Changing Mori's

So I am going to get a lot of salt here from a lot of killer mains I feel like but here goes...
Am I the only one who finds that mori's just make games short and unfun?
I feel like Mori's need to be changed to second hook phase. The reason I say this is a majority of killer's who, after hooking someone, instantly tunnel for that mori kill. Adding another hook phase will add more chase and it also may make the games last longer depending on their skill. It makes it a challenge like it should be. So far mori's just aren't fun and ruin game experience for well--survivors and sometimes killers. I find as killer that Mori's are just an ######### thing to use and they make MY playtime short and unfun. Please change mori's or at least consider it? It's not fun, it's short for everyone at times. I understand dailies and getting kills by a killer's hand but that person should work for their kill not just hook someone once then get the kill. That's so aids.
Another cool thought that someone had was Mori people after all four survivors have been hooked, this one I am iffy on because sometimes that's not possible! Skill is a thing a lot of survivors have and I understand it's hard.
Please make it to where you have to work for the Mori.
I am by means not on any side. I have played enough of this game to enjoy both sides. Thank you. I am open to discussions, feel free to comment your thoughts.
They've already nerfed mori's. Before, killer's didn't have to hook you, they had to down you and than they could mori you. Me personally the reason why I say don't touch mori's is because majority mori's i've ran into the killer is just having a bad day and they use mori's as stress relief. I mean granted yeah it's unfun for survivor's but it's not like your gonna run into a mori every match
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Do moris need a nerf? Yes, not much people will argue with you there, but we need to remember, needing it to second phase means it basically only gets cosmetic value.
The second one I've always been fond of. You play well? You get a huge boost. It encourages players not to tunnel which I don't think anyone can complain about.
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I see your point but I never found it fair for survivors and just flat out boring for killer due to cutting games short for me and other players. I think people should work more for their mori's. Bad day or not.
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Also having a bad day doesn't justify giving other people a bad one as well sadly
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LMAO. Sorry, but "This was already nerfed" is no justification for an unfun and unhealthy aspect of the game. For stress relief there's something called not sitting for 48 hours in a row playing dbd and instead taking breaks like a normal person.
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Second hook stage moris doesn't stop tunneling and actually encourages it because you can just slug ds first hook then mori them through ds afterwards. Hooking all the survivors is pretty easy with the right perk or power setup, so I think a 4 different hook requirement isn't too restrictive and makes moris useful for more than just tunneling.
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I don't think it's fun when 3 survivors just jump through a hatch either. Talk about short matches
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That has nothing to do with Mori's. Please stay on topic thanks
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Yes it does. Sorry if you don't like that the two are comparable. The issue at hand is unfun short matches. It is within reason to mention every way this issue occurs if you are genuinely looking to fix it for everyone and not just the side you favor.
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Very different. You're trying to make the comparison of a key to a perk. Keys can be countered by perks or you dealing with the person with the key. VERY different. Sorry you're trying to make a very different comparison because you got ######### over in game by a key.
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Not a perk sorry
add on
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I find the same issues with keys. They both ruin part of the game and cut it short.
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Uh actually an add on is worse than an offering because it can be saved with an offering. Lmao
They are the same.
You can counter a mori by not being found, caught, hooked, found again, caught again.
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Sorry caps
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Actually there is no longer any counterplay too Keys. The perk to deal with them can't reduce the item below 0 charges to destroy it. Effectively the only way a Key can be countered is by knocking the item out of the hand of said survivor as they drop a pallet and never breaking that pallet.
Kinda beyond unrealistic. The other one is the addons themselves. Sometimes Mori's or Tunneling that survivor to death removes it from the game.
When I compare them it's because at a core level these 2 things maybe a offering and a item, but they both cut the game down. Screw others over for something while simultaneously warping the game.
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In my personal opinion, 2 hooking people to be able to Mori is silly, it's just a cosmetic change from carrying them or killing them with a long animation on the ground. Requiring all 4 people to be hooked is also stupid as you can have a person or two hide all game and you never get to use it. Personally I would make it nearly the same as it is now, but have an overall 3 hook minimum before the first mori can happen.
