Do you think powerful Legion will be changed soon?

When played correctly, the Legion is an insanely powerful killer. During the era of super fast gen repairing, the Legion was one of the best because of how well he can slow down gen progress. For a while, hardly anyone played Legion because they thought he was crappy. But as the Legion is starting to catch on now, people are realizing it's power. The survivors, however, commonly hate Legion facing Legion. I just had a round as Ghostface and mentioned that Legion is the one I can win best with during this era. One person instantly complained and said not to be him. Do you guys think that survivors will eventually cause the Devs to change the Legion, whether for OP or boringness? Or do you think he will stay for a while longer?


  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    I mean, during THIS era of super fast gen repairing he IS one of the best in my opinion. Everyone has different opinions and I accept that.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    And sorry, should've put this in discussions, not questions...

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,221

    He's not op at all. He's practically M1 killer if survivors decide to do gens instead of self-caring in corner..

    But i won't blame you for thinking like that, because i have seen countless red rank survivors self-caring in corner LOL

    In case of best slowdown, pig is the best IMO.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    As I said OmegaXII, we all have our opinions. However, I do agree that the Pig is good. Actually, I have heard this through the discussion before: "The killer doesn't make the player good, the player makes the killer good." So technically, the way I play Legion or Pig (even if survivors repair gens rather than healing) and the perks I use can make either really powerful or horrible. And I say that with every killer.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,221

    Of course.. if you have the skill, you can make every killer powerful, especially with right build.

    But.. if you max your skill at every killer, some are going to do better than others. That's why tier list exists. Max skill nurse, billy or spirit is much more terrifying than legion or clown.

    PS: I'm red rank legion that plays with no add-ons, and.. while i did well in most of the game, i don't think he ever comes close to the level of overpower. If anything, he actually needs some buff. He shouldn't have 4 secs stun and power drain on hit.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    They actually are going to slightly buff him this Dev Update. To be honest, I don't really think the Legion is fully OP, but rather when played well he is really hard to win against. The Legion is sort of a Hit or Miss killer. Depending on how well the survivors waste your power (as in dodging your frenzy attacks), you may either do really good or really bad and not in the middle. If the Legion mains are able to never miss and always know how to play, toxic survivors may complain about the Legion and cause a rework. To do well with the him, you really just got to know when to use the power and when to stop it.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    I have no idea if he is really weak or strong because I used to die every game against Legion because I used to kill myself on first hook. I'm trying to change this and give him a chance. Still didn't face many of them recently...

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    Multiple people have done that to me when I was Legion. On the killer's side, it hurts them more than it looks like it would. Even though it makes it easier to kill more, it gives them less points than possible and lowers the fun of the game. So thanks for trying to change your ways now. And yeah, I guess he isn't as popular as recently. Practically no one was him, then he started rising, and falling again. However, after the Dev Update there may be a sudden rise.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    Yeah, agreed but it's hard not to instantly give up because I'm a solo queuer and most games against him end up the same way: a really long death. But Im trying. I just faced him actually, it was a pretty easy game, but his build was pretty bad, I think:

    Isn't SB kinda useless? It doesn't work in feral frenzy, does it?

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    I agree that he has not the best build. Sloppy butcher, practically pointless. NOED, not really a perk for Legion unless they just bought him and they need a backup plan. Discordance, useful. Nurse's Calling, moderately good. NC can be used after you stab many people, because when your power ends, you can see where they all are healing themselves from deep wound. I perk I always use is Blood Echo. Stab tons of people, hook one, they are all exhausted for awhile and can't dash with dead hard. And they bleed like SB, which is pointless. But the exhaustion is SUPER useful.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    NC's aura includes the mend action? I didn't know that! Or are you talking about normal healing?

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    I have not tried that yet, so I don't know. But I THINK it shows that too. Normal healing too though. Not nearly as useful, but still good. Actually, I could try out NC now. See how it goes.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    And just to say, my main combo is Hex: Retribution, Ruin, Blood Echo, and Dead Man's Switch.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I feel like maybe you are confusing the Devs with this nonsense. They already, SOMEHOW, think that legion is in a good place (direct quote, btw) and sarcasm doesn't help.

    And I really hope you are being sarcastic, my heart couldn't take it if purple rank survivors couldn't loop an m1 killer.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    Just to say, I am not sarcastic about thinking that tthe Legion is good when played well. The Devs are going to buff him though, which may cause survivors to complain if people take advantage of the buff well. You never know what the survivors can reach when it comes to complaining. I don't chat all too often (as you see my # of posts), so what exactly does "m1" mean?

