Recommed Deathslinger? Or any dlc killers

So I'm soon getting some money from my part time job, and I'm going to be picking up the leather face DLC and the Michael Myers DLC, possibly the Oni.
I've also been considering the deaths-linger DLC because i love his theme and I've been enjoying the ranged gameplay the style on huntress.
Just wanted to get the community opinion on it, is deathslinger worth getting? I know alot of people have a negative opinion him and that he could use a couple changes, but is he fun tho? I obviously want a good killer but also a fun one, and i like the whole broken status slow down thing hence i frequently play legion. All opinions appreciated!
Thanks yall
Deathslinger is Op, pretty much Spirit-level of power. A lot of people are very dumb though and say he is a worse Huntress (lol). Don't listen to them, they're talking out of their asses. If you hit your shots, you'll dominate.
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I wouldn’t buy deathslinger with cells, save up for him with shards, using cells on free characters is a waste when you can get another paid only character
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Almost garunteed hit after a shot, which also has no wind up
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Even with the 50% off?
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Dont mind me just casually being unaware that the golden week is for all pre chains of hate, doofus
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Yeah, but golden week is only this week and I would buy all the DLCs you can with cells, if you plan on playing for a long time
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I don't regret getting him, he's fun and not weak.
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I plan on defo playing till i hit red ranks with killer (currently only a green rank, boy red rank swf can be difficult) so thats the plan, was originally only going to purchase the leatherface dlc for bbq+chilli since shrine most likely have bbq for a while, no intention of actually playing the face camping prodigy himself tho i find his playstyle linear and not much of a skill ceiling based on the leatherfaces i have faced in the past, tho the ceiling is still there. But then it occured to me that i can just buy auric and get more bang for my buck, hence im also going to get the myers dlc and potentially the pig dlc because i loved the saw movies, even if she isnt considered exactly top tier she seems fun and bear trap kills look SO satisfying once you actually get some
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I appreciate the meme, but I've heard that hes terrible quite enough now, would just like some positive opinions to form a balanced do i don't i decision.