What Perks do you use that helps you win but isn't a part of the meta?

DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

Hey, it's me again. And no, I'm not going to make a thread about how Killer is Easy this time around ^^; (I still think it's relatively easier than how it should be but that doesn't matter now.)

Decisive Strike, Object of Obsession, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard.

No One Escapes Death, Pop Goes the Weasel, BBQ & Chili, Sloppy Butcher.

These 8 are just a few of the perks that are currently in the game's meta, and each of them helps us win the game in some way or another. Whether it being to make the killer miss a swing and chase for another loop with Dead Hard, bait them with Sprint Burst, bait them with Object of Obsession, surprise Survivors with NOED, break generators with PGTW, find them hiding with BBQ, and so on.

All of these perks are powerful, and no doubt are a must for any build is tailored to making your victory that much more easier to obtain. But what if these perks are locked away from you? And you have to choose from the various other perks that doesn't quite make the cut?

What perks do you use that helps you win, but isn't a part of the meta?

I'll start, it's probably one that some of you might not expect me to run:


Your horrifying emanation strikes at a supernaturally long distance.

Your Terror Radius is increased by 22/24/26 %.

Gain 100 % more Bloodpoints 

 for actions in the Deviousness Category.

The Bonus Bloodpoints are only awarded during the Trial.

"Bask in their fear."

Yeah that's right, Distressing.

Here is the thing, three of the killers I usually play are The Oni, The Doctor and The Spirit. The Doctor, for obvious reasons, can get a lot of mileage from Distressing. His Static Blast and huge Terror Radius would allow him to find out where exactly Survivors are hiding (if they are not hiding in lockers).

But The Oni and The Spirit requires a bit more explanation.

Whenever I play Oni, I always run Infectious Fright. It's just too good of a perk not to use with him. It helps notify me of Survivors that are inside my Terror Radius while I am in Wrath Mode. Which in turn, allows me to hunt them down and Oni-smash them with Demon Strike. Since Oni's power is depleted everytime he picks up a Survivor, having something like Infectious Fright is really useful. Which is why I run it alongside Distressing which would give me a ton of information on where Survivors are at near me.

As for The Spirit. Well, you know how Survivors often run away once they hear her vacuum cleaner coming nearby? Yeah well, they can't hear that if they are inside your Terror Radius. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten gen grabs with this tactic. Even when they know that I am playing Spirit. I know that it is a jumpscare for the survivors because they don't immediately struggle after getting grabbed. Distressing increases her Terror Radius, as such it increases the area of which they are unable to hear her vacuum cleaner.

This one perk, that most people use in Meme Builds is the one perk I always look out for in the Bloodweb. Because it's just that good for the killers I primarily play.

This is why I am making this thread, because I am curious what are some perks that aren't meta that really helps you guys win games as either a Survivor or a Killer and why. Maybe I get to try out some of those perks myself :P



  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited April 2020

    perks? pfff its called skill baby YEAH!

    But to be a bit more serious, I have been running perkless matches with a 2 - 3 - 4man SWF on red ranks the last weeks and its been going more then fine.

    So with that comes a bit of freedom and its lovely to get some value out of the many perks this game has to offer.

    Like Deja Vu, I mean its actually really nice to just exactly know where gens are, on some maps I would say its actually VERY helpful, mostly the indoor maps.

    Like Left Behind, being the last survivor running around with the killer up your behind and just seeing that aura, its fantastic.

    Like Tenacity, being able to crawl WAY faster then any killer expects AND recover? dude, that is just golden and can totally help you and others escape.

    As for killer, hmm its hard to determine value out of some of the perks you have as killer, I just have different builds for every killer, I guess Spies, Huntress Lullaby, Lightborn, Im All Ears are all very nice to have

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I dare say, my good friend. You're more daring than I am to play perkless as a Survivor.

    But those three perks really does feel like they have some use, especially during the early and endgame. I know I've found myself unable to find generators in Lery's multiple times and feel like an idiot for missing them.

    And it must be satisfying to see the aura with Left Behind, though I'm pretty sure the Killer wouldn't be pleased you got to the hatch first. :P

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I love using Balanced Landing at the moment, very great for losing the killer mid way through the chase, and allows you to turn a dead zone into a loop.

    For killer, on Legion I love Thanataphobia with Dying light, it's a great combo for him. I also use Enduring with Hillbilly to allow me to go for cocky plays.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Hmm right now for Killer as Oni, I love using Rancor and Nemsis

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I'm using Resiliance a lot recently, it's a very underrated perk imo. 9% doesn't sound much but it can make a lot difference especially during vaults. It also reduces the amount of bs hits you get through windows quite a bit.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Diversion, throw a pebble that way, run the other

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I've been using Resiliance a lot too on some of my Survivor builds, particularly my chase build. Though sadly I haven't noticed a big enough difference in vault speed :/ So I kinda have stopped using it as much.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    A nurse's calling. Simply the most useful perk that's not in the meta. I love it on spirit because I can pretend going for someone and immediately phase to the injured Claudette that self-cares in a pallet like she has the reflexes to throw a pallet to an invisible god.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Tenacity is probably my big non meta perl. As someone else stated it really does make otherwise impossible escapes quite often and getting picked up after an escape is great. You can really be that Houdini if the killer goes for so much as a single swing on another survivor.

