Old thing

VoidOfBeing Member Posts: 15
edited September 2023 in General Discussions

old post I want removed

Post edited by VoidOfBeing on


  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    ermm yeah, that is just a game mechanic, you are in a stun aka they can blind you.

    This is not really different from a survivor slow vaulting and then getting a hit, you are in an animation and during that you have no control, thats just the game.

    I would recommened Franklin's Demise or Lightborn though, they help against this sorta thing

  • VoidOfBeing
    VoidOfBeing Member Posts: 15

    I know but I just think it's kinda annoying that the millisecond I'm unblinded and recovering from the stun I'm blinded again. I know there are perks for that but they don't work with my build at all lol.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Well thats a trade off you have to make, if its not valuable enough or if the flashlight blinds are too situational (which in my case they are for the most part) then its not worth running yeah if you need the help from the other perks.

    Its just a mechanic, look at it from the survivor perspective, they are wounded and just got helped out of your grasp, being able ot blind you a second time buys the wounded survivor more time to get away yet at the same time it does not stop you from listening where they went and already start moving towards them.

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    It's quite different, and they can literally do two flashlight stuns on top of the pallet stun. Why is it different? If someone is doing a vault and they could be a taking a hit, slow or fast doesn't really matter, even being locked in animation doesn't matter either, because if the killer is basically just next to the survivor, it should be a hit either way, but if the killer wasn't just next to the survivor, then the survivor moving during the animation and the current distance to the killer would also play a part here, so the chance of the survivor actually making it through, depends on if the killer can actually hit. Where with the pallet stun and flashlight stun, the first two are literally almost a 100% sure hit, and the killer can't do anything to avoid the second stun. Furthermore, if the survivor actually takes the hit, but isn't downed, the survivor also gets the movement speed bonus.

    They should absolutely not be able to stun you just after recovering from the stun, doesn't matter what kind of stun, they should not be able to do that. Why? Because as the killer, you're already under time constraint and pressure with up to 4 targets to kill, and with stuns not only robbing the killer of vision/overview it also robs the killer of time, especially if the stun is when you're carrying a survivor.

    There absolutely should be a stun protection period after a stun, especially so animation locks can't be abused like they currently are and have been for years.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    I mean, at least it's not six blinds in slightly less than four seconds while you're looking at the ground and approaching them.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    edited November 2021