Deathslinger unplayable on PS4 because of FPS-Drops

Coming from a Rank-1-Killer on Console. Everytime you aim, there is a massive FPS-Drop, which makes it more than hard to perform quickscopes or even just aim normally on this platform. This just makes him unplayable in Redranks and needs to be fixed as fast as possible.
Slowly i am actually getting pissed of the game, because there are several bugs, absolutely disgusting dedicated servers and other stuff which just lowers the fun you could have with this game. BUT when i pay money to play a killer on PS4, which is not playable because of massive FPS-Drops everytime, then there is a big fking issue.
I hope this gets fixed soon.
(I just registred on this forum to post this, so I may not have posted it in the right section. If so, just move it)
Do you have ps4 or ps4 pro? If you have the pro do you have boost mode enabled? The game is horribly optimized and makes my pro scream while playing but I have no issues using the slingster at rank 1
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I've got a PS4 Slim. It only gets a little loud, when I am in the Lobbyscreen for too long, ingame it is actually pretty quiet. The point is, that when I am able to buy the DLC on the PS4, then i should be able to play it then. With these massive FPS-Drops I can't tho.
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I'm on base PS4 Deathslinger, Myers and Hag main. No problems with aiming for me.
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nice to see bhvr finally do something positive about that man
on a less salty note it might be due to network since so many people are at home. my company has flat out said i cant use my 5ghz ban because they just cant steadily support it
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I main Slinger and I do just fine on PS4. It's not the FPS I'd like, but for me its bearable enough to play.
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I get terrible FPS as well on PS4 and it's not a pro...
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I’ll post this here as every time I mention it my message is censored and ignored.
As far back as March 2019 they outlined detailed plans to get consoles and low end PCs running at 60fps in this dev update and roadmap.
I have tried to get a dev response in every Q and A topic since such as the pinned topic atm, and every time I mention it my comment is ignored or deleted.
I want to know if they are still working on this or if they have given up because it’s as impossible to achieve as it sounded back when they announced it.
Please help raise awareness of this as no one seems to care about us console players and it is just brushed under the rug.
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The game plays fine on my slim ps4. I have heard that lowering the resolution to 780p can make the game run better but I haven't needed to try it so I can't verify that
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The game is badly optimized on console, maybe in the future they'll give us some updates regarding it.
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If this only affects some people then it can't be bad optimisation alone, there must be something else exacerbating it.
On PS4 you can try rebuilding the database. Failing that I'd try a new HDD, as others have reported fixing FPS issues on other games this way, although that should only really be effective on open world games where lots of assets are loading from the hard drive all the time.
Are you installed on internal or external?
How about dust inside the console? Have you ever cleaned it out?
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I don’t have any issues with Slinger but frames drop to like 10 when you try playing Hag on Xbox.
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I usually only get issues on my PS4 playing as Hag and Demo