Is Deathslinger Weak?

Deathslinger has been my number 1 favorite killer ever since he came out. The gameplay behind him is very satisfying when you can get a shot off and reel in a survivor. He is just a fun killer to play as and makes me enjoy the game way more. With that all that said, is the Deathslinger considered a weak killer?
People like to constanlty compare him with Huntress and how he is just a weaker version of her. While yes, huntress can get downs from afar, Deathslinger has a gun that shoots straight as opposed to a hatchet that has an arc. Also, Deep Wound is an added mechanic into his kit, which helps waste survivor's time healing. He also has the benefit to reload his weapon on the spot, rather than having to go to a locker. As a player who's had some experience with other shooter games, Deathslinger just feels better to play than Huntress.
I've been playing as Deathslinger ever since he came out and out of all the times I've played as him, I only had one game where 2 suvivors escaped, and it was my first ever game as him. In all of the other games I've had, I killed all the survivors. I'm a Rank 1 killer, and I actually owe the Deathslinger a lot as he was the killer that got me to Rank 1 for the first time (I went on a marathon and played only Deathslinger as a challenge to try and get to Rank 1).
Honestly, I think it comes down to what perks and addons your using for him. I like to run BBQ, Ruin, Sloppy, Nurses, and/or Devour (I honestly don't like using pop). For the addons, reload speed is always good as well as the recovery after you shoot. I also like the increased mending time as well and will occasionally swap it with recovery speed.
My conclusion,
Do I think he is weak, No. (Hell, I managed to get his adept in red ranks)
Do I think he needs to be buffed or nerfed? No.
Is he stronger or weaker than Huntress? Yes and no. Its like comparing Billy with Bubba, or Myers with Ghostface. They may act very similar, but they still are their own unique killer and it seems unfair to compare them like so. Each killer has their strengths and weaknesses. Huntress shines in some areas and so does Deathslinger.
What are your thoughts on the Deathslinger? I'm very curious on what people think about him now that he's been out for a while.
I mean, not to be a dick or whatever, but who cares?
Why do you care what other people think of a killer, literally has no influence on you.
I guess maybe you are afraid that their moaning will lead to another....(puke in my mouth) Freddy...... guess that is a healthy fear to have.
Anywho, to answer you question, I think Deathslinger is pretty great.
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Deathslinger has been one of my favorite killers since his release and honestly the only tweaking I think he needs is just a bit of pressure. He lacks it entirely due to his slower speed and smaller TR but makes up for it by being lethal in chases. Still, if we were to do anything to our boyo Caleb, I'd love for him to have some secondary ability.
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I still think Huntress is the better ranged Killer. However, I admit Deathslinger is stronger than I thought, mainly due to the lack of counterplay in a chase (since everyone quick-scopes leaving little time to react). But he remains a mid-tier Killer because he has no map pressure or mobility whatsoever.
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Is he weak in a 1v1? No.
Is he weak in a 1v4? Sort of. Depends on the survivors. He won't have many answers for spreading out and doing gens.
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Not at all. He can be very powerful in the right hands.
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ZoneDymo, I like to look at all sides because I would like to understand other people's point of view. It's just how I am.
Also, hi again. You always appear in my posts. lol XD
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Yes but no. He’s not weak power wise, he can end chases extremely fast with STBFL and good aim. It all depends on the players skill really, you can’t just pick up and play deathslinger especially if you’re not great at shooters. In a 1v1 deathslinger is strong but what he’s weak in is when multiple survivors are near and gen pressure. He lacks good pressure from his movement speed and can’t shoot multiple survivors at once.
Overall he’s fine I just wish his spear was longer so you can yeet survivors off gens from far away and add the pressure he’s missing.
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Even all these weeks that he has been released into the live build I feel like people are still very unsure where Deathslinger goes in a normal tier list. I definitely don't think he's full blown weak but there are some flaws in his ability that he has no map pressure
I think the comparison with Huntress however is a very interesting one. Ignoring all the other killers and just thinking about Deathslinger and Huntress there are a lot of things that these two killers do that's different from each other but similar. Obviously both killers are ranged which is what introduces this comparison in the first place but there's so much more nuance to this question than I think people who just say "huntress is better - end of discussion" give it credit for.
Huntress benefits / the start of the conversation
The most obvious point in Huntresses favor is that she deals a straight up state of damage with her hatchets, you land it and that survivor is injured or downed. Whereas even if you hit with Deathslinger it's not a 100% chance of a hit because you actually have to reel them in or let the chain break in which case survivors gain a little bit extra distance while he's stunned. Not to mention Huntress has more or less range that can cross most of the map and skilled huntresses can hit shots all the way from one side to the other. Where Deathslinger has a finite limited range of the chain which can only go as far as 18 meters.
The give and take how these characters are balanced differently
However this isn't where that conversation ends because there are a lot more factors to consider beyond their range and how they deal damage to balance them out. While Huntress does have an extremely long potential range of attack, she has a lullaby that extends beyond her terror radius make her presence the most well known out of any killer as survivors can hear her from as far as 45 meters away. Whereas the Deathslinger not only has no lullaby, but a reduced Terror Radius that only extends for 6 meters beyond the maximum range of The Redeemer (his harpoon gun) at 24 meters. Which only provides survivors with a few meager seconds before they are well within range for the Deathslinger to land a shot, even less so if you run perks that reduce your terror radius even further to the equivalent of your terror radius or even lower. Allowing you to either hit survivors before they even realize you're there, or straight up sneak up on survivors for a normal m1 down. This also makes the survivors far more susceptible to being caught out in dangerous positions or areas of the map where there might not be many pallets or windows, or they got caught on the way to do an objective such as saving a survivor or doing a generator.
