Thanatophobia should be a hex

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Or you could you know, heal
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You are since thana by itself ain't good also outside of 2-3 hex perks hex perks are garbage
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I'm not gonna acknowledge that because you have a ghostface PFP.
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16% is barely anything at all, its not even a good perk alone, and making it a Hex would put it up near the weakest perks in the game, especially considering it has a counter.
Going to be honest, you should acknowledge the guy that has the Ghostface pfp because he is right.
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I think the numbers should be honestly to be at 4/5/6/% for each injured survivor, but it would not affect the healing speed.
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If it was a complete separate perk from Thanatophobia, numbers got increased a bunch and adjusting it so that the first injury isnt as punishing as the latter ones, then maybe.
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Why would you make one of the worst slowdown perks in the game into a hex perk? At max stacks it's 16% slowdown. That's about 8 seconds of (solo) gen time, 3 seconds of heal time... Oh yeah, and there's no reasonable way to keep everybody injured except as plague. And even then you don't heal, you cleanse, which Thana doesn't affect.
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Nerf thana is like "nerf clown"
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Since the perk is counter by healing up. Well Botany knowledge comes to mind. A survivor perk that makes healing 33% faster. So even at max Thanatophobia, the survivors can still heal up faster. Making the effects of thanatophobia seem very minor.
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Monstrous shrine should be a hex perk
See how ridiculous that sounds? That what you sound like right now.
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Um..I'm going to go with no....
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It should not.
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Could you make an argument as to why you think it should be?
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Sorry but nerfing Thana is not necessary. We can counter it by healing, or just push through on the gens. Really isn't an issue for a perk that only does a certain percentage of slowdown effect.
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Thanatophobia is the worst antiheal perk in the game, its literally just a cosmetic for the progression bar
And without any sort of way for you to say anything behind why you want to make this perk a hex I am gonna assume this is bait.
Thanatophobia has such small numbers that I am pretty sure they add milliseconds to anything they effect.
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In theory, if they did turn it into a Hex Perk the devs would increase the % numbers significantly. Food for thought.
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It's a joke
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Make it not useless?
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Thana needs to be coupled with a power or other perk, otherwise it's nearly negligible. It's a weak perk.
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Thanataphobia needs a buff.
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Thana is akin to Freddy's dream state, but requires to first be injured. It's weak.
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Well he isn't wrong. Heal or git gud and power through it.
Also imagine judging someone by their PFP LMAO.
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Sorry, but personally. I wouldn't like it if it became a Hex perk.
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Thanatophobia needs to keep working when someone dies. If you're afraid of death and somebody actually just died, you're not like phew that's over, now I can concentrate.
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Make DS a survivor hex
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I'm going to take you seriously here and simply state this:
If Thanataphobia WERE to become a Hex perk, then simply put, there would be a massive increase within the numbers and the effect used on the perk. As it stands, 4% per INJURED survivor is not a lot. You can slow down progression on a few things with enough time to get to the target, but it is rarely felt. Same with a perk such as Dying Light.
It is also generally countered by healing, and extremely outdone by perks such as We'll Make It and Botany Knowledge.
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ah yes another survivors that loses game and blames perks being too op,keep the posts coming,at this point no one gonna take survivors seriously anymore since their complains are a joke
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To constitute being a hex, it would need to be changed to where you gain a token every time you injure someone, up to a max # of tokens. Percentage of slow down per token.
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Adrenaline should activate when YOU are finishing the last gen to recieve the insta-heal. Not finishing the last gen will only grant the Sprint Burst.
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I suggested this once already, except I also buffed it, not just simply "made it a Hex".
Check it out, if interested.
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Your late for your april fool and if you are serious i think you need to learn to play both side a bit more because the only time i can feel tana do some job is when all 4 survivor are injure before this perk do ######### and everytime you kill someone the perk is less effective so in a way the killer get punish for using this perk lol and you should say why you want a bad perk to be nerf
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This thread is a joke....
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Damn, I knew thana was a mindgame perk only, but I did not know its mindgame was so strong people would actually ask for a nerf lol
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Sprint Burst should only activate once per trial
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Why hasn't this discussion been moved to the "Feedback and Suggestions" page yet?
I've seen BETTER discussions moved in seconds.
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Uh we want to nerf an already nearly useless perk? Okay go for it, almost no one uses it anyways so not like it will be missed >.>
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Tell that to my Doctor when I have you crying after being hit.. Thana, Dying Light(7+ stacks), Coulrophobia and Sloppy have you healing at a -86%, repairing at -36% and begging for mercy.
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If you make thana gain stacks for each hit you land on a survivor, it would be worth a totem perk yes. State now: Never
Ehm... 12.8 seconds on a gen. That's quite a bit.
Click bait?
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These forums, i swear... Sad thing is you can't even be sure it isn't a bait anymore.
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I miss that 24% debuff from back in the day.
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Why do you want it to be a hex? So when you claim it's OP we can say "Shoulda cleansed da bonez"?
It used to work with dead survivors. Now when a survivor dies the perk gets weaker.
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A Nurse's Calling as a hex perk, anybody? How about Sloppy Butcher?
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I thought slow healing effects didn't stack.
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You're clearly memeing, but in all seriousness I think you could make it work but you'd have to change the perk.
"Everytime a survivor is hit with a basic attack while healthy, you gain a token. Each token will apply a 5% decrease to gen speeds up to a maximum of 6/7/8 tokens. The effect is dispelled once the hex totem has been cleansed"
...Yes or no?