It's so funny how trying to get a fun game as solo survivor now is like winning the lottery.

First off is the killer in your region? No? Well guess what you'll get hit after you drop a pallet and start running away from it. Also don't expect any warning that the killer is a Chinese VPNer in lobby. Is the killer using a mori? Guess no one is going to have fun this round because the killer wants "stress relief". The killer might decide to camp and tunnel as well to make sure he doesn't have to hold W for too long. Oh wait the killer didn't using a broken offering. Well guess what it's a swing chains Freddy or a Stridor Spirit. Try to have fun too with maps like Shelter Woods, Hawkins, and Lery's in the rotation. And if the stars align and you get a killer that plays for fun and doesn't use broken addons and offerings, you'll probably have teammates that let you die on first hook :)
Well, you can play killer for a change. You can show all other killers how its done. You dont have to use offerings you dont like, you dont have to use perks you dont like. See how you like it. If you dont like it, dont ask other players to like it so you have the game catered for you.
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Any time I play a killer that's not meta and don't use meta perks or mori, the survivors do gens in my face and booty dance at the exit gate.
Your not receiving mercy.
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Sounds like maybe you should play something else because you got a long list of things that keep you from having fun in the game
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I mean, yall say "just play killer 4head" doesnt change that Solo is even worse than facing 4man SWF Red Rank
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I would say getting an actually fun like, fun fun match has been winning the lottery for a while now tbh.
I mean sure, its in general fun enough to keep playing, otherwise...why would you? but to have a match of fair challenge where people do try to win but arnt scummy or try hard about it, with a good amount of hooking etc, its super rare.
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The game becomes fun when you can mindgame killers at loops, make plays with exhaustion perks and reliably get spins where the Killer ends up hitting a wall and looking stupid.
I play a lot of both Killer and Survivor. The most fun thing on both roles is when you have a good chase where both people make big plays. You end the game both being like dang you were good GG
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I agree people like to make it out like all survivors want for a good game is to escape. That's never been the case for me I get more enjoyment out of big plays or being outplayed on a loop by a killer. People vomiting that diarrhea gets annoying after a while "Survivors just want killers to stand in corners and stare at the wall"
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Yeah same. I want Killers to challenge me and make the game feel close.
(but Stridor Spirit makes me want to vomit)
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Just don't even try. Or just expect nothing from it. Play with competent friends or just leave it and play killer. Playing solo just to get THAT ONE good game of the day with decent team mates is not worth the frustration in all the other matches.
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Nothing is worse than playing vs the most broken thing in dbd. I'll take having 3 rank 20s on my team and going vs a red rank killer any day over going up agasint a competent 4 man swf.
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Pretty much. Even playing 2 man swf it eas the same garbage. I gave up on survivor and moved on to other games.
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I see killers complaining about SWF and genrush a lot, so I'm trying to play less with my friends and not rushing gens. And guess what? If I get 1 game without a tryhard killer I'm lucky. I love to play with object when solo, and in the end the killer always say we are SWF. Looks like nothing is good enough for killers.
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You probably aren't a good killer then lol.
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Keep playing solo queue. You'll get games that change that opinion *real* quick.
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I'd rather play Clown against SWF's than play solo survivor, almost everyone survivor I play with is dumb as #########.
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If you don’t even play dbd no more why you even comment on post for?
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Maybe because he cares about the game still?
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I always play solo survivor, rank 3, and I always have fun with my games. I'm not playing sweaty or complaining about add-ons. It's just a game and some of y'all would be better off remembering that consistently.
It's a horror game in which you are placed against a supernatural killer. Expecting to die sometimes; even dumb ways, and you'll have a lot more fun.
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So I can’t post on the forums?
I came back to check out the ptb. I see the forums are still bad killers who feel DS is the most busted and unfair perk ever made but NOED is perfectly balanced.
Would be nice to see DBD pull itself out of the gutter but people in this game feel so entitled to win they want the game to do it for them.
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That's all I play bruh, I don't ever play in a Swf, won't change my mind when I play both sides and it's much more relaxing as survivor solo queue or not.