Do you think facecamping every single survivor to the bone should be punishable if it isn't already?



  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    You confuse not piping with can't pip. Your situation went south. If people had played smartly, you could have done well in points. You don't need altruism or chase to keep from depipping. Escaping gives a lot of points. You can't escape if you don't get gens done. Once gens are done, he has no place left to catch anyone, but at the gates.

    We are trying to help you understand the reality. If you want to get through those situations when they happen, don't play the killer's game. I get that it sucks for the person being camped, which is why I think it is a ######### tactic, but you have to adapt to the reality of the situation. Don't get mad, don't get frustrated, don't let him get in your head. Focus on the tasks, and try to get out in one piece.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    This situation will ONLY happen if you let it, if someone facecamps, unless the survivors ######### up & attempt the rescue, they will get 1 kill max

  • Paiblin
    Paiblin Member Posts: 42

    no, I don't mean it like that. I get it, but the thing is the killer was sort of abusing it (ot sure if that's the right word) though I failed to express it.

    He didn't want us out of the match or to get a 4k really, he was using it to keep our objectives from us whilst abandoning his own. He knew he was doing this. He was purposefully keeping us from playing the game by not playing the game himself and taking that risk. He was doing everything in his power to keep us from our main objectives and keeping us from getting bloodpoints. It was very clear he was doing this knowingly. His intentions were most likely to have the entire team depip by taking away the option of our most important objectives and or give us horrible bloodpoints. I mean that if you use facecamping (or anything else, survivor methods included) to screw the other side over in the general system there should be a consequence

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656


    "Wow. No, you don't need to be in a SWF group. It should be common knowledge, past a certain point, that going after a hooked player that is camped is a bad tactic. Also, the hooked player doesn't need to have kindred. Any player on the team can have it, and you will all see the same thing. That's why I almost always run it. It provides valuable information to the team, and I see planty of other survivors respecting what they see and stay on gens.

    You don't even need kindred if they are just facecamping. Scoping the situation doesn't hurt because the killer isn't going to chase. Once you realize they are camping, just run off and do gens. If everyone is not "smart enough to stay on gens", blame them.

    It's hardly rampant, except maybe at higher ranks with newer players. It is a poor strategy for killers who are trying to progress unless survivors keep falling for it."

    A) I never said you HAVE to be SWF. I listed three factors that considerably change the viability of what you're saying. That is whether or not you're in a solo team (with no communication) or in a SWF (with full communication) or if the hooked person (or yourself) have Kindered. Those variables make a huge difference. And if you are on a solo team where the hooked person does not have Kindered, you are pretty much guaranteed that a second person will meet the same fate because NOT EVERYONE sees Kindered UNLESS the hooked person has it or they themselves have it. If the hooked person does not...and the other team members (besides you) do not...they do not see what is happening and are going to waste precious time, ensuring the gens are not done within the hooked persons life span.

    B) Once one or two people "scope out the situation" from across the map, you have already wasted too much valuable time. You will not get all of the gens completed before the person on the hook dies. Significantly increasing the likelihood of an additional person being hooked and face camped. And once you do get all the gens completed, you're up against the huge potential of NOED, which is not uncommon on the 'type' of Killer who plays this way.

    Thus, at least 2 people will die in a random match. Making it unreasonably effective against solo teams...which is the majority of teams.

    C) Camping and tunneling are both two exceptionally rampant forms of game play right now, usually tethered together. It happens almost every match I have as a red rank survivor. Level 1 killers are not remotely immune to using this tactic, albeit they use it more effectively.

    This style of game play shouldn't be unacceptable, and certainly not the go-to, like it is. Its not even about being "smart enough" to stay on gens, the situation still completely ruins the game for at least 1 person, often 2 and can easily depip both of them, if not the entire team by disallowing survivors to meet their objectives. Idk why anyone would defend it. Especially if they play survivor.

  • Champagne
    Champagne Member Posts: 110

    If he face camps you I believe the killer will depip and not rank up especially cause he’s not doing his objectives properly, he should be actually letting survivors unhook or kicking gens and chasing survivors but if he was doing that I believe it would be reportable in post-game, I wouldn’t think it is punishable though, especially cause how would the devs know how to stop it if you are actually wanting the killer reported, but there are little reports you can do on post game, so if you deal with it again maybe report it for unsportsmanlike? Or trolling?

    i wouldn’t know especially cause this rarely happens to me. Killers like that just want to play unfair and not actually have fun and let the survivors enjoy they’re experience, trust me when I say camping or face-camping isn’t fun so he’s just ruining the game for himself.

