Solo Survivors: Escaping?

To all my fellow Survivors (but especially you solo Survivors) how often do you escape a match? I am genuinely curious to know how many people actually make it out through the exit gates and how regularly. Have any of you given up on escaping and now just aim for BP?
I have long since stopped considering escaping 'winning'. Now I aim to have the most BP of the Survivors and generally like to get more than the Killer too (which happens often). High BP scores and iridescent shards across the board is a game that makes me feel accomplished. I consider that a win because it is a more accurate reflection of how well the game is played.
I had not played since the closure of the last Rift and returned today with the opening of the new one to find that the rate of escape has plummeted even lower for me. 😂14 games (non SWF) and every single one has been a 4k, even against lower ranked Killers.
Since it will no doubt come up in the comments... PS4 player. Survivor main (usually rank 1-4, current rank 10). Killer rank at 9 which is a first for me, I normally hover around 10-13.
- To 'git gud' comments - I typically have very little free time and play this in the evenings to have a good time. I will never be a try hard at this game. 😉
- That said, I am always red or purple rank despite firmly believing that my skill rank is in the yellow/green range.
- This thread is not to start an argument about the game balance. It is not to talk about 'ez Killer' or 'ez Survivor'. As with all my posts I'm asking for everyone to please be kind to one another, be kind to yourself, and enjoy the game! <3
I'm simply curious about other's experience!
Quite a bit, maybe 70-80%+ of the time. But I also usually run left behind, a key, spine chill, blendette, and am willing to let people die on hook so I can get out the hatch.
It's not needed alot of the time, but there's also plenty of games where your team is getting 2 tapped into your gen getting repeatedly popped and there's actually nothing to do except wait for the hatch. Especially now that looping isn't really too viable anymore, been seeing solo Q teams get stomped harder than ever.
If I don't have a key, I run plunderers until I get another key. Or maybe wake up + resilience and just stand on a door until the killer finds the hatch. Opening a door in ~15 seconds is a pretty good alternative to left behind key.
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I have found it's basically a coin flip.
Sometimes I'm unlucky and sprint into the killers blade. Every choice I make somehow gets me right in front of the killer. Sometimes I can survive if the survivors I'm with are especially altrustic and take pity upon me and my suicidal decisions.
Sometimes I'm on a team of sentient potatoes that somehow started a game. Once in a blue moon I can manage to win anyway if the killer is too busy slaughtering those dum dums for me to get away.
If I'm having a good game (and manage to not jump onto the killers blade like a moth to a flame) with at least an OK team, I will usually get out alive.
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I don't usually escape, swf or solo. I mostly try to get my teammates out, even if that means I take some hooks. I usually one for one with the guy getting camped in end game, because no reason why they should die and I should live. Good times.
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Is your 70-80% through the Exit Gates or is it primarily a hatch escape?
I play a lot more altruistic than you do for certain! 🤣I try to unhook people unless it is outright suicide. I also never bring keys unless it is for a challenge because I think that keys are just the Survivor equivalent of a mori and I hate moris.
Which ability let's you open the gate so quickly? I thought that Wake Up was a perk like Leader which affected Survivors near you? I cannot check the game right now. <3 so I apologize for asking a question with an easy answer.
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It's about 50/50 for me. I will be the first to admit that I am pretty bad at this game but some of the solo survivors that I get matched with are something else. It is a breath of fresh air when I get a competent team.
Problem is, when I get matched with really good teammates, I always try to sacrifice myself for whoever looped the Killer the most, so I usually end up trading places with them on the hook during egc and suicide so they don't try to save me and get out. I have all the characters that I want leveled up, as things are now, blood points aren't that important to me so I don't mind dying.
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20% in solo mode for me
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This post made me laugh several times, thank you! <3
Would you say that you escape through the Exit Gates more often than not? I cannot seem to escape for the life of me. Several times it's been a 3k and I'm just standing at the Exit Gate waiting for it to open and the Killer just walks over. Even if I play the endgame very stealthy they always get me when I'm on the door. Though often the doors seem to be spitting distance from each other.
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In recent days, like around 50-60% of my games.
Kinda hard to escape when you get tunneled for using Object, ngl ^^;
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Wow, that is quite a lot! When asking people on my friend's list in the game most people said they do not even remember what an open Exit Gate looks like. 😂
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That is still a lot, especially compared to what most people are experiencing! Great job! <3
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I play a pretty altruistic game as well, especially in the end game. Especially if someone is hooked and they haven't been hooked prior to gen completion.
I saw my first escape in a LONG time earlier. It was not me though. 😂 But I upped a slugged teammate and then ran a NoEd killer long enough for her to escape the gate. The other 2 were already killed. But she was a fellow Kate and I couldn't just let her die!
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Errrrr... 40% of the time? Lol. I feel like I die more than I escape. I do play very altruistically though, and I hate leaving people behind. If NOED pops, I'll be that person running the map in a circle to find it, and try to save one hooked person. It does depend largely on my teammates. If I'm matched with other purple-red ranks I survive more often than when I get a match of random yellows. However, the closer the killer is to red rank, the more certain death seems to be.
