Why I love being a survivor

Some might call me toxic because I run DS/DH/SC and 4th is usually WGLF (until deliverance arrives to take it's place) but I've honestly tried stealth and it doesn't work for me, I find it boring and lack luster. Yes I use crutch perks but that doesn't mean I am trash, honestly why do people feel so entitled to harass others for the damn perks they choose to run? I hold my own regardless of perks I've had killers harass me for the perks I ran even when I didn't use them but because they see them there okay any good plays I made are now void (sounds like salt to me) but these perks suit my play style and I am solo most of the time so I like to give myself the best chance to survive so why not? (also many perks in this game suck)

Not to mention you get bonus 500 points for successful DS and the fact I may not be rescued from the hook if I didn't run DS, and I can't tell you how many times I get tunneled and dead hard saved me in my attempt to escape. I've learned that mostly (especially as a solo survivor) you can't rely on anybody but yourself even though I will take risks to help others that's my nature and I know there's still a strong chance I'll get left 4 dead on the hook and watch them leave without even trying to help me but that's okay. (that's the risk we take by being the altruistic survivor)

I love being altruistic, landing flash saves, unhooking team mates, and buying time for the team. Sometimes if I see a team mate struggle in a chase I'll wait for him/her to throw down a pallet then flash the killer as they break it to give the survivor time to get away. I don't gesture or tea bag or flicker my flashlight at the killer but I will be the one blocking under the hook or distracting a camper if it means rescue. I've seen first hand survivors get inspired to help others when they see somebody actively playing like that it's admirable in my opinion and a positive experience. Am I toxic? I don't think I am but I get called it by killers sometimes for simply running the perks I run now if that automatically qualifies me as toxic then fine I am toxic.

I just wanted to say that more often than not my fellow survivors will thank me for my support, a crucial save in a moment can often be the difference for any of us and I enjoy playing a positive role in their experience in a match even if it costs me my own survival I will do what I can for others because I feel good about it. That's why I love being a survivor and that's pretty much why I play dead by daylight for the most part.



  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Out of curiosity. How many hours do you have?
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Stealth builds aren’t trash, but they are nowhere near as good as the stall meta build. Going Stealth basically means you want to play hard mode, add in No Mither for extra hardcore, and insanity mode pick a Survivor with bright clothes (Like me with Meg’s pure white clothes and hair). That was difficult and fun as hell getting to Rank 1 with that.

    Survivors aren’t toxic for running the stall meta build. They are just playing on easy mode is all. The Killer build you’re calling “OP” isn’t OP at all. It’s just balanced for the Survivor meta of Looping with the stall meta build. Well, as balanced as possible, it’s still extremely underpowered in comparison. 

    Stealth builds just arent as good as good as they used to be because the developers gave Survivors the gameplay they wanted. Chased all game because it’s “fun” for the majority. Killers didn’t get a say so in how the game is played. They just got perks and such that phased Stealth out of the game, but are getting balance tweaks to make it fair Survivors have thier stalling meta and Looping. Even though Killers disliked and asked for the opposite. 

    Long story short : Niether side got everything they wanted. Survivors got the “Looping, stall perks, chased all game” gameplay they wanted. However he developers are re-balancing the game so Killers can keep up with that gameplay. Killers are getting (the developers are still working on it) the balance they wanted, but not the gameplay they wanted. Killers wanted Stealth and jukes, but they didn’t get it cause that’s not what the Survivor player base wanted. 

    Survivors = Gameplay they wanted, not the balance (being OP as hell, with both Stealth when it’s convenient for them, and Looping and Stalling when they fail at that) they wanted. 

    Killers = Balance they wanted (at least trying to), not the gameplay they wanted. 

    More or less, don’t play the meta way, get stomped on as Killer till the developers finally figure out the proper balance for the Survivor stall meta. Don’t play the meta way as Survivor, you’re going to have a rough go of it, but you can still pull it off because chances are your team mates *are* playing he meta way. Though you can completely bamboozle Killer by playing Stealth cause they really don’t expect Survivors to play that way anymore. 
  • Depy
    Depy Member Posts: 23

    I wouldn't consider you toxic, i'd say over aulturistic. In my opinion wglf should be buffed to 200%+ bloodpoints but only for safe hook recuse instead of regular hook rescuse to prevent farming

  • kimukipi
    kimukipi Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2018

    I wouldn't call you toxic for running DS but, if you are in red ranks right now and couldn't get past rank 15 post DS nerf, I might very well call you boosted which I'm sure majority of the DS users are.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    kimukipi said:

    I wouldn't call you toxic for running DS but, if you are in red ranks right now and couldn't get past rank 15 post DS nerf, I might very well call you boosted which I'm sure majority of the DS users are.

