Make the area inside the gate an exposed area



  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "No. First of all, the concept of tanking the hit for the escape is perfectly in line with the heroic ending to some horror movies."

    Yeah, and guess what? THOSE HEROIC PEOPLE DIE.

    "That said, why should survivors be punished for succeeding?"

    They succeed when they escape, staying inside during the EGC should be a bad thing for survivors. They literally have no reason to stay inside other than to aid others to escape, and that should come with a risk.

    "This would like causing the killer to move 10% slower once the 3rd survivor dies. Punished for success is not the right way to go about it."

    Not the same thing, it would actually be more comparable to slowing the killer 5% when he decides to close the hatch, adding tons of pressure on the survivor while all you need to do then is patrol the exit gates. It basically adds a risk to closing the hatch without knowing where the survivor is.

    "I hate getting blocked at the exit gate, but I just face facts, I lost and don't deserve a freebie."

    Its not a freebie, they literally risk their life to save a friend instead. And yeah, survivors should be rewarded with a ######### ton of survival points if they take a protection hit. Perhaps even the same amount of points they would have gained for escaping, without giving them emblem points for doing so. Meaning that BP-wise, there would be no difference.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    Something seriously needs to be done about the bm inside the gate. The devs think survivor bm doesnt effect their game and so do the survivors doing it but imagine if killer bm was celebrated as much as survivor bm... look at me stream I'm so TOXIC (squeaky girl voice survivor main)

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    They often live too. Sorry, but this is a bad idea. As much as I like getting kills, I don't like getting them at the cost of the game. A move like this will just make gameplay that much worse and push more casual players away. It's a cheap freebie for killers and a punishment for survivors who have otherwise succeeded. It would also make EGC even more impossible for survivors. It's already heavily stacked in the killer's favor when he shuts the hatch.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I don't really care what side you play to be honest. I play both and I think this is a stupid idea.

    You moan how the escape doesn't feel earned because a teammate worked with you to ensure you got out but you want to hand a killer a pity kill in the exit gate which would 100% be an unearned kill..... so your idea between what is classed as earned for a survivor and what is classed as earned for a killer makes very little sense.

    Exit gates that are open should be safe areas, all the objectives have been done.

    This BM in the exit gates thing also makes no sense. Teabagging and pointing has no impact on the length or quality of the killers game. It has no impact on how much game time that killer gets. When a killer is a prick to a survivor by tunnelling the ######### out of them or camping them, that game is ruined for that player, very often it is ruined in this manner for no reason.

  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124

    Either run them out or take a break from the game.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Another survivor nerf suggestion. Just imagine the killer following the survivor at the exit gate and then hit him. This is stupid. Please make dead hard active for healthy survivors.

  • Joelwino
    Joelwino Member Posts: 550

    You hated hatch standoffs? Now get ready for exit gate standoffs!

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    Can we at least make it so if I down a survivor at the spike's they dont fall out of the game and escape? Theres a level of toxicity that survivors know they're inflicting after all four of them sit there tbagging waiting to be hit twice after just wrecking you on comms. It's frustrating. Either that or walk around the map while they refuse to leave and let the 3 minute timer run down. I wish I had more of a threatening presence as killer in these situations. Not be a joke to survivors egos

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    why not just add this exposed effect on to bloodwarden and make it passive like the exit zone aura reading it would make it a more desirable perk considering its counter by just 99% exit gates

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    Don't get me wrong, I see where you're coming from, but they're not always doing it to BM. Sitting at the edge and forcing the killer to hit you out

    A) Gives you points. They could just be doing it to be nice.

    B) Buys the other survivors more time to heal up or go for saves, or

    C) If you don't hit them out, allows them to go back and make a save.

    Obviously they could just be doing it to mess with you if they're actually teabagging, but there's also practical uses for it. I'm generally against punishing people who are playing normally just because of a few bad apples.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I've been saying add Exposed while inside the gates to Bloodwarden since the perk came out, do that

  • PrinceAshitaka
    PrinceAshitaka Member Posts: 69

    Any Billy news? Any billys in chat that wanna play today but can't?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    Nothing definitive yet, but we have logged a few new bugs for the hillbilly and we are working on fixes.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    The egc is meant to avoid hostage situations and stalemates. It's not meant for the killer to be the most dangerous.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Except killer should be able to take hostage. Survivors have a extremly gigantic tons of tools to deny any kind of play the killer have and the killer can't do the same. differance is that the killer should acctualy be strong and survivor should acctualy be weaker. there 4 of them.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Nobody should be able to take hostage. Taking hostage is even a bannable offense.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    True, but there is quite an easy fix to that tbh:

    On first entry(perhaps even while in chase), get a 5 second endurance buff, that way if you're chased inside, you can still escape, but if you re-enter the trial, you're at risk.

