Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Welcome to the Temple of Purgation, 30 Second gen.



  • Brendan_12
    Brendan_12 Member Posts: 23

    So... Wait I am confused mate. So it's not OK that the killer has to make a 50/50 guess where survivors are, and can potentially be penalised by losing a gen if all the survivors smash it out? ๐Ÿ˜‚ I mean, what do you want, survivors to constantly glow with an aura, generators that reset if more than one has been completed, and a hunting rifle for the killer?

  • Brendan_12
    Brendan_12 Member Posts: 23

    Arguably the best comment I have ever read on these forums. I've said for a long time though it seems like not all but a large minority of killers won't be happy until there are no gens, or no exit gates. They don't want the challenge what they want is the fun of hunting and being untouchable - or having an inability to lose.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I'm saying I don't want to run around a literally empty space on the map for the best part of a minute before I actually find someone to chase. And please tell me how I was implying that I want to kill every survivor within 60 seconds of a match starting by saying that I want a more consistent spawn point for killers? Survivors just shouldn't spawn directly on a gen and killers shouldn't spawn in the middle of the map. I really don't know how you came to that conclusion of my statement but sure, I guess I do want to kill every survivor in 60 seconds that's exactly what I was saying.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    You got really lucky with that early DC saved you about 3 hook times and reduced at of repair and pressure

    CANxOFxCORN Member Posts: 204

    I don't play legion, but got the killer just for that pek, to prevent exactly this.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Which is probably one of the reasons. Tunneling and camping was always a thing, but never as bad as after the Ruin rework. Also, that was 32 seconds. The camera panning does not really count. And "I have no sympathy for killers" is some kind of argument, that would totally legitimate to tunnel and camp you. You can't expect someone to care about your experience if you don't about others, so your comparison to gen rush complaining is somewhat hypocritical.

    @shalo 3 people on a gen need 38 seconds. No Proove Thyself but 2 toolboxes, that might have made the speedup to 32 seconds. I would suggest running Discordance for a bunch of games. I noticed it is pretty much standard that at least two survivors spawn together and mostly directly to a gen. I also posted about that in the last PTB, I think the problem is not 2% great skillcheck progression or another 5% team penalty on gens, but survivor spawning logic. You might be wondering how often Discordance triggers within the first 5 seconds of a game. You can use this at least several games to get a feeling for survivor spawning regions, and then check if you do better after you feel confident of where you expect survivors on several maps.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @TheRockstarKnight The rest of the video is not related to the problem mentioned in OP. And also for @evil_one_74 , the rest just shows that these were boosted survivors, meaning ranks mean nothing atm. The amount of trying to crouch/hide against Feral Frenzy, the early dropped pallets, the early left pallets allowing to not break them...

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited April 2020

    @ALostPuppy @AlexisFox @Brendan_12 not really a need to bring this us vs them up again. You can also say that survivors quite much expect easy counterplay against killers for 1v1, making the 4v1 totally unbalanced. This argumentation will never stop and we all know about that. This topic was basically just about the first 30 seconds of the game, the rest of the game doesn't matter to that.

    @AlexisFox If you say "expect 4k every game" I think you refer to the video and that it turned out to be a 4k. But that was just because of potato survivors, if they continued with the same efficiency instead of crouching behind a rock to hide against Feral Frenzy and without the DC, the game would have turned out differently. Again, we are just talking about the first gen. No need to assume stuff and presume any statements

    Same to @Brendan_12 , noone expects super easy play. Just less randomness that impacts the game with 20% loss of progress as kickoff. Better spawning points would not smash survivors in front of the killer, it would need the killer to pay attention to find survivors and survivors to make a decision to jump on a gen or play stealthy for at least 30 seconds to be not in chase instantly. That would be a more skillbased start of the game, rather than "I do gens, 50% of my matches it finishes because I got lucky" or "50% of my games I find the correct gen because I got lucky"

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    And technically, for your understanding, that was more 15 seconds; since half the video was him Starting the match with the camera spin. He only got to walk for Literally 15 seconds! That gen would have popped Even If he went directly to that gen first

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Why are there so many toxic survivors here?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited April 2020

    Honestly this is more of a problem with spawns than gen times. Killers have to really guess at the beginning of each match where the survivors spawned in at. If you spawn in a good location, not too far from survivors, you'll be able to get a rolling start. But if you spawn in a poor location, the killer essentially has to guess. Sometimes you can get a sense of where the survivors might've spawned in at, but there's no surefire method to it.

    Killers always complain about DS, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Gen Speeds, etc... but they rarely ever complain about spawns. But spawns are probably THE biggest issue with killer right now. I'd like to at least see a perk -- if not something base -- that lets killers know where the survivors spawned in at. That would force survivors to work on gens further away (though it'd be a nerf to a perk like corrupt intervention perhaps, but not a strong nerf) or risk the killer coming their way. That would slow matches down significantly independent of gen speeds. It wouldn't need to even be something like seeing their auras. Could be the closest gens to survivor spawns are highlighted in blue.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,063

    That's how it happens. "Oh I guessed the wrong direction! Instant gen pop!" Survivors think this is fair as well.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,063

    Sure they can stop that gen from going that quick. They just have to guess a 1 in 5 correctly. This guy guessed it wrong and started the game with 4 gens instead of 5. Even then, you would have to chase every survivor off it and not commit to a chase because if you do, it's gone. And doing that will allow them to rush other gens. There's no winning for killers in this game. Give something to gain something, always.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,063

    I hate it when people steal the way someone said something and put their own twist on it. It's not funny or "OHHH COMEBACK!" cool. You do it because you can't come up with original thought, which is further proven by your derailing of the conversation. We're talking about gen speed, not tunneling.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    A quick look at their post history would tell you that engaging with this individual is a waste of your keystrokes.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    Discordance would have helped a lot here. I try to use it when I get lucky with the bloodweb, but for Legion, it's one of their own perks. At least you knew everyone was on the same gen.

