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Should I regret getting deathslinger

He seems like a really cool killer and I do land my shots 7 out of 10 times but he just does not feel rewarding like say billy with his saw or doctor cancels a pallet idk what do you think about him cause I feel like people overrate him


  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Hes really overrated. Second worst 110% killer in the game. I tried taking him past rank 8. Cant.

    Just play Freddy

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    If you want some fun 3 minute games that end in a 1k, get Deathslinger

    If you want points and kills, play Freddy.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Deathslinger is a nice enough killer to main. If you enjoy the theme and the playstyle you shouldn't regret getting him.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited April 2020

    Hes fun... but only when the server favors you and you don't get harpoons that pierce survivors and do nothing. He needs some attention from the devs. Playable up to green ranks i would say.. in violet and red hes a 1k or 2k max killer and sweating.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2020

    I think deathslinger is just the closest they are willing to go to a ranged stealth killer. He's definitely not as lethal as huntress. The only thing he really has going for him is that small terror radius especially with monitor. I think playing into it more would be for the best but that's just theory crafting as I don't own him yet and I'm a terrible shot in every video game anyway. Honestly he seems like a great character to give crouch to.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    He and his perks are a lot weak. If you noticed every killer after doctor is a little bit weak, except The Oni and demogorgon in my opinion

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Regret nothing that has already happened, especially something like buyers remorse. You'll make yourself crazy. Enjoy what you bought, as much as you can.

  • JohnShark
    JohnShark Member Posts: 88

    Thank you I will enjoy getting his teachable as much as I can

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,726

    Funny how much better he is at getting downs than other killers considering how weak he apparently is.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    I think he is underrated and have been doing pretty well with him. He already has a small terror radius and if you add M&A you are in shooting range before survivors know you are there. Landing a harpoon is just as satisfying as hitting a hatchet IMO. And of course, survivors rarely tbag at the exit gate and those that do can pay quite dearly.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Don't worry about what other people think. People say Demogorgon is a ######### Killer, but that doesn't stop me from maining it and enjoying it. I'm personally not a big fan of the Deathslinger(never did like cowboys all that much, more of a monster/dinosaur guy), but I can understand the appeal of the whole "speargun" shtick.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145
    edited April 2020

    Deathslinger is good for fun brother... not for rewarding and killing a survivor... you enjoy pulling people from a distance and hit them....

    and he have good perk for other killer... dead man switch.... gear-head , and hex retribution.... which are good perk....

    if u need more rewarding killer go play billy,spirit, doctor , or freddy.... which is strong killer... 100% pay the game you are playing...

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    He does but he does literally nothing else, that's the real problem with Gunslinger.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    He's not. He has to hit, reel them in, hit them, reload, somehow hit them again, reel them in, and hit them again, in order to get a down. I imagine it is fine at lower levels, but the chain can be broken by obstacles and by other players. Coordinated SWF teams can have a field day with him.

    That said, he can be fun on certain maps, and do well.

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    he’s the most fun killer for me which is why I bought him. I’m used to shooters and it’s a killer with a gun so I mean. he’s definitely not the strongest but you’re giving up strength for fun, even then i’m able to get 4ks and 3ks at high rank but that doesn’t mean anything. devour hope is a huge must for me because survivors won’t know they’re about to be insta-downed after I spear them and once they find out they all get off gens to look for the totem because deathslinger gets really good value out of DH.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Tbh he is a lot of fun but only if you use his reload/speedy add ons. He is extremely punished for missing shots without these add ons.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Life's too short to have regrets and we never know what the next patch'll bring.

    It's like me and my horde of 40k miniatures across something like 8 armies. My family question why I keep models I never play with, and my answer is simply "you never know what the next rulebook will do, and I may feel like busting them out once in a while"

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    No. Deathslinger is one of the strongest killers in the game. BUT, he is also very, VERY difficult. Almost as hard as Nurse, but with less overall reward (sheer gamestopping power) for getting that good.

  • HypnoEmpire
    HypnoEmpire Member Posts: 29

    I was having quite a bit of fun with Deathslinger the first couple weeks after his release but he's an incredibly weak killer, and this becomes more apparent the longer you use him. I play fps games regularly and I was expecting to get quite a bit of mileage with him, so I'm quite disappointed to say the least.

