Ranked MatchMaking is a joke
I can't match against friends tht are within 3 "Ranks" of me and live less than 30 mins away in the same city as me but this is cool? Perfect!
rank does not matter
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Yeah I don't know if the devs are testing out a new MM system, but last night I was being paired with players that were easily 10 levels or more lower than my level. And being a new player they proceeded to walk all over me.
I wish the game had bots. It might make the game easy, but it's better than being destroyed every match.
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if it doesn't then why cant i play against friends with progression on. playing the game and knowing tht unless i continue playing customs the time spent playing means nothing sucks
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In case you are not aware, there will be a new matchmaking system. Here the devs explain with some details how it will work 👍️
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if i post a laggy game where a survivor are disappearing mid chase or is hit 4 steps after a vault or where a "rank" 12 gets De-Ranked for loosing vs a Rank 1 what happens to ths message, do you delete it?
i just had a game where i ran a Red Rank Nurse for 4 minutes, got downed because the game literally froze for everyone except the killer when she lunged and I, a Rank 12 was de ranked to level 13.
Putting people against Red Ranks without giving people red rank seem like the worst possible idea ever. "You dont get to high ranks because you dont play much so we're going to put you against dripping wet sweat-monsters every game so now you'll really never get out of green rank".
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As for your first question, if the video is posted either as a name or shame video or as evidences to report a player, yes we would remove it.
Reason being it is against the forum rules. If you want to report someone you suspect is cheating or hacking the game, you need to use the correct channel for that, which is here: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=191426
Also i'm going to post these threads here so you know how to properly follow the process:
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Not if you don't care about it.
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If doesn't, they wouldn't exist.
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New mmr is not an excuse for current broken system. The problem is left unaddressed for this half year.
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i am a purple portrait the deleveled into a green portrait because i got into a game where the lowest survivor was a single "Rank" 2. i sacrificed 2 "Rank" 1's and lost to a key. nowhere on tht page does it explain how tht makes sense. either i, red and should only play against reds or i not in which case dont match me with red every single match.
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this snippet was taken in a game where I (a "Rank 9") was matched against (2) rank 2 & (2) rank 1.
the TL;DR is this Jake literally lags off of my screen, this is a synopsis of the entire game. this comes after an a stupid long queue time. the best part of the joke is i usually only play when i have friends playing, i had 2 friends Duoing (rank 6&4) and the game as you can see has no qualm, of putting me against someone 8 ranks above so wht does 5 matter. What i want is this explained because ths would go against tht awful MMR 'explanation' you posted especially when i could have been matched with similarly "skilled" survivors.
ill be sure to post the next game i play survivor and am matched against a rank 1, which will surely happen.
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I'm not quite sure why devs explanation on that thread would go against what you are experiencing.
The MMR system is not deployed, so you can't see the benefits yet. What it will try to do is to fix what you are exactly experiencing with Matchmaking gaps in ranks.
There is no point to keep posting more screenshots of similar instances here since the devs already acknowledged what you are describing, so i'm going to close this thread now.