Why does everyone hate freddy?



  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    but people can wake up which hits it for the max time AND also @ that point forever freddy does nothing. if people dont wake up then that doesnt equal OP or 2 strong, just as people cleansing doesnt make plague OP either.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Obviously you do if you're drilling me for not being a Freddy player LOL.

    Nice cop out.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611
    edited April 2020

    There are many factors.

    For starters, Freddy has a lot of "hidden power" that is hard to appreciate from the killer side. His lullaby can be very confusing in chases, and he's hard to spot from afar.

    His playstyle with snares involves forcing early pallet drops, which can be seen as less skillful than regular mindgames (think Clown).

    He's also the most powerful out of the extremely easy to pick up killers. He gets too much done for how little effort it takes to play him.

    He also has a lot of synergy with slowdown in general which is pretty boring.

    He's not overpowered by any means, just obnoxious.

    That also makes him pubstomp-y which is never a good thing.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    i dont care about u, but i do care about nerfs coming to killers when they are under-powered.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Freddy is definitely not underpowered. Again I played him since he came out, he is insanely strong in his current state.

    These aren't nerfs, it's spreading out that power to his add-ons. It means you have to pick and choose what special effects you get, they all wouldn't be base kit anymore. Freddy gets free anti-BT, free semi-stealth, free slowdown. It's just way too much for base kit.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    what ure claiming isnt even true tho.

    • he is insanely strong in his current state
    • it's spreading out that power to his add-ons
    • Freddy gets free anti-BT
    • free slowdown

    he gets none of this once ure awake. if hes camping and puts u 2 sleep via* hitting u then yes its a anti-BT BUT so does LeatherFace.

    meaning if LF (Leatherface) camps u wont be saving, period.

    if ure saying Freddy is Strong then Plague is hella OP with normal movement speed with Range attacks. BUT Plague like freddy arent OP, freddy is strong because like Plague survivor survivors dont wake up/snap out like they dont cleanse with Plague.

    @thesuicidefox when survivors dont cleanse how strong does her addons rank her up?? like for example:

    • Black Incense, which lets u see survivors when they dont cleanse.
    • Iridescent Seal, which upgrades ur Vile Purge to a Range attack when a gen is done.
    • Both Apples, which are green and yellow and give u range attacks.

    looking @ the 1st 2 that i listed couldnt that put her A-S Tier, even higher then Freddy?? Those were just some examples.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    The fact you fall asleep both passively and actively (from being hit) means waking up is a constant struggle, ie. slowdown. If you spend all game waking up what are you NOT doing? Gens.

    It's not that easy or quick to wake up. Either you Snap Clap (which only works once before it becomes a massive time sink), use clocks (which is a massive time sink running clear to the other side of the map), or fail skill checks (which means more time spent doing whatever action you are doing). No matter what you do to wake up, it's a time sink.

    Also, comparing an m1 to a power is ridiculous. Freddy can just hit you and now you can't use BT. Bubba's chainsaw downs you, but if you have some way to sponge the hit (eg. Styptic Agent) then you can still make a BT save. Plus it is way easy to bait a chainsaw and then save just as it ends when he cannot do a damn thing about it. The fact Freddy just needs to hit makes it significantly harder to bait (plus if he uses STBFL you can bait it and still get hit right away).

    The reason Plague isn't OP is because her power doesn't actually slow you down. Freddy's does. Waking up is a slowdown. If he uses certain add-ons it's a slow down. When you are asleep you can hit snares which GREATLY shortens a chase. And he gets his teleport faster when you are asleep. Which is a passive mechanic BTW.

    By contrast, Plague can only ACTIVELY make you sick. Being sick does nothing to slow down your actions, and does not help in a chase nearly to the same degree. The only edge she has with her power is Corrupt Purge, but she only gets 1 fountain (3 if she uses 2 apples, which is a waste of add-on space honestly). It is pretty easy to just wait out Corrupt, then she has nothing to pressure you with. She can be looped just like any other m1 killer (where Freddy can very easily beat every loop in the game by spamming snares). She can't teleport either, and it's very easy to see her coming unlike Freddy.

    Freddy has way WAY too much in his base kit. With or without perks/add-ons, Freddy is easily top 3 in the game. Plague and Bubba aren't even close to being that strong.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    let me go @ these 1 by 1.