I agree though, as long as I feel like I contributed by amassing a ton of points, I feel good about the match. Putting aside the camping/tunneling/hook farming matches that do happen with some frequency.
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Id say above 50% mainly because I run Inner Strength and Spine Chill with Kindred so I dont have to rely on other people and get vision when people are in trouble also; but I am very unlucky and usually run straight into the killer when trying to avoid the heardbeat so I get in stupid situations alot with my medicore looping skills LOL.
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I escape most of the times. Can't say if its gates or hatch. Depends on how the round went. I focus mostly on gens and totems.
It sounds harsh but I don't expect much from my random mates. If it's necessary that someone needs to be left behind or needs to die, so be it.
Sometimes I just facepalm at my mates, once someone is hooked they lose all common sense and go straight for the unhook which leads to another hook for the killer. Red ranks btw.
With the challenges I try to focus on them. If I die, I don't care if I finished the task. :)
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Whats an exit gate? I havent seen that in around 15 matches now as everygame has led to a 4k or ive been tunneled to death at start of the match, 90% of the time though all my escapes come from hatches as especially in this update my team cant get past the 3rd generator..
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I’ve played five matches today and escaped in all of them, lmao. But that’s unusual, my escape rate isn’t normally that high.
I’m pretty much always a rank one survivor if I play enough, and I’ve played mostly solo for the two years I’ve had this game. Formerly PS4, currently PC. Teammates make or break matches, but my biggest tip for having better matches as solo survivor? Run Kindred. I know it’s starting to become a meme but it’s so unbelievably good for knowing what decisions to make when the killer is applying pressure. It’s definitely increased my survival rate.
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Not as often as i should actually :)
I am normally very alturistic, and i often go for safes even tho it is almost impossible to be successful (or trade my life for my teammate). So i die often in cases where i would be able to escape, since i dont give a damn about escaping.
So if i have to guess, less then 50%.
If i would play selfish, i would definitly escape more then 50%. The reason for that is that i am usually way better then the person who plays the killer, at least in 8-9/10 times. And no, i am not an arrogant shmock, its just the truth.
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Usually I've found when I do get away, it's through the Exit Gate and it's going to be with other people. I very rarely Escape because of The Hatch and I'm too altruistic for my own good because I won't leave the Trial unless either everyone is safe and good or if my hand is forced (like I'm injured and being chased out but if the killer splits away from me before I escape, I'll try to heal first to go help whoever is stuck on the hook).
My 50/50 escape chances would probably jump if I were greedier and willing to just abandon people but I find that a lot less fun personally :D
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I would say about 50% of the time for me as well. If it's not every other game, it's me dying 3 times in a row, followed by escaping 3 times in a row. Sometimes i get butchered repeatedly, tired of playing, just wanting go out on a high note. Solo q makes me yell at my tv a lot.
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Wake up is just a flat 15% faster gate open speed. Resilience adds another 9% onto that if you are injured. For about 25% faster open speed or ~15 seconds. If you are already standing on a door when the killer closes the hatch you have a pretty good chance of getting out.
Sometimes I do play for my team, and will run the usual meta perks. But if your team is bad, or the killer is just dominating, they won't help you as much as perks that help yourself.
There's way too many solo Q games where someone kills themselves on first hook or DC's for me to want to run my entire build dedicated around team play. I will usually only do that if I am in a SWF.
Alot of the times when I die it's because of getting caught with infectious fright, mori's, a killer who slugs for the 4k with whispers, or a killer who let's my teammate go or something so they can come rat me out. There's pretty much nothing you can do in those situations.
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And definitely a ton of hatch escapes. You can tell pretty quick if it's going to be a hatch game or not in solo Q. Load into Hawkins, 2 people are hooked at the same time, with a 3rd being chased, in the first minute~ of the game? Yeah, it's going to be a hatch game.
Load in, someone literally gets 2 tapped within 20-30 seconds, and then the killer comes over and pops your gen, deleting the barely 20 seconds you put into it? It's a hatch game.
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It varies on how good other teammates are for me. I'm usually that one idiot random that will sacrafice themselves just so the other remaining survivor gets out free. I'd say maybe 60% of the time I escape, but when theres only 2 of us left, I play the hero.
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It's not uncommon for me to get tunneled and morid out of first hook, but it's not uncommon to completely dominate the killer. I'm a head on gamer, and killers don't like that, so I usually get either tunneled or camped. But on the right games where the killer is somewhat respectful, I usually dominate and escape easily. If I had a chart, it's 50/50 if I escape. I had days where I died 13 times in a row, but saved my teammates. And there were days that I escaped 9 times through the hatch because all survivors killed themselves on first hook.
So, in conclusion, who cares?! The point isn't to survive but to have fun. I can have fun and technically lose but I won't mind