Im done

This matchmaking system ia ruining the game, every damn match i play i always get deatroyed by a swf groyp and i end up dcing because they are making rhe game unfun, the fun of the game ia not knowing who youe gonne get matched up agaisnt. If they are good or bad, they do objectives or diateact the killer. You dont know because there is no chat. But swf makes the game unbalanced because they can communicate becausw of discord ot skype and that is an outstanding advantage. As killee you just want to have a noemal fun game but when you get matched up with people that are way bettee than you and just make the game unfun for the killer is just dumb. If this happens to me again in a bit i might just legit quit the game. The best way to slow the game down was changed so what the hell am i supposed to do? The gens are done way to fast. I legit got my first hook in the game when the fourth gen was popped. They need to make changes to the game asap. Theres a reason why many killer mains are leaving the game.
try wait till next patch they are nerfing gen speeds if you're still disappointed then nobody is forcing you to stay
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This matchmaking is unfortunately what we have right now, I play killer very little now especially cause it’s stressful with this matchmaking, but whenever I play survivor I always get insulted after game or t-bagged and left on hook by the toxic swf or just people that don’t wanna help solos in general, I know it’s sucks but it’s all we have, hopefully the devs will fix this but it still won’t stop people like these and people being toxic or destroying you.
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I mean. What makes you so sure they're a SWF team? There's plenty of solo red ranks that probably would've been able to play well against you anyway. I'm just always curious why killers are so convinced that they're playing against SWF teams. Anyway.... Matchmaking is broken right now. Everyone knows that by now. It's not going to be fixed any time soon. I'd suggest it you can't handle the heat in the kitchen, switch over to survivor. Playing killer is going to be difficult. The amount of 3,000-5,000 hours survivors that this game has is high. The amount of 2,000 hour killers is low.
They need a new ranking system it's clear. A 300 hour killer is never going to have fun in this game playing against 3,000 hour survivors. That's why I no longer queue as killer. Game is actually busted as hell. And even if you were in the normal ranks... You'd just be facing people that are returning to the game or haven't played since rank reset. They'd still have a ton more hours then you and school you.
Nothing anyone can do about it. Until they figure out how to take 5000 hour survivors and put them against 5000 hour killers. The game will never be fair. Some of us have accepted it.
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It is sad that matchmaking has been like this since before I started playing this game, which was October. I've seen YouTube videos of matchmaking being this bad over a year ago.
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I know it doesnt make you feel any better, but seeing as to how the top guy only got 20k-something and everyone else was in the teens, it couldnt have been THAT bad. You probably killed most of them, with those numbers. Which just means either you should be higher or they should be lower. Just because they are red ranks doesnt mean they deserve to be there or are better than you. The system is broke.
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I know that no body is forcing me to stay but i want to stay because i really do think the game has potential to be fun. I know the game has potential to be balanced if the devs listen
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Im playing survivor mor than i used too because i atleast have a little fun in survivor but the quetimes kill it for me and thats why i play killer cause the que time is shorter, but hopefully they will do something
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Suprisingly you made me feel a little better, maybe they didnt deserve to be in red ranks but just because i couls not do mt objective most of the time cause they wpuld always loop me and i could not do anything was stressful. I really want to get better at the game but think its dumb that i have to purchase dlc to have goos stuff in the game to have a chance to win its a bit dumb. But they made a pretty good job at making me waste my money on killers and perks
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Yep. I'm not trying to be a douche or anything like that with my post. It's just the facts. Years ago when I first joined this forum this was one of the things that I mentioned numerous times. It was already becoming a problem back then. Players were getting up to the thousands of hours and playing against people with 100 hours in the game. It's a major problem and only getting worse. And the fact that I check profiles when I play survivor and never see a killer with over 2,000 hours... There's going to a be a problem. Because rank 1 gameplay is now full of 3,000 hour survivors bullying a 400 hour killer who has to run NOED to try and get a kill. It's bad.
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I agree, when you go in to have fun and play fair and a team of survivors is playing really hard and stopping you from doing what you need to do, it gets old fast. I tried doing my killer dailies yesterday and the team got a crappy map for the killer I was playing (Leatherface daily) after trying several times to get the chainsaw objective - because I'm admittedly terrible at that killer - I just killed them all with M1. LUL I don't general kill teams when doing dailies. Just 2nd hook everyone and then hit/slug them so they can max points too. But if you stop me from being able to do what I'm there to do...I dont really have anything else to do but kill you. 😂 But it does feel exhausting at the end of the match when all you wanted to do was play a fun, casual match and enjoy yourself. There are QoL issues on both sides, and I agree getting SWAT teamed is blah.
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You and all of us bud
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Rank is largely meaningless in DbD and thus any argument/complaint made about it is very likely to be pretty much pointless. The only thing rank is good for is earning a steam achievement, if we're being practical about it.
Anyway, how are those players keeping you from having fun again? By being better? I don't want to sound like a jerk but I'm honestly confused.