Examples of Toxic Players *Warning: Offensive Language*

Desh Member Posts: 1,118
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

This is exactly why I hate playing as a Rank 1 Killer. Have to play with these kinds of toxic people both in game and in endgame chat. You either kill everyone and get belittled for being sweaty or using brain dead killers, or you kill no one/1-2k and you get insulted for having no skill. This is not the first time I've gone against these people and they've been reported before but still haven't gotten held accountable for this. This is aggravating and is exactly why people depip purposefully all the time. No one wants to play fun killers like Pig, Nurse, or Plague (I used Demo this game) and prefer to use Freddy, Doc, or Spirit (brain dead killers apparently to the community) because of the toxicity at this high level.

Now I've had my fair share of toxic killers but not as frequent as this. Mainly because instead of 1 killer, it's 4 survivors so it's more common to see.

Post edited by Desh on


  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Those two are gonna get their asses perma'd. Support has no tolerance for the use of slurs

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Why do you let 13-year olds get to you?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I get toxic killers more matches than not. The difference is they are mainly toxic in-game and don't want to discuss it post-match. I also get this exact same racial-slur-filled bullshit from Killers unfortunately often because I play Claudette. It is not just you. It is not just survivors doing it. Hell, it is not just this game. These people exist in every game.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    @Desh I have felt that too friend, that sour feeling that this type of people creates, I am on ps4 and it is worse, on ps4 there is no final chat but toxic people can send you a direct message (which is worse). in your case you should close the final chat, you will really notice a change :)

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Just to make it clear I don't defend anyone who uses that sort of language. With that said, you often see children with questionable upbringing and parents who didn't help them reach any level of emotional maturity find calling people names like that quite entertaining. Getting a reaction from their target only reinforces their behaviour. Nowadays the internet makes it so much easier to be a troll, so with the newer generations this sort of thing is a lot more common than before.

    However, the actual point i want to make is that not being able to understand that and letting it get to you shows an equivalent level of immaturity. Even if you're the same age as them, the fact that you recognise that what they're saying is wrong shows that you should be mature enough to also understand that they're just children who don't know any better. Don't let yourself get bullied by 8-13 year olds. Just report them and move on. They'll get punished for their behaviour and this will help them learn that the way they act is not acceptable - let consequences in a videogame teach them what their parents haven't been able to.

  • Con_Inc
    Con_Inc Member Posts: 137

    Lol I had a game today with someone with ttv in their name left everytime I hooked someone cause I don’t camp they let themselves die on second hook while I chased someone else and was messaging me the entire match calling me a camper b. When my woman was beside me even letting me know you didn’t camp anything. Asked if he needed tissues then reported the boss2008. Tired of crappy ppl running their mouth idc if you are ttv or a streamer act like an adult.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    I just got bullied on PS4 by a SWF Group because i listened some episodes of Bibi Blocksberg on Spotify. :(

  • Lodgekiss
    Lodgekiss Member Posts: 21

    Please submit a ticket with the link above. Give them all the information required and attach your screenshots. The kind language they used is intolerable and they should he permanently banned if they have a record.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    gg bb ez killer...is not the problem here. The second they start using racial/homophobic slurs, they need to be reported and issued some kind of penalty. When reporting, try to provide as much info as you can, steam IDs screenshots...

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    These guys might be clowns but it is extremely inappropriate to put their names up in a public forum the way you did. I strongly suggest you blur out their names.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You actually don't need to submit a Support ticket for chat abuse. When you report them after the game, the chat logs are sent to the team with the report, so you're not giving them any information they don't already have by sending a ticket as well.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah i don't get reborn logic. Like how it is the fault of the op, that someone was a jerk to him. Since the only context we have, is the post game chat. No reason to believe the op was at fault for anything, with the context we have. Just people being jerks, for seeming no real reason.

