2 minutes into the game. I'm down for any changes to meet that goal.

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    It’s alright my brain is slow all the time. What I mean is specifically if the hatch is opened by a key and it’s not opened due to there being one survivor left, and the killer closes the hatch after someone opened it with a key while there’s still a gen left THEN egc won’t commence and the survivor’s alive who didn’t escape through the hatch key opened hatch would still have one gen to complete. This could bring coordination with the team to open and leave through hatch together rather than a survivor with a key leaving his team and then starting egc once the killer finds opened hatch. This won’t affect last survivor hatch mechanics though just if the hatch is opened by the key.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Ahhhhh, I see what you're saying. People who miss the boat couldn't necessarily just run to a door as an alternative, but would have to resume their objective? Thats not so bad.

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    Who does? Everyone should have the chance to play the game they paid for, it’s hard to change certain things but try and keep them the same all together, that’s probably why bhvr has a hard time balancing. Which I can understand, but listening to the community can be a huge help with it I think.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    my idea is

    Ebony Mori- can kill anybody after every survivor has been hooked once. This encourages killer to not tunnel for a the powerful effect of just being able to kill anybody

    Cypress Mori- Put it base kit. It gives the killer the choice of hooking you for sacrifice points or killing you for brutality points

    Keys- A 3 seconds animation plays before the hatch opens and the hatch closes after the survivor enters. This stops entire teams of survivors just leaving with no effort

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    Yea I think it’d be a smart change plus it could also give some coordination with the team to try and get everyone out through hatch and leave no one behind to do the last gen.

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    All these changes sound good I like the ebony change the most, hopefully some devs and stuff look at this thread and get some inspiration from all of us.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Mori on last hook should be in base game anyways. the time it takes to finish the animation is roughly the same as it takes to hook people again.

  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    I agree, I feel like if it was always last hook or mori it could be somewhat better than what we got now.