Iridescent head, why does this still exist?
Solo queue for everyone btw (as far as profiles could tell me).
Honestly this add-on needs a rework. At least make it so it doesn't insta-down you if the Huntress is right on your tail.
Needs to just be reworked to be the same as Deathslingers red addon so that you are rewarded for far hatchet throws
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They will most likely only change it when Huntress gets her Add On Overhaul. And nobody knows when this will happen.
I also dont know why BHVR makes easy things so hard, it would be possible to change Iridescent Head any time, the majority of players would actually approve that. It is the most OP Add On in the game.
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Why does it still exist? So that a potato can combine it with a mori and win the game. No one who actually plays huntress would ever willingly use iri head..
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TBH its not that strong (Actually even maybe balanced) when you dont have infantry belt or leather loops.
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And I guess we can be thankful that really good Huntress players are not using that Add On. How many Iridescent Heads does Ralph have? Would he be able to use them in like 1000 games in a row?
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Except Deathslinger's addon is aweful due to his range limit.
Also, the reason iri head is still in the game probably the same reason keys and red moris are: the devs haven't gotten around to balancing them yet. They will sometime this year as long as you keep talking about them.
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*screeches in tombstone*
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When somebody asked for a tell on Iri huntress.
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Charge your battery
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ikr that got me irked
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Don't get hit?
You are able to dodge an entire set of hatches but can't dodge 3?
they are exactly the same but with less the benefits she would have if she used other addons
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You don't dodge an entire set of hatchets 95% of the time unless the Huntress is completely brain-dead with dedicated servers. I guarantee every killer that complains about survivor items wants to keep their precious easy mode addon.
Ranged insta-downs from healthy do not belong in this game. Lots of killers whine about Survivor items, most of them except for keys got nerfed into the ground and y'all will still justify keeping Killer items overpowered.
Simple fix, reward huntresses for long range hatchets with an insta down (28/32 meters). Still extremely strong if the huntress practices, not oppressive if the huntress doesn't practice.
You're not competing for Ultra-Rare addons like most other killers and all survivors do so you get 1-2 per bloodweb anyway.
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the problem with the 28 meter insta down is….guess what...won't work on any map besides the farm maps
you seen the ammount of walls on the game? The only way to nerf it is to make it only activate if it's fully charged, makes huntress slower giving survivors time to dodge
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I mean, this was the perfect time to nerf it considering people are going to be playing huntress a lot more for a while and people may use iri head a lot more to get the challenges related to her done more quickly. This game is going to be very annoying for a while with more iri heads and more dedicated server hatchet hits. The combination of both is probably the worst thing in the entire game.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't a developer say there was a change coming to iri head "soon" on a livestream like more than year ago? Why did that never happen?
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killers need to grow a spine and stop trying to please survivors they dont care about our fun and you dont see them calling out their bust perks addons so why should killers demand to weaken ourselves if you give them an inch they will take the whole ruler until every killer is weak as clown and unfun as nurse poor poor nurse is what happens when survivors get their way 1 nerf will turn into 10
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I think the devs are a bit partial to the Huntress for some reason.
1) Best addons in the entire game
2) Most broken and unfair hitboxes in the entire game
3) 5 chances to down a survivor with an actual projectile (denies pallets, windows, loops)
4) a huge lullaby that is actually omni-directional so she can basically have line of sight to hit you with hatchet before responding
5) ability to use M2 and then instantly use M1 after attack with absolutely no cooldown
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Can you honestly just stop whining? Nurse was nerfed while freddy and doc were buffed. No side gets its way. Both sides get buffed and nerfed equally but you still act like killers are oppressed even thought the update that helps killers came out recently
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Agreed. I mostly play killer and I strongly believe the game has always been survivor sided, but it is slowly becoming more and more balanced toward top tier play. The things that can be exploited unfairly are slowly being phased out of the game.
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And screwed if you get an indoor map, just like Deathslinger...yay.
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It's only purpose is when I get that survivor who was talking trash last game in my lobby again.
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An iri head huntress is the only reason why I D/C in games. I'll happily cop my 5 min ban and get a snack.
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This add on takes no skill. Huntresses run it and they get extremely close to you to even knock you with it. Some huntresses use it because they just can't AIM.
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Until you get those hatchets that hit nowhere near you..
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Nurse requires skill like a good huntress requires skill. Unlike huntresses who don't know how to play the game and just gets close to you to be able to hit one hatchet.
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(long range shots are skill combined with prediction)
It's basically random, even if you're umbra.
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Its a ridiculously OP add on and any semi competent Huntress can make them work. It either needs a serious nerf or complete removal.
I've never seen any good Huntress mains support the use of them.
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Most people agree that her red addon is nuts. Alot of her addons are still kind of geared towards how older stuffed worked as well, such as her add ons long exthaustion times.
I don't think red head should be abandoned. The IDEA of having one hatchete and having to make it count but when it does hit it effect is instant and lethal is good. It's just it shouldn't be combinable with belts to increase hatchete size. I also think that it wouldn't hurt for the addon to make the hachete itself red or something.