  • Shorty_Hutch
    Shorty_Hutch Member Posts: 22

    4 survivors on a gen, and theyve had a toolbox or 2. It sucks but it happens. Also you went the wrong direction at the start. Just bad luck.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Yup. I get those when I play survivor. Teammates with rank, but not the skill to match it. Makes it suck to play solo. Stuck on the hook, and watching these yellow figures walking / crouching around clueless. 3+ years of playing dbd. I've climbed the ladder of knowledge and experience, but get stuck with those that haven't..

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    I would prefer that survivors goal would be only 4 gens but the killer would start the game with a survivor in front of him to start with a chase. It would be the same but less time walking around without interacting with the other team.

    It would be broken because that first chase is instant with some killers... but think about it.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Well, survivors have 5 gens, killers up to 12 hooks. How about starting the game with a survivor on the hook?

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    Don't really see the sad part. Didn't know that a Legion has to run discordance but ok

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Imagine being a survivor who complains about the only viable strat against sweaty SWF's.

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  • Zydto
    Zydto Member Posts: 34

    well,the first 2 gens are the easiest, so use this to look for 3-5 gens which are closer together, to protect them. It is impossible to protect the whole map. Do not protect gens, you cannot protect (like gens far away from the other gens, or gens that are not in the same level as you (like gens on top of something or in th cellar, wherever...)

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    I never said or implied that you wanted to kill all the survivors in 60 seconds, I said "It sounds like you are saying that killers should be able to get 4 kills without a single gen popping." That means a match should play out where the killer is able to interrupt survivors before they complete whatever gens they work on throughout the entire match and stop them from popping. This was in response to you saying "They guessed wrong and lost a gen for it. How is that ok?" It's ok because that was the consequence of making the wrong decision. Was it possible for this player to make the right decision? Yes, it was. Was it possible for this player to know if the decision they were making was right or wrong? No, it wasn't. Both killers and survivors have to make those kind of decisions from time to time and guessing wrong has consequences. That doesn't automatically make it unfair. As for not wanting to run around trying to find someone to chase, that sounds like you may be playing the wrong game since survivors are encouraged to try to not be seen unless they have an advantage in a given chase. It's up to the killer to ferret them out of hiding when the killer would have the chase advantage. So you simply are not going to get survivors and the killer spawning in set locations that give some kind of advantage to one side or the other. The spawn locations will be random and that randomness will sometimes cause survivors to spawn near each other and near a gen. Also it will sometimes spawn the killer in a place where they start chasing someone in the first 5 seconds of a match.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    I have to disagree with you on your comment that "This topic was basically just about the first 30 seconds of the game, the rest of the game doesn't matter to that." The rest of the game does matter quite a bit. By the OP posting this thread in the first place they were insinuating that there was a problem. Clearly from the video of the full match that 1 gen that was completed was inconsequential since it made no difference what so ever in the outcome of the match. So there was no issue here, just a killer posting a gripe about something that prevented them from getting a complete shut out match.

    To your comments directly to me specifically, you talk about if the survivors continued with the same efficiency. Honestly, the only reason they had the 'efficiency' as you put it was because the were yet unapposed. The only way for that efficiency to continue would be for the killer to have completely ignored the survivors and just let them go from gen to gen freely. Since that didn't happen and the fact that if a killer is actually trying to play the match they wouldn't let the survivors do that your point in this regard is irrelevant.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Well, then we disagree. If survivors throw the game is pretty much irrelevant to me, when the problem is basically to start the game with 4 gens. If decent survivors get to finish the first gen before the first chase starts, the killer pretty much relies on mistakes of the survivors and is himself not allowed to do some, to catch up with that in most games. And this is the issue. Not that potatoes don't manage to get anything done once they see a killer.

    And to the second: you didn't even respond to what I directed at you. I was talking about your "expect 4k" insinuation and that the video does not imply that OP requests 4k...

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    I can't address your inability to understand deductive reasoning. If it makes no sense to you why someone would deduce something with evidence that points to it I simply can't help you.

  • thisrandomguy
    thisrandomguy Member Posts: 142

    Your point was automatically invalid when you mentioned op fast cloaled wraith abilities. My man having trouble with wraith lmao

  • Brendan_12
    Brendan_12 Member Posts: 23

    @Deadeye you may be right re spawns. However there are still perks that effect spawns - or rather not perks but bonuses. Would these too be removed then?

    And regardless of what is introduced, either main survivors or main killers will kick off and get angsty because they feel they're been persecuted at some level or other I feel.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    This is exactly why I run Discordance on Legion. If they try doing a gen together, they're in for some stabby stabby fun times together.

    That said, Discordance doesn't always give a ton of value. But when it does, it's exactly where you needed it.

    As for this specific situation...I feel like it's a huge misplay for survivors to blow everything on the first gen. (Especially when it's an out of the way one, like on a second floor on some maps.) Those first gens are the easiest by far, why try hard on those and then just get stuck on the last couple?

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    i always destroy any killer who camp or tunnel and I feel sorry for you because you obviously easy 2 tap.