I pledge not to be toxic! GLHF

Hey all!

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or anything with this. I just recently found it and thought it was the 'bomb-diggity' and wanted to share it with you guys as I've been checking the forums often lately.

So, I think this community as a whole is really awesome. And I recently stumbled upon this GLHF pledge. And I thought I might as well share the idea with you all too. (If this is against guidelines or inappropriate sorry.) I thought it would fit in very well here. I know there is quite a bit of toxicity and frustrations that can arise from that as well as stressful situations, but in the end we are all human and everyone makes mistakes. And maybe we can rise up and become more supportive and helpful to others. Like be more supportive and constructive with opposing views, and considerate of our actions and what we are saying.

I know this game can be EXTREMELY stressful, due to a variety of things. But it can also be extremely fun and enjoyable. And its great to share that with friends and even the "opposing" team, like being able to laugh at the end of the match together and be lighthearted about everything. I know people can take games too personally, and that builds up unnecessary frustration and tension. I think being able to come to terms with certain things and discuss things in a civil manner is going to help more in the long run than the typical "insults" you may or may not have seen. And realizing that we are ALL human. We are just people. There's another person in front of the screen on the opposite end, with feelings and thoughts. Tone and context may not always come across in text as easily, misunderstandings occur etc. etc.

You don't actually have to pledge or anything, but I think the idea behind it is really nice and it would be nice to see more of this kind of attitude in and out of the game. And if you are interested here is a little snippet and also the link to read more about it:

GLHF is a promise to...

  1. Be a good sport whether I win or lose
  2. Know that people online are real people and my words have real impact
  3. Set a positive example with my behavior
  4. Speak up against discrimination, hate speech, harassment, and abuse
  5. Show integrity by honoring the rules, my opponents, and my teammates
  6. Stop, listen, and reassess if Iā€™m told that my words or actions are harmful
  7. Respect others, even if their sincere opinions are different from my own

I know it can be hard sometimes, and it may not be easy, and mistakes can happen. If someone else is being "toxic" don't get sucked in to their toxicity too. Stay within your happy, constructive self. But that's what a community is here for. Support. If you are having problems, reach out and ask for help.

I could go on, but I know I tend to ramble, and I think you guys get the idea. And I hope you like it as much as I do.

Just something to think about. :)


  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    lol Thank you! :D

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @Sasori_puppet <3

    @will_i_am_14_85 That's a great idea.Thank you for sharing!

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    play pig so if they teabag u teabag with them

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @Clockso lol, or ghostface. I had a ghostface killer one game and he chased survivors (including me) while "tbagging" was the funniest thing ever. I could not stop laughing. Loved it. I like being "silly" in games.

    @Boosted_Dwight Thanks! And great idea! I like not furthering negativity and making people think about their own actions... at least maybe. Trolls will troll.

    You can only control yourself. :)

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    So don't be a dick.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @thrawn3054 @ShrekIsHot Short and to the point!

    @NoShinyPony True, but people can change. But as long as you try your best not to go to there as well, you can stop perpetuating the cycle. And maybe more people can follow suit. Lead by example type thing. Have hope and stay positive, and most of all don't let them get to you :)

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278


    Just remember, yeah Survivors or Killers can be rude in a match, may be because they got mad last match, but there always will be a next match, things happen and things are subject to change.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @HellCatJane I would prefer it if we had stricter rules considering which behaviour is allowed in-game.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @ShrekIsHot Oh, for sure. Things definitely can get carried over.

    @NoShinyPony I can see that. Also, reminds me that there are some games that automatically ban and kicks you for saying certain words, which are completely inappropriate and uncalled for etc. That might not be so bad to see. There's certain things people should not 'get away' with doing or saying.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Nice pledge:)

    glhf <3

  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454

    It's a shame some people don't want to be humans while playing games

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @GrootDude Thanks! <3 GLHF! :D

    @PyroDude I agree!

  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454

    Ok, you got me there. That's a really good argument

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @Sasori_puppet Meow!(=ā—•į†½ā—•ąøŗ=)

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    So much love for this I totally try my hardest to be supportive friendly and fair its been ruff these past few days i had a person party invite and say some extremely mean things to me.

    It out me off for playing to be honest it really shook me up as I truly play fair and try my hardest to give people fun games.

    Been spending some time on the forums giving out happiness boops when I see others frustrated or sad about things trying my hardest to give out good energy and support.

    It's helped but just want to say thank you for sharing this I hope some people will take it on board.


