Tunnelling rant

Why is it most of my games i have to be tunnelled out to oblivion

Do i have any toxic meta perks? NO

was i gen rushing? NO

Was over 2 gens completed whilst i was being hardcore tunnelled and camped? NO

did i have a flashlight? NO

Did i have any item at all? NO

Did i loop the killer? Absolutely not since 80% of them map was basically a dead zone right now *looks at the tumbleweed going past the massive deadzone in swamp*

So why am i constantly being tunnelled out? Oh you may say "oh use antitunnelling perks to stop them then" but the second i use them im instantly classed as 'toxic' but if i dont use them killers shred me to pieces because they dont give a <badword> about how much fun i want to play without toxic meta perks. Stupid killers give survivors literally no choice but to use them if they want to live past the 5 minute mark.

Also with the new update it has definitely made camping and tunnelling more efficient and gens cant get done as fast meaning killers that dont care about pips can just face camp and tunnel without the issue of having all gens pop that fast

I seriously dont know how i even cope on this game playing survivor, ive heard killers all day on the forums complaining on its still soo hard to win games and gen rushing is still a problem, well every survivor game ive had today has ended in a 4k for the killer and when i was playing killer also ive been getting 4ks like childsplay if you cant physically see this game is 1000% in yours favour sorry to say this but you should just play a different game.

Also i want tunnelling and camping to stop being a thing like survivors have now lost instaheals, toolboxes, even the add on nerf and looping and gen speed whist killers can still happily get instadowns and facecamping and hard tunnelling like if survivors can loose all the scummy tactics you killers thought were toxic so can you and lets all face it 80% of all killers saying something is wrong with DS well i think it works perfectly as if you nerf that perk what about those facecampers ah yes their life would be soooooo much easier not having to deal with a perk designed to stop killers from tunnelling your <badword> to the ground when youve done nothing wrong to the killer

Sorry for the long aggressive post i just have alot of built up anger on this game atm to do with the new update and especially all this nooby tunnellers/campers, hopefully you dont take much of it seriously but some points in this are true..


  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    I have been experiencing this as well. For the last couple of weeks it has been an massive upsurge in camping -> Tunneling and every killer has NOED.

    I don't know why

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    My favourite anti-tunnel perk is Iron Will. Get unhooked, walk through grass (to hide blood) to a safer area, and more often than not your teammate will run away, drawing the killer’s attention. Unless you’re often being unhooked directly in front of the killer in which case, just use DS and ignore people complaining about it. It’s what it’s for.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Mate, I hear you.

    This part of the reason I play Pig, and tend to slug those with RBTs applied. I can never get accused of tunnelling that way, and it applies WAY more pressure.

    Unfortunately the devs have called them "legitimate tactics", so there's nothing we can do. But on the other hand, George Lucas calls lightsabres "laser swords" when they have clearly been shown and proven to be plasma, so even a creator can be wrong about their creations.

    And if you read this devs, the only people who support hardcore tunnelling and camping in this community are the ones who use it. I get STRATEGIC uses of camping, like say when you've seen two survivors run at you near a hook, or even tunnelling your obsession so that they're on death hook instantly with Save the Best for Last, but just doing it because you can literally ruins games. I don't know how some people can find it fun, and even something like saying that the emblem system is a better guide to a win condition than just "KILL. ALL. SURVIVORS." would massively help alleviate this problem and help with the divide between your balance team and the community.

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Yea with the legitimate tactics is one thing i really dont get how ones side has legitimate tactics but are classed as toxic and bad just because killers cant learn them but something like hardcore tunnelling and facecamping which is impossible to actually get out of is seen as fair by the devs

    Also got any pig tips? Just bought her chapter yesterday and im looking forward to learning how to play her ^^

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    This sometimes happens to me, like at some time of the day, usually on Saturdays I see killers who just want to 

    Hook! Hook! Kill! Let's all go to basement, babies! How to call it: "hook rush?"

    Match after match in a row. So lazy... 

    So I just stop playing the game. Or I bring "toxic meta perks!". 

    Really enjoy Object of Obsession + Sprint Burst + BT + DS 

    Or my favorite genrush build: Resilience, Leadership, Prove thyself, (Sprint Burst or DS)

    Like if the killers want a "kill rush", why wouldn't I gen rush (efficiently working on the objectives) them? 

