Swf needs to be fixed...

so, I just bought the game about a month or two ago, and main wraith as a killer. I've learned everything I know from a popular streamer known as Tru3Ta1ent, and frequently see him go up against sweaty swf groups. As I hit green rank, I recently started going up against the same thing. Survivors who were blatantly swf who were trolling and annoying the ######### out of me. Today was the last straw when I faced a few red ranks, all swf. They all had borrowed time, decisive strike, and would conga line each other when injured. Two of them burned the crotus prenn asylum offering, which is a pretty bad map for wraith in my opinion. They were t bagging, and overall made my experience horrible. After all 4 escaped unexpectedly, they started spamming me with "baby killer", "trash", etc. Its ridiculous that I can't find any chill games anymore, and I decided to just quit the game. I was told by my friend, who convinced me to buy the game and play with him, that the game was slowly dying and he wanted more people to play it. Well now I see why. So many people, new players like me especially, are being pushed away from the game by these toxic swf groups. Something needs to be done, and until that happens, I won't even bother to touch the game. Devs can at least add some sort of casual game mode right? Kinda like rainbow six siege with casual, unranked, and ranked? Idk, all I'm saying is this ######### needs to be fixed, because its broken as hell...
How would you fix it? Or are you just going to complain without providing any solutions?
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Also, I hate to be part of the "git gud" crowd...but seriously... don't take t-bagging personally and the better you get the less they can do.
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I feel for you man. That's literally the worst thing that Killer has to face with. I especially hate it when survivors act cocky and try to mend in front of me. (I was Legion) Those survivors always find a nasty surprise. 😈
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Did you not read my post I gave a solution....besides I'm no game dev. I can already tell youre one of the very few people who goes around defending swf because you just love ruining peoples' days with your little swf group. Am I right?
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Dude i feel you but do you honestly expect any killer to willingly go anywhere other than causal games? This has already been suggested and its already been proven to be a horrible solution. Im sorry that you had bad games but not every swf are swat teams. Like me and my freinds we play for fun and if the killer didnt get a kill we give ourselves up. If you choose to stay dont focus on the bad things and focus on making your own fun. If you choose to leave then thats fine as well have fun with whatever else you will play.
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I've learned everything I know from a popular streamer known as Tru3Ta1ent
Oh god no.
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Red flags have been raised
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Maybe devs could add an option for no swf or no full swf team? But also like other comments have stated it's likely that then most killers would just choose that option and then people like me who play swf just to play with friends and not to gangbang killers would either have nowhere to go or we'd only get the killers who are toxic as hell because they expect toxicity. Still, I get you man, but for balance's sake there's probably nothing we can do right now
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SWF doesn't mean "toxic". But you're more likely to be toxic when you're with your friends and they can save you in a reliable way. What should be fixed with SWF is all the informations they can get. Informations in this game is ALL. I play both sides, and it's just broken, how many information i get when we're SWF.
But mate, not every SWF is toxic. Some guys just want have fun.
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In a game like this? They have fun at the killers expense. Toxic or no, that's just how it is.
Devs should never have allowed SWF to be a thing, at least without serious consideration into how to balance it. Not really sure how you can even balance it in the first place. Devs have shown they don't really know either. At the very least, they could just bump up the bp gained by killer and solos, depending on how many members are in the swf. If I'm going to be bullied, I'd at least like to be paid for it.
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People in a group chat are always going to be potentially better in essentially any game.
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fixing swf? nah
banning ppl for toxic comments in post game chat - i would love to see that
why im telling there is no "fixing swf" because there is nothing to fix?
1st they wont remove or nerf it
2nd they wont buff soloQ (i know they are talking about it) because:
a) when there was bug that made survs see ranks of your teammates they fixed it because they didnt want you to know before game youre gonna play with rank 15 teammate when youre in red ranks
b) on soloQ on mobile you can see your future teammates perks (unless que is instant) (i know i know you can tell we dont have locked build before game but whats the problem to lock build and in the same time be able to lvl up other character or just dont touch anything) most ppl would love to see that, but we wont get it
c) remember when ppl were asking to make kindred basekit for soloQ? devs told no
soloQ is too weak, 4men swf is too strong, but noone is willing to even slightly buff soloQ, soo amount of swf will only go up, because soloQ is miserable
"devs should never have allowed swf to be a thing" so in your opinion "devs should let their game die" because without swf their game will die, (party game without being able to play in party) xd
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I suggest then ban 3rd software they run behind the deadbydaylight.exe on pc... I don't mind they play SWF as long as they don't communicate...
ban also people who do trash talk... they are SWF and guarantee to win, but mock a try hard killer... 4 man SWF ( + chat application ) vs Try hard killer... and they do dare trash talk ??