    • it takes 60 seconds to enter the dream world without getting hit. and using an alarm clock takes 90 seconds which is more then enough to bang out a gen before any slow downs. also if working on gen together @ the start will net u 1 gen finished before u fall alseep and any slow down. after which u will be forced to wake up BUT youll be moving on to next gen anways.
    • clock and buddy wake ups are both ez 2 do, all facts there.
    • u can BT after u wake up, idk why we have to keep going on about that. BECAUSE if buddy stands in front of u @ 99% there wont be a save and if u wait till after his chainsaw then buddy would get 2 downs and not 1, UNLIKE FREDDY. ALSO that im tracking you can 99% while using insidious which cancels out BT anyways.
    • Freddys power doesnt slow the game down, BUT HIS ADDONS DO. so while Plagues dont either some perks do, and if no one cleanses then BT cant go off either, just saying.
    • the 1st 3 sentences are covered the point right up top. you talk about waiting out "Corrupt" but isnt that a time waster as u claimed in ur 1st point up top?? soooo why is it ok to waste time for plague but u can waste time using the clock to wake up for 90 seconds?
    • Freddy only has Teleport when everyones a wake and thats not even @ the start. Freddy doesnt have anything else while everyone is awake.
    • if Plague ran both Pink addons then shes on top of Freddy, id say top 3 forsure.

    its pretty simple, if ure saying waking up is a slow down then waiting out "corrupt" is 2. without his addons his power doesnt slow the game down. also Snares do nothing @ safe pallets UNLIKE plagues Corrupt.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Why Should your crutch perks take priority over a killers power your dreaming in his world where he has the power makes no sense to override him so no bt for you next dont unhook in his face

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    -60 seconds PASSIVELY or he can hit you, meaning that on average you will fall asleep sooner than 60 seconds. First gen might go quick if you are all there and team up, but that also means if you get found everyone is getting put to sleep, so you are saving the killer some time.

    -Snap Clap takes longer and longer each time. It's only practical to use it once, MAYBE TWICE, before it just takes too long to do. I've already established that clocks take time becuase you have to traverse the entire map to use them. On most maps, that's a solid 20-25 seconds of not doing anything important.

    -If you have to go wake up before you can use BT, that means the guy loses time on the hook. In some cases, spending the time to wake up means this person will die. Plus as I've said Freddy just needs to hit you to put you back to sleep. Is it this hard to undestand?

    -Freddy's power does slow you down because you need to wake up. If you don't he gets his teleport faster, and you are punished in a chased by snares (or pallets). And unless you know something I don't (unlikely), you can still make BT saves when sick against Plague. Not sure what your point is there.

    -Yes waiting out Corrupt is a time sink, but it's one time assuming no one cleanses. How many times do you fall asleep when facing Freddy? You will spend at LEAST 75% of the game asleep, unless you are incredibly active with staying awake in which case you are just wasting a lot of time. So at base, Freddy's power wastes significantly more time than Plagues. Plus he can make it WORSE with add-ons.

    -His teleport takes 60 seconds when everyone is awake. That's very quick, and it's faster if everyone is asleep and even FASTER if he uses add-ons. Freddy is at his weakest at the start of the game but very quickly gets up to speed. You will be able to finish 1 gen in that time before he can get a snowball going, and once he does it can be hard to recover.

    -Plague with both pink add-ons is just barely stronger than Freddy WITH NO ADD-ONS. If he runs Swing Chains alone he is already stronger than Plague with her 2 strongest add-ons.

    You have no argument. Freddy is really strong. That screenshot I posted is quite normal for me, perfect games at red ranks. Plus he is super easy to pip because he has built in slowdown to boost Gatekeeper, and can get Malicious/Chaser points faster than majority of the killers due to his teleport cutting out a significant chunk of time traversing the map. If you aren't getting 25k BP and a pip on average as Freddy, then the only explanation is you are just an awful killer. Getting a perfect or near perfect game is very easy as Freddy because he has so much built into his kit.

    It's literally to the point I stopped playing him because I just find it too easy and thus boring. I liked old Freddy because he had a lot of variety to him, and while he was the weakest killer no doubt he could have been tweaked a little to be mad stronger and kept his original design.

    Freddy's strength needs to be spread out among his add-ons. He shouldn't get everything for free. Just having teleport and snares is more than enough in base kit, but he has so much more he's just insanely strong. How you can't see that is beyond me.

    It makes a lot of sense actually. He is PLENTY strong without a built in anti-BT. Not to mention, the fact you call this perk a "crutch" tells me everything I need to know about how good of a killer you are.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    most of all of this is assuming they are running Forever Freddy, i clearly didnt in the picture but the picture is showing a totem bug when in this case Ruin was up BUT it wasnt on my perk list and didnt have any effect on the match. meaning i only had 3 perks.

