Issues with Stretch Resolution

Hey so I am trying out stretched resolution and I watched all the videos about it. The stretched resolution works but it is affecting the game-play. When I sometimes try and do a 360, my character lags or teleports and it is very annoying for me and the killer. Does anyone have any solutions?


  • Jzames
    Jzames Member Posts: 2

    No I want to fix it. I don't want to play the game exploited, so I am asking what can I do to fix it.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2020

    The stretch resolution IS the exploit... to fix it, undo what you did to exploit the FOV with a stretched resolution.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
    edited April 2020

    @DisappointedUser how exactly is it an exploit? Can you show me on which part of the eula it says that changing resolution is exploit? Then why all the people who uses it don't get banned? Why even big streamers do use it with no problem? It's even ridiculous, some people monitors have a different resolution by default with more fov than others, and they are not forced to buy a new one just to play with the same than yours.

    @Jzames don't worry, it's not an exploit, but when I used to have scretched resolution I never had those issues so idk how to help you

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I assume you can just follow the instructions on how you did it in the first place, but put in a "normal" resolution with a "normal" aspect ratio instead like 1920x1080 or whatever you want.

    This goes for any game, but always make sure to make backups of stuff like .ini files before changing them, just in case something breaks or to more easily revert to "vanilla" settings if you do more complex changes to the files.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    And still it is exploiting. Tell did they fixed that? I only recently learned about that. No wonder sometimes i feel like how they even read that.

  • Zydto
    Zydto Member Posts: 34

    using something against the enemie, which is not intendend, is not an exploit you say? okay, then iwill justmind my own business, and read the discussions, which always makes me laughing

  • forthelulz
    forthelulz Member Posts: 306
    edited April 2020

    lol @ thinking using a lower resolution and/or aspect-ratio is an exploit, does that mean anyone with a monitor that has any other aspect-ratio or native resolution of 1920x1080 is also "exploiting"?

    Even in actual competitive games for real money, including first person shooters, they're freely allowed to use any resolution and/or aspect ratio they want.

  • forthelulz
    forthelulz Member Posts: 306

    To use a different resolution and/or aspect-ratio requires absolutely no altering of .ini files, or any files for that matter. Anyone or thing claiming otherwise has no idea what they're talking about at all.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    Well isn't the game engine adapting screen to fixed resolution?

    It is not fair and you are defending the ones that can see over walls getting clearly huge advance in the loops that should be trials of the skill and mind game.

    In other games example like Dota 2 where is huge money prize no one of players can see more of the map vision then it was intended in the first place so every player no matter what resolution they run they have exactly same range of vision like other players.

    No one saying you shouldn't be using different resolution here, instead it is said that people should not be allowed to have the vision from 3d person that they shouldn't have in the first place...

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    You can't see over any tile walls except some on autohaven,and that's when you use like 1080x1080/900x1080 and lower. Otherwise,you get 0 horizontal fov advantage and it comes at a cost of having skillchecks be smaller and more tight making em harder and similar stuff like it. Also the pace of the game seems faster because of the res,so you need to adapt to it aswell. You kind of need to re learn the distances for everything. I will say editing engine.ini files is bs,and it has been fixed(partially) but editing ur res out of the game is not editing the game files in anyway possible.