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It’s hard to balance an asymmetrical multiplayer. I get where you’re coming from. But I still don’t think it’s fun for the individual that never stood a chance as a survivor either when you bring in ebony Mori’s. You main wraith 😂 because you can’t beat anyone if you’re not fast and invisible with no heartbeat? you main the killer that also has some of the most OP add ons I think it’s more so a skill issue then. Wraith doesn’t always have to chase lol he’s a hit and run kinda guy. you should know that from true.
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And how do you propose they go about banning third party software? You would be asking them to invade peoples privacy, accessing their PC or console to see if they have discord / party chat, something I'm not entirely sure is legal. And if by some miracle they managed to get away with that, what stops people from using their phones? In this day and age it would be impossible to stop people from communicating.
Also would this ban for trash talk extend to the Killers that do exactly the same? Because I'd be down for that.
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I will say first don't just watch true talent. He's a good killer but he makes swf teams out to be the worst thing ever even though 9/10 swf teams aren't even that good. He also complains about everyone being a swf team when half the time they aren't. The really good teams are going to beat pretty much every killer but can't we say that about any game where people have played it a lot?
Playing just killer isn't going to make you a good killer. You need to play both sides in order to understand how both sides think. Annoyingly there are people who are toxic but unfortunately that is the same with most games. I'd also say these "bully" teams may be annoying but it's either that or they gen rush you and the game ends in 5 minutes.
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Welp ppl could just use discord by phone , WhatsApp , Steam chat group , etc , there's no way you are gonna stop ppl from communicating
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Playing with friends needs to be as easy as possible. The easier it is, the more casual will the players be overall. If they ban Stuff like Discord when running DBD (how do they want to do that btw?), people can just use their phone to communicate.
But make it harder for friends to play together and you will lose the actual chilled players and the guys who are more tryharding will stay. So people will still face SWFs, but they will most likely be more competitive.
I would suggest you search for a Content Creator who does not blame SWF for his faults. Because I know that not everybody he is claiming to be SWF is actually SWF. This can be either me (lol) or people who I know because I played with them and I highly doubt that they are always playing Solo when they are in my Lobbies but always in an SWF when they are in his Lobbies.
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The expectation of being able to play with (and talk with) friends without stuff that feels like punishment or disincentivization will always straight up override balance concerns in modern multiplayer games. It's just that in most games it doesn't really matter as they're symmetrical, but something as trivial as a game's genre doesn't stand a chance against an established industry expectation.
There's things that can be done, but the only things I can even imagine ever being done is stuff like bloodpoint/XP modifiers and bonuses, SWF indicators after the match and maybe before the match, even though that would probably come with disincentivizations to lobby dodging included to be honest.
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Thank you for cherry picking. Wonderful way to continue a discussion. Let me repeat what I said.
'Devs should never have allowed SWF to be a thing, at least without serious consideration into how to balance it.'
You have an asymmetrical game based around the lack of information. The player needs to gather that information during the match, from interacting and experience. That is the nature of the game. To give survivors the power to negate that via comms, without first implementing some form of balancing to equalize all parties involved, was extremely short sighted in terms of balance.
I'm not against SWF, at least the idea. I'm against how little they've done to make adequate balance changes.
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no one using phone for voice chatting... at least no one bother... If you using phone just DO it... I bet none of your friend want to do that... same like buying walkie talkie for only playing this game...
I am 100% + 100% sure they use discord on pc... not using their own phone... except they play DBD mobile and use discord on phone...
If PC software that running behind [game].exe I am quite sure Devs team can stop that program...
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Steam has built-in voice chat, and the same goes for PS4 and XBone. Not sure about Switch, and Mobile is obviously already on a phone to begin with.
So unless they wanted to do something like straight up block all microphone input while DBD is running (byebye to streamers wanting to talk while playing I guess) they'd need to get Valve, Sony and Microsoft's "blessing" to disable their own built-in voice chat applications to accomplish it, and I sorta have a feeling that they wouldn't be too thrilled by that idea as all 3 have gone all-in on making gaming a social thing for well over a decade at this point.