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Gens with 2 people on them are 3 seconds slower... not really a nerf.

    Insta heals were probably the most broken add-ons in the game right next to BNP.

    Toolboxes weren’t really nerfed IMO, just changed to be mini-BNP’s. Some would argue it’s actually a buff.

    If you keep getting tunneled just use an anti-tunnel build: Iron Will, Decisive Strike, Inner Strength, and Unbreakable.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I'm starting to see a pattern here: Killers are forced to take shortcuts to win, a large portion of the community understands this and is perfectly accepting of slugging/late game farm punishment, but another large portion bitches about slugging or getting farmed, or is just a toxic whiner in general that thinks fast vaulting into a locker after a full heal at 50 seconds while the killer is chasing someone else = tunnelling, and so killers think 'oh, well, if EVERYTHING I do is bad then I can do ANYTHING!'

    And voila, another camper is born. Welcome to the tunnel-at-5-gens. Noed Insurance away!

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    NEVER target someone with an RBT, even if they get it off at the first box, it is still several seconds someone is literally removed from healing, doing generators, doing totems or anything like that.

    Perks are personal preference, I like running Ruin, Surveillance, Nurse's, BBq. I've been running Surveillance and sincerely think that alone it is quite underrated. Ruin is STILL GOOD, and combined with running people off generators, some not touching them because of an RBT and Surveillance, it's brutal if it can be left alone. Nurse's, well, you're a stealth killer. It's a massive advantage. BBq can be really helpful to predict movements of other survivors but I'm actually thinking of swapping off it, but I don't know what to.

    I've also been running this build since before the Ruin rework, and it still holds up. You just can't play 100% straight faced like half the killer roster, if my results are anything to go by. Sometimes you have to get a dash hit and ditch. I play a bit more anarchic than a lot of killers do.

    Add-ons, I really like John's Medical File/Video Tape/Combat Straps as kind of my core ones to use. Crate of Gears and Tampered Timer are also a nice middle finger to teams that are really committed to generators. Extra RBTs are also a decent add-on. Just avoid anything related to the box or mask effects. They aren't worth it.

    Dash is your friend, and a useful mindgame tool. I like it as a way to get a first hit, and there is nothing more satisfying and euphoric than getting that perfect tip down at the end of a dash. At pallets or windows, it's kinda easy to bait out a pallet drop or vault into the hit, since you don't have a red stain

    Basically you're a toolbox stealth killer, you have everything but you excel at nothing. Avoid affecting your boxes, it only hurts you. Dash is my favoured method of hit, but it's not your most reliable method. Dash add-ons, Gears and extra traps are your go-to add-ons. Perks are what you expect and prefer.

    And NEVER, EVER target a person with a helmet. Slug them if you want, but don't try to hook them. Unless they do something stupid like to a generator in your face. As a Pig, your primary power is a limited resource. Don't waste it, but don't hold onto it.

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    But the thing is why should i have to sacrifice my fun unique build for a basic "everyone uses this build" build

    And with the gens yes they were nerfed quite alot i havent gone a single game where the killer hasnt made it to the 1st gen before it even reaches the halfway mark because seconds in this game mean everything and with the map decrease it means killers can get to gens faster with less progress done to them

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    So I saw you were thinking of switching out BBQ; have you considered STBFL? Dash hits don't consume tokens and STBFL is helpful on every single killer bar hilbilly, leatherface and nurse. It's like a slightly watered down STBFL Demo

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Sadly there's not much that could be done about camping and tunneling without also hurting the people that don't do that. If they paused hook timers if you're within a certain radius it would be abused. If they made it so you lose blood points people would feel as if they were unfairly judged just because they saw a survivor near the hook and got looped. I couldn't really think of any fixes for those "strategies" that wouldn't break the game somewhat. And DS isn't just an anti-tunneling perk. It's also a free unhook perk because you got stabbed and picked up after saving 59.5 seconds after you got hooked.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    You must be having a bad day then. My friends and I knocked out 3 gens before the killer can even get a down and we constantly mocked the devs “slowing down the game” and “nerfing gen speeds btw” every game cause it seems unchanged.

