new update

This game is now officially a joke it is so killer sided and backed by a ######### dev team you can barely get more than 5 minutes into a game and youre losing cause of so much pallet removing a window removing the servers are trash ive lost multiple pips due to disconnection to servers and when i make a ticket about it i either get sorry not our problem or sorry nothing we can do i will continue to play but cause this is the only game my friends play but the devs drove this game into a 20 foot grave because of this update
Another survivor main crying because he cannot gen rush on easy mode and loop the killer for ages.
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i dont like to gen rush actually i like a good game i can atually walk away from a losing game that is fun i barely use pallets and windows i usually rely on jukes but i cant use pallets anymore cause there are about 7 to a map and in the saloon map ypu cant run through the building anymore cause they added 17 doors its just ridiculous so lets make arguments without insults and atual stuff
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well we need to wait and see how happens, but so far 4k every game for me (i play both side but mostly killer), i guess kills rate will go from 3k on average to 3.5k on average because of how easy its been for me these games now.
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Just apply more pressure
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i wish i could i like having fun games i use few pallets and they are so far apart you cant do anything anymore
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yeah see you even agree basically im not a ######### player im average player who likes to play for fun but i still like getting my ranks but im having people as killer with teir 1 perks or just one perk coming into games and just trashing the whole team its ridiculous i play few killer games but i played one today and it was a joke i trashed them within 3 minutes as ghost face
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Killer who go use to play around the infinite will find it easier to kill the survivor they find a way to play around those exploit so now that they remove most of them they can play like they want
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I think them taking out the infinite loops is a good thing but like i was looking at maps with a friend and there is literally 5 pallets and 2 wall loops in one of the macmillin maps and the others are just ridiculous against killer cause the pallets and the normal loops are so far spread that a killer can catch up to you and get you 2 times before you reach a second pallet but idk its a very difficult update to get into if especially cause im a rather new player
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If you get hit in the first loop because you stay too long you will be down between the first and the second loop you need to leave the loop a bit earlier and they did not chamge the number of pallet drop exept in 1 or 2 map what they remove are the god loop and the ability to have 2 jungle gym spawning beside each other with a long wall right next to this and a LT loop after that that why you feel like they cut some pallet because in every jungle gym you had a pallet drop so maybe i contradic myself but they could have remove 1 pallet in every map
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I wish I had your games. I've been playing against seal team rank 1 survivors and swfs since I started my session a few hrs ago. It has not been pleasant.
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idk it seems like they removed alot more
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I wish I had your lobbies, all I ever find are SWF's with one guy using OoO
Its really annoying and I have found way too many