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And because of stuff like this, the survivor queue time gets longer and longer because who wants to play killer and deal with this?
I am really curious to see how things will change with this next patch
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Honestly, i can give you a quick preview if you like...
New map changes arrive. Killers have the upper hand for a while as survivors get used to new maps and slowed gen times.
Survivors will adapt, using new perk combos to better assist them with the new changes. With adapting comes improvement. Survivors learn to survive.
New changes are dubbed not enough and new perk combos become known as the next "Crutch perks"
Next popular theory arrives "Nerf lockers"
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Ok, so basically fixing SWF cannot be done easily...
Thread Starter want fixing SWF... but, I think as long as chatting program exist this fix SWF can't be done...
Maybe the later suggestion I have to ban people who trash talking ... or maybe remove post game chat completely.....
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Killers aren’t much better. I’ve had salty rude messages from killers, I have killers that play as ghost face who sit there and Continuously t-bag when they down you, ive had killers leave me on the ground and wait for me to bleed out instead of hooking me, i get killers that mori spam me, tunnel me out of the game, face camp me to death even if it’s at the start of the game. There are sweaty toxic killers out there
BT and DS is useless unless you tunnel or camp.
my point is, dbd has the most toxic community. Killers get sick of the way survivors play and survivors get sick of the way killers play. There’s toxicity on both sides not just from survivors. In my opinion
I think some of the changes that the devs have been made haven’t helped the situation at all but it‘s bad on both sides. It’s not one sided
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Big yup.
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Only way to fix it is if both sides had the same tools. Add voice chat.
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Im sure you're a better killer bud.
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its not cherry picking, THEY WONT NERF SWF in any way that would satisfy killers which are asking for swf nerf (i dont want swf nerf i want soloQ buff so more ppl would play solo), they wont nerf swf at all because thats their main way to get more players
imagine if strong swf nerf would happen, ppl that were playing swf just wont play game xd so you will have much less survs, and not only those swf will stop playing, those players that played half solo half swf will stop because their swf friends stopped
most killers that are asking for swf nerfs are those that in PBE patch notes saw prove thyself buff but they didnt saw 2/3 men gen nerf
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I've been accused of being in a SWF many times when I have been playing solo. I have been camped/tunnelled/mori and then in the post game chat the killer tells me to get AIDS and that's how you deal with SWF etc, but I'm playing solo. They always shut up when you point out you're solo and then if others chime in that they are solo too, they realise that SWF isn't as obvious as they like to think, nor tru3 but they still play like twats thinking they are up against SWF pro teams.
Stop fixating on who you're going up against and whether they are SWF or Solo. If you win, you win, if you lose, you lose. So what? At the end of the day it is a game, relax and you will enjoy it more. You haven't even played for very long and you play one half of the game. Don't expect to be a pro player just because you've watched someone play it on twitch and moan about the game. Majority of SWF aren't very good either they are just playing with their friends. I don't understand why people get upset by teabagging? It doesn't do anything. A lot will just use it to get the killer focus rather than the weak link of the team.
As for the game slowly dying, it isn't.
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The fact of the matter is that these guys were indeed swf. They all spam messaged me. And there's no doubt that swf is broken. Its easy to tell if people are solo rather than swf.
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I never said I played just killer. I've played survivor probably more times than I did killer. Its just that survivor has gotten really boring. I would always play survivor with a party of 3, and I know first-hand the advantages of swf, even when not tryharding. And if you watch true talent, you can see the potential and how OP swf can be. Something like that should just not be in the game
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Except it isn't easy to tell at all. It is just an endless excuse used by people who play killer and need an excuse as to why they get beaten. If it was SO easy to tell we wouldn't have killers crying on here all the time how the lobby should show SWF in the lobby so they can dodge it.
Like I said, I get accused of it a lot. Stop buying in to the bollocks that tru3 spouts.
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Holy Hell i wish everyone in the forums realized this and would stop with the nonsense of blaming swf for their problems without no actual way of display.
Post like these are cringe because people seem to think toxicity is limited to SWF, and heavy altruism seems to be as well.
Hate to be that guy but if you started 2 months ago you are indeed a baby killer. Please don't bandwagon tru3 as he can be wrong about a lot of things about as consistent as he is entertaining to watch.
