Ruin nerf

Honestly ruin nerf sucks. First as a killer i never used it and now that I can get gen rushed easily it seems like it was a useful perk. But hell even when I was a survivor main and didnt play killer, which now I play both at high rank, my personal opinion is it sucks. I miss the old ruin, it helped with great skillcheck and of course it made things longer and harder, yet now ruin is almost useless of you cant add enough pressure to gens. Who else agrees devs should bring ruin back?
Nope, it was a healthy change and devs are now making amends in the recent patches via toolbox change and gen rush nerf, killer main btw so you know I'm not one of "them"
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It sucked when it happened. The recent toolbox changes and the upcoming map adjustments have made it better.
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I mean honestly toolboxes are pretty good now and the most OP thing is commodius brand new part and wire spool I hit one skill check and had 1 or 2 skill checks after the initial 2 so I had like 5 percent from the first skill check then I missed the 2nd and then the gen speed increased by 10 percent due to any regular skill checks and the gen was almost done before the toolbox crapped in maybe 15 seconds and no matter what gen rush wont be nerfed because this game will stay survivor sided. I play both sides and I never seen ruin as unfair but ######### annoying
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I play on Xbox soooooo yeah I have no clue and frankly I didn't understamd the changes is it actually better?