  • Paiblin
    Paiblin Member Posts: 42

    Well, I'm gonna be honest with you, maybe it's because I typically spawn with the killer up my butt but I typically depip if I don't get two unhooks, one chase and perhaps a stun. And honestly I prefer sacrificing myself for teammates. Honestly I have some sort of mindset issues when playing, I make huge decisions way too quick. But still, I did do gens, I played about as smartly as the other long surviving teammate. We both made our mistake in assuming the killer would hook the other guy and not have a campfest. But still, there was no way we'd get all the gens done by the time both were dead. And we would most definitely depip even if we escaped and he knew that. I know, because normally I actually do all the gens whe the killer is a pure facecamper and then leave and I depip, in this special moment it was important for me not to, because the game before screwed me over emblem wise (I got no emblems at all, which I think was a bug, because I did a gen, got a save, got in a chase and stunned the killer) and since he was not playing the game I forced on some evader points. just got stuck over there when it happened and was left totally unable to play the game. all i'm trying to say is I think it should be punishable to some degree to use facecamping or any other tactics from either side to try to keep the other side from doing their objectives and or getting any bloodpoints

  • Paiblin
    Paiblin Member Posts: 42

    Indeed he will, that's why I'm saying doing it even at the cost of his own objectives. He had an offering to make it easier to do what he did. Screw us over systematically at the cost of his own objectives. That's why I'm very sure it was his objective that he planned. I did report him for trolling because he did that as well. That's why I made this thread. I doubt the devs will actually do anything about doing what he did, even if he did it to deny us bloodpoints and playing the game etc.

    He probably was, but he was trolling me on the hook at least so he must have had some laugh about our pain, and he left a few comments in post game trolling about bloodpoints further indicating it was his intention to keep us from our objectives

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    If a killer wants to face camp then it should be their downfall. Its a VERY bad play and not a way to pip.

    If you play into their obvious tactic that is you and your teams fault. Not the killers.

    It is the same as when a killer doesn't know when to break a chase with a survivor. They chase a single person for two gens and then complain 'gen rushing'. That isn't the survivors fault. The killer made a bad choice and fell for the survivors obvious ploy.

    If you are new I suggest Kindred! This will let you know when you should go save or keep doing gens.

  • RareOmen
    RareOmen Member Posts: 143

    Camping hook is already "punishable" the killer loses points for being in close proximity to the hooked survivor. The more they do it the more points they will lose.

  • Katie28
    Katie28 Member Posts: 22

    In my experience if you don't attempt to save that guy/girl on the hook because you're doing a gen with a facecamper, they'll usually suicide on the hook, I'll be doing a gen and see them go to second stage, so no time to get much done sadly.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    No just tired of entitled people camping killer give you time to finish all gens or get really to so not finishing gens has no excuse after that open gates and leave camping buba isnt going to let you get ubhooks no matter how much you think you deserve them so just get out sometimes you aren't going to get a bunch of points or pip when killer gets gen rushed they get crap point killing and chasing is part of their way of getting points but sometimes survivors deny it that sucks but o well move on to next match

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I guess this is fine, but god forbid you tbag him while he does it, then you are greatly effecting the fairness of the game.

  • Paiblin
    Paiblin Member Posts: 42

    What have you been smoking my dude? Entitled people and entitled people, is it entitled for me to think he should actually be playing the game instead of just sitting there refusing to be a killer? 45 seconds in the game he downed a survivor, no gens were done, yet he facecamped. And based on how he acted the rest of the game and in post game chat he did this so that no one could actually play the game and progress, so that he could laugh at us and screw us over in the system and based on his offering he did this knowing it could potentially hurt his own stuff, his offering protected him from that. I don't think I deserve to get an unhook, or to get out or to do anything for that matter but what I am saying is I think there should be a report option for people who purposefully don't play the game only for the reason they want to try and limit others game progress to screw them over in the system. Survivors are made to survive, and killers are made to kill, and when either of them don't do what they're supposed to to keep the other side from doing what they're supposed to so that they will be screwed over I think that should be punishable. That's literally all I've been saying

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Devs already said it’s not against the rules to facecamp. You’re just gonna have to learn how to be friends with the Bubba as he stares you down for two minutes and all the gens get rushed

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Just because it's not against the rules doesn't mean you should do it.

    And the devs are questioning it in the player survey, which stands to reason they're looking into it.

  • Paiblin
    Paiblin Member Posts: 42

    They are? Hmm, I guess that's good, I'm still mostly focusing on the fact he did it already at the start and most likely to purposefully hurt us in the system by holding some objectives hostage, but perhaps a solution to less facecamping in general would be nice in preventing that as well. Because usually when survivors can hold objectives hostage it's via a bug or glitch which is why I'm looking into this so much, killers can easily just do it by facecamping

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Facecamping is not a valid or consistent strategy so people stop saying it, because at that point teabagging is a strategy.