    I mean i could get the logic, that yeah turning off chat might be a good idea or ignoring it to skip to the next game, if it happening that often, as friendly advice to try and help op. Yet to blame the op for the actions of others? This is like the logic people use to try and blame youtubers for the actions of someone who happens to watch them. A youtuber can say no don't do this. Yet someone out there will do it anyway. That or certain people might just do it, due to being told no they can't do this. Since they have no control over the actions of others. That or someone reading your diary without permission. Sure you could of maybe done something like hide it better or put it in a safe. Yet that doesn't forgive the person who read your diary without permission. Since the issue is someone not respecting your privacy. Since you can always say the person should of done x better. You can hide your diary in a secret fortress, on a island very few know about, hire an army to defend it but should any of this fail. They will blame you for not doing better to protect it, even if you go above and beyond reason to keep it safe. Somehow you will still be to blame, for the actions of others.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 320

    Lol at the people in this thread going to bat over the "shaming" rule. How dare we out some crazy racists in the community. They must be protected

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Arent you that guy who said that killer is "Easy" and it should be way more incredibly difficult?

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I would put it more gracefully than the other guy, so don't try to twist me saying all this into "defending" toxicity:

    I think while it isn't "your fault," you probably still shouldn't sit around in the end game chat if stuff like this bugs you. It bugs me to an extent too, in the sense that I hate that people are that stupid, but that's exactly why I don't stay after the game unless I specifically am wanting to check how many bloodpoints I got, or somebody's build/item+add ons. In that scenario, I'm not even looking at the chat anyway, and I leave immediately after. I highly recommend you do the same if you feel like you can't handle people being like this.

    Once again, not to defend this behavior. Report them and do what's appropriate. Just remember you can always walk away from the screen.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826


    I hope you reported them and sent a ticket. This is out of hand.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    this is pretty much every survivor i'm againts,almost all of them are a bunch of immature and toxic twats,and trust me,this happens way more often than you think,pretty much every game

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited April 2020

    Dunno why you're giving these people the time of day. Report and move on without saying anything. By responding you're giving them exactly what they want, how hard is this to understand? A lot of people who play this game feel the need to respond to children like this when you shouldn't be.

    Also just as a side note I've never seen anyone call Doctor a braindead killer lmao. A "brain-ache" killer maybe, that music and screaming can give you a migraine.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2020

    I had people say I should die of corona lmfao and similar. Got used to it like it's an everyday thing

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    @OP just report with screenshots, gg ez ban.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    It's not the slurs or the insults that are a problem for me. Everyone who's played an online game has at some point gotten hate mail in their life, especially on COD with Xbox 360. It's the fact that they've been reported before for similar usage of those slurs and nothing seems to have come of it because they're still there doing the same crap. I didn't screenshot the part of that chat log, but one of them (paraphrasing), 'Go ahead and report, nothing will happen'. And though none of you said it but others have so I'll include it, I shouldn't have to mute/hide my endgame chat just because someone else wants to be as toxic as possible. I want to say gg to those who play well and meet new people who I can possibly play with later on whether as opponents or SWF's.

    Already done my in-game report, I just simply submitted it through the forums too so they can actually see it.

  • SandS_Hero
    SandS_Hero Member Posts: 29

    So glad ps4 doesn't have endgame chat if people what to be toxic to me it requires more effort.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Just report and move on

    personally I don’t care to report people, too lazy and I’m used to gamer words from other games but you do you

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I must admit I'm confused as to why I was tagged here, I didn't say or imply anything to do with what you were saying. Someone else provided you with the Support link to submit a ticket, and I was just letting you know that in this case, reporting via ticket isn't necessary as it is with other reportable offences.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    This isn't quite the same but I played against a Wraith maybe 6 months ago who was clearly cheating at the game. Every time he came anywhere near, you would freeze and the game would only resume when you were down. It got to post game chat, 4kills of course and we commented on him cheating. He laughed and said "Use the in-game reporting, it doesn't do anything. I have been doing this for months and I have all the skins unlocked(hacked)". We didn't do the in-game reporting, we sent a ticket through the website. Checked his profile a few weeks later and he received a ban. The ticket system seems to work better than in-game reporting. It is just a lot more effort to do.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited April 2020

    why though? The intention of both is the same, they just different means to that end.

