DCing so the game never ends

coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

I'm not sure how people are doing it, but usually toxic/upset survivors will DC on the hook in such a way that the game never ends, and they're stuck in the DC animation on hook.

This doesn't happen often but it's starting to get more frequent.


  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404
    edited May 2020

    this happened to me before as survivor. i didn’t dc but after the billy hooked me, i was stuck on the hook floating in the air with crows over my head. i could only see the killer in third person. was still in the game with killer after EGC finished. even after i dc’d, the killer was still stuck in the game. it’s a bug. I don’t think the survivor is responsible. could be, but in my experience, it was a shi*ty bug for both the survivor and killer.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I had that happen to me when I was playing survivor. I was against a Deathslinger that slugged me all game. When it happened, I didn't even want to disconnect because first off, I didn't want to lose my bloodpoints and get punished for disconnecting when I played my game fair and square, and secondly, because the dude just kept slugging me over and over and seemed to have no problem wasting time, so I figured he could use a taste of his own medicine.

    I got pretty lucky that the bug happened when it did. :)

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Oh the heaven bug ?

    I actually really like that one

    Where you float on the hook until your in the sky forever outside the game and unable to die

    Yeah I find it really entertaining

  • palotheas
    palotheas Member Posts: 118

    I had that bug against a nurse, it actually happened to 2 people in the same match. We were both David's too. Our bodies went through the floor and just fell forever and our camera were stuck on the killer as if we were being carried. It was a couple patches ago so not sure if it's the same bug. I didn't dc until egc didn't end so I knew I was stuck in the match. I never saw the other David dc because he stayed for a while while the nurse tried to get him to the hatch because he could drag his body around by moving him an inch every time she tried to pick him up, even though it couldn't be seen.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Ah, after some talking and digging it seems he was watching a twitch stream so maybe there was a lapse in internet at the right time and the server didn't know what to do with him anymore. I guess it's not a bug you choose to activate or not lol. I'm still pissed though.