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    I just did a round. Sadly enough, I guess NC doesn't work with a deep wound. To my luck, I got 3 kills and 1 hopped down the hatch because most of them were trying to get me to hook them. However, only 1 killed themselves.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    Searching it up, if M1 killer means a killer that only uses their basic attack, Legion is exactly NOT like that. The power is the most important thing about the Legion, like it is for any killer. To do good, you need to know when to use it.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    An m1 killer is a killer that relies on a basic, 115 movement speed, vanilla-attack-only chase in order to down people. Legion is quite literally the definition of 'm1 killer'. The have FF to get you injured, but nothing to get you downed but a basic m1 chase. And yes, you can be absolutely amazing and think Legion is a strong killer. But most of that is the fact that you are going against boosted survivors because this rank system is insanely bad. Once you've played a few games against the people that actually deserve to be red ranks you will understand just how weak Legion is. You literally cannot do a thing to down them if they just play well. Who cares that everyone got injured. Injured does nothing for you.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    MadLordJack, I have faced the good and the bad. I have gotten to rank one... As the Legion. Only those that waste my power as others work on gens or somehow hide insanely well do I do bad against. And that is with any killer. For example, Spirit: if people keep tricking her on where they are going when she is in Spirit mode, she does really bad even though she is ranked the best (or among the best) killer. Practically, any Killer can be good or bad. And one more thing: please don't continue on this chat of you are going to prove that the Legion is weak, because I will never agree to that and that is exactly the opposite of why I made this thread.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I think you are confusing the killer being strong with you being good. I can, for example, loop the everliving shite out of almost any legion player, and only get downed when I no longer have a pallet. Am I a good survivor? No, I'm boosted AF. Why can I achieve this if I'm not good? Because getting the m1 chase is a basic requirement.

    Or, if I'm feeling lazy, I can just drop pallets in your face and wait for them gens to be done. Good luck outskilling me without any actual gameplay. Look, I'm exploiting the weakness of Legion: playing safe. Look, there's nothing any legion can do: they are a basic m1 killer that cannot even show off their m1 skills. How sad. Should've been playing... Well, almost anyone else.

    You are genuinely confusing your skill, the skill of survivors you face, and the power of the killer. You even mentioned getting to rank 1 as legion: Guess what, legion is the easiest killer to achieve that with! Wow, who knew? Their FF plays the emblem system! That's like pretending it's impressive to get 30k blood points as Legion. And being at rank 1 doesn't mean shite any more, something that most people at rank 1 acknowledges as they constantly face boosted player after boosted player. Who cares if you stomp on bad survivors, you're literally supposed to.

    And, to cap it all off, maybe don't post if you cannot take criticism. People are allowed to have their own opinions, but if it goes against established, evidence-backed fact the you had better have some conflicting evidence of your own.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I should also call out something you mentioned: Spirit as a bad killer.

    Spirit is not a bad killer, EVER. If you suck as a killer (which I often do) then that killer isn't bad. YOU (OR ME) ARE. If the power is there but you cannot exploit it, that's your problem.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    And I agree to the end of your first message. We all have our opinions, and, if you read my messages, I really except that. I am just confused why you are trying SO hard to prove Legion as bad. You completely took the conversation off its topic. And as you admitted it, I make mistakes at killers too, especially Spirit. And I never said Spirit is bad, she is one of my favorites, actually. Just when the survivors can trick her, it can ruin one of her games. So anyways, I understand your point of view on the Legion. All I mean is that I have my opinion that he is good, and you have the opposite. And, to cap this message off, I will mention that I have heard this quote before: "The killer doesn't make the survivor good, the survivor makes the killer good." So by the Legion being good, it goes back to my skill at being him. That it why I said he is good when played well: because the player is experienced and knows how to properly use his power. The power of the killer does not make the Legion strong. It is really the way that I, and any good Legion main, plays him.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    So let's end this argument and come to an agreement: We both have our opinions on whether he is good or bad, and neither of us is more right than the other. So truce? 🤝

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah. I feel like maybe you're just naturally good at the game. Who knows, maybe there is some insane way of playing legion that you have accidentally discovered that head-mind-ya-games survivors and you don't even know you are pulling because you quite literally cannot have other people's experiences. Look at wraith, the moment Hit-And-Run was discovered that boi became tipity-top-almost-unbeatable.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    I mean, I have played the game for over 1k hours, though I didn't have Legion the whole time. I admit, I do embarrassingly fail at Legion sometimes though. For example, earlier today there was these people that repaired gens insanely fast and I could hardly get any of them. All of them escaped. We all have our pros and cons which affects the way we play. This can lead to different strengths with different killers. Whatever your opinion is with all the killers, I won't fight. I accept your opinion that the Legion is bad.

