As a killer, here is how you know if you have to tunnel/camp in the first 30 seconds of a game

I'm not a great killer (11ish right now as a wraith main), but for some reason all of my matches are against red and purple squads. Here is a very easy way to know if you need to tunnel/camp.

(1) Get the first down within 30 seconds of game start (not difficult with wraith unless you happened to pick the god looper of the group).

(2) Look around with BBQ, and you'll see one of two things:

(a) all three other survivors are already diligently on 2-3 gens at the farthest reaches of the map. Even if zero gens have popped, tunnel/camping is your only hope for a 2k (stay on the first hook until dead and NOED the second in endgame). I don't even hesitate at this point, because if I leave the hook I'm doomed to a 0-1k.

(b) two survivors are urban evasioning 50 feet away from the nearest gen, and the other is behind a rock 10 feet from you when you get the first down. Be a "generous" killer and don't tunnel/camp, because you have a 95%+ chance at a 3-4k (depending on how you feel about slugging the fourth for hatch).

Gen rushing is a survivor's ONLY chance (and I say that as someone who plays killer 99% of the time). Their fate is sealed if 3 people aren't always on gens (or two people on gens after the first two popped), with one dispatched to the hook at the last possible moment for the current health state.


  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    It's about your only choice if you are hitting red rank object SWF squads, and are not playing a top tier killer. Just downing one person can eat up 1-2 minutes, and that's half the gens already done. Let's see, I cleared out all the pallets near this 3 gen and got a hook next to it. But I should leave and go run the infinite loop with someone who hasn't been hooked yet instead?

    Against solo's maybe not so much, but again, gens can get done in 3-4 minutes if you are not dropping people immediately at the start of the match.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    If you feel like you have to tunnel, then tunnel. Don't let people dictate how you should play.

    As for my opinion, since you play Wraith, who is one of the weaker Killers who can be looped pretty easily by a competent Survivor, you should drop chases that take more than 25 seconds and patrol gens and look for the weakest link. Your add-ons matter greatly with Wraith as well. You should use the one that increases your speed while cloaked, that way you can cloak in a chase and body block the Survivor and uncloak in front of them. It will also help you have better map pressure.

    Another add-on is the bone clapper which makes it so the Survivors can't tell where you're at when you uncloak. It is best to get close to the target, hide behind an object and then lunge at them. He also has a wall hack add-on if you struggle with mind gaming loops.

    As for perks, if you're struggling downing people, but don't want to tunnel, Make Your Choice is a good one. It causes an unhooker to be exposed for a certain amount of time, as long as you are a certain distance from the hook when the rescue is performed.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    i like how this killer guy is basically getting roasted sounds like that "Dos XX" beer ad, i dont have to camp the 30 seconds but i will.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Run Corrupt Intervention, your early game will be FAR easier.

  • Triforcer
    Triforcer Member Posts: 180

    I do that, actually- I started running recently, and was surprised by how much it helps (except for ultra-focused SWFs, everyone isn't instantly on a gen). Now its mandatory.

    But since all of matches are people ranging from ranks 1-6 (even though I hover around rank 11-12), I still need to do everything else I mentioned. Like I said, I'm not a good killer.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Honestly I would suggest picking a different Killer. Wraith has good first hit potential, but his power doesnt help much in actual chases against good survivors. A better choice would be Billy if you don't have any DLC Killers. You're gonna want Killers with good mobility for the genrush meta.

  • Triforcer
    Triforcer Member Posts: 180

    A great idea, but playing an invisible killer has crippled all of my other DBD killer skills. I literally can't ever find anyone with a non-stealth killer, if I try a 32m killer sometimes I only see 1-2 survivors the entire game until the gates open. Once you've experienced invisibility, its hard to let it go...