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Looping counter mori if you know your tiles it should not be a problem
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It being nerfed more than 3 YEARS AGO means nothing. The game has evolved tremendously since then and the meta has changed. Moris need to be looked at
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Forget offerings I get cussed out and called a scrub for using devour Hope sometimes it’s found early. More often then not people don’t worry about it till 3 stacks and I normally kill 1 or 2 before it’s gone... you gonna call it op like you all do noed?
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Oh look, someone making a stupid argument trying to defend moris. I wonder how much you use them a day.
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So by your logic, they shouldnt have changed DS multiple times? Bc once smth got changed (mori nerf was 3 years ago) doesnt mean that its still busted? Dont get me wrong, they still need to do smth about the ds timer. But moris are untouched for a long time.
So if a survivor has a bad day with his games, can he get his insta gen back? I mean he had a really rough time and wants to enjoy the game. Why not 4 insta gens like they were before? It's unfun for the killer, but its not like your gonna run into insta gens every game. Or should keys stay like the way they are? Its unfun for killers but its not like your gonna run into a key every game.
Flawless logic.
Yellow moris are kinda pointless (just for the mori at the end, if you actually get it...), green are okay but ebonys are just busted imo.
Dunno about the 2nd hook stage (for ebony), but maybe hook every survivor once to actually use it. So for an ebony you need to hook all 4 survivors before being able to mori all of them. If he cant get all of them at least once until all gens are done, then he shouldnt have "won" the match in the first place. Still powerful, but it requires more effort.
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I see nothing wrong with it simply because I like the stress of dealing with a mori. Just like how I like the stress of dealing with survivor's who have key's. I play both sides relaxed, until I'm presented with a challenge which is what I'm always looking forward to. I've managed to out live maybe a handful of mori's either because I avoided the killer majority of the match or I outplayed the killer. Survivor's wanna rush gens, be toxic, etc, because they are having a bad day, guess what I don't entertain them. I just say "Gg" and move on to the next match simply because every match isn't gonna be the same.
I can't control how someone else plays or their fun. What I can control is how much fun "I'M" having. I only take the game series when I hit red ranks because that's when the game has no chill!
Keep in mind that I am also very bias to my playstyle and I take a lot of things with a grain of salt in this game..., well except the Medkits and Sally's nerf which I'm still salty about
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Yep see, thats also what this game is about. Everyone has different expectations to different aspects of the game.
I don't like the things that make it too easy for any side. Seeing a killer that doesnt play that well getting a 4K bc of an ebony is as frustrating as playing killer and everyone leaves with a key before all gens were done, bc you already killed a survivor (aka probably played well). Guess I'm mostly annoyed by this, bc I dont use either (moris for dailies only and occasionally green key with obsession aura addon if I'm playing duo).
"Survivor's wanna rush gens, be toxic, etc, because they are having a bad day" <- are killers toxic if they get fast downs and "hook rush"? I never really get why people say "gen rush". As a survivor its my main objective to do gens, as a killer its to defend gens and bring suffering to survivors (injure/hook/kill etc). I can see why some1 would complain about it in after chat, if survivors equipped all gen speed perks & items (resilience, prove thyself, leader, toolbox with BNP etc). But most of the time surv run just their build and get called gen rusher.
But at the end it's part of the game design, some maps are just to big for some killers to be actually able to defend gens.
Which Sally nerf are you talking about? The one with the recharge or these weird changes on PTB?
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You know im right XD if i see a mori imake sure i hide and go in a chase only if i need to that call logic i know for survivor main its hard to change their playstyle but you need to adapt if you want to win
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Am I the only one who fins Gen rushing and all 4 survivors escaping through the hatch with a key unfun?
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i do feel moris should be changed, even as a killer main. youre just starting to see them alot more cause people are using DS alot more often.
but changing them to p2 hook is just a dumb change. i agree with you that something should be done but not that
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Second hook mori is not a good thing you when you are a killer each second count and a mori animation is more or less 15 second and depend were i down you but most of the time you are hook in the next 10 second i down you so i just lost 5 second were i could have chase someone or use pop and with a mori pop dont activate so its worse for me so the obly appeal for using a mori is cosmetic value personnaly i wont pay 7k bp for that i could have a better addon for less. And if you want to nerf mori you need to nerf the key both are cheat item/offering.
