Should the Devs take a break from chapters and work on the problems

I've seen a couple people talk about this and I do agree with it. As much as I love this game it definitely has too many problems I think majority can agree. It isn't just bugs there are plenty issues like gen rushing or tunneling yes its a game strategy but it is making the game unfun. It also could be good for the Devs as they don't have to waste so much time creating new maps characters Backstory etc. What's the point in creating a new survivor or a killer that no one might even play. Let's be real when is the last time you've seen an Oni or a plague no one plays these killers and same for survivors its always the same faces Claudette, Meg, Dwight, Kate, Feng. I barely see Yui Ace and plenty other survivors. It could also allow the Devs to add fun features like what I said in one of my other discussions about different colour hooks gens auras. It could also be fun to add small easter eggs in the game like references to YouTubers or stuff similar to that. Instead of achievements like Adept killer 5075812 you could add achievements for finding the easter eggs. I just feel like we could use a break from the chapters
No, just because they stop doing chapters doesn't mean things will get fixed faster. It just puts people out of a job! There's different departments for different things. Devs that work on bugs and devs that work on map design ect. People that work on map design can't stop what they are doing and fix bugs they aren't trained for that.
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For me personally I feel like if there were no chapters released anytime soon. I would get bored with the game.
This is why I don’t play Friday the 13th (while it’s understandable why) I couldn’t go past 1.5k hours as there was nothing for me to look forward to.
I think the two issues you pointed out (gen rushing and tunneling) are a result of the individual match. Why, you ask? Well Tunneling (while annoying even to me) it is part of the game. There are counters to it like DS. As for gen rushing... same thing, you can counter it by bringing perks like Corrupt and/or Pop. Again while I think they can be problematic I don’t believe they are a problem in every single match and also I don’t believe that you can pre-determine how that team or killer is going to play. You have to change your play style if you know that they are tunneling or if you know that they are focused on gens.
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I think that's only half-true. While there are different departments for different things - for example, the people that work on live balancing (making alterations to perks and killers that are already in the game) are not usually the same people that devised those mechanics to begin with - my understanding is that the people who work on bug fixes do so across the board (although I'll admit I don't know for certain whether that is the case). Every time new content is introduced into the game, there will inevitably be some bugs introduced along with it, and the people whose job it is to fix bugs would presumably to need to devote at least some of their time to those. If there were no new content being introduced, they could focus solely on existing bugs, and therefore probably get those fixed faster.
That's not to say that I think they should skip a chapter to fix bugs necessarily, just that there would be some advantages to doing so. Regardless, it's all a moot point because the devs have confirmed that it's not going to happen.