Tunneling is Ruining the Game

So I've been playing casually for about a year now. Honestly, now I'm just sick of getting tunneled after getting unhooked.

Normally I wouldn't complain but this has become an increasingly consistent issue.

Me/ teammate gets unhooked, 4 seconds later. . . downed. It's the fact we don't even have enough time to get away in the first place that's the main problem. I can usually win a chase then resume gens etc... but how am I supposed to outrun a killer who is 0.6X faster than me within such a small window of time.

Recently I've been trying to take protection hits when unhooking people and even if I get downed the killer will still tunnel the person who got unhooked.

I also play killer from time to time and I go out of my way to not tunnel and yet I can still get an average of 3K.

The devs seriously need to address tunneling. It's so rare for me to get a game without it nowadays. The devs could make borrowed time part of the game so you can't get tunneled and you actually have a reasonable timeframe to escape (or any other solution, forums are here for a reason).


  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Well if this is happening to you alot. Which sounds like the case. If playing with friends, bring burrow time. Burrow time still useful even if solo. Ds. Sprint burst can be handy for getting away from the killer. Since i have no idea of the context of the matches you been playing. Was the killer nearby when you unhooked? A rule of thumb, i like to use, is count to ten and than go for the unhook. To make sure the killer is far enough away, for a safe unhook. Now if you need to perform risky unhooks for one reason or another alot of the time, burrow time will be the perk for you. Kindred might be handy for the addition information it gives to you as a survivor, to know when the killer is far away from the hook. That and it might be a good idea to move away from the hook before healing [unless you know the killer is on the other side of the map or far away, like noticing a survivor just got hit or downed], depending on the perks you or the person who saved you have.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I think the perfect thing to stop teammates from unhooking you in front of the killer would be a button to prevent being unhooked. I can't even tell you how many times something like that would have come in handy for me. I know that some people would abuse it to be rude, but who would go for the person on the hook after they troll with it a couple of times? I think they would cut it out after they realize that their teammates would rather leave them than be trolled.

    The insta-down after being unhooked (especially when your teammate doesn't have BT) really is a problem though. And it's not being helped by youtubers like Monto perpetuating that kind of behavior in their games. It's not your fault that you got unhooked right in front of the killer.... isn't really fair that you go right back on the hook due to your teammate's bad decision. And sadly, that happens in more often than not!

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The thing is,you will never be able to change the way people want to play the game.

    If killers are tunneling you all the time then there's absolutely nothing you can do about that.Borrowed Time and D Strike only make it harder to tunnel but won't stop it.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Tunneling is honestly starting to feel like it's justified. The games just end to fast. Playing a bunch of games it seems like the games are over way too quick. I feel like it's quite common for a killer to get 1-3 hooks before the exit gates are open. Tunneling in those situations becomes mandatory if you ever want to get a kill. I see NOED a lot now. Something that was never used back in the day. Top ranked killers wouldn't used NOED but now they feel like they have to. These strategies are being used right now because killers are very weak and stressful to play. You can't expect for people to just accept losing every game. Eventually they're going to try and change up how they play so that they can actually be competitive.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Borrowed Time, one of the most popular surv perks in the game: Gives you a protection hit for 8?, 12?, however many seconds it is.

    Decisive Strike, the most used survivor perk in the game, for the following reasons: 60 seconds where the killer can down you but not pick you up.

    If the killer is tunneling you even with both of these perks, he will either get 1 kill or no kills. That is of course unless your teammates are absolute garbage AND are slow on gens.

    Tunneling can never be solved. Tunnelers always lose against a decent team. So I'd suck it up and just hope it isn't you who gets tunneled.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    Did you create an account just so you could post a rant about tunneling? The only thing destroying this game is it's own devs and community :P

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    They've helped stop what I call "true tunneling". Actual tunneling would be picking the survivor up and rehooking them after they just got off. Because of DS's 60-second invincibility, it doesn't happen anymore. The killer can slug and wait for the timer to end, but at that point 2 gens have gone and the game is lost.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Not every killer respects DS though and even if they do most of the time they don't get punished for it at all.Same thing when killers are camping.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Protects you for 15 seconds. Burrow time that is. While giving you 10, 15 or 20 seconds to mend, depending on the tier.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, that is not the case. I play as much survivor as killer, when I get accused of proxy camping it's because I chase a moron around the hook, and I always see my teammates going for unsafe unhooks via kindred. Seriously, almost every unsafe unhook I see is the killer literally running away in a straight line only to hear the unhook and do a 180. Or a moron trying to run the killer around the hook. Very, very few killers I go against actually proxy camp, and of those few killers even less actually tunnel off hook. Mostly it's just a slap on the back for map pressure while they chase the unhooker.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah the killer gets an alert on their screen, if someone is unhooked. Which well, going back to the hook can be a very good idea. Depending on context. Since if the hook was nearby and you are not in a chase with another survivor. Well now you know where two survivors are likely to be.

