As a killer would you rather have a key bought in or X ?

I'm sensing some people are tying to downplay how bad the key is (the hatch opening kind), not that the killer can tell what kind of key it is, so it will always be assumed a key in game is the hatch opening kind (and most are). Consider that the team will bring in one key and no other items, BUT you as killer get the choice to swap that team bringing in the one key and no other items for a different mix of items coming in, which do you choose ?
1) 3 tool boxes
2) 3 med kits (and no you can't be plague against this option)
3) 4 flash lights
4) No swap, play against the one key being bought in.
I would choose any of those different item mixes over a key. I would choose 4 flashies coming in than ONE ######### KEY !!!. Hell I will dodge that key bullshit if I see it (another topic I won't go into here) but 4 flash lights isn't an instant dodge for me.
Anyway killers, 1,2,3,4 what's your answer ?
Best Answers
In order of preference 3,4,1,2, although I don't really mind any of the options. I'll take the lobby I'm given
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As a killer main to survivor mains, flashlights are super op especially when you follow the killer around trying to get the flashlight save. My honest opinion is that if everyone brought a flashlight every round and followed me around to get the save survivors would escape 100% of the time. So if you're a survivor main, don't bring flashlights since they're a guaranteed win for survivors and super toxic. /s
3, 2, 1, 4
I dont mind the purple key if they dont have 3 toolboxes with it.
The thing that annoys me is when a survivor gets randomly a key out of a chest. Like why? Can i stop getting facked by rng.
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Honestly playing against all the rest is still pretty normal. Flashlights can get you free hits, sabos can be pressured away or multislugged, toolboxes aren't great for gens and even double or triple parts are less trouble than a key. Medkits are pretty standard and I usually have sloppy and nurses so people staying still to self heal is a big way for a stealth killer main like me to get downs. So ya everything over keys.
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I'd actually prefer seeing a key over the other options, especially the medkits.
If 3-4 survivors are left when the hatch spawns, chances are they're going to open the exit gates anyway.
If 1-2 survivors are remaining and there's no way they'll finish the gens, I still feel like I win because I've played well enough to force them to use the key. I know I probably would have killed them if they didn't have that option.
A group of good survivors with other items, however, can turn a difficult but enjoyable game into a difficult and stressful one.
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You can completely turn it on the survivors by faking a pickup and checking the nearby area. I regularly punish flashlight gamers with either an injury or even a slug if they are really persistent. If you know there's flashlights it's usually a safe bet they will try for a save. Saves have to be VERY precise so they are at a pretty consistent distance each time. Get a feel for the range they can do it and check the area. Keeping an eye out for them closing in during a chase can also be a great way to get extra pressure for free. Face walls when picking up and if using fov increase perks be extra careful. Flashlights squads tend to be easy games because flashlight saVers are NOT on gens! Longer game for you as killer is a win so you should be curb stomping them.
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Forum ate my comment so I guess I'll write it again. If you know flashlights are ingame you should fake pickups and check for flashlighters in the immediate area. Flashlight saves have to be extremely precise so the flashlighters tend to be in a very predictable range as they don't have much choice. You should be regularly punishing them with injuries or even slugs on the more persistent ones. Stay aware during chases as well as an unexpected turn to hit someone sneaking up for a save has gotten me free hits quite often. It's also a huge benefit to killer as they are following you not doing gens. That means longer games and more oppertunity to take resources from them and ultimately 4k. You should overall be glad to see a flashlight if you aren't hag or wraith. Pickup facing walls as well to reduce angles and be careful of FOV perks as they increase your flashlight angle.
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Yeah I know, that's why I used /s
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I don't mind what items are taken in by survivors, there are ways around everything. If I see a full team with medkits, Plague does a good job of countering, flashlights, a Mori will do wonders, a toolbox and Franklins gets taken. Get ahead of the match in the lobby. Know your survivors, be smart.
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4, 2, 1, 3. Because either I’m playing so bad that all 4 Survivors are going to escape anyway or 1 Survivor is potentially going to escape after all of their team-mates have died (which doesn’t bother me as I’ve probably got a lot of points by then).
The only thing that needs changing on a Key is for it not to spawn in Chests, simple.