Since "nothing can change the outcome" is a thing, when can we insta-bleed out when slugged?

Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

According to Ethan (Game Designer), the reason for bringing the match to a close after everyone hits Struggle is "nothing can change the outcome of the match is fixed," and "get it over with now and get people to the next match." This logic easily applies to being slugged, especially while the last survivor. So is the next change going to finally allow Survivors to stop being held hostage in a match where the outcome is unavoidable? Let me get to the next match.


  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited April 2020

    And Deliverance, for people that use that. As far as 4K, the game shouldn't make these an easy thing. There are risk and rewards, and one of those risks is someone may have Unbreakable or decide to bleed-out. So pick your poison, Hook the person to guarantee that kill or risk it all to get a 4K. It could make for an interesting Killer perk, a way for Killers to slow down the bleed-out during certain conditions.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Exactly. There are perks that just go unused when you insta-die, IMO, prematurely. I don't run Deliverance, but I do run DS. So if I happened to kobe, even if the killer was close, I would still have a chance at a stun and at least a bit more chase points. I think you get kind of cucked as the last guy, which is disappointing.

    I also agree, you shouldn't be guaranteed a 4k. Thats not balance. But allowing survivors to bleed themselves out quickly or instantly, which could allow the last survivor the hatch, would just outrage the killer community. There would be multiple threads a day on how unfair it was and how the change needs to be reverted or the hatch needs to be removed. LOL

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    I'd be totally okay with that, personally, although it's definitely different from all the survivors being on the hook and in the struggle phase since there is nothing that could change the outcome of the match at that point.

    (Also just to be clear, this isn't to say "This is happening". I can't promise that. I just wouldn't mind that as someone who plays the game.)

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Yeah one way to make it more "fair" would be to limit the bleed-out option to when you're the last one standing. On the other hand, everyone will always complain about everything. Some other ideas could be to limit bleed-out until you're slug exceeds a certain threshold, like 30s. I do think there needs to be some freedom to accelerate your own death in some circumstances when your fate is sealed.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Nothing can change the outcome of someone without Adrenaline, Unbreakable or No Mither as the last one standing. Of course if someone has those perks, they can use them or wait (to earn Wiggle points?) or look for the Hatch. It would be a reasonable option in cases where you lack the aforementioned perks and it's hopeless other than wasting your time. So in that sense, I see no difference since the situation is the same and the stated goal would equally apply. Btw thanks for your insight and I totally understand that it doesn't mean this will happen. It may even be a bad idea for the health of the game, I tried to think of every point and can't think of any that justifies holding a Survivor hostage - especially as last one standing.

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709

    Dammit, I spent a long time writing a post on this exact topic and someone bet me to it.

    I would be in favor of something like this, but instead of bleeding out faster, I would do a vote so that all survivors would agree to surrender so a single survivor wouldn't screw over their teammates by killing themselves while the others had Unbreakable or something like it.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    Even so, if the hatch spawns nearby, that person has the chance to crawl out and escape. Same with an open exit gate.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Yeah, it's mainly there to be a path to move to the next match when it's hopeless. However there are some circumstances like perks and hatch and gates that would bring some hope and opportunity. People even forget Flip-flip and Boil Over, you may even wiggle free and reach the gate or hatch ;)

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    If you are last and slugged it's time to find hatch or crawl out a. Open exit gate. If hatch is closed and no exit gates are open I still can't agree though as it's just stealing points and possibly a pip from the killer at that point.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited April 2020

    I've already addressed that, it would be optional. Not to mention the fact that you are awarded points for things you have already done, not things you may or may not do. Stating "stealing" suggests you are being deprived of something you are due. A Killer that slugs is no more owed points for killing than a Survivor that opens the exit gates is entitled to escape.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    I always wish they add this to the game, If the Survivor baing slugged for 2 min, He can hold M2 for 10 sec and insta bleed-out.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 86

    @Peanits for me, I wouldn't mind a bleed out button for survs, for example something like speed up the bleed out phase X4. This would have a double intention: survs have a tool to accelerate leaving the match if they are slugged and wasting their time, and a way to encourage killers to hook slugged people if they want points or BBQ tokens. Of course it's neccesary a way to warn killers one guy is accelerating the bleed out.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    If your the last living survivor and your bleeding out the killer has indeed earned their sacrifice of you assuming they can find you. Taking away the period to find you is just cheap.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    How about no.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    The difference is survivors got to keep the game going before by struggling on hook for up to 60 seconds. This frustrated some killers who found it to be toxic.

    Survivors slugged for up to 4 minutes is different. It doesn’t affect the killers therefore it’s not a problem.

    That’s how Behaviour views it. If you haven’t noticed recently they only care about QoL improvements for one side, and it aint your side.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I’ve been the last survivor before and gone straight to death on my first hook, sounds like you’re saying that’s a bug then?

    I should be able to try to Kobe based on your feelings about the hatch thing.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    The main thing I hate is that you immediately die on the hook if you're the last survivor. Even if it was your first hook. Lemme at least have one attempt to escape the hook. I've had deliverence active before and wasted cuz I couldn't use it.