    For starters, I absolutely hate using killers that are easy to bully. There are very few killers in this game that get bullied easily unless you play poorly, but Deathslinger is absolutely the easiest to take advantage of simply due to the nature of his power. Survivors can bodyblock speared teammates so easily it's insane, and I encourage anyone reading this to try it out the next time you face this killer. You can completely deny him hits by doing this, which is terrible for Deathslinger because he's slow and has to reload after missing, giving yourself and your teammate all the time in the world to run from him. I have only seen swf groups do this so far, but I feel that it'll become a lot more common after a few months just because it's so easy to do. I've done it a few times as a solo queue survivor and it's happened to me more times than I can count while playing Deathslinger.

    Next, I feel his ability to end chases quick is greatly exaggerated. Yes, he can end chases incredibly quick IF he has multiple stacks of Save the Best for Last and IF the survivor is out of position. But good survivors will not be out of position often and will not let you get the first m1 easily, which you need to get to do the combo. If the survivor is in a good position then it's often best to just shoot them to get them injured, but you waste a lot of time reloading afterwards and occasionally taking a stun by letting the chain break if you need to. While the survivor is injured, all they have to do to avoid getting downed quick at a loop is to do the same thing you do vs Clown; drop the pallet early. I understand that this doesn't work for every pallet in the game, but it works for most pallets and the majority of pallets it doesn't work on are mindgameable anyway. Deathslinger has to either break the pallet, giving them a lot of time to run away, or waste time trying to either get the survivor to make a mistake or put them in a very specific position that allows you to land a shot and pull them around something to get the hit off. Either way, this wastes a lot of very valuable time for Deathslinger. Let me just put this disclaimer here: I'm not trying to say his 1v1 is bad by any means. But when I see some people on the forums talk about Deathslinger, they act as if he ends chases instantly and that there's zero counterplay which definitely isn't the case. There are also a few killers with way better 1v1 potential like Spirit and Nurse, and their powers help them for a lot more than simply ending chases quick.

    Additionally, he gets punished a great deal more than most other killers for making mistakes. Whenever he misses, he has a brief cooldown where he's slowed while the chain comes back and he then has to reload which also slows him down. Whenever he hits a spear on an injured survivor and can't get the m1, he has a brief cooldown after the missed m1 and has to reload which, again, slows him down. Correct me if I'm wrong, but no other killer in the game gets punished this badly for mistakes. And I call them mistakes, but sometimes you just get screwed over by dedicated servers and get punished regardless.

    All of this is pretty terrible, but that's on top of being a 110% killer with no mobility. In my mind, he is without a doubt the single worst 110% killer there is and one of the worst killers in the game. His 1v1 is decent but still not the best and his gen pressure is mostly nonexistent.

    I think the one big positive he does have is his reduced and unique terror radius, which does give him some decent stealth. However, it's less useful against swf and it's neutered if the survivors have Object of Obsession or Spine Chill. If people classify him as a stealth killer then he's definitely the worst stealth killer (you could argue that Pig is worse I suppose).

    In case anyone is wondering, I'm a rank 1 killer and I run Monitor and Abuse, Save the Best for Last, Brutal Strength and Pop Goes the Weasel. Nurses Calling can work over Brutal Strength but I don't think it's nearly as consistent, especially on a build without Sloppy Butcher.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    Hes only very good at getting downs if people don't heal, if you heal you can loop him for quite a long time.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    He's OP, you definitely shouldn't regret.

  • Anevian
    Anevian Member Posts: 47

    Hes a feast or famine character with no map pressure. If you can land your shots you end chases in 10-15 seconds, if not well it's pretty painful. I've been playing slinger almost exclusively since his release and I manage to get to red ranks with him. If the survivors power thru the gens, especially on a map like mothers dwelling, you wont really get much more than a 1-2k.

    Monitor is a must, stbfl helps too but I've started to not use it as much. His addons are garbo except for the reload ones.

    I'd say hes about upper mid tier. Fun af to play, great at chase's, but slow and has poor map pressure.