Don't let someone go struggle

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

If I'm not being camped and my teammates let me go struggle, my hand is off the mouse. GG go next


  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829


  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,776
    edited April 2020

    Depends on the situation for me. If we're at five gens and I see all 3 working on them and they all pop and they run out of time to get me, I'll still play and won't be mad. If anything I'm happy people are actually doing gens instead of just urbaning around.

    If the same situation happens and no gens pop and they're all being silly or overly cautious then yeah, I'll let go.

    Also, while I do hate being farmed I would rather be farmed then go to second state if it has come to that, unless a Mori happens to be in play.

    Edit: I think some people get a little too upset about going to struggle sometimes and I got a little story about it. So the match has been going a bit and a guy gets downed and hooked. My buddy and I finish off two separate gens and make our way to the guy with some time to spare. The killer came back and started camping him out as he noticed us and while we tried we we're not able to get him before second state. His SWF buddy was also there attempting to get him. After he got to second state the killer committed on me and as I ran away they got him.

    From there, I lead him around a while and when I was downed, I let my buddy know they were both on a gen and to try and get me. The killer found him on the way and started chasing him and I told him not to worry about it. We were down to two gens, they were on one and the killer wasn't great so I was fine losing a state in order for the gen to get done. They pop it and then they just sit around the gen. They don't move and just kind of huddle it. My buddy goes down and they still don't move. They let me die and they let him die from first state as well without even moving from the gen.

    After we're both dead, we just kind of watch and eventually the killer finds them both. He downs them and then hooks them both, funnily enough the one guy that hadn't been hooked yet Kobe'd and got the hatch.

    My friend messaged them afterwards asking why they left us; we we'rent mad but just curious and they said that because we let his friend get to 2nd state, they both let us die. We had a pretty good chuckle about it.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    If I play Killer and this happens while I am chasing someone I will drop the chase so they can rescue and tunnel out the other teammate who isn't rescuing. Then Ill let everyone else survive the match.

    As a Survivor, I have started to just not care and move on to the next match. If that gen is more important or if you're too scared, that's fine, you can stay with you are and I'll go on to the next match, hopefully full of shirtless Davids.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882
    edited April 2020

    I'll do my best to rescue someone before they go into the struggle phase. It really sucks having to go into the struggle phase on your first hook so I'll definitely hook trade if needed to avoid having another survivor be in that situation. As a solo survivor I wish people would do the same for me, though.

    The rare time I won't bother to save is if a killer is face camping a survivor. I will rather work on a gen instead of feeding the killer what he wants.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I tend to agree...if I sit on a hook while the killer is off doing their thing and zero teammates make an effort to even come my way, I assume they're fine without me.

    If someone is coming but just super timid and theres a little heart beat or something...I stick it out.

    Or if I am getting face camped, I will stick it out so they can finish as many gens as possible.

  • FixDBDPls
    FixDBDPls Member Posts: 87

    Let them die on the first hook instead and do all gens

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Yep same, if there was no I will let go. Good luck since it seems like you don't need me anyway lol

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I like to wait until they get to me and then let go as an extra "######### you".

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80

    You do realize you get points for struggling, right? With some of these wait times I'd prefer to get every point I can.

    It's easier than taking things personally.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Wow survivors are more entitled and selfish than i thought. the most important thing your teammates can do is gens rescues come when its safe or when gens are under control. You saying screw it and bailing hurts your team now their down a man giving the killer pressure

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'm pretty much of the same mindset now. I wouldn't be if people in this game acted better, but often times they don't.

    I just had a game where I was doing just fine (I think I did 1 unhook, but I definitely worked on generators and got chased by the killer a fair amount). I finally get downed (against Wraith if that matters) and put on a hook in the center of the map, and had an Adam working on a gen practically right next to me (opposite of the stack of logs on Suffocation Pit) and he didn't bother unhooking me the whole time I was in 1st hook phase. Then I have a Bill walk up, a tiny bit after I hit 2nd phase, and only starts unhooking me after the Wraith started uncloaking behind him. Not like 16 meters away, practically close enough to smack the Bill's booty. Ofc the Wraith hits me right back down, and I don't run Decisive Strike usually, so I'm just sitting there recovering/waiting to be put out of my misery. To the Wraith's credit, he didn't actually pick me up right after downing me, and he chased somebody else instead, but the only person who came to heal me got seen as they were coming I think and he came back anyway.

    It's games like this that make me have that same mindset. Games where it feels like there's more than just the killer trying to kill me.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,586

    It's usually better to make a bad save if someone is about to go into struggle than to let them go into struggle for free. Obviously, try not to let it get to that point, but things happen

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Maximum oof is all three crouching next to the hook the killer is camping when only one gen is left and sit there for a hook state and a half.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918

    You can literally see everything your teammates are doing while on the hook, which means they obviously are not doing gens or in chase. They are crouched or healing across the map. I have seen survivors open chests and dig in instead of making a save. If you have kindred it's a double whammy. If teammates are actually doing gens or being stopped by the killer then yeah you hang in there.