  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    This is super cool also may I steal this plz


  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I support this completelyif we could eradicate the toxicity completely this game would be so good

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @HellCatJane I try to always have fun and be positive because its just a game and we are all humans trying to have fun but some people take it so serious and I get that. With that said, I tee bag and do anything I can in the game but never insult through messages, only once a long time ago when I started playing, but I have gotten many insults like really mean ones, especially while playing killer.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    Of course. :) Artist's name is in the bottom right corner if you're ever feeling the need to give credit where it's due.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Glhf ā¤ļø I love this pledge.

    I'm only ever a dick to people if there a dick to others or are being incredibly toxic to me so I can 1000% get behind this. Let's drive toxicity from this game and community.

    Whether your a survivor or killer, or a flex player we all should spread love and good sportsmanship.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @Xboned Aww. Thank you for sharing that, it is so awesome! I love it!

    @Darkskies I am the same! I try to play fair and honest, but then I call them "trolls" just want to complain and throw shade/insults. It really became apparent to me when it happened when teams of all 4 escaped and they were just harassing me basically. And it is very upsetting. Because I try my best to play fair and nice and I really want to give everyone a great gaming experience, it's like being completely misunderstood. What I learned is just be happy with myself and how I played. Not anyone else, how I did, what I did. Mistakes happen, but If I feel good about what I did. I don't feed the trolls and just stay positive and some teams out there completely understand, and still have fun just like me, win or lose.Ā :)Ā 

    @UlvenDagoth Yay, pledge buddies! hehe

    @DBDbuildsYT OH ya, I agree. It would be way more fun. 1. for not feeling harassed and 2. I enjoy the games more when everyone had a good time, if it's apparently one person is upset/salty and taking it out in a toxic manner. It's just not as enjoyable for me. I don't like seeing people upset.

    @grtf47 As far as tbag and stuff, I personally feel like its more what is your intent behind it, if its just to have fun and stuff thats okay, like honestly, I never take tbag personal AT ALL. I think that alone will help people enjoy the game more, just don't care. If you are trying to be mean spirited about it that idk about. That's great you don't insult through chat, I know with this game that can take a lot, especially while playing killer, because people will try to provoke you. I take it like two ways. Either they are just human and are upset with what happened and are going through emotions, or they are just trolling wanting to incite you for their own twisted laughs/game. I just don't give in to that. I may say something if I think they are upset in efforts to calm them down like be nice, like hey, it isn't personal buddy.Ā It's just better to stay positive and spread those positive vibes, because the last killer/survivors they faced may have really got to them and they are just kind of extra "sensitive" this match and such. Ya, never know.

    @Maelstrom10 Oh, ya. Standing up for others will get me to speak up/act too.

    Whether your a survivor or killer, or a flex player we all should spread love and good sportsmanship.

    I like this a lot!

    GLHF! <3

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    I'm too old to bother with being pissed off or toxic in a video game. Still, it's a nice pledge and more people should take it to heart.

    In this game, I just turn off chat on PC. I play killer, so can't talk to people anyway except after the match, and at that point I'm clicking and queuing for the next match as soon as possible, anyway.

    In Overwatch, though, although I always disable match chat with the opposing team, I'm always nice to my teammates. They're bad at the role or Hero they're playing? Oh well, it's just a video game. I can't effectively play the entire roster, either.

    Number 4, I don't do, however. I used to. But I learned a while back that in the wild west of the internet, it's like spitting into the wind. Until the day comes where accounts are openly linked to real names or real social media accounts, where people are actually held personally accountable for their internet behavior in games, those vile things will never go away, and can't effectively be combated on the internet.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698


    Ā Oh well, it's just a video game. I can't effectively play the entire roster, either.

    I love that thinking :)

    And yeah turning off chat to avoid toxicity can be very useful. I personally get torn, because some people are really nice and it's fun to have a laugh with them afterwards. Oh, gosh I remember this one time I kept accidentally "Tunneling" this one meg. She was the only person I could find on the map, every track I followed I thought for sure this is someone else! lmao. At the end she knew my intent and we had some good laughs about it. But you never know what you are going to get sadly. It's like taking a risk.

    For number 4, the most you can do sometimes is just try to report and hope the dev's sort em out. I do wish people were held more accountable to their actions online (and sometimes offline).

    Thanks for your post! GLHF!

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158
    edited October 2019

    Thanks I really appreciate the support during this time.