    Exactly. Though I would call it Boosted if they couldn’t get to red ranks without it now. I consider it a perk to be used by newbies as “training wheels”.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @chemical_reject said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    I've seen one of the very vocal killer mains on here talk about how they run ds and loop the killer around the same pallet for 20 minutes while they ALSO ######### about how survivors do that to him when he plays killer. I won't name any names.

    What a despictable being... who could that be?

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Tsulan said:

    @chemical_reject said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    I've seen one of the very vocal killer mains on here talk about how they run ds and loop the killer around the same pallet for 20 minutes while they ALSO ######### about how survivors do that to him when he plays killer. I won't name any names.

    What a despictable being... who could that be?

    Sure isn’t me. I’ve run DS level 1 one time for the Adept Laurie Achievement. Got the achievement first try and I used DS. That poor Huntress player chased me for 4 Gens on Haddonfield before finally giving up on me (he was very intent on killing me cause he didn’t like my Object Of Obsession). I felt so dirty afterwards I had to take a shower for using that perk. 
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    if I were you I'd get used to not using DS or else it's going to hit you super hard when the nerf drops

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @SovererignKing said:
    Tsulan said:

    @chemical_reject said:

    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    I've seen one of the very vocal killer mains on here talk about how they run ds and loop the killer around the same pallet for 20 minutes while they ALSO ######### about how survivors do that to him when he plays killer. I won't name any names.

    What a despictable being... who could that be?

    Sure isn’t me. I’ve run DS level 1 one time for the Adept Laurie Achievement. Got the achievement first try and I used DS. That poor Huntress player chased me for 4 Gens on Haddonfield before finally giving up on me (he was very intent on killing me cause he didn’t like my Object Of Obsession). I felt so dirty afterwards I had to take a shower for using that perk. 

    I was running it 2 days ago for a daily: be chased by the killer for 2 minutes as Laurie Strodes.
    Used the screenshot of the match to proof that the nurse is not OP and can be juked.
    Maybe he meant me. But i never claimed to loop a killer for 20 minutes (especially since you can´t loop a nurse).

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Vankruze said:
    Some might call me toxic because I run DS/DH/SC and 4th is usually WGLF (until deliverance arrives to take it's place) but I've honestly tried stealth and it doesn't work for me, I find it boring and lack luster. Yes I use crutch perks but that doesn't mean I am trash, honestly why do people feel so entitled to harass others for the damn perks they choose to run? I hold my own regardless of perks I've had killers harass me for the perks I ran even when I didn't use them but because they see them there okay any good plays I made are now void (sounds like salt to me) but these perks suit my play style and I am solo most of the time so I like to give myself the best chance to survive so why not? (also many perks in this game suck)

    Not to mention you get bonus 500 points for successful DS and the fact I may not be rescued from the hook if I didn't run DS, and I can't tell you how many times I get tunneled and dead hard saved me in my attempt to escape. I've learned that mostly (especially as a solo survivor) you can't rely on anybody but yourself even though I will take risks to help others that's my nature and I know there's still a strong chance I'll get left 4 dead on the hook and watch them leave without even trying to help me but that's okay. (that's the risk we take by being the altruistic survivor)

    I love being altruistic, landing flash saves, unhooking team mates, and buying time for the team. Sometimes if I see a team mate struggle in a chase I'll wait for him/her to throw down a pallet then flash the killer as they break it to give the survivor time to get away. I don't gesture or tea bag or flicker my flashlight at the killer but I will be the one blocking under the hook or distracting a camper if it means rescue. I've seen first hand survivors get inspired to help others when they see somebody actively playing like that it's admirable in my opinion and a positive experience. Am I toxic? I don't think I am but I get called it by killers sometimes for simply running the perks I run now if that automatically qualifies me as toxic then fine I am toxic.