    Running around the hook? That reminds me of a video i seen. Where the survivors swarm the area around the basement, leaving marks and just basically going, hey hey listen listen. To the killer. Giving them no reason to leave, since his objective, the survivors are all gather around in one area. Something that sometimes get overlooked is, survivors can make very dumb plays or choices. Sometimes, something is merely the survivors fault for making a bad play or call. Since some survivors just have a habit of running straight into the killer, again and again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEcT_AIOKco

  • GhostofYharnam
    GhostofYharnam Member Posts: 597

    Ill admit tunneling sucks. But sometimes its the only thing a killer can do to create some pressure pr a small snowball to turn the game in there favor. Especially if every survivor is desperatly trying to save and the killer smacks them. Then they are essentially trading hooks.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Imagine complaining that the Killers aren't empathetic enough. Our job isn't to make you feel good, it's to make your insides be on the outside

  • ThePoltergeist714
    ThePoltergeist714 Member Posts: 31

    At this point i dont even bother to be tunneld nor do it...i do that too specially if the survivor is too hard to drop whats so bad about tunneling. With me it doesnt even matter if im killer or survivor i still lose often either way im not good at any most of the time.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I don't completely think they're wrong in suggesting them, because they exist so, why shouldn't they be used? So in that sense I'm not innocent of thinking that...

    I have to agree though. I feel personally (and would imagine many feel the same) that DS isn't even purely an "anti-tunneling" perk as the situations it's usable in reach far beyond just "being tunneled." As a result, I don't really feel like it should be endorsed in such a way. The only thing that's going to do is encourage people to rely on DS to play like they rely on oxygen to breathe, and that's just another Hex: Ruin situation waiting to happen.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Because thats what they are used for. Thats whats good about them. The problem.we have is that victims use ds and other second chance perks as invincibility to do dumb stuff, unhook in a killlers face, do a gen in killers face, jump straight into a locker. Its the abuses we dont like, not the perk. We want limitations because victims are using the perk way beyond its intended purpose

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    3 gens in less than 2 minutes is ruining the game...

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
    edited April 2020

    perks like ds,borrowed time,dead hard is ruining the game,next

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375
    edited April 2020

    Imagine calling the person saying everyone can play how they want selfish, LEL.

    But on a serious note, please explain how it is selfish to say that killers can play as they please and just because someone plays a certain way doesn't mean everyone has to.

    For the same reason he can choose to not tunnel, other killers are allowed to and its because players can play the game how they like (obviously excluding outside clients or cheats and such)

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The current map changes might encourage different behaviour though.

    To me, i tunnel and camp in matches i have to because i am outskilled again due to bad matchmaking and chases against way better players just go on for too long. But with the changes it might encourage just going to the next player at once.

    While i like the map changes, the general problem is the overall time. I like my games to be around 15-20 minutes, but those games become rare, because gens go so fast. But these short games dont build up the same tension that the longer games do, at least for me.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Unfortunately tunneling is a part of the game, there is virtually nothing they can do about it since at some points (just like DS) it can become a strat, but at other times it is just the killer wanting to be greedy.

    Even though most good killers know you are wasting your time if you just tunnel the one person because gens will definitely fly.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited April 2020

    No one has to camp or tunnel (and slugging is rarely necessary). I hear a lot of people saying "they have to" but that is just not true. Everyone was up in arms about how DCing was screwing a whole team and literally the worst. Well tunneling people to death over and over is also ruining the game for a whole team. And I might want to run some perks other than jerk-repellent. I am as tired as OP of just proxy camps and hard tunnels every single match.

    I made a poll a while back and a commenter made a post that outlined the things Devs have done in the last year/year and a half that really promoted this kind of gameplay and sucked a lot of fun out of this game. I miss a year ago DbD.

    Also, DS and BT are not some miracle. It affords you one extra hit, you are still injured and the killer is still faster then you. And they are situational, after their respective nerfs. So making it sound like it is some guaranteed escape is ridiculous.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Not really, most of the time tunneling is capitelising on survivors mistakes. there are tons of things you can do against it too

    Ds and borrowed time are the obvious ones as stunning the killer or getting the swipe animation usually buys enough time to get to a pallet or window

    Iron will alows you to sneak away same with perks like dance with me

    Once you reach a pallet or window all is fair game again

    People just need to accept that when they get unhooked they are vulnerable by game design

    That's the punishment of getting hooked in the first place

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179
    edited April 2020

    Just pick DS go to a safe structure and waste as much of his time as you can. If you pick DS and killer tunnels you, eventually someone will come to help you out. If they bodyblock, you can't get hit while you gain some distance.

    Being tunneled is not that bad as people think.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Play killer and do it differently. and every game you are in the survivor will have fun, won´t they?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I do play killer. I do play differently. I do try and ensure everyone has fun. Being an ######### is a choice.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yes. Depending on your skill level, its the choice of being stomped and getting some kills.