Looking at the tools being compared themselves, the hitboxes of the harpoon of the Redeemer and the hatchets Huntress throws are entirely different. The hitboxes for the Huntress are giant rectangular cubes, whereas the hitbox for the harpoon is essentially a much smaller cube (the length of which don't matter because it only ever travels horizontally, parallel to the ground). This is much more detrimental to the Huntress because the larger hitbox (which is also traveling on a vertical plane as well as a horizontal plane because the trajectory has a bit of an arc) is subject to collide with the many assets and obstacles scattered across the maps. Whereas the hitbox for the harpoon is so small that you can actually fire into small spaces between objects and land a shot on a survivor on the other side such as the boarded up windows on different maps, or between stacked hay bales. Generally it's much easier to be clumsy with the hatchets of the huntress than it is with the fine point of the Redeemer's harpoon, and you're much more liable to accidentally hit something on the trajectory toward your target as the huntress than you are with the Deathslinger.
ADS time
On top of this the Deathslinger quite simply has a much faster ADS time than the Huntress, it takes a lot more time for the Huntress to wind up her shots to maximum power / range than it does for the Deathslinger to quickly raise up the iron sights of the Redeemer making him much more easily able to make quickshots as well as generally being unpredictable: will he shoot? will he not? Making mindgames with the redeemer a more viable strategy than the slow windup of the huntress and slipping it back into her belt. As well, it makes it a lot easier to land shots around corners and tall loops for the Deathslinger than for the Huntress who is slowly winding up this hatchet and also slowing her movement speed, where the deathslinger is really quickly raising the iron sights and making the shot OR deciding he can't make the shot and quickly continuing the chase without slowing down too much. Not to mention the flow of the Deathslinger is far more reminiscent of popular FPS titles, which can allow a decent amount of skill transfer that might not be as possible with the Huntress.
Other important details
One of the biggest detriments of Huntress is that she also has a finite number of hatchets, regardless of whether she lands those hatchets or not she will eventually have to take time out of applying pressure on generators, or even worse disengaging from a chase to restock her hatchets. Though he is slowed when reloading, the Deathslinger never has to concede any of this pressure as he can easily maintain a chase while at the same time reloading his redeemer to make the next shot.
At the same time the Deathslinger has access to a form of aggressive potential that the Huntress does not have: which is the deep wounds status effect. It's not a huge game changer but it is a factor that contributes to how successful a Deathslinger can be, slowing down the progress of survivors and forcing them to mend over continuing a gen rush or saving / healing their teammates. It gives the Deathslinger a bit more direct slowdown potential outside of just applying pressure to the survivors.
So which is better, Huntress or Deathslinger? I'll be honest I have my suspicions but regardless of what they are I think the answers are far closer than people expect, and that is a huge voucher for how powerful the deathslinger truly is, and where he fits on a tier list. If it's anywhere close to the Huntress, then he's in a fairly good spot I'd like to say.
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He shouldn't be considered weak. He has a tiny terror radius and an instant ranged weapon...anyone who can quick scope is golden.
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He is weak vs someone who knows what to do.. ie.. if injured, just drop every pallet you see and you're invincible.
Literally no reason that an injured survivor should be able to get speared and walk away as if nothing happened just because they dropped a pallet. 2nd hit should be a down.
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NO! He is really good doing what he is made for: camping.
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Seeing how I've had someone today say that he's an "unloopable killer", I'd say he's pretty good.
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True that. You can be really scummy and use Iridescent Coin with Monitor & Abuse and camp hooks from 18m away.
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I would actually compare Deathslinger with Doc, since they're really similar in anti-loop aspect.
Doctor actually wins in every way except the charge up time. He has no cooldown, AOE effect, 115%, etc. Also, shocking through objects.
Also, hit over window is NOT guarantee a hit. If survivors know what they're doing, you don't get the hit.
So, i do really think Deathslinger needs a buff.
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His chase game is absolutely nuts. Now that were seeing maps get fixed, he's going to be even stronger. With a good player, he's a fantastic killer. I think he's perfect the way he is currently.
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Simply put, Deathslinger is bad FOR YOU if you're not experienced with FPS aiming.
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He is countered in the same way as Clown - putting pallet early. However, Deathslinger is capable of injuring survivor in open spaces with his Redeemer when Clown has only his bottle that does nearly nothing when survivor is quite far away from the killer.
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Recharge 5 time with deathsling whitout any addon and open the locker see which one take the more time and you will see if you are faster when you relaod with deathslinger or not but overall i think he is weak if im full health i will just bm him and when im injured i will start dropping pallet more like that you hit me with your power i just go into deep wound and you will be stun for 3 sec while i run the hell aways with the speed booat i got from behing hit and you still need to recharge meanwhile my teamate continue to do the gen and he is good in a 1v1 scenario if no pallet are nearby while huntress is just better in all those scenerio because she can get the down and those hit box are bigger
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A really precise and quick deathslinger is pretty freaking deadly in chase.
I just wish he had some kind of mobility, when I first saw his design I hoped he would be able to harpoon into a wall to do something like reel in for a fast sprint.
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He's weak in the sense that he can be genrushed and that's his n1 counterplay. In chases, there's not much for the survivor to do other than making distance and breaking line of sight, which is tricky given his wacky TR and the fact that he can spam ADS to zone the target, and putting down the pallet instantly. Vaults are a death sentence.