Eliminate Camping, Tunneling, and toxic farming by reworking the way hooks work

Introduce a respawn system. Player on the hook immediately dies. Their second state is a second life.

Allow players to change 1 or 2 perks, when they select their new survivor(like loadouts). Player respawns as far away from killer or gen.


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I think dbd is too deep into it to go back now, but I love this idea.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    There would be too much additional work that would go into implementing this system and adjusting everything else to suit it.

    Maybe they'll do this for DbD2.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    This is a really neat and innovative idea! Would definitely be awesome to see in DBD2!

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    What I don't see anybody mentioning is, what would the killer get as compensation for the survivors getting to switch their loadouts in between lives? If the survivors got to adjust mid game to what the killer did, it seems like toward the end of the game the killer would just end up being at a severe disadvantage, because everybody would run Resilience against Legion and Plague, and stuff like that.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    This might work out for a new game mode of some sort, but not the current one for reasons others have already mentioned.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    This is a cool idea.

    I agree with @Huff, I don't think you should get to adjust your loadout mid-match. That is a completely separate benefit and doesn't need to be tied to a mechanism that fixes hook camping. You brought the build you brought.

    The spawn point being completely random seems a little sketchy. It might provide more balance if there was a couple "graveyards" or respawn points on each map and which one you're taken to is random. Maybe with a mechanism in place that you won't get teleported to the nearest respawn point, if you happen to get hooked next to one. This way the killer knows where you CAN go, just not exactly where you're going.

    You would obviously have to respawn injured, and it seems like you should have to have some teammate interaction in order to heal after respawn, even if it was only for a time. For example: for the first 60 seconds after respawning, a player can only be healed by another survivor. Being able to self-care or med kit when it is 100% safe because you know the killer is far away isn't very risky. Having to locate someone else would be at least a little more of a challenge. If you're the last survivor standing, it is what it is for 60 seconds. Be stealthy.

    And yes, this would be a big undertaking to develop, but a cool idea non-the-less. 👍️

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89

    While I agree your changes would fix many issues the community has with the game, it would also change the game so much that it would be a functionally different game in many regards. Personally, the hook is a great tool to create tension. When I first started playing, the idea of having to run to an area that the killer has a much higher chance of patrolling was exhilierating, and it still is from time to time. It also creates an interesting interplay between your primary objective (gens) and balancing party health. Focus too much on either area and you lose - that balance is a big part of what makes DBD interesting to me as a survivor.

    So yeah, I feel there has to be a better solution than this, even though I agree it's clever.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited April 2020

    Real question. Why would any killer have fun playing that way ?

    I get that you don't wanna be camped... I do

    But without anyone needing to help you its a really solo game of gen or chase

    And for the killer there's no pressure or build up to stop escapes... they loose most games as it is

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited April 2020

    For the sake of argument you could make it so that another survivor who is still alive in the trial, would have to let the killed survivor back in via some means, pressing some button or throwing a lever or whatever.

    Post edited by ZoneDymo on
  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I'm only going to point out that it'll eliminate Borrowed Time and DS.

    I'm only pointing this out. That's a +.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    BT would need a total overhaul, but technically DS could just function as it does normally, but after respawn.

  • TerrorTrooper
    TerrorTrooper Member Posts: 94
    edited April 2020

    Kind of want this but SWF groups still have a huge advantage. But a few perks would need a rework like DS, BT that are there to help against camping, tunneling.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    This would also stop people from being able to suicide on hook. Just sayin.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Isnt that going the same direction as the respawn(/recycle) system in deathgarden. Which i remember was one of the reasons of the game's demise.

    Also, it removes any kind of reason for survivors to NOT genrush.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
    edited April 2020

    no,that would obviously be just another survivor advantage,yeah hook someone,dies,and spawns again at a random location,suure,survivors dont even have to go for the save anymore which makes it even worse,this ideea would ruin the game for me.