    Gotta say that's a smart idea for spirit. When I eventually get her I'll definitely have to give it a try.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    I like running Dance with me, Quick and Quiet, and Windows of Opportunity. I also tend to use lithe, but I think that counts as a meta perk. I really like using Autodidact and Solidarity. Or just Autodidact.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    Whispers. It saves me time when I know an area is clear of survivors. It doubles for trapper because if an area is clear then no one will se me plant a trap. It also helps me find them and unlike BBQ, it's on all the time.

    Pharmacy. I farm green medkits so I don't have to run inner strength or find a survivor to heal me.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    I love Rancor. When playing the plague it gives some much needed info when gens are done plus its one of the very few acceptable moris

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Detectives Hunch to counter the current genrush vs NOED meta

    Surveillance helps me a lot, assuming that this is not a meta perk

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    btw Spirit phasing sound isn't related to TR. Although I also saw that written somewhere, you can test it. if you stand close to the edge of the default TR, you can hear both, phasing and TR.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Actually that is a sound bug related to the Spirit, I heard it as well as a Survivor. You're not supposed to hear her phase inside her Terror Radius.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842


    Self-Care, Bond, Lithe, Q&Q, Dance with Me, Botany Knowledge. I play solo after all.


    Surveillance. Easy. And Devour Hope on Deathslinger. Surveillance is such an underrated perk, and I've been using it since before the Ruin rework.

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    I like detectives hunch a lot here lately. seems more people are running devour hope and NOED since ruin died and no one cares to do bones anymore.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    For Survivor

    Leader ( Help me from other to heal and unhook faster )

    Stake out ( Basically premonition with charge and get great result in good skill check)

    Urban Evasion + Sprint Bust ( Urban faster than walking [ except u use fixated ] )

    Spine Chill + resilience ( for better vault )

    For Killer

    Agitation + Iron Grasp ( For basement party)

    Any Hex totem + Haunted Ground ( for totem hunter )

    Predator or Bloodhound on Nurse/ spirit

    Dead Man switch instead of PGTW on freddy

    All of this not meta right ?

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Im really liking lithe, q&q, dance with me combo with a flashlight. I go through phases.

  • TheEntity03
    TheEntity03 Member Posts: 117

    I like to use Lithe to get away from the killer(don't know that is meta) and I like to use bond to see if my teammates are injured or that I should be working on gens. I also like spinechill so I prepare myself for a chase or sneak away. 😊

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Really? I rarely see survivors use bl, most Legions use Thanataphobia, but not Dying Light, and I very rarely see a Hillbilly with Enduring and not Spirit Fury.

  • ColaGhost
    ColaGhost Member Posts: 36

    As a Survivor Alert is my baby, followed closely these days by Aftercare.

    For Killer, I'm becoming a big fan of All Ears.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Make Your Choice is helping me so good.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    My new favourite perk from the chains of hate chapter is red herring. It really works well since very few survivors use it so killers don't expect it. Works well with Q&Q and inner strength.

    Hew: retribution works really well with devour hope. Also whispers, spies and bitter murmur are really good perks and it is a shame they are so underrated.

  • BoiltOver
    BoiltOver Member Posts: 118

    I wouldn't say that they help me survive per se, but I love fixated, boil over, flip flop, head on (when it works), and Lightweight. They make it onto a lot of my builds unconsciously.

  • maximizer12
    maximizer12 Member Posts: 75

    Save the best for last has helped me prevent gens popping countless times

  • ratsmacker
    ratsmacker Member Posts: 44

    Wake up saves me a lot tbh, especially if the killer can travel quickly or if the hatch is closed on me. Dance with me is REALLY great too, especially since I sometimes struggle with chases.

    As for killer? I don't play killer that much but I really love remember me and discordance, idk if they're considered meta or not.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    For survivor, I use Lithe (non meta), Resilience (meta?), Spine chill (not sure about this) and Iron will (meta).

    As Spirit, I use STBFL (non meta), BBQ (meta), A Nurses calling (I think it's meta, I'm not sure though) and Surveillance (non meta).

