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Console controls.

When are console controls gonna be like pc where you could actually change what each button does. Im tired of facing the same issue where one of my teammates is down in the middle of a pallet and I can’t throw down the pallet because RB is to drop the pallet but also to heal it’s so stupid. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten downed because of that. We don’t even use 2 buttons if I’m correct. X&Y (if you didn’t change the settings)


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    You know you can change control bindings in the settings...

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    You have been able to change button assignments since the game came to consoles.

  • xander100
    xander100 Member Posts: 7

    Last time I tried to change it. It was very limited to what I could change. For example interacting has always been RB and I tried to change it once but it didn’t give me the option to change like pallet throws from healing since Interactions are all (RB). I’ll check again today see if the menus changed I haven’t messed around with the settings since the release of deathslinger.

  • xander100
    xander100 Member Posts: 7

    I checked again yesterday. If I change the action controls. It would still be the same button to drop a pallet and heal.

    here are the options it gives me on the settings to change controls.

    pick up item, drop item, action button (which is for like dead hard or to throw the rock perk) then there’s an option also called action which is to interact (healing, gens, totems and so on). Now if I change that To whatever button I want to designate it to all interaction would change to that same button. It doesn’t give me separate interactions. It all falls under the same action category. If you guys could walk me through it, It would be amazing. Sorry to be a bother. @Cocktail @goatslinger @CheersTC

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    There actions and secondary actions in the button settings.

    One of those covers vaults, pallets and going into lockers, the other is the rest.

    Change one of those

  • xander100
    xander100 Member Posts: 7

    Thank you . @Weck