Also, don't get pulled into the easiest survivor mind game which is being toxic to make you lose focus. It's literally the cheapest trick in the book.
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he is decent, like my favourite youtuber ochidoo
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The first mistake you made is watching TrueTalent, the second one is that you put too much heart in what random ######### say, the third mistake is from devs side cuz they let people of lower ranks to go against people of higher ranks because their ranking system is wonderful and in a very very very good place right now (as it always was). And the rewards for being in a good rank at the end of the month are insane also, i mean being put in the same game with a very good killer or a team of swf that do all gens in like 4-5 mins, that's the real prize right there.
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You have triggered my fight or flight response
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Well you never said you played survivor so I just had to say. Also you say you've only been playing for a month or 2 which means you aren't at a level yet to beat a really good team. It usually takes at the very least 6 months to get good at one side.
Unfortunately the game isn't great at telling someones skill level. People can get to red ranks quite easily on both sides which means the highest rank of the game is flooded with a mixture of experienced and new players. The game should match players with people who have a similar devotion level, rather than rank.
I have watched true talent before but I find it hard to watch his videos now since he can complain alot. I've also been playing this game at red ranks since 2017 so I know this game pretty well. True may complain about how op a swf team is but it needs to be a good swf team. I've beaten countless swf teams who think they are good but to me aren't that great.
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You lost me at tru3talent.!
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It's cherry picking when you only take half a statement, and ignore the other half. I did not mention nerfs. I understand you can't nerf SWF in a meaningful way. That doesn't mean you can't buff solos, and then killers, however. Kindred was a good show of that. Unfortunately, the devs ran out of steam with the one buff. Just goes to show what little foresight they had when implementing SWF.
At the very least, they could simply bump up BP rewards when a SWF is involved, which is increased by each member, so that the solos and killer get something out of it. AND slap a SWF icon on the members in the post game lobby screen, so I know who really was a SWF, and who was just really good solos.
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If it is easy to tell who is SWF, then please tell me why I still receive at least 1-2 messages a week accusing me of being in an SWF simply because 4 solos actually managed some semblance of playing together well enough to escape? I mean these killers actually send friend invites with attached messages to circumvent the fact that i turned actual messages off. So if you have some magical power to tell who is and who isn't an SWF indisputably then please let me know so I can teach it to the ones who apparently cant.
I don't use meta perks, unless We'll make it, Kindred and empathy are the new 'crutch perks' this week
I'm useless with flashlights so i dont use them.
I don't BM
Did someone put a 'kick me I'm in an SWF" note on my back?
Or is it at all possible that in fact, it is not easy to identify an SWF as people seem to think?
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Not all swf are bad. Some are just friends wanting to play a game together.
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What would stop swf from queuing up into casual mode? Devs have already deconfirmed split matchmaking.
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Idk What state pc is in but console ques for survivor are getting really reallly bad. So as for the game dying. It is. Not to mention how old, unbalanced, broken the game is.
Unless you care to explain why survivor ques are horrid but killer ques are instant. Or should I mention that low level killers get matched with high level survivors since matchmaking just gives up due to the low killer population?
Go on. I'm waiting
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There are toxic solo players and toxic swf players and that, in my opinion, is the problem. Survivors can be toxic and immature at any time and that is not fair to the killer, I agree, but not all swf players are toxic. When I play with my friends, we are not toxic, so it's always bad to see topics saying swf needs to be changed. People's attitude in the change is what needs to be changed, but I don't see that happening.
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Anybody can be toxic, and it's not really a problem because you can just ignore it or report it if it gets serious. As for griefing and holding the game hostage, those are also reportable.
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There's a new patch soon to be live (it's been in PTB for three weeks) that ought to help us killers out. I've been playing for a year and I've nearly given up hope myself, but I'm hoping this patch will be a saving grace.
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I guess you're right to an extent. Like I'm still new to the game, and I'm being put up with these red ranks. I guess I'm not used to it, but there's no doubt that this was a sweaty, toxic swf team. Idk it all seems so stupid.
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You shouldn't be put up against red ranks this early into your experience. The game should be matching you with players who have a similar level of experience.
Try to watch more people than just true btw. I know you may think he's a great killer and survivor but there are many more people who are better than him. Also if killer gets frustrating just swap to survivor and learn that side more.
Maybe you should also save the clips of the games where a team beats you and rewatch it to see where you could have done things differently.