    BUT again most of what ure talking about is assuming everyone runs forever freddy, which they dont.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    No where was I specifically talking about Forever Freddy. I even mentioned "he is even stronger with add-ons" at several points. HE HAS TOO MUCH IN HIS BASE KIT. Period end of story. When he can use add-ons to become even stronger, that is the problem with him. He is top 3 strongest killers no matter how you slice it.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    how can he be top 3 when thats for Nurse, Huntress and Billy. top 5 maybe but not top 3. other then teleport every other power he has HAS to do with survivors sleeping. i dont remember but i think failing self care skill check while in chase also wakes u which cancels his power.

    freddy has nothing when awake, period and thats a fact.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Freddy is better than Billy. He has more map pressure and a stronger chase mechanic, besides all the slow down/anti-BT/semi-stealth built into his kit. Billy has better snowball potential but that's it, and not enough to make him better than Freddy. Run to certain loops and he is just like any other m1 killer.

    And like I keep telling you, if all he has to do is hit you to put you to sleep then you aren't going to be awake very much during the game.

    Also failing a skill check in his face to wake up is a very poor decision. You just lose distance on him and he gets a hit sooner anyway. Plus now if you DO get away you have to heal for longer. And if you had already gotten away you just gave away your position.

    Lastly, Freddy does indeed have stuff while you are awake. He can teleport, and he has semi-stealth because you can't see him at all past 32m. That's enough for him to quickly start chases one after the other.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Because every Freddy and their uncle Freddy uses pop. The teleport should have never been added to him, it sent him over the top and its really obnoxious. He doesn't have the best killrate for no reason, his kills are handed to him on a silver platter, about like Huntress with gigantic hitboxes and mediocre servers. These two killers need the big nerf hammers.

  • Crazy_Coyote
    Crazy_Coyote Member Posts: 10

    Absolutely although I strongly disagree that he was weak. He was my favourite killer to play as, now I don't play him at all. Old Freddy just needed to be understood. Otzdarva and all the others could play him just fine. Old Freddy required such a different style of playing. He was the most unique killer.

    The DEVs were idiotic. Instead of a radical change why don't you think of why you made him the he was? If you think that when you first created him and thought your team did the job correctly then maybe you were right. If veteran players can play him fine then maybe instead of completely ruining him, you should educate people that can't seem to grasp his mechanics. Seriously some informative videos should have been your first move. If you invested millions of dollars in to making a video game and people were having a hard time understanding it, would you scrap your work for a new game or try and educate? And then go from there.

    Everyone on both sides find him OP and boooooooooooring

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited April 2020

    I played freddy just fine for the most part as well, but where he was super weak was when someone was at the door, you walked up and could not do anything but sit there and HOPE you got them into the dream before the door was opened.

    Same scenario for when they are doing gens or when they are healing someone, you are right there but powerless to stop what is happening right infront of you.

    And then there was the aim-dressing messing you up, 2 people infront of you, 1 in the dream, 1 not, you aim for the one in the dream but for some bewildering reason it always seemed to autoaim for the one not in the dream and because of that you "missed".

    Simple ways to tweak those issues which I suggested to death but no, a complete character breaking re-work was in order apperently.....

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    game isnt really being stalled because the action doesnt take that long, 2 get there and to wake up.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    the fact that up put freddy over billy is next level, LULz.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yet according to the stats released by BHVR, Freddy has a higher kill rate than Billy (and the highest kill rate of all killers).


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes, which is still plenty relevant considering that neither killer got any major changes since then (Freddy was nerfed slightly but that's it). This was also only a few months after Freddy's rework, and if he can perform better than a killer that's been unchanged for 2 years in such a short period that says something.

    Freddy is a stronger killer than Billy. The only ones who will argue against this are Billy mains that don't want to admit their character is inferior to one that used to be the worst character in the game.

  • Crazy_Coyote
    Crazy_Coyote Member Posts: 10

    He was never the weakest. People just didn't know how to play him. The complete rework was never necessary. He was the most unique killer in the game. A simple buff is all he needed at best. A top rank friend of mine said the same. Didn't really feel he needed any changes.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    wheres the newest stats? or they havent posted them yet??

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Saying Freddy was the weakest killer doesn't mean he can't 4k in the hands. It means he was objectively weaker than all the other killers. Just the fact he had to wait to hit you automatically puts him at a massive disadvantaged compared to other killers. I mained him, and could 4k pretty consistently at rank 1, but I can still recognize he was the weakest.

    I agree some QOL buffs would have been enough but we got a rework. Now he is top 3 strongest killers in the game. I don't mind the changes so much, my point is that he just needs stuff that is base kit moved to add-ons to balance him out. He has way too much naturally and when you compare it to other killers (even the two above him) he has way too many abilities.

  • Brodie
    Brodie Member Posts: 64

    Man they don't by half, it's ridiculous, but ehh i don't come across many Freddy's anymore so count maself lucky

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    Simple, I don't like having my movement speed slowed. I don't think it's a fun or healthy feature for either side.