free gen for disconnect / give up

luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235

A match suddenly gets a lot less fun if a survivor disconnects or gives up (sacrifices himself the first time he's hooked) right at the beginning before any gens are done (or only 1 gen is done). This encourages other survivors to disconnect or give up, which makes it even less fun for the remaining survivors.

So here's a suggestion:

When a survivor disconnects before the second time he's hooked, the generator that is closest to completion should automatically fix itself, to give the other survivors a fighting chance. This should also happen when a survivor gives up, which can be determined by whether or not a survivor is sacrificed his first time on the hook, and within 10 seconds of getting hooked. This should also only happen if the number of remaining survivors is equal to or less than the number of remaining generators, because it would give the survivors an unfair advantage if they could pop the last generator just by one of them disconnecting.


  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    No way. People would just be disconnecting to mess with other people's fun. No one should have the power to stop the game.

    If they could implement bots, like they did on the mobile version, that could help. Wouldn't count on that anytime soon, though. It would probably require redoing all of the maps.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    People already disconnect to mess with other people's fun.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    yeah seems fair,lets not punish survivors for dcing and instead give them free completed gens

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    I love this idea.. but maybe hard to realize by Dead Devs team..

    I hate when first down survivor disconnect ... and affect another survivor rank and also game-play.. same with hooked survivor and attempt escape 3 times and then not struggle at all....

    maybe better game ended for both side and the match is closing... killer and survivor get bloodpoint and the rank is not increase or decrease for both side... while a disconnecting or not seriously playing player in normal match will take a double rank down...

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    They disconnect for their own reasons, they just don't care about other people's fun. It makes things more difficult, but it doesn't end the game and make you have to wait in another long queue.

  • PayneMacLeod
    PayneMacLeod Member Posts: 81

    People are dicks. Give them any leeway and they are going to find a way to abuse it.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    People already do that, but now it gives 3 people an escape instead of one

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    imagine a soccer referee giving your team a goal because one of your teammates decided he wants to leave the match. does it make sense? i doubt

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Disconnecting already ruins others fun, better to get it over with if there aren't even 2 gens done yet.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited April 2020

    I dont like this idea. Disconnects are bad, but there is no fair way to compensate for that.

    I mean, yeah, your suggestion helps the survivors, but what about the killer? He downed one, and want to hook him to keep pressure, and then suddenly not only is the potentiol nessesary unhook gone, but also a gen...

    To compensate that, should a random survivor switch the place with the dc´ed one, so the killer can keep the pressure? I mean, it would be fair, right? Both sides are affected by the dc.

    Thats the reason we have dc punishments, and rightly so.

    Also, your fighting chance is called the hatch. At least for one of you. (thats the reason i belive the hatch is needed and shouldn´t been changed). Maybe the chances for a key in a box should increase if a dc happens. Its only a better chance, not a given, also the survivor still have to do 4 gens (instead of 5)

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Again, people that disconnect now are doing so for their own reasons, and they don't consider how it affects others, or just don't care.

    However, if leaving meant you cancelled the entire game, then toxic people would be abusing it to intentionally ruin other people's games.

    And I disagree with the idea that it already ruins people's fun. The game is still fun, just more challenging when someone disconnects. You can still escape, and even if you don't, you can still get points and have fun. It's no worse than someone getting mori'd early. I would much rather stay and play a 3-man than get disconnected and have to wait in the queue. Plus, not everyone that DC's does it at the beginning. Some have done it after the gates were opened and they got downed.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You think it's fun to have to hide and stall the game? I guess that's your opinion, but most people know that 3 man games are a pointless effort.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Why do you have to hide and stall? You don't have to do anything different than you normally do. If that's how you play it, that is your choice. You see a challenge and mentally give up, apparently. Not everyone is like that. Most of us play it the exact same way. You can still get points for all of the same things you do when you have 4 people. And yes, it is my opinion, and you are welcome to yours. I'm just glad we don't have a system like that, because people like you would give up and quit at the sign of the slightest adversity.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    If you don't hide and stall it's impossible to win, and you want to imagine scenarios in which everyone is still trying to win. Or would you rather everyone give up?

