This game is trash now...

So first I wanna start off by saying I have no issues with the map rework. I have been playing this game for 2 years and am a consistent rank 1 every month. Their is so many problems with your game Dead By Daylight right now. First of all dedicated servers is terrible. I have been hit thru a pallet with so much room it's just ridiculous. Then their's the problem with red ranks being red ranks but playing like complete fools and bot even knowing how make the simplest of plays. Then theirs the problem with matchmaking itself. This game needs to be fixed in its core and new updates need to be based on fixing the base/core of this game and not introducing new stuff that is just causing new problems. Fix your game or it will die.
yeah every single player on here knows
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First of all, this game is not dying anywhere anytime soon with the issues it has. There's plenty of players who have been playing this game since day one despite the game having been really bad back then with all that you brought foward in your post and more. Second, everyone knows this, you don't need to make a thread about it, the devs are working on many of these issues but they are not one day fixes.
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How are they fixing these problems when their always coming out with new updates that cause more problems instead of fixing the f****** problem that already exist.
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This game is broken asf. If the devs do not fix these problems that I listed the games gonna die.
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Pay a close attention to the end of every patch notes, it's called Bug fixes and occupies more than half of the notes itself, of course there is work to do and newer things to be fixed come everyday but negate the work put on this game is mean and unjustified.