    Edit: to clarify: i dont think they are on the same level or anything. I just think even "mild" insults should be punished, because the intention still is to insult.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897
    edited April 2020

    There is direct offense and harressment. Direct offenses are easy to report, cause they use to have bad words and such. Harressment comes with "gg ez" or other and goes on with deeper implications to your capacity, aiming to make you feel trash. Both are reportable in PS4 as harressment, and the second one requires a little explanation in observation field to explain why is that a bully attempt.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    I 100% know that you guys were, at one point,fantastic at dealing with stuff like this based on my own previous experiences.

    However, after someone said they were going to call my local authorities (name dropping my living area) to falsely tell them that I was going to self-terminate, reported it (I also posted a thread here with the video, was jailed - I knew I would be...still have the video, initially had the report disregarded [got the email on xmas eve - 10/10] despite the video, re-filed/received an e-mail that it was being looked into), and later ran into the same person being just as trashy - I lost all faith in the moderation....or moderation team, I guess.

  • Thiccness123
    Thiccness123 Member Posts: 16

    That's part of the problem, be more supportive dude, I have a rule of if I have a bad game I just re q and move on but for some people it has a really negative impact on their day or mental health.

    I certainly hope the people in the above screenshot a do have some punishment because it's almost rediculous they can spout words like that without A having some action taken place seriously dude I would open a ticket with support and get these cretins taken off the game and B anyone who can roll words like that off their tongue with no remorse and sleeps at night doesn't deserve a damn thing.

    Enjoy the game OP remember the avg is 2 kills per game at red ranks and my rule is don't read the chat and re q. Be safe

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    It's true. I had a group of survivors once stall the game for like 25 minutes (Refusing to do gens, in Hawkins of all places) and I reported it with post-game chat where they not only admitted to it, but used homophobic and racial slurs against me. I reported it in-game and did the post game report as well and even though I had picture proof of them admitting to doing it, they still demanded to see a video of me wandering around Hawkins patrolling gens/seeking out survivors for nearly 25 minutes before they would even do anything. It's crazy.

  • MechanicalWolf
    MechanicalWolf Member Posts: 48

    I hate it when my fellow survivors just trash talk the killer in the endgame chat. It just makes me feel so bad and I end up defending the killer from toxic comments.

  • Deadbylag
    Deadbylag Member Posts: 23

    That's the problem with the game and the comunmity. Two sides differents playing the same game and in a continue battle, been toxic, playing dirty.... Lot of survivors rushing, forget the mates, and tbagging and insulting the killers. Killers camping, tunneling tbagging and saying "no" with the face and don't let them play. If the don't fix the genrush, if they don't fix the camp(No, forget about your mate and repair is no an option cause is a team) Is easy to fix that, but it seems devs don't want hear it. People be rude at the game is like all onlines games for sad. Enjoy the game, I'm thinking in unistall it cause this situation it get it worst day by day.

    Xbox player

  • GraveHunter
    GraveHunter Member Posts: 328
    edited April 2020

    I wish they made filing a report way more easier than all the stuff you need to write down. Especially your cloud ID is trash to type from ingame to the form. You can't copy/paste that. I just give up on reporting people or providing more evidence from screenshots because it takes way too much time to make a report on that site.

    You never hear anything from it as well if they took action or not. It would be nice if they at least give you a heads up what they did after being told to die from corona and my whole family too or to kill myself in real life when I killed someone in this game. That stuff is just not okay.

    EDIT: Why do we even need to submit a ticket for ingame chat? They can see that from the log, I think?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Which comes down to a point of stopping undeserved witch hunting on the forums. It's a forums rule to not incite random aggression.

    Its not a BHVR imposed gameplay rule. It's a forum rule. If you dont want to follow it on the forums, expect to have trouble for breaking forum rules.

    And besides that, who tf NEEDS to see the names other than those looking into the report? Nobody. All it would serve as, is a way for hundreds of people to just message and harass them, solving nothing.

    But yeah, let's ######### on the devs/forums for a rule that makes sense in almost every situation imaginable.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Which is all fair and true, but people these days DO need thicker skin. Its words on a game from someone you'll never meet. Who ######### cares what they say. Ignore it and move on.

    Are these people aasholes? Yeah.

    Is it reportable/bannable? Absolutely.

    Should you let it bother you on a personal level? ######### no.