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887
    edited April 2020

    Uh, no, that's not true. Maybe that's why it's not fun for you. Maybe that's why you lose. You are hiding and stalling rather than getting things done. Why would you need to hide and stall with only one person down? That makes no sense to me. Why would you play an differently than you would with 4 people? I play no differently with 3 people than I do with 4. The goal is the same, complete gens and don't get caught by the killer. I don't see a reason that you would be hiding anymore than you would with a full group. You are going to lose people eventually throughout the game anyway.

    The killer has to patrol the same amount of area, but has fewer survivors to find. It makes it harder on them too. Plus, i would argue that a survivor getting hooked early is a bigger detriment, because other survivors have to stop what they are doing to go and rescue them, then heal them, or possibly get a second person hooked in the process.

    Besides, there is no "Winning" criteria in the game other than what you make up in your mind. You can get a ton of points even if you don't escape, and being down one person does not mean you can't escape, it might just take a little longer.

    You'd rather quit than face a bit of a adversity. That's fine. But most people don't feel that way. You can always DC yourself if it is that terrible for you. That is your decision. I, personally, don't want other players making that decision for me.

    And, once again, people don't always DC at the start of the game, since most DC's come after they have been downed or hooked by the killer. It could be the middle, or closer to the end. No different than if they died. Should the game stop after the first survivor dies, too?

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235

    that's why I said "This should also only happen if the number of remaining survivors is equal to or less than the number of remaining generators, because it would give the survivors an unfair advantage if they could pop the last generator just by one of them disconnecting."

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235

    the survivor who DCed wouldn't get points for completing the gen. It would only help the survivors who were left.

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,235

    This is a good point about DCing hurting the killer, too, but I main killer and I can't remember ever feeling more than a temporary disadvantage when a survivor DCs. Mostly it just turns the game into a cakewalk and I end up sacrificing everyone and then commiserating with the survivors post-game that they were boned by the DC.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583
    edited April 2020

    I'd rather the match be void(pips reset), but continue. It's absolute garbage when someone disconnects or gives up on first hook. The first-hook-to-avoid-lockout strat can't really be worked around(maybe pause all hook timers until the first 60/75 seconds of the game have passed?), but it's terrible seeing a killer sweat for a pip because they only have three survivors to go off of instead of the usual four. And it sucks to have to play against that sweat because it makes the map really slippery and it smells like raw onions.

    That way everyone can get some bp and the stakes aren't so high.

  • designator
    designator Member Posts: 124

    I think the fairest option is if a survivor DCs or kills themselves on hook early game (Maybe first 1-2 Minutes) the other survivors can leave the match. Survivors shouldn't be forced to play for a game they can't win for the killers entertainment

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But killers are forced to do that for every swf death squad. One side has to, the other shouldn´t?

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    What about giving the killer 30 seconds to end the match. Everyone leaves with whatever points they've earned. No one loses/gains a pip and it's considered a draw. I really don't care either way. But it might be a good change.

    The last time I had a DC at the start I left the game. I don't like playing out 3v1 games. Everyone goes stealth and the game gets boring. So I'd rather just end the game and move on to the next. Well I learned that you get a 5 minute penalty for leaving a game! Next time I'll just continue to play the game out. But it wouldn't be a bad idea to let the game be forfeited.

  • designator
    designator Member Posts: 124

    No one is forcing killers to play and they can see the lobbies and items beforehand, something survivors can't do. Maybe you only play killer but having a teammate DC at 5 gens is like spawning in as a killer with 2 gens to do instead of 5. Not fun.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    No, i am a survivor main, but i do play both sides. The argument that was made is simply also true for the swf-situation.

  • KayK99
    KayK99 Member Posts: 94

    How about whenever someone disconnected, the Killer can't move for 5 minutes and the exit gates can be opened, no matter how many gens are left.

    Entitled potato.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    People disconnect to give their friends hatch. This will most certainly be abused by some people.