    I just wanted to say that more often than not my fellow survivors will thank me for my support, a crucial save in a moment can often be the difference for any of us and I enjoy playing a positive role in their experience in a match even if it costs me my own survival I will do what I can for others because I feel good about it. That's why I love being a survivor and that's pretty much why I play dead by daylight for the most part.

    I wont harass you for using DS and flashlights, but if you use these kind of crutches, dont be surprised when the killer camps and tunnels you because this isnt toxic either :wink:

    If you feel good, playing this way, then be happy but dont complain when your playstyle has consequences and the killer "ruins your fun"^^

  • C4Garuda
    C4Garuda Member Posts: 198
    You are good man, the trifecta would be considered the meta. DS, SB, AND SC. DH is situational and takes more skill to know when to use it etc. I love DH. Also BBQ OP? Lmaoooo... doesnt want extra points for not camping? Its a perk to motivate playing fairly and going for other survivors. Just because people use BBQ to camp or tunnel doesnt mean its an OP perk. Flashlights must be OP too because they blind you :'(
  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    i find boring running the same perks (meta) for more than 2-3 matches.
    Either way you are not learning from your mistakes and that makes you a bad survivor, your build is fine besides dstrike which is getting nerfed in 6 weeks (thank god for this) imo.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    Overusage of a certain perk is a very good indication whether that perk is OP or not.
    Luckily a lot of survivors accept that DS is broken in its current state and consider it bad manners using it. If that wasnt the case, I would have droped the game already.

    Btw, SC is OP indeed. It removes the fact that you need to search for a mate to heal you. Try playing a week or two without it, especially as solo survivor you will realize how much of a difference SC makes and how much time you need to be healed without it.

    As killer I have problems too creating a different personal loadout because so many perks have become mandatory due to bad design decisions.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Master said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    Overusage of a certain perk is a very good indication whether that perk is OP or not.
    Luckily a lot of survivors accept that DS is broken in its current state and consider it bad manners using it. If that wasnt the case, I would have droped the game already.

    Btw, SC is OP indeed. It removes the fact that you need to search for a mate to heal you. Try playing a week or two without it, especially as solo survivor you will realize how much of a difference SC makes and how much time you need to be healed without it.

    As killer I have problems too creating a different personal loadout because so many perks have become mandatory due to bad design decisions.

    I don't run SC at all. I just use bond and I still don't think that SC is OP.

    The only time that SC is OP is when it is used against a Freddy.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @jiminie said:

    @Spicybarbecue said:
    People love being a survivor because is stupid easy to win( i could literally teach a chimp this) and then you get to tell yourself you are good and be an ######### to the killer player (which requires a lot more skill).

    also they get to live out their little bullying fantasy in a videogame

    If you think this isn't the reason then you are seriously delusional.

    What skill does killers need beside Nurse and somewhat Billy? God, you need out of this world skill to Press M1 and hit the Survivor who's right in front of you, stop talking about Killers needs so much 'skill', this ain't cs go here, neither sides require much skill, the 2 mentioned above are the exception along with Flashlight save's now and juke's

    The skill playing killer lies in the ability to play tactically. (that thing that survivors call out campnig and tunneling usually)

    Sadly there is very little room for mindgames, wish that would be a bigger factor instead of braindead chases in circles

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    So can everything you just cried about. Anything else?

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    I'd just like to add if you're repping a portrait of the nurse your opinion is null.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Usui said:
    I'd just like to add if you're repping a portrait of the nurse your opinion is null.


  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    So can everything you just cried about. Anything else?

    Please explain what you mean. I at least try to explain my point giving multiple examples for you to understand. I have no clue what you meant by that one sentence.

    At least show a little bit respect to those people who took you seriously and tried to give you another perspective. I don't see crying in my post.

    This one sentence passive aggressive comments are killing the forum. Instead of helping others and contributing to the discussion, nowadays people try to be edgy and get applause by 'rekting' opponents.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    So can everything you just cried about. Anything else?

    Please explain what you mean. I at least try to explain my point giving multiple examples for you to understand. I have no clue what you meant by that one sentence.

    At least show a little bit respect to those people who took you seriously and tried to give you another perspective. I don't see crying in my post.