    I mean, the whole thing about the EGC is that it should be the most dangerous part of the game. Leaving the exit gates in favor of saving a teammate should bear some risks to it. That way, you could still potentially bodyblock with that 5 second endurance on someone who went back, but it would actually be a resource that can be used, rather than simply an area. Considering it takes about 2,5 seconds to move from entrance to the actual escape, 5 seconds should leave enough wiggle room.

    I get that just slapping exposed on that area is gonna create problems, but it's a lot easier to think of a way to nerf the exit gate area too much and then worry on buffing it again, than to leave it as is. I also get that this kind of behaviour only really applies to higher skilled players. But that is a bit of the problem: higher skilled players abuse game mechanics that are fine for the average player. Its why the flashlight is considered toxic, even though as an item its just fine. It's why Ebony Mori is considered overpowered, even though in theory, its fine. I'm just adding in my 2 cents to find ways to practically have no difference for the average player.

    Personally, I think its a possibility worth exploring and tweaking. It makes a lot more killers lategame viable without buffing strong late game killers too much.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832


  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Late game pretty much is meant for both, perhaps its an IMO, but I've always seen the EGC as an incentive to get out ASAP. After the final gen is finished, there should be no incentive to entering the trial when you can escape without an added risk to it.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Just stop. It's never going to happen. Hit the survivors to force them out and move on with your life like everybody else does. No need for any convoluted "solutions" that cause more problems.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    No, no hostages. I mean, unless you call putting someone on the hook while facecamping them hostage, which is fair, but thats not really a hostage situation.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    To be fair, thats mostly done to give the killer a final hit. If you're gonna stand around and do nothing, then they're gonna start tbag to taunt you to hit them.

    You cant assume toxicity just because youre frustrated.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "this part of the game is very unbalanced, but fixing it requires a lot of thinking, therefor we might aswell never try finding a solution"

    That's your attitude. And no, it doesnt cause more problems than it fixes. It creates a few problems that are easily fixable by applying a bit of practical thinking. I'm not saying my solution is the best solution, but its the best I can currently think off and leaves the game far more balanced than the current exit gate is.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I feel like this should definetly be in the game,no more tea bagging and survivors getting free escapes.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    It is not unbalanced at all lol. Your bias is showing.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    The main problem I see with this whole suggestion is I understand why it's there. When a gate is open m1 killers essentially have no chance for any reward if they pursue more survivors. If the one survivor they had hooked (if any) gets unhooked they're almost guaranteed to get out if you leave them. If you stay there's also Borrowed Time so you're pretty much forced to camp or hope survivors are careless. Point is though it feels pointless to pursue survivors at times because your best case scenario in this field is camp. This is the main reason I see NOED being used in the first place.

    Now don't get me wrong from a survivor POV they earned that option but it's just not fun to deal with as killer. Although I can't agree with an exposed effect in the exit gates as I agree it would cause odd standoffs and I feel like it isn't the right solution. The ideal solution is forcing survivors to decide on whether to actually leave or go for the save. It's so easy right now to just open a gate, heal each other at the exit gates and just dive bomb the hooked survivor. Maybe having it so the more people who are at the exit gates the quicker the EGC timer goes? That way healing is in a less desirable place forcing survivors to make a decision quicker. Maybe prevent healing at the exit gates? Although I'd compare that more to the exposed suggestion so not really sure.

    For the most part I believe for most killers this isn't an issue but let's say Wraith for example his end game sucks unless he runs NOED. Same thing with most other m1 killers. Everyone heals at the exit gates usually when you're doing your business on the other side of the map with another survivor. Then as they're fully prepped they kamikaze the hook and just tank hits for each other.

    The alternative suggestion would be no speed boost on hit during EGC but I don't know really. That would be such a strange and specific change too.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Im more in the situation when you down someone who not yet close enought to the exit then you get body blocked by 3 people. that just anoying. the survivor decided to be cocky for no reason? he should be punished and no comeback should be possible, Killer gameplay relly only on survivor mistake and face 4 of them who got built in way to trivialise their mistake as a team (body blocking ,flashlight save, sabotage..) but they also got many perks to trivialise their mistake whitout their teamate help.

    The killer can't even choose a playstyle anymore. Wanna camp? survivor can just ignore you, and if you do it in a case where they swarm the hook and it acctualy as good time to camp compared to b4. well the game ranking system punish you for it.

    Wanna tunnel? Survivor, as a team, can body block and such, that fine. But not they also can bring BT and DS they don't need any kind of strat now...

    Wanna slug? No mither, unbreakable that can also be combined with DS.