  • ShadowReaper11
    ShadowReaper11 Member Posts: 56

    if they have TTV in their names

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    This is a pretty generalizing view. Almost no game is written in stone after the first 30 seconds. A single double down due to survivor mistakes can flip the coin. And I think there are way more things than a) and b) that can happen. I'm getting used to lose one gen during the first chase. But this is most likely the gen that is farthest away from the rest of the action and literally shrinks the map by 20%

    You made this thread and title like it counts for everyone. It actually just counts for you. If you don't want to let go, either get away from the hook to get into chases or give up the stealth, you will never improve. I had a hard time switching from Premonition to Spinechill, because I never knew where the killer is coming from and ran into him. That's because I didn't pay attention with Premonition. I pushed myself through it and got used to it. Also I'm currently prestiging Yui and using up all the good items to get her up another prestige level. And right now on P2 level 50 she doesn't have any exhaustion perk. Except from the very beginning of my DBD carrer, I never played without exhaustion perks. That was quite hard in the first week. Can't wait to run BL again and see how much I can extend chases, after learning for some weeks without relying on any exhaustion perk. Before rework, I started to learn nurse. I knew she is hard and just thought "let's just expect the losses, you will get 0 kills this week" and it helped a lot with the frustration. Also when playing other killers I'm more comfy with. Just get rid of your habits and out of your comfort zone to try new things and improve. Don't expect to win, just expect to learn and reflect on the games. Take a look at the survivor perks to maybe understand what went wrong or find explanations what you did wrong or didn't expect, before you queue up again. And just try to improve

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    You cant tunnel if there s a ds.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    To any new killers reading this, no, that is not the way to do it.

    Worrying only about kills makes no sense, That is only a small portion of your points. You are losing out on multiple hooks, chases, downs, damaging gens, etc.

    Also, if they are working on three gens on the farthest reaches of the map, that means the next two they do will be closer.

    Wraith can move pretty quickly. I don't see any reason to camp and NOED. I mean, go ahead and NOED if you want, but don't camp one and just rely on NOED for an extra kill. You are giving killers a bad name.

    Not to be rude, but it seems like your skills at playing an invisible killer have become crippled too, if you can't figure out a way to deal with that situation without camping. You need to change things up and learn too play better without stealth. I don't even see how you can find, playing like that, fun. I don't even use NOED, but you do you, in that department.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476
  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    ...lmao of course you're a Wraith main.

    On a side note I have never felt the need to tunnel or camp. It's boring as hell and probably the most uninteractive thing you can do in this game besides playing Spirit. If you really want to do it go ahead, but know that you'll improve your killer game more, and probably have more fun, when you know how to deal with survivors while not camping and tunnelling.

    And killers are always complaining about why they see so many mean comments directed towards them...

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Pretty much the only reason I'll "camp" is when the other survivors are going full on drooling and slavering for those unhook points, so I hook one person and the other three are just there in my face instantly.

    At that point I might not WANT to camp, but what do you want me to do? Just walk away from all four survivors? Hah. Of course I'm going to stand there and get all the free hits they're handing to me in the pursuit of unhook points.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I've never camped or tunneled, and yes, a fair few games end in 0 kills, but at least it was an enjoyable match. I don't see the point in playing if you're just going to stand having a staring contest with a survivor. Zero skill is needed to do that. Just play the game, if you lose, you lose. We can't win them all and far too many killers have this mentality that they must win. And sure, survivors may be toxic at times, but I bet they also appreciate the fact they can have some interaction with the killer too. It's not all about slamming out gens and getting 4k's. Some of us just enjoy the challenge and chases more than actually getting kills.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Oh no. People are taking the bait

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    You really shouldn't main anything. Having a wide variety of playstyles to choose from will give you a lot more options to fit your mood for the day. Playing only one killer and getting good at that killer won't actually let you have fun with it, it'll just make you bored and a one-trick pony.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited April 2020

    I see, you're a camper and tunneler who complaining on forums about DS because you getting stubbed after the tunnel. Fresh unhooks are delicious i know. This is the classic rank 11 camping noed wraith. Nothing new here.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited April 2020

    Dont wanna say so much about the camping/tunneling thing, but here are some tipps for playing wraith, since i started to play him a lot the last weeks. Hope that helps you getting better (i was in the exact same spot when i was in green ranks).