    This one sentence passive aggressive comments are killing the forum. Instead of helping others and contributing to the discussion, nowadays people try to be edgy and get applause by 'rekting' opponents.

    Sounded like a lot of whining to me. You said etc etc can be countered. I don't care to explain myself if you can't figure it out that sucks for you.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @Tsulan said:

    @Usui said:
    I'd just like to add if you're repping a portrait of the nurse your opinion is null.


    The fact you had to ask is enough of an answer.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    So can everything you just cried about. Anything else?

    Please explain what you mean. I at least try to explain my point giving multiple examples for you to understand. I have no clue what you meant by that one sentence.

    At least show a little bit respect to those people who took you seriously and tried to give you another perspective. I don't see crying in my post.

    This one sentence passive aggressive comments are killing the forum. Instead of helping others and contributing to the discussion, nowadays people try to be edgy and get applause by 'rekting' opponents.

    Sounded like a lot of whining to me. You said etc etc can be countered. I don't care to explain myself if you can't figure it out that sucks for you.

    I said NOED is OP and can be countered. It is one thing. Not etc. etc.

    Ok then no need to discuss further.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    So can everything you just cried about. Anything else?

    Please explain what you mean. I at least try to explain my point giving multiple examples for you to understand. I have no clue what you meant by that one sentence.

    At least show a little bit respect to those people who took you seriously and tried to give you another perspective. I don't see crying in my post.

    This one sentence passive aggressive comments are killing the forum. Instead of helping others and contributing to the discussion, nowadays people try to be edgy and get applause by 'rekting' opponents.

    Sounded like a lot of whining to me. You said etc etc can be countered. I don't care to explain myself if you can't figure it out that sucks for you.

    I said NOED is OP and can be countered. It is one thing. Not etc. etc.

    Ok then no need to discuss further.

    Like I said the first time, so can EVERYTHING else you mentioned.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Usui said:
    I'd just like to add if you're repping a portrait of the nurse your opinion is null.


    The fact you had to ask is enough of an answer.

    No it's not. I have Bill's avatar. Because I got tired of people judging me for my Leatherface avatar. I like Leatherface, but I don't camp with him. People treated me like I'm the antichrist, just because of a avatar.
    You have a ming avatar, according to your logic, people must assume that you are Chinese.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    So can everything you just cried about. Anything else?

    Please explain what you mean. I at least try to explain my point giving multiple examples for you to understand. I have no clue what you meant by that one sentence.

    At least show a little bit respect to those people who took you seriously and tried to give you another perspective. I don't see crying in my post.

    This one sentence passive aggressive comments are killing the forum. Instead of helping others and contributing to the discussion, nowadays people try to be edgy and get applause by 'rekting' opponents.

    Sounded like a lot of whining to me. You said etc etc can be countered. I don't care to explain myself if you can't figure it out that sucks for you.

    I said NOED is OP and can be countered. It is one thing. Not etc. etc.

    Ok then no need to discuss further.

    Like I said the first time, so can EVERYTHING else you mentioned.

    There is no counter to DS.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    So can everything you just cried about. Anything else?

    Please explain what you mean. I at least try to explain my point giving multiple examples for you to understand. I have no clue what you meant by that one sentence.

    At least show a little bit respect to those people who took you seriously and tried to give you another perspective. I don't see crying in my post.

    This one sentence passive aggressive comments are killing the forum. Instead of helping others and contributing to the discussion, nowadays people try to be edgy and get applause by 'rekting' opponents.

    Sounded like a lot of whining to me. You said etc etc can be countered. I don't care to explain myself if you can't figure it out that sucks for you.

    I said NOED is OP and can be countered. It is one thing. Not etc. etc.

    Ok then no need to discuss further.

    Like I said the first time, so can EVERYTHING else you mentioned.

    DS can't be countered. If you are lucky, there will be close hook, that's it. If the obsession hooked 2 times, and if he has half a brain, he will try to stay away from the closest hook as much as possible. So there is no way to counter it.

    Self care can't be countered. Equipping Nurse's calling is not a counter.

    Dead hard can be countered but if the dead hard user is intelligent, he will use his perk to reach windows, pallets etc.

    Countering NOED is absolute. You just need to break all the totems. The perk will not even activate. You will take the chance from the killer to even use that perk.