    So what option is left? hook someone and go for another survivor, that your only choice now. You suposed to be the power roll, but survivor decide how the game goes, and if they decided they want to tryhard a do a four man escape, too bad for you.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I'm actually survivor biased. 1000 hours survivor, only about 200 hours killer. I only use the bodyblocking tactic when the killer is a general #########(aka, tunneling 1 survivor all game, then claiming that its not against the rules so calling him an ######### is out of line. Being right with the rules doesnt make you less of an ######### Kyle). But when the killer is anything but a tunneling #########, he doesnt deserve a bodyblock like that. I might bait him while injured when I have sprintburst. But then its the killers fault for falling for the bait.

    It is simply an unfair situation. Do you remember old school hooks? When the killer could bodyblock while facecamping, and due to how the game worked, you couldnt unhook him because the only way to unhook was for the killer to move aside? Yeah, it's that level of unfair. The killer facecamp got fixed years ago, I was there and it was a great moment to bamboozle those asshat killers who didnt read the patchnotes with BT(which at the time would protect both the rescuer and the rescué). So why think the bodyblock camping was unfair, but the bodyblock exit gate isnt? That is a bias.

    As a survivor main, it's in my personal interest to not nerf the exit gate, yet, the evidence stacks up to how unbalanced the exitgate is from an outside point of view.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, like I said, if its a resource they can use, then they earned that. 3 survivors can not fully bodyblock a killer, you can eventually walk around them.

    Besides, I already commented on why second chance perks are a myth. I've never been DS'd in my time as a killer, because I know how DS operates. I've actually been able to use BT in my favor(its better for a survivor to be mending than fixing a gen while injured with Resillience). Unbreakable doesnt really happen. I actually respect the No Mither and slug them constantly after 2 hooks, because a slugged survivor is better than a sacrificed survivor(untill I have someone else on 2 hooks). Cus even with No Mither, survivors will be trying to save that person unless they are a 4-man SWF.

    "So what option is left? hook someone and go for another survivor, that your only choice now. You suposed to be the power roll, but survivor decide how the game goes, and if they decided they want to tryhard a do a four man escape, too bad for you."

    That's kinda how the game is meant tho. If you hook a survivor, you're forcing another survivor to go for the rescue, thats 2 survivors not doing gens. Then you chase someone else, 3 survivors not doing gens. Having 2 survivors on the hook and chasing someone else? Great, thats all 4 survivors not doing gens while you gain hooks. Brute forcing your way to a quick 2 hook triggers perks like DS.

    FYI: if someone who actually has been really toxic(blinding every possible vault and pallet), then jumps in a locker after being unhooked, simply wait 60 seconds. Their DS cant work after that, they cant have head-on because a crow spawned and unless they are in a very open spot, they cant flashlight save that person either.

  • Slowpone
    Slowpone Member Posts: 16

    This will create something like a hatch standoff but at the gate. But it will be more unfair to the survivor because o ETC. This is a horrible change. If the killer is bodyblocked from getting at least one kill, that means he is inexperienced; the killer could not kill anyone during the match. Also, this will give myers, hill billy, leatherface, ghostface, plague, deathslinger unfair advantage in certain situations.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    If you really want that kill run piggy. Just make sure to put a bear trap on their head before the gen pop. If you get lucky they will die once they pass the boundary in the exit.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    If the exit gate created any problems besides a survivor pressing ctrl repeatedly and you for some reason tilting out of your mind this could be a discussion, but that's not the case.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Like, between t-bagging, emotes, etc, every single multiplayer game has some sort of "rubbing it in" interaction when you win/want to tilt your opponent, and I've never seen a community more sensitive to this than the DBD community. It's very weird.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Well yeah I see your point it has a number of upsides for killer and the only downside is it bones survivors and robs them of an escape but who cares about them right?

    this forum 🙄

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    There is realistically only 1 scenario where its a downside for survivors. Besides, as I stated later, on first entry, you could apply a 5 seconds endurance buff, meaning it turns into a resource you can waste.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Taunting isnt exactly the issue here. Its being able to bodyblock a survivor from midway of the map all the way to the exitgate after opening the exit gates without anyone being at risk from being downed unless you run NOED and they didnt cleanse the bones.

    It's too riskless during a period where the killer's pressure should have snowballed to that point. If you destroyed the killer in general, then there wouldnt even need to be a bodyblock like that. If 1-2 survivors heavily outclass the killer, then they can bodyblock the killer to protect 2 survivors, of which at least one would have been downed.

    It's not about the tbag, its not about the emotes, its about a game mechanic that should be equal to risking your chance at escape in favor of ensuring 3 other people escape. And if you play it properly and didnt waste resources, you actually get rewarded for that. Just like saving a pallet early game tends to reward you having saved it late game.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    If you made it to the very end of the game without killing anyone, then kills SHOULD be very hard to secure.

    Just like the game naturally evolves to the point where you hard win 90 out of a 100 games if you killed someone before more than two gens are done. I don't see a problem with that.