Was Sole Survivor nerfed?

I'm not exactly sure what this change did. Because it looks to me like they nerfed a perk that virtually no one uses. Which is strange, but I'm trying to understand the logic. Could someone explain this? lol
The perk icon lights up when it's active.
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Nerf, how exactly?
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Well if I'm reading it right, it now gives you a token to use it to block 1 aura reading ability, as opposed to simply you being able to use it the entire match with no tokens, provided you are at the proper distance. But you only get tokens when someone dies. So up to 3 tokens (provided you are the last one left alive).
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Can you send a screenshot?
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Before it only lighted up whenever it block auras.
Now it lights up as soon as you get a token.
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We already have Distortion, the stacks just tell you how many other survivors have died. It still works as intended.
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Here's a screenshot of how it reads now.
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So it still works exactly as before, and the tokens are just an indicator for those who aren't able to see at the bottom of the screen how many of their teammates are dead? That seems like a waste of time to make such a change. This perk needs to just be reworked, I don't see the logic in ever using it.
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No, this still seems to work as usual. It's just a QOL change (according to the dbd wiki, my lifeblood) to make it more concise, It doesn't say it consumes the token, so it still works like usual.
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Ok, that's the answer to my question. It doesn't consume the token lol because like the other poster pointed out, we already have Distortion. So it sounded to me as though they changed the perk to be a crappier version of Distortion. Which really made no sense, hence why I was looking for clarification if it consumed the token or not. Thanks again!
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If it does consume a token then they gotta update the wording, but right now it seems like it's worded similarly to BBQ.
See you out there in the fog (if the ping issues ever get fixed).
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Seriously, if I could have 1 thing fixed versus a whole slew of changes to the game done, I'd ask for the latency to be addressed. I have lost track of how many times I vault through a window, take 3-4 steps forward and still get hit by the killer. I'd be perfectly fine with them taking 3 months straight on just working on making it so that doesn't happen anymore lol ah well, thanks for the info. Have fun out there!
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Apparently vaults have been fixed on the PTB. I wouldn't know, haven't been able to play since I've been getting lobbies of exclusively 180+ ping.
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The main use is for Object of Obsession. If you're the last one alive you have a 72 meter aura reading on the killer which admittedly doesn't do much now but it seems like you could have had some fun with it back when there was no EGC.
It also can counter Nurses and other aura reading killer perks but the issue of needing a teammate to be dead does make it rather bad.
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They said in the patch notes that the perk did not change, they just updated the wording
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Same dude, I don't know if it's just bad internet today or dedicated servers are switched off but I've been experiencing yellow ping lobbies all day and getting hit from 5 feet away.
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People been saying for months that it didn't work. Now we have visual confirmation of when it's working.
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yeah, that is what I want to say!
It got nerfed actually.