    People will say and do anything to ruin ones fun.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Doing gens is playing getting out is playing if you the whole team decided to get off gens to gen an unhook or save thats a mistake just 1 hooked survivors gives you plenty of time a downed non hooked survivor gives you more time gens should have been 3 gens pop in the first minute of most matches before the killer even has to to find the first survivor unless its billy or spirit its the killers fault your team refused to use the free time he gave the rest of you to do gens

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    No. Because they are punished. By the pip system AND the survivors if you're good, doing gens, and not throwing yourselves AT A FACECAMPER.

    Learn that while it sucks, if someone is facecamped, your BEST BET is to just do gens. If the killer is gonna camp, they're gonna camp, but NOT seeing anyone coming for them usually tempts them to move about. Seeing someone move up GUARANTEES they wont leave.

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    Jesus, the amount of people that dont understand what he is talking about is through the roof.

    Given the scenario hard face camp with any killer right off the bat no progress done just to essentially bully survivors.

    If that happens, its not a game. I am either playing spam space for 1 minute or do gens for 1 minute. Which most of the time will lead to me depiping regardless, since gens give little to no points, there is not enough hexes to get boldness. there is no way to get altruism.

    Best case scenario every survivor gets 8K in objectives, 2K in boldness and 5K for escaping the game... and thats the best case scenario.

    If you want to play face camping killer please do so in your private lobby, because unlike you I dont want to waste my own time like you do.

    Alternatively allow me to DC from such game with no consequences since, its not actually a game...

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    Sorry Mrs Survivor Main, you're 100% wrong.

    Facecamping, camping, patrolling hooks and tunneling are game strategies, whether you like them or not, whether they're fun for you or not, wether they're consistent or not (no strategy is 100% failproof). Using DS is not fun AT ALL for the killer (mainly when you don't really deserve it) but they run that perk anyway. So stop crying if the killer camps, the killer is not there to "ensure you're having fun", he's there to kill you, to try to win the game. It's like saying "I HATE snipers in Counter Strike, I come out of a corner and they one-shot me, it's not fun".

    Tbagging is NOT a strategy, its sole purpose is to mock/annoy/disrespect the killer. Unless you consider a strategy to signal to another player that you like to put your genitalia in his/her mouth so he chases you while other people do gens. If disrespecting other players is a strategy for you, I'm not surprised you get facecamped often enough to complain about it.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Oh so whats wrong with being a survivor main? I mean I don't main survivor myself or killer so whats the issue with that?

    Anyways, I never said facecamping isn't a strategy. I said its not consistent. And don't you think when a killer facecamps, tunnels, or camps isn't fun for survivor either and they do it anyway. People run DS because killers tunnel and camp. The survivor isn't mean to give you free downs. The survivor is meant to make it difficult for you to catch them. Hence why DS exist and so much people use it.

    Teabagging is commonly used as a way to distract the killer from other survivors and only focus on you. If your a good survivor doing this the killer will most likely chase you for the rest of the match if they're agitated enough allowing the other survivors to roam care-free around the map and pop gens, allowing all 4 survivors to escape. This is basically a strategy if facecamping is also one.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    So the other night, we had a face camping rank 8 Bubba. We were all rank 1 and rank 4. ALL of us had bt and ds. When he face camped the first one, we got one gen done, then we traded off. Went and made him crash into the hooked survivor and rescued. The one saved now had bt and ds ready. Bubba ended up hooking the one who rescued. We got 2 more gens done. We did the same thing with that hooked teammate. By that time we only had 1 gen done. One of us was so taking out totems. We got all gens done and 99% both doors. I had not been hooked yet, with the help of my other 2 teammates, I rescued my teammate, he got hit with bt. The bubba got extreme mad his pathetic trash face camping didn't work and rage quit. He then sent us message saying bt, adrenaline and ds and swf is cheating and should be nerfed. I told him "maybe next time don't give us an easy game and don't face camp". All of us got more points than him.

    There have been times a camper has only gotten 1 kill with our team and still gotten way less points than us. I think camping is trash. It really is. But many killers do it solely to ruin the survivor's games. Don't let them. Meaning, do gens, punish them. Have perks to help. And only let them get 1 kill if any. Also, do not send them messages after game. Just move on. As annoying as it is, they want the salt messages. Devs cater to killer mains camping way too much and probably won't ever stop even though many of my friends have stopped playing the game due to the camping and tunneling off hook. So survivors just do whatever to be toxic too and ruin their camping game.

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114

    I mean if you realize hes face camping its best to just not go save the person and let the killer waste as much of his time as possible while you do gens and if it gets down to it you start looking for hatch the moment you can