    šŸ· GLHF šŸ’–

    Also I always have fun regardless its just being spoke to like I experienced really affected me it was out of line and I don't think people truly understand how thier actions can effect someone mentally. I have now set my messages to friends only because of this. Sad tho as I loved to spread positivity through gaming.


    Post edited by Darkskies on
  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Of course :) You are not alone and we are here for you. *insert happiness boop* šŸ· :D lol Is that how it works o_O :)

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Aw yes yes! Made my day thank you kind soul šŸ–šŸ’–

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698
    edited October 2019

    Yup :) It's nice. Discrimination and harassment etc exists in all aspects of life sadly, including gaming. It's not exactly a pledge on a game, but a pledge in life. Like you can take it how you mean. But I take it to mean I am choosing to be a good sport and act with a certain set of morals and dignity. I understand there are humans at the other end of the computer screens. And I'm not going to harass and threaten other people over a video game, especially. But I also take this to heart in "real" life as well. Like the same set of rules apply. I've seen people take things out of video games, harassing others on streams (twitch etc) and steam. It's very sad these things happen. You don't actually have to "pledge". You may think, well duh! This is obvious! Don't harass people and or discriminate against others etc. But people still do these things, and its apparent in all aspects of life. And for those that maybe want to change or need help changing, they can hold themselves accountable for when they do make mistakes and have some guidelines and support to help them in doing it. Or just showing support to the cause :)

    I think it helps understanding what other people may be going through, there's always more than one (your own) side to think about. To me it's not just talking about "a video game". And you can disagree. I'm happy if people can take away something from this. Even just to consider it. Something to think about. :)

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    edited October 2019

    I kinda gotta agree with this though. It seemed all good until it started going off on discrimination and reevaluation. You're playing an online video game, just settle for saying GG and moving on. Definitely not boy scouts.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    @Cetren GG and move on is a great approach.

    Those are just my thoughts, and that doesn't mean I expect others to feel or think the same about stuff either. I think overall the idea, has some very good tips that could benefit this player-base. I tend to look very in depth at things at times...

    Other guy was just trollin'. Trolls gonna troll, I guess.

    It'd be nice to see people that if they disagree with someone just don't take it personally and/or attack a person's character. I can definitely be wrong about something, or change my mind later about something. I am just human, with good intentions.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I love this pledge

    It's a shame we have to TELL people to be nice tho, why cant nice just be default? :(

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    You can agree or disagree or not agree completely etc.

    I hope whoever reads this can gain some take away, from it and help create a more positive non-toxic environment where everyone can ENJOY the game and do whatever they want, whatever play-style they want, as long as it fits in the guidelines/rules of the game (aka no exploits or bannable actions). And this can be from NOT doing something (being toxic/insult/harassing etc) or doing something (being nice, positive, constructive, supportive etc).

    And if you decide to take the positivity and ideals OUTSIDE of this particular game, as well, than that is great too.

    I support people in all walks of life and their mental states/health.

    I do see quite a bit of harassment, even towards myself, some may have even witnessed it, it sadly does exist. But I hope we can all just move towards a more positive constructive approach. Especially with in this particular game, where I see "toxicity" and harassment happen quite often. And I don't ever want to feel harassed when I play a game the way it should be, and I do not want anyone else to feel the same.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    I like that! It should just be "default"!

    I have hope we can help make it that way.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Let me provide ye happiness boops šŸ–@HellCatJane.. Btw this is just an idea why not give it a try?? What do you have to loose?!

    be friendly and encourage those you game with. Rather than putting them down and making them shy away we need each other.

    It might be the healthy change this game needs to move it forward.


  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Just bumping this up I truly don't want this message to be lost in the crowd.

    Please keep this up push the message of positive game play

    Thanking you šŸ’–šŸ–

  • LeatherfaceMain
    LeatherfaceMain Member Posts: 4

    I pledge #bubbagang

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80


    Thanks for posting this here. Glad I found it.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    It's never to late to join us all killers and suriviors that want to kill this toxic behaviour šŸ’–šŸ·

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Can't believe I never commented here before lmao.

    Saw this post ages ago and took the pledge. Happy to say that it still holds true today (at least, I'm pretty sure I've followed the rules).

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    No rules man just be cool to your fellow players that the beauty of it šŸ’–šŸ·

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Hell cat Jane was a beautiful soul that saw us drop all the negative ways wanted better things I'm really happy new people are finding this and in bracing it. The true hope is to make this game better through understanding and fun šŸ’–