    It sounds like you’re playing a lot of solo survivor, try to play with friends who will actually do the objective/take protection hits for you. You won’t be able to run “fun” builds as much in solo if you don’t have the experience to loop a killer for long.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I have, but I don't remember if I have it. Pig was the first killer that I really levelled up, after Nurse (for A Nurse's Calling, she's super hard to play on Xbox) so I don't have a huge perk pool on her, but it's growing slowly. I don't like that Dash doesn't affect the stacks, since I use that a lot. It's nice that I don't lose them, but it'll take me a while to gain stacks. My tracking without perks is also somewhat limited to the point of being called trash. I get why people use it, but I'm a Dash Pig.

    I'll have a look through my perks later. For now though, I have found it useful occasionally and the extra BP is always nice, since grinding for particlular brown and yellow add-ons is harder than you'd think.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I hope they do something about all this tunneling and camping.

    Something MORE than DS. Something that won't work during End Game though.

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    The thing is i cant play with friends as im basically a loner and because of anxiety anyone i talk to online basically turns me into a talking timebomb and im good with looping killers just theres barely any loops now to loop killers around in the new update that or pallets just hate me

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    I mean the devs could just add anti camping mechanics which last until all gens are completed, it solves the facecamping bubba and ect and it solves the trying to claim at least 1 kill at end game

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    And then people will complain that you slug.

    Survivors basically think you are playing unfair unless you hook someone and then immediately run to the opposite end of the map and stare at the wall until they rescue them.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    My build for the Pig:

    I run Corrupt Intervention for early game interaction

    Sloppy and stridor for tracking and heal slow down

    And BBQ&CHILLI for extra BP and aura reading (if survivors don't show up they're either in a locker, behind a Gen or nearby for the save)

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    You are 100% right. Camping and tunneling is a ridiculous tactic, rewarded by BHVR. So killers will never stop, unless something is changed.

    I agree with you. I find it interesting that camping/tunneling ruins the QoL for survivors. Ruins their games. Ruins the games of those around them. Sucks the fun out of the match. Renders them no points and likely a depip, and always has. Killers like to point out that BHVR says this is an allowed strat, so it's ok to use it. Yet looping, which was designed into the game and created by the developers...which has been around just as long and was also said to ruin games and suck the fun out of the match for Killers was just significantly nerfed. The difference? Camping/tunneling ruins the game for 4 people. People who can infinite loop ruins the game for one. Both were implemented into the game. Only one has been corrected.

    It's pretty bullshit.

    And this play style is the vast majority of matches now.

    Because as much as people would like to say that it doesn't reward the killer - or that it's the survivors fault (hell victim blaming?) - it does reward them, and there's really nothing you can do about it but allow it to happen and try not to let it bother you when your time and money are wasted. 🤷

    I feel your pain.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Can I say I don't play like that

    And I truly understand the POV both of you provide and also have it happen to me to some extent...

    So I won't defend that playstyle at all... I do wish to be a player who can and will help (players on Xbox cause I don't have any other platform) and show players who wish to be helped to not play that way

    Some killer players only see the 4k's by other players and want to replicate that in their own games

    Same can be for survivor players who see other players escape "all the time" and try to replicate that as well

    In short some players (not all) want an "easy win" to pat their own ego

  • icareaboutstories
    icareaboutstories Member Posts: 16

    Lightsabers are part of a world that takes place in a galaxy far far away, a long long time ago. It not our own reality but a clearly different one. Fictional settings have things that work different from our own world all the time. Bleach and how the main character can lose more blood than humanity possible. Gurren Laggan where humanity all basically have green lantern rings. Gundam has giant mecha that would be a bad idea in our own reality but in their it make sense, due to tech they have that we don't, that would take care of the normal issues of a giant mecha being a big fat target. With creators of a fictional world, being more akin to gods of said world. Where it doesn't matter how things work in our reality, if they say magic exist and here is how it works. That how it works. Long as they maintain consistency and the logic makes sense with in context of that setting. Now if they lack any consistency like disney star wars, that is when yeah a creator is wrong and has no idea what they are doing. Since disney has put out books, comics and more pieces of media that conflict one another, while having they all meant to be canon. For otherwise, well everyone could say magic doesn't exist and the creator got something wrong about a fictional elements or metal they made and created for just their own world. If we treated every setting as a one for one of our own reality. When clearly many of them like star wars are not. Like hunter x hunter, it has it's own magic called Nen. Yes science in our reality can prove it doesn't exist but does that make it so the creator got something wrong? When they were to craft their own fictional world and not trying to make a copy paste of our own reality? Since fictional settings follow their own rules, not ours.