They're going to do their best to dodge the hachete either way, at least now they get a visual cue that it's an instant. Which in theory could be good for some mind game fear alone.
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So its wrong for iri heads to require no skill but bt ds unbreakable adrenaline sprint burst require no skill where are the survivors calling for nerfs to any of those where are the survivors calling for others to not use comms
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lol, you really don't know what you're talking about. The unfair hitboxes are on the survivors themselves. The hitboxes are like a big refrigerator around them, so it benefits every ranged killer. Huntress's hatchets also have a much bigger hitbox than model, but that's more often a hindrance, causing hatchets to break on objects they shouldn't hit. Corners, low walls, trees, etc.
And huntress does have a cooldown after throwing a hatchet, there's a whole set of add-ons for reducing it. The lullaby is a huge warning. It's your decision not to pay attention and if she gets LoS and hits you with a throw from outside her terror radius, you have no one to blame but yourself.
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10 meters above my head is not on me nor is if I dodged it, the hatchet goes to the left or right of me and it still hits. When she hits you with a hatchet, she can instantly M1 which is essentially an insta-down most of the time. Also, why should a sound not have direction? Why should any killer have that advantage when they have 5 hatchets ready to throw?
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What do you mean? They nerfed it into the ground. Now you only get one hatchet and have to run an add on to either get 2 or 3. Hillbilly base power is stronger than iridescent head and he runs at normal speed lol. If huntress got you, she got you. Dodge better, and no, dont listen to the guy who wants to make it like deathslingers pink add on. All the new killers untra rare add ons are extremely weak, almost like the devs dont want the killers to be the power role
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That's subjective. I think purple tombstone michael is more op
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It certainly needs changed and i think over 90% of the dbd community would agree with that. It's sad that deathslingers has a range that is only a couple meters short of his max ability range but huntress is any distance and she can throw clear across a map.
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You are comparing an addon that is easily avoidable to a house
you are comparing oranges with apples
if you can't dodge 3 hatches maybe you should improve your survivor gameplay?
When I play against a iri hatchet huntress I can still survive, sure 1 or 2 might die but it's still possible, you simply don't want to adapt
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my argument is: you can still dodge the hatches
if you can't its your problem
look at spooky myers, you can counter him, is it easy? no, should we nerf it because it's hard? acording to you yes
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I didn't say they weren't. The survivor hotboxes should be slimmed down. You're not even addressing anything I said.
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well yea
the game is more balanced then never
The only things remaining for a perfect game is changing bloodpoints and remove tiers
also mori spamming killer? what
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You don't dodge a good Huntress.
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The game wouldn't function if hits were server sided. There's usually at least 60 ping and often more due to the shoddy dedicated servers. You'd basically never see a survivor downed at a window or a pallet and the entire balance of the game would be thrown out.
Regardless, you've still failed to address anything I was actually talking about in the prior comment.
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Neither Freddy's lullaby or the terror radius has directional sound. I don't know why you're making it sound like huntress is special. Her M1 is not instant, as I've stated before, there is a cooldown. If you're getting hit with a hatchet and not using your speed boost to make distance, then you're terrible and deserve to go down "instantly." The only thing you're saying that is or was an actual problem is the survivor hitboxes. I know they were ridiculously large, but I heard they actually shaved a lot of the invisible hitbox off of the top of them recently.
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Its true that Iridescent heads are op when combined with the belt add ons, and a mori. When its just Iridescent heads alone, it's pretty balanced as you only get 1 hatchet and have to either reload, or chase as a 110% killer.
The huntress you faced literally could only carry 1 hatchet at a time for the entire match, which is entirely beatable. The fact that your teammates DCed after getting downed essentially gave that huntress the win. The only thing that made that build "OP" was just the ivory mori being added.
The nerf that Iridescent heads needs is just make it so that it trumps all other add ons, or trumps the belt add ons. That way a huntress with iri head can only use 1 hatchet at a time, instead of 2 or 3 one shot hatchets.
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Her lore is also probably the best outta the killers. It's sad and fked up :l
More of a " I could believe that" type of story then any of the others.
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Try to play her. You will understand that instadowns is not a big deal
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Have you played huntress? No? so try before crying
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I have played Huntress many times. But thanks for the ignorant assumption.
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I can tell you've never tried getting out of a basement, you'll see real quickly she has no cooldown. I'm aware Freddy has no directional lullaby but its not a big deal on him because you have time to react since he has to M1. Some maps are so small that you are in the Huntress lullaby most of the time with no directional awareness of her location. It should be directional. A killer that can throw projectiles needs directional sound.
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I don't see why the location would change how long her cooldown is. Why don't you just say, "I wish her cooldown was longer," instead of claiming she doesn't have one? They don't have like 3 add-ons to reduce something that doesn't exist in the first place
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She wasn't even running extra hatchets, and was playing on one of the worst maps for Huntress. All I can say here is git gud.
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If they changed her to an Oni type character it would be fair. Make her have to gain power for it while she's hunting you. In chase. If you allow her to be on your tail too long, she has one hatchet charged up to full and can instantly down you with an on target throw. She now must chase you to use it, and must still be accurate. And limits her to one per chase.