    The better way to play Wraith is hit&run. Don't get into long chases, just hit them, then cloak again and search for the next one. Sometimes you can try the chase. With experience, you will get a feeling which chases are worth it, considering in which part of the map you are, the skills of the survivor (after a while you will quickly realize the skill level from the way they move, if they run to save loops etc.) and the general game situation. It will feel a bit strange in the beginning when you are used to "chase them till they're down, even if it takes 2 minutes", but after a while you will get rewarded.

    i'm only rank 7 with ~200-250h as killer so i'm also not a good killer, but here are some generel tipps i've collected and tested out through the last weeks:

    • survs can still see you even if you're cloaked when they pay attention. Try to get something in line of sight, like trees, when you approach them. Also, more and more seem to use spine chill. If they're always already gone when you arrive at the gen and you suspect they have spine chill, just don't stare at the gen aura while approaching, face to the side
    • uncloak behind a wall or object and use your "burst" to surprise attack them
    • after hit, cloak again when they have some distance to you, so you can catch up... or just go to the next one, applying pressure to everyone is necessary. Since getting the first hit with Wraith is so much easier, you should just wait for the next opportunity when they're not expecting it. Try to play unpredictable.
    • he is heavy add-on dependent though, but he has a lot of good ones. I mostly run windstorm+swift hunt. You can also use double swift hunt for super fast de-cloak, but you lose some map pressure. Both combinations are good. Double windstorm makes your uncloaking too slow, don't use that. You can also try out the "meme" builds like no bell sound+no terror radius for 6 seconds for jump scares. Use All-seeing purple or pink if you have trouble finding survivors or no aura perks like BBQ. Shadow dance is also cool, but i barely use it when i have swift hunt & windstorm
    • perk wise, most people say you need enduring+spirit fury because of his looping potential. You can do that, but i mostly use a standart meta build like BBQ, Nurses, PGTW and then Sloppy or Enduring or Bamboozle. I try to injure them or get at least 1 or 2 pallets down, when they go for relatively save loops i'm out, since i'm also not the best in mindgaming. Nurses is godly on him, you will find a lot of survivors healing in some corners, not expecting you coming around. Sometimes you can leave a chase, then come back after 20-30 seconds and find them defenseless. You can also try Corrupt, but since he is really fast with windstorm and thus can apply pressure, i don't use it.
    • last of all, try to get yourself into a mindset where you don't play for a 4k or kills in general. It's hard when you are used to it and the game can be really frustrating, but just say to yourself that Wraith is a low tier killer and you don't need to 4k every game. It's normal to have games with 0 kills with him (or with any other killer in general, when the survivors are all red rank and swf).

    Post edited by solidhex on
  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    This is me right here as well. I have been a rank 1, I know that sometimes you just get outplayed.

    I have never camped, rarely tunnel, and laugh at the possibility of running No Ones Even Dead yet crutch perk.

    I 4k often playing as fairly as I can.

    If people get out, then I know I have at least made my presence known. Then ggs and move on.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    "How to do know to do something stupid as killer #101"

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    A few reason to t&c are

    If I get a toxic group where they're t-bagging me in game. I'm stand there and watch them and wait for there team to come to me thus no more t-bagging.


    If the survivors are pro veteran survive with friends who have gen rushed and 1+ gens have popped before even getting one hook, I'm going to force them to come to me instead.

    I'll always get a message on the PS complaining about t&c and blame me for being bad killer, but I always thank them for being toxic and t-bagging me in game.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    I normally dont camp or tunnel, but if a survivor spams teabagging, or i see a survivor keep flashlight saving or otherwise being a problem, yeah, i might focus him for a bit to get him out of the way

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Here's how to tell if you need to camp or tunnel without waiting 30 seconds:

    Are you good at the game? Then you don't need to camp/tunnel.

    Are you bad at the game? Then you should probably get better instead of camping or tunneling. But hey, enjoy your boring wins against overly altruistic survivors while you can. Eventually you'll run into a coordinated SWF that'll make you want to quit because you chose to camp and tunnel instead of getting better.