  • ChickenMcthicken_5
    ChickenMcthicken_5 Member Posts: 68

    They literally just told you why that mind set doesn’t make sense. Just because a survivor manages to do all gens OR open an exit gate doesn’t mean they have 100% guaranteed to escape. Taking the game for hostage for a ######### design death phase is what I would call taking the game for hostage and “cheap”

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    edited April 2020

    They implemented that the last survivor is instantly sacrificed, as the game is defacto over by that moment, adding striggle is a timewaste and in case of enabled kobe, killers wouldnt leave the hook. Aby killer leaving the last hook is due to the impossibility of that survivor getting off. The newly added/soon to be added extension of the first mechanic checks if all remaining survivors are struggling. Also a situation in which the game is over.

    It could be worse tho, the game could check for all incapacitated (hooked/downed) survivors, if they can get up or not, and then instantly sacrifice all survivors (with the egc-kill or hook instantkill).

    On topic of the suicide-bleedout, i think it would certainly be used as a " legal dc-hatch-'tech' ". Yeah yeah killer opinion, but it is lame. Edit: could work for the last survivor or when everyone is incapacitated tho.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited April 2020

    I would also give the "bleedout on purpose" option to survivors as I have seen it several times now that for example a trapper starts farming trap points for like 2 minutes to max his category before picking up the last survivor. I'd also prefer to jump into the next game instead

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2020

    None of those things are the equivalent. A majority of the time it's altruism or Tbagging too far from the exit that gets a survivor killed after gates open, survivors can still have objectives to fulfill after that point, objectives people are still willing to risk dieing for. Objectives people all to often are willing to try enough that they turn a 1k into up to a 4k for because the game isn't over for their whole team yet in those circumstances. It is for killer if the last person is slugged, that's it, it's over, job done. Nothing comes after. Even then survivors usually have earned atleast a pip already even if the exit gates have never opened. A killer doesn't even have a garenteed pip for a 4k, missing that hook can be all the difference. Survivors can very easily deny even single or black pips from everything to simple incompitance or giving up. Killers don't have the luxury of wiggle room survivors have.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    I can't believe you suggested No Mither as a counter to slugging, which killer in his right mind would fall for it.

    And this perk is so poorly designed, it's supposed to grants as David perks description says, High-risks, high rewards, but this perk only have risks.

    not even a percentage of bonus bloodpoints for any category, you still grunt and you don't loose blood which dosent matter with the load of aura revealing perks and addons the killer have.

    Thus it's SUPER situationnal perks, which for unbreakable can be used ONCE, so you pick yourself up, the killer downs you again then what ? you bleed out.

    Unbreakable and No mither are Buckle Up but with a once of purpose.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    So if I have sprint, DS and unbreakable (very common) I don’t deserve the chance to get off the hook and at least get away?

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    They literally don't understand their own game, what killer doesn't IMMEDIATELY notice that one of the players has No Mither due to that ridiculous UI notification? The only killer you can ever take by surprise would be like a rank 20 who doesn't know the survivor perks yet.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited May 2020

    Interesting point 😅

    The Killer would def camp, however perhaps that person would have DS ready and could make it to an Exit Gate or has a Key to use on the hatch. A lot of opportunities there if luck is on your side during those attempts. I think there could many iterations of how it would work, one could be limited to last two where both are on death hook and perhaps slugged and outside of the TR for X seconds. It would be fair if the game credited The Killer the same points for an existing bleed-out in that case.

    It's def not fun to get slugged so The Killer can farm points and all you can do is bleed-out for four minutes. It's not always possible to be found even when you want to get hooked and is frustrating to have four minutes of your time wasted. In this scenario you should absolutely be able to bleed yourself out.

    That doesn't change the fact that no one is entitled to anything other than that which they completed. If The Killer decides to slug the last person and they have Unbreakable or Adrenaline and Escape, well that was on that player because they chose to slug and took the risk. A Survivor isn't even guaranteed a safety pip if they escape. Nothing is guaranteed in this game. You have to move away from the mentality that you're owed something because of the things you've done. If missing that hook is so crucial, don't risk slugging the person but you're not entitled to that kill or points. The game is about choices, everyone has to decide whether the risk is worth the reward and what's more important. Sometimes trying to save a friend can result in everyone dying or choosing to slug the third Survivor in an effort to secure a 4K can result in a 2K.

    It isn't over until it's over, and at some point the match is indeed over and offering a bleed-out even in limited circumstances would be helpful. It isn't about denying The Killer anything, it's about not wasting peoples time when the outcome is locked-in.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    If you are the last person in the game then you should have a bleed out option. If there are other Survivors who are unhooked there is still a chance. If you are the only Survivor then you do not have a chance and therefor should have an option to push a button and bleed out. I was recently down in a match as the last Survivor. The Killer kicked the hatch closed a few feet in front of me.

    I did not have a perk to get up and even if I did the Killer would have downed me. I know this because I watched for 2 minutes as Ghostface tea bagged me. The entire time.

    And if I DC then I get a penalty and none of the blood points that I earned. So I had to just sit there and watch. A button to instant bleed out and to not waste my time watching Ghostface tea bag for the entirety of an end game breakdown would have been really, really nice.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
    edited May 2020

    Yes pls. I don't typically run perks for slugging (I've run out of room in my "######### countering" build. Would be nice to move on vs. slug around for 4 minutes, if I so choose. Considering they cucked survivor end game hooks so ######### badly, there should be zero reason they can't introduce this, since they clearly want to end matches asap with zero concern for survivors or thier BP.