If I could pay to avoid red rank survs I would (Another vent)

Vampire Member Posts: 90
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Just had a game where I was doc on the snow map (I hate that map with a passion)

I want the game to go by fast to get off this map so I just focus on damage and kills with only a gen patrol here and there

but then I notice, a lot of lag and its throwing me off a bit, no big deal as like i said I want this game to be over.

End chat I got 2 kills, one because they decided to try and stick around and heal when they really shouldn't have.

Another survivor comments on the lag, I agree saying I experienced it too.

The legacy jake red rank

red rank surv: nah you're just a donkey tier doctor

this games the most toxic thing I've ever played and ngl it makes me feel toxic at times too. I know its just a game but nothing gets to me more than entitlement.

And its only ever red and a few purple ranks that are like this. Green and yellow are typically nice and chill and ggs around.

I would want a casual and competitive mode


playing an hour ago

on steam alone would mean that any split wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. Get some of the toxic tryhards to go ham in comp and let me enjoy my demo in casual.