    My post's main aim was not even to discuss noed or counters. I just said that just because BBQ is used all the time, it doesn't mean it is OP. You and I can both agree that SC is not OP but it is the most used perk in this game. By your logic, it should be also an OP perk?

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    So can everything you just cried about. Anything else?

    Please explain what you mean. I at least try to explain my point giving multiple examples for you to understand. I have no clue what you meant by that one sentence.

    At least show a little bit respect to those people who took you seriously and tried to give you another perspective. I don't see crying in my post.

    This one sentence passive aggressive comments are killing the forum. Instead of helping others and contributing to the discussion, nowadays people try to be edgy and get applause by 'rekting' opponents.

    Sounded like a lot of whining to me. You said etc etc can be countered. I don't care to explain myself if you can't figure it out that sucks for you.

    I said NOED is OP and can be countered. It is one thing. Not etc. etc.

    Ok then no need to discuss further.

    Like I said the first time, so can EVERYTHING else you mentioned.

    DS can't be countered. If you are lucky, there will be close hook, that's it. If the obsession hooked 2 times, and if he has half a brain, he will try to stay away from the closest hook as much as possible. So there is no way to counter it.

    Self care can't be countered. Equipping Nurse's calling is not a counter.

    Dead hard can be countered but if the dead hard user is intelligent, he will use his perk to reach windows, pallets etc.

    Countering NOED is absolute. You just need to break all the totems. The perk will not even activate. You will take the chance from the killer to even use that perk.

    My post's main aim was not even to discuss noed or counters. I just said that just because BBQ is used all the time, it doesn't mean it is OP. You and I can both agree that SC is not OP but it is the most used perk in this game. By your logic, it should be also an OP perk?

    If you think that there's nothing else to say. Git gud.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    So can everything you just cried about. Anything else?

    Please explain what you mean. I at least try to explain my point giving multiple examples for you to understand. I have no clue what you meant by that one sentence.

    At least show a little bit respect to those people who took you seriously and tried to give you another perspective. I don't see crying in my post.

    This one sentence passive aggressive comments are killing the forum. Instead of helping others and contributing to the discussion, nowadays people try to be edgy and get applause by 'rekting' opponents.

    Sounded like a lot of whining to me. You said etc etc can be countered. I don't care to explain myself if you can't figure it out that sucks for you.

    I said NOED is OP and can be countered. It is one thing. Not etc. etc.

    Ok then no need to discuss further.

    Like I said the first time, so can EVERYTHING else you mentioned.

    DS can't be countered. If you are lucky, there will be close hook, that's it. If the obsession hooked 2 times, and if he has half a brain, he will try to stay away from the closest hook as much as possible. So there is no way to counter it.

    Self care can't be countered. Equipping Nurse's calling is not a counter.

    Dead hard can be countered but if the dead hard user is intelligent, he will use his perk to reach windows, pallets etc.

    Countering NOED is absolute. You just need to break all the totems. The perk will not even activate. You will take the chance from the killer to even use that perk.

    My post's main aim was not even to discuss noed or counters. I just said that just because BBQ is used all the time, it doesn't mean it is OP. You and I can both agree that SC is not OP but it is the most used perk in this game. By your logic, it should be also an OP perk?

    If you think that there's nothing else to say. Git gud.

    You still avoid the core of our discussion which is BBQ being op because apparently it is used widely and then proceed to say git gud.

    I knew I should have not continued to discuss.

    GG ez.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    Delfador said:

    @Usui said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Usui said:

    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    Would you consider BBQ OP?
    Or MYC? Devour Hope?

    Considering they've done nothing to WGLF to counter the ridiculous nerf it got and BBQ remains a god tier perk, almost every killer runs it. I'd say yeah it's pretty OP. Another reason stealth builds are trash.

    Just because something is being used too much or even being used in every single game doesn't make it OP.

    Is self care OP? In almost every single match, at least 3 people run it. After the exhaustion changes, people started to use Dead hard. Is that perk OP as well? I see these perks more than I see DS. Is DS less OP than those perks now?

    Most of the killers run certain perks not because they enjoy it or they think that those perks are OP but because they just need to use them.

    I hate using hex ruin. It gives me 0 mechanic when I play the game but I have to use it if I want to play a match more than 4 mins.