    Lithe always helps me win, since it's really good for preserving pallets. STBFL is amazing as Spirit, and I slug an absurd amount so allows me to down survivors really fast. Surveillance I like to use for tracking gens and survivors, it's definitely one of the best for me.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    The special perk ive been running since day one baby. I heard tons of players mention how Bond is such a great solo queue perk and ever since i installed and started playing. Bond in every build i do. Bond can fit into any playstyle. Killer runner? Dont carry the killer to your teamates. Med kit/botany knowledge build. Helps you find people. Trying to not all sit on one generator. Getting closr and seeing two people there already makes you turn the other way. The most common way i find this perk though is when im doing gens. I hear the killer and nornally people start walking away, waiting to see what happens. And what do you know i see alittle aura running around in circles while i can heart the killers terror radius noise. Now i dont waste any time and resume working on the gen. If you dont use this perk alot, no matter what rank you are, if youre solo queue, please try it out

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Question about Oni. Why wouldn't you run Monitor and Abuse instead of Distressing? You get the same TR increase in a chase, and it lasts for a small bit after a chase is over, so when you down someone you get the same proc range as Distressing. And then on top of that, your TR is smaller when out of a chase, which is great for Oni since his TR music is relatively quiet.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871


  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    ... I never thought about that. Holy crud! That actually might be better for Oni. Thanks @Demogordon_Ramsay !

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    I haven't tried it in a long time, but distressing + whispers gen grab spirit is a lot of fun. As survivor Alert is an amazing and underrated perk, it's like the killer aura version of Empathy and tells you whenever the killer is in a chase and what part of the map they're at so you can prepare for a chase or evade them properly. Alert is unbelievably underrated.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Bitter Murmur. I know it's not a popular one,and might be a waste of a slot in certain circumstances...but I've set up some pretty good plays with it. It's especially fun paired with Monitor and Abuse. You get people running right into you and everything. Almost literally. It's good for locker grabs,or seeing if you are being rushed by a team. I like it. I don't have all the killers or perks for every killer (took a long break) so that factors in. I think I'd still use it on certain builds regardless though.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    having 3 good items almost every game can be very clutch sometimes xD

    i love when i pull a purple flashlight, give it to someone and they then flashlight save me from the killer xD

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Shadowborn simply because I get motion sickness without it!

  • Seeniclives
    Seeniclives Member Posts: 8

    Ace in the hole - guaranteed to get an item with attachment. Sometimes two attachments. Paired with plunderers and your chest openings are like Christmas. Skeleton keys, rainbow map, purple medkits plus charge add ons. I use it to just supply the team as we move about

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Iron will, Agitation, Lightborn, and Mad Grit on Hill Billy against flashlight squads.

    Almost always ends in a 4k.

    Why Hillbilly though? Lightborn is his perk, but mostly because nobody expects a hillbilly to be running a build like that, let alone using Lightborn at all.

  • Seeniclives
    Seeniclives Member Posts: 8


    Dark devotion - no terror radius for a bit and then obsession carries the TR which confuses the heck out of the survivors

    Furtive Chase - as the game goes on you get more and more stealthy. It's also confusing as they expect you to be what you were in the beginning with say a 32m TR and now it's 16 and they're playing a game against a leatherface with a Myers TR

    Stridor - for killers with poor chase or line of sight issues


    Open handed - paired with rainbow map (hatch finding) or kindred and u get sooo much more information (easier in swf so u don't need to have both kindred and open handed)

    Ace in the whole - items are game changers

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    Enduring. As soon as survivors see it they always think I'm running Spirit Fury and drop every pallet before I even get to it.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Safe the best for last is totally meta and so is Nurses calling. Surveillance is debateable.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    It's meta now? Wow a lot has changed lol. It's godlike for slugging.

  • dwightdotexe
    dwightdotexe Member Posts: 22

    Idk if this thread was more targeted towards killers or survivors, but as survivor my absolute favorite perk is spine chill. It has helped me avoid countless chases, it’s amazing against stealth killers, and very helpful against spirit. It’s also good for knowing whether it is safe to repair gens when in the killer’s terror radius, which increases gen progress efficiency. And as I’ve found out recently, it’s helpful during a 1v1 in the EGC if the hatch has already been closed. Knowing whether or not the killer is coming to my door has helped me decide between committing to doors or opening them just enough to not light up the lights on the exit gate and hide until they go to the other door.

    And as an added bonus, it’s amazing when paired with resilience to get that spicy 15% vault speed while injured, which is so important, especially with the current state of dedicated servers. I swear by this perk, and I feel so useless when I try to play without it. Spine chill gang for life.

    Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Picking one each, I'd have to say Resilience for survivor and Spies from the Shadows for killer. IDK if those are meta, but almost every game I use those there's some sort of use for them.

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    Flip-Flop and Spies From the Shadows are some of my favorite perks in the game. They can both be complete game changers, and nobody sees em coming.

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45

    I really like kindred tbh...really helps solo surviving. Has so many other benefits too. Like not leaving a gen to get a hook save because you see that another survivor is going for the save. Plus you see what the other survivors are doing. Then the plus side is knowing if a stealthy killer is camping...

    I too use resilience. I combine it with spine chill and sometimes hope, and decisive. This build is too help other survivors escape while I run the killer during end game.

    For killer, corrupt intervention, surveillance, bloodhound, and spies from the shadows. Half gen build half hunter build. 1st off, crows are everywhere. Survivors set them off while doing gens... they sit literally beside gens... bloodhound because bright red puddle trails are ez to follow. Corrupt is to keep gen rushing down while i hunt. Surveillance, so Ik when they go back to a gen...