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Second hook mori is not a good thing you when you are a killer each second count and a mori animation is more or less 15 second and depend were i down you but most of the time you are hook in the next 10 second i down you so i just lost 5 second were i could have chase someone or use pop and with a mori pop dont activate so its worse for me so the obly appeal for using a mori is cosmetic value personnaly i wont pay 7k bp for that i could have a better addon for less. And if you want to nerf mori you need to nerf the key both are cheat item/offering.
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I do definitely agree with you that mories are pretty bs (ebony in particular), making it so you can only mori on death hook is absolutely not the way to do it. Like some one else mentioned, it purely becomes cosmetic then, except it actually hurts you in a lot of cases - you get less points, you get less towards your emblems, and unless your pig it wastes more time.
The idea that you have to hook everyone once is significantly better, but still has it's flaws. Someone hides the whole game? You don't have a mori anymore. Something that could be done to avoid that is to maybe make it so you need like 4 or 5 hooks before you can use the mori? I don't know.
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I do definitely agree with you that mories are pretty bs (ebony in particular), making it so you can only mori on death hook is absolutely not the way to do it. Like some one else mentioned, it purely becomes cosmetic then, except it actually hurts you in a lot of cases - you get less points, you get less towards your emblems, and unless your pig it wastes more time.
The idea that you have to hook everyone once is significantly better, but still has it's flaws. Someone hides the whole game? You don't have a mori anymore. Something that could be done to avoid that is to maybe make it so you need like 4 or 5 hooks before you can use the mori? I don't know.
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Leave the Mori at home and just bring Hag with rusty shackles, mint rag, Devour Hope and Make Your Choice :)
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Nerf moris when killers actually have a fair chance against SWF. NOT when we nerf keys.
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I agree mori's need to be nerfed, the issue is there's nothing to effectively nerf. Reduce to 2 hooks needed? Makes the mori useless; 9/10 times it'd be quicker to just hook the survivor. The only thing I can think of is a light rework to it's mechanics. Make it possible to save a survivor from a Mori; mori's will then be used as a controller over the trial, forcing survivors to be much more careful and altruistic to make it out alive. Maybe Make mori's a skillcheck battle between survivor and killer so the survivor can possibly escape?
Currently, there's nothing to nerf for the mori without making it completely worthless.
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A change for the Mori is maybe after a certain time? Like after 5 minutes you can use the mori on people who have been hooked once. Or any other time.
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Her recharge nerf. When I switched to PC I stopped using range add-ons and I used her travel speed add-ons. I feel that the recharge add-ons make her less aggressive
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Right about what? If your right about nothing than you are correct.
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Why not just make Mori's something that punishes gen rushing.
Survivors pop the third gen, the killer would mark every survivor for death (as in able to be mori'd) for 1-2 minutes.
During which time if another gen is popped while the timer is going down the timer is refreshed and doubles (so if it was 2 minutes it would be 4).
I dunno, just an idea. It just seems odd that Mori's have substantially more game impacting power then any other offering.
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Mori are in a good spot right now, fix keys and gen speed and then come here to cry about it
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Why do people insist on nerfing moris? Aren't you guys aware that nerfing moris even more is basically removing the offering? Its not like the matches are slow that it forbid them the escape.. after the ruin nerf the games are faster than ever and they have the hatch as last resource.
Tunneling with moris is a waste of time if they have DS and play with brain and suggesting moris to work on second phase is dumb, a killer will spend less time in hooking you that doing the animation most of the times, so doing that is equal to removing it.
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In my opinion the ebony Mori should let you kill one survivor off 1st hook if u want then after that the rest hast to be second hook
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yes, mories should get nerfed.
no, this nerf should definitely NOT be the 2nd hook requirement. that is too much, that would render these offerings basically useless.
i think it would be a lot better to require them to hook every surivor once before being able to kill someone.
that way it would take longer for the killer to get them to work and would get rid of these annoying "instantly tunneled off the hook and moried" scenraios everyone hates, while still keeping some power to them.