    Now a better example would be ea battlefield, which base it self off a historical period world war 2 and made the claim it was historical aka following our own reality. Only they got countless historical things wrong and even replaced real life commandos and replace them with two fictional characters they made up, while trying to past this game off as historical. Aka lying to your face. Here they are trying to make a copy of our own reality and got something wrong. That and one of the selling points of something being historical, is to be well historical. So if they get something wrong about our own reality, fair game in this case, due to them making it clear this world is meant to be our own. Which is why Valkyria chronicles can get away with a lot of interesting elements, in a setting that is heavily influence by world war 2. For Valkyria Chronicles never once claimed to be historical and a copy of our own reality.

    Of course a fictional story might be a bad example to use next to gameplay for a video game. Since final fantasy, metal gear solid series, both have had moments where their is a cut scene that takes place, where something impossible in terms of the games mechanics happen. Sometimes story and game mechanics are disconnected from one another. Otherwise certain characters that die, would still be alive due to video game mechanics. Since gameplay normally has a lot more to do with stats and numbers. If something is not working as it should, it normally easier to figure out. Which in this case, it more the certain actions of players. Which it might help this topic, if we were to lay out what camping and tunneling means.

    Camping would be say the face camping bubba who stares at the person on hook and just stays near it for no other reason than to watch the person die. Tunneling aka tunnel vision, is focusing purely on one survivor, above and beyond any logical reason, even when going after another would benefit the killer more. That and well there is many things that would need to be take into account, when it comes to camping. Tunneling might be a more easy case to make for as to why it just flat out wrong or kills the enjoyment of others. Since unless it a super rare case, of the same survivor running into the killer over and over again or everyone is hiding in lockers afk while only one person does anything, it seems clear as to how one might deal with tunneling. The case of a face camping bubba is well clearly bad. While camping can sometimes be due to well other reasoning, there is always survivors who like to loop the killer, near their hook team mate. Leave marks all over the place or just rush in shouting Leeroy as a whole team, to get the person off the hook. That or running object and look right at the killer, giving away what their plans are aka to unhook a team mate. So camping might be hard to come up with a way to punish without it effecting legit players. Of course, a better idea might be a reward for acting in a sportsman like way, rather than a punishment.

    Well i'm not sure how running meta perks would be toxic or rude. Since meta perks are just very useful perks to have. Which is why they are the meta, by proving to be very strong and powerful perks.

    Of course gen rushing, sometimes just happens due to the flow of the game and gens just popping fast and survivors not really having anything else to do. So it really just survivors doing their objective.

    Flashlight is just a item you can take or find in the game. I would say alot of players are far from being great with flashlights. Not sure how that would be toxic. Now i know some would go, it toxic to blind someone while breaking a pallet but i never really understood that reasoning. Since well blinding a killer does give points. They might be doing it just for the points.

    I think some people like to list things as being rude or as the kids these day say toxic, when well it not really a posionious or deadly disease but alright. It just due to them not really going, hmm is this someone really trying to be a massive b or d to me or are they just doing it for it the smart and logical thing to do or maybe they just want more blood points? That and well when it come to this game. Which is why i believe you come across people like this op. The player in question, just made up something that makes perfect logic sense in the video game and in their own mind, twisted it as being rude or just wanted to ruin someone else day for the heck of it. Basically they are well just massive jerks. Who don't seem to realize or maybe they do, that other people are also trying to enjoy the video game.

    Of course how to deal with tunneling and camping, to make it less effective. That might be a bit hard to figure out, without it effecting people who play in a legit normal fashion. So alot of talk will be needed here.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    That is a very long and complicated response for what is essentially a half-assed joke/retort, and something that nerds everywhere have proven before. Point was indeed that creators can be wrong about their creation, and by that I mean they portray it one way and say that it's something completely opposite. Pointing out logical inconsistencies can also be another form of showing that a creator is "wrong" about a creation.

    In DbD it's that the community complains and hates these "strategies", the devs have given us perks to help try and combat them, but say "they aren't bannable offences and legitimate tactics" which is entirely contradictory. If a survivor can RAT ME OUT and get me killed just because they don't want to die and ruin my experience, resulting in a ban, then it shouldn't be fine for obnoxious face-campers and hardcore tunnellers to ruin my experience and NOT get a ban.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    It's nothing personal, it's just business.