  • FixDBDPls
    FixDBDPls Member Posts: 87

    I missed the actual powerful Legion, with frank's mixtape and cold dirt + bloodhound, those were the days, now he just cries in a corner poor thing

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    They are buffing Frank again where I believe you can see scratch marks and blood right when the frenzy ends. The cold dirt + bloodhound combo will work again, if I understand it. I actually got Legion and practiced him after he was already nerfed. I bought him with shards.

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    As a Legion main, I think people downplay Legion's viability, but they're not insanely powerful like you're saying. A good Legion can be annoying to play against, but Legion still gets punished for doing literally anything.

    Getting a hit outside of Frenzy actually drains a little bit of your power meter, running out of Frenzy results in a stun that is literally longer than a pallet stun, missing a hit in Frenzy drains your power and gives you said stun, etc.

    They need buffs more than anything. There's virtually nothing they can do against people who spend a minimal amount of time healing and are good at chases. They can't use Frenzy to down them, so at that point, they basically become an M1 killer.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    I guess that's true. I don't think Legion is INSANELY powerful, but rather for those that don't know how to counterplay him may think he is OP is too "boring" to play against. They then complain to the Devs who may eventually rework him because of being tired of buffing then nerfing then buffing then nerfing forever. As the Legion, the more people you hit, the better you do. That is why good runners and dodgers along with large maps hurt Legion. The buff and smaller maps can definitely help Legion mains now after the Dev Update comes out.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,253

    I saw powerful in the title with legion. You sure we're talking about the legion and not the spirit or nurse?

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    Yes. The three of them are powerful. I am prestige three Spirit, I believe.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited April 2020

    I have read about the buff of the Legion and I will for sure test it. Still, I don't think that is something what the Legion needs and I also don't think that the Legion is on a good place right now, even I also believe, that the devs think, that he is.

    Maybe for newcomers is the Legion today on a good spot, but for the most people I have speak with that also had known the Legion to pre patch times, feels the Legion today pretty weak and unfun, compared to what the Legion once was.

    And I know that the statistics say something different and I also believe em. Still, I had more fun with the Legion to pre patch times and a lower killer rate, as with the Legion today with a higher killrate and I am not alone with that mindset.

    Until the people feel the same while playing the Legion again, as to pre patch times, we will read words like "powerless, weak, cribbled" and so on over and over again, because the Legion just feels today like this for many people that can compare (not for everyone of course).

    With that I don't like to say that the Legion today is bad, I just like to say that she is unfun compared to the version before and feels powerless compared to the version before.

    Imo, the Legion is a good example on what the devs make wrong: The devs working on the killers only with balance in mind and with the one question in their head if the killer, they are working on, can succesfull end a match what his objectives matters.

    But the problem is, the people like also to have fun and to feel powerfull^^.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295
    edited April 2020

    I accept your opinion that he is unfun and feels powerless compared to before. That's the sad thing though, the different opinions of everyone. I bought him with shards after he was nerfed (and have had him for a moderate amount of time), so I feel like he is powerful and fun despite playing DbD for a long time, though some play MUCH more than me. But yeah, some disliking the Legion ruin those that enjoy being him. I am naturally better at Legion then other killers actually (I have every killer other than Cannibal), and have got straight iridescents with him more than any other killer. So yeah, it makes me sad that people feel that he is unfun. :(

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited April 2020

    Well... See it as a blessing. If you have never played this version, you will never know what you have lost and I mean that to 100% positive.

    The only bad thing is, that people like me have no place to go anymore. If bhvr would tomorrow nerf a random m1 killer to hell, the people would easilie be able to jump over to the next m1 killer. Sadly that was not possible for us "old dogs" :).

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    Legion is my favorite killer but they are quite weak so no. Also survivors don’t like to go against any killer basically so that doesn’t matter. If you wanna please them, play AFK Wraith and let them play their holding down M1 simulator that they waited for 10+ minutes.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    I won't fight your opinion that he is weak, but I see the opposite. It really depends on the person on whether he is strong or not. He is my main and with the perk combos I use, he gets real strong.