    You want to know my experience as killer (note i play killer only about 30-40% of the time, i am a survivor main).

    If i dont camp and tunnel, the chances i get no kill increase. if that happens, in 95% of the games you get insulted and belittled by the (mostly swf) survivors in the aftergame chat. Babykiller, ez, git gud, all the stuff. Thats happen if you play nice.

    If i do camp and tunnel, i still get insulted after the game, but at least i got some kills. And i get the insults anyway.

    Survivor toxicity ruins the game, because it breeds new toxicity.

  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    I wont call it tunneling when another survivor is unhooking a survivor when i 5 seconde ago hooked the person. Like why should I reward an idiot? However i still feel bad for the hooked survivor so I Just leave him slugged and go for the idiot unhooker

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    its not only survivor toxicity though. Killers are pretty much the same (I don’t say worse but same). Often when escaping you get insulted for genrushing, SWF even though both were not true in the match, getting called out for running BT or DS without even using it etc. Otherwise when downed/tunneled there are killers insulting you for that. I even got the odd killer making fun of survivors that run non-meta Perks..

    But most of the time, that’s not the case - on both sides. Not every survivor team that escapes will insult you like this - but if you tunneled/camped chances increase that’s the reason they do this.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i still play way more survivor than killer, and survivors are even toxic to one each other in addition to being toxic to the killer. Want some examples?

    I used to run bound, now its often kindred. But i am aware a lot of what other survivors are doing. in a match vs trapper, he was in a chase with a survivor, and i got stuck in a trap. The survivor changed his course and lead the killer directly to me, so he would take me instead of himself, even though i had been hung, and he hasnt.

    I had times i didnt run self care, and had games where your fellow survivors refuse to heal you up, instead doing gens, going to the next gen, and when the killer comes he goes for the injured one first.

    i had games with 2 or 3 swf as a solo. Gens are done, gates open, one get hooked, you help them free him, and you got caught. And noone comes to your aid, even though the killer has no noed (because i did totems) and isnt hookcamping. You are simply not part of the team.

    I am not good at chases, i am better at hiding. A survivor that is in a chase and know were you are hiding (my experiments with aftercare) leading the killer to you multiple times till he notice you.

    People that do unsave unhooks without bt and then bodyblocking you so they get away.

    even if the killer does neither tunnel nor camp, then he is "ez". At least then i am in a position to defend the killer when other survivors are toxic.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    dev need to enforce the survivors rule book for killers because feelings....

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    camping and tunneling are not issues because they negatively impact the game for the killer. The devs are never going to tell killers that they can't kill certain people. Camping and tunneling is punished by the survivors slamming gens

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    After the ruin nerf a lot of people are now using this as an excuse to tunnel to such a degree that it's quite ludicrous tbh. It technically is the best and easiest way as a killer to create pressure if you can remove a person from the game as quickly as possible. The harder way for killers to create pressure is to slug and a killer literally cannot win unless they do this, but it's harder to know when to slug and when not to etc...so low ranks will default to tunnelling someone out of the match as soon as possible. But if you're really getting tired of it, I hear DS+unbreakable works a treat.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    People can play how they want but its a flaw in the games design. It ruins the fun for a lot of people and the devs need to make some big changes to fix it.

    Just like how looping was a flaw in the games design, but overtime infinites got nerfed, pallets got reduced, pallet break times got increased, pallet vacuum went, now the remnants of infinites (the god loops) are getting fixed too and tiles are being changed so survivors cant change strong tiles together as much. Basically looping sucked the fun out of the game for a lot of killers and it has been gradully nerfed over time to lower the effectiveness of it. The same needs to happen with tunneling, DS alone isn’t enough, hell its still a perk which is equivalent to when killers had to bring Bamboozle for god loops.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Something does really need to be done. It ruins games. Even as a solo player when I have seen it done to someone until they are dead I have sometimes quit the game and taken the timeout just because I can't be arsed playing with someone that desperate and giving them points.

    It does always make me laugh when "killer mains" claim it is the only way to win and make a load of excuses as to why it needs to be done. Same with moris. Yet they happily do it when no gens have been fixed and get someone out of the game. Changing Ruin gave them a new excuse, even though they were doing it before then too. I remember what killer replying in regards to the "thanks for tunnelling" message in post game chat "Well you wanted ruin nerfed", did I? Did I specifically ask for it? I don't recall doing so, yet i assume you're using it against every survivor who calls out you playing like a #########.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    I jusy Laughing to people here to play borrow time... Freddy , Ghostface and Pig dont have TR. So , basically they can tunnel you even u have borrow time... Even DS only work once.. just run DS bro....

  • Dweeteater
    Dweeteater Member Posts: 37

    How many Killers play that way because the broken/unfair swf mechanic sucked all the fun out of their own previous games? Sometimes back to back? I know i have. 9/10 you can bet the killer was just punked by boosted survivors that are ALWAYS one step ahead due to comms. Cause and effect.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
This discussion has been closed.