    I hate using bamboozle but if I don't run it, people will waste more than 1 minute with using just a single pallet in certain areas because of bad map design cough 2 jungle gyms are near each other cough. BTW, they use that pallet to avoid BL2 and 3.

    I hate using BBQ but If I don't use it, then in those huge maps, I will waste so much time to find somebody to just get looped. You can't waste time in this game as a killer. Even 10-20 second makes a difference

    I have 4 perk slots and I can't even run the perks I want to run because without these perks, the game drastically feels different. None of the killer perks except for NOED is OP. NOED can be countered as well.

    Self care is a perk that as a survivor we get to dependent on. That is why I am glad they plan on adding extra time to heal and also it will effect your teammate. This will encourage me to use other perks instead of always self care.
  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    @Delfador said:
    I just said that just because BBQ is used all the time, it doesn't mean it is OP. You and I can both agree that SC is not OP but it is the most used perk in this game. By your logic, it should be also an OP perk?

    I personally consider Self-Care to be the most overpowered perk in the game, so yes.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @Mycroft said:

    @Usui said:
    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.


    God you can just tell the ones who never play killer.

    I do though. I'm currently rank 3.

  • kone19
    kone19 Member Posts: 72
    edited September 2018
    Perk choices dont bother only matching the perkful with the perkless
  • BabyKitty
    BabyKitty Member Posts: 37
    I like playing killer and survivor. I like swf more though because my team just constantly tries to get each other killed by body blocking in rooms with killer or leading the killer to them. We only do it when we have a group of 4 because we don’t like screwing over randoms. 
  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @Vankruze said:

    @Usui said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Usui said:
    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.


    God you can just tell the ones who never play killer.

    I do though. I'm currently rank 3.

    Excuse me? Don't you know his assumptions are fact?? (at least in his own mind anyway) XD

    I get bored of playing killer though which is why I only play it if i'm tired of rank 1 surv teamates or to farm bloodpoints.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Vankruze said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Vankruze said:

    @Usui said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Usui said:
    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.


    God you can just tell the ones who never play killer.

    I do though. I'm currently rank 3.

    Excuse me? Don't you know his assumptions are fact?? (at least in his own mind anyway) XD

    The quote was "The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons."

    Which would make one wonder if they ever played killer. I could kinda understand if they said noed, which has a built in counter. But BBQ is "overpowered"? There's no power to it, it's info. That means Kindred, Bond, Deja Vu etc must be off the scale broken.

    Where are all these "one shot perks"? I'd love to have some. Which are plentiful enough to have multiples of three in every loadout since they're meta.Where are these perks? I want them.

    Survivors who never play killer talk about it like a 5 year old. "I spawn next to killa. killa be hit me one time put me on de hook i die 4 seconds devs plz nurf de ghost killa. wraith op."

    Dude calm down, I swear you could argue about the price of fish it's just a game!!

    But he's right.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Play how you want, as long as they're within the game's rules.
    Honestly, no matter what you run, people are gonna ######### on you.

    I remember ending 1 Survivor game where someone said how pathetic i was for running Spine Chill.
    You know, while they run the God Trinity AND died.

  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429
    edited September 2018
    Mycroft said:

    @Vankruze said:

    @Usui said:

    @Mycroft said:

    @Usui said:
    The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons. They need to look in the mirror.

    God you can just tell the ones who never play killer.

    I do though. I'm currently rank 3.

    Excuse me? Don't you know his assumptions are fact?? (at least in his own mind anyway) XD

    The quote was "The same guys that call you toxic are also running meta "OP" perks like BBQ and 2-3 1 shot perks, along with mori's, ultra rare add ons."

    Which would make one wonder if they ever played killer. I could kinda understand if they said noed, which has a built in counter. But BBQ is "overpowered"? There's no power to it, it's info. That means Kindred, Bond, Deja Vu etc must be off the scale broken.

    Where are all these "one shot perks"? I'd love to have some. Which are plentiful enough to have multiples of three in every loadout since they're meta.Where are these perks? I want them.

    Survivors who never play killer talk about it like a 5 year old. "I spawn next to killa. killa be hit me one time put me on de hook i die 4 seconds devs plz nurf de ghost killa. wraith op."

    If it’s just info then bY that token swf isn’t op? It’s just players sharing info?