Best Survivor Perk?
A lot of you may say DS and I understand that because it is extremely good and abusable. But in my opinion, the perk with the most potential still is Adrenaline. Imagine yourself a SWF with 4 Adrenalines. The time where the Killer can get the most mappressure is when there are only 1-2 gens left, especially if they are close together. With Adrenaline you can completely counter that by playing agressive and getting away with it. Why? If the Killer commits to someone, the other 3 rush the last gen and the chased Survivor gets Adrenaline. If the Killer splits pressure or even slugs, the Survivor can still Play extremely agressive and pressure two gens without really caring about getting hit or downed because as soon as the last gen pops everyone gets up or fully healed. You can easily realise how strong is while playing both Killer and Survivor. As Killer you may think I have a lot of mappressure and a lot of people injured and maybe even one downed when Adrenaline pops in your face and everyone is healed again and the slug gets up too. As Survivor, this perk has saved us so often from a snowballing Killer too.
Adrenaline is interesting, because I rarely see it on just one survivor at a time. It always seems to be on all four, or none at all.
Probably because it's a group using it just as you described, I guess.
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Nah, DS and Adrenaline aren't 'overpowered'. None of them are really that 'overpowered' the ones that people think are, are just good perks. :/
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No survivor perk is overpowered, most can agree. But like you said, Adrenaline can seem really OP when the survivors toy with you and get 4 health states and sprint bursts at once at end game.
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instantly heal one state
Activates every game
Instantly break the killers grasp
Stun the killer
Available in a wide range of unsafe rescue strats
Synergies with every currently meta perk and useful in every build
Not easily nerfed without disabling
Yeah DS is still my top hated perk
Adrenaline could be easily adjusted to not work while downed and be perfectly fine
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Object of Obsession. Put it on in SWF and unless the survivors just don't do gens... good luck to the killer.
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SWF Team 6 with map-wide comms is the most OP perk.
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I still vote ds. Adren can be powerful in a swf but you dont need a group to get value out of ds. Theres also the time it buys for fear the survivor may have it.
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hm well you may realise i put OP in quotion marks because i dont think ist op either, it can be extremely strong in the right hands tho, maybe even a bit too strong
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very interesting choice aswell. i dont really like it myself but i have seen how good it can be when my Friends used it. especially against Killers like trapper or hag ngl.
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'too strong' suggests it's overpowered that's why I was misled. But I don't get the fuss about these perks, so easy to play around DS and Adrenaline is basically NOED but for survivors, as a player who plays both sides, I find both perks fine, same with NOED, BBQ, STBFL and Pop goes the weasel. The community just complains about good perks... :/
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There's a difference between OP and unhealthy. Not everyone complains about perks because they find them OP.
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(Psst! People don't complain about survivor perks as much because it's survivors who do most of the complaining.)
What? Who said that? I didn't hear anything.
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OP suggests it's 'over powered', which generally means it's 'unhealthy' for the game since it's too strong hence why it's called 'over powered', it would just be 'powerful' if it was just strong and that's it. So normally, OP stuff are considered unhealthy by that logic, you following me? There's only very few cases where stuff are considered unhealthy without being OP, which is seen in Legions case on release. But normally, people find 'Over powered' stuff unhealthy.
You understand?
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Well i dont complain about perks being too strong at all. Also Adrenaline is easily my favorite perk for Survivor. As Killer i don't use Noed and Bamboozle tho because imo it's low skill but i don't complain if someone uses it. A fact is just that it is a bit boring that there are only few top tier Perks and the other like 75 Perks are useles compared to them. But as long as there are good perks for both sides they balance each other out.
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Yes I understand. Why tell me this?
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Exactly, happy we agree on that. I also personally dislike using Bamboozle, but I play killers who can bypass loops most the time (Oni, Spirit, Hag, Nurse and Demogorgon, although in Demogorgon's case, I get looped a bit, but she can counter it). NOED is a perk I've never touched and probably never will in a real build, although I used to run meme builds with it.
Idk, me not using NOED probably stems from the fact that I originally was a survivor main and now that I play both sides, I still can't play the perks that used to annoy me a lot (it don't anymore though). Although, it could also be that I hardly go to endgame.
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Most of the survivor perks are fine (I do think Adrenaline should lose the free health state), they only get OP when combined, particularily the DS/UB combo
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Tbh, I think I just put that out there for everyone and tagged you in case you needed refreshing on it. Not too sure, lol.
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Actually OP?
I honestly would have to say....... Iron Will.
Dead Hard is amazing, but doesn't always work.
DS is just... really not worth taking, it's just not that good anymore imo.
Adrenaline only happens at the end of the game, which to be honest, is the same as running NOED. You're running 3 perks the whole game so you could maybe use this one perk that will give you a huge boost.
OoO is not that useful solo, and even then not that great on SWF either other than small bits of information.
So my vote goes for Iron Will, which can make you seem like you disappear if you can hide well enough.
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my goal wasnt to complain or start drama at all. i just wanted to collect information to creat an even stronger build than i already have
also i want to get and give as constructive opinions as possible
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yee a long time i really loved iron will and i still use it while either using a flashlight or playing solo queue. for SWF i changed my opinion somewhen tho because i think 16 second chance perks allow you to Play agressive enough to not need iron will anymore. still a great perk for sure!
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True, presenting these topics the wrong way only leads to more problems...but, I think OP has made their intentions clear enough. They even put OP in quotation marks.
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It's Adrenaline period
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For me, Borrowed Time. I despise how it encourages stupid plays with little draw back. How somebody can simply follow me to a hook, wait for me to start walking way, get the save, and still give them BT. I hate that, in the EGC, it's almost a free escape.
I can work around DS, unless I down them near the exit gate, then it's, again, a free escape. I can work with Adrenaline, usually. Unbreakable can be annoying, but doable. OoO is practically broken against Trapper. Yet it's BT that I loathe the most, especially when two or more survivors are running it, and simply trading saves.
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Yep, it's rare to have a nice discussion.
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If you don't camp or tunnel BT never activates...amazing right?
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To be fair, this topic is going fine so far... so far.
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True. Arguments used to get super heated back when I joined this forum, but now it's a lot more chilled out.
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Yep, that's why I chose the forums. Plus, I made friends here quickly. I haven't checked out the discord yet but I've heard good things.
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Yep, some left the game, and the rest (30%?) are still here.
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I hardly ever see Adrenaline used atm. It's one of those perks that is just outside the top 4 for me on my builds.
As killer I hardly see it since I usually have at least 1 or 2 dead if the game reaches end game.
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Yeah, best not to the mods don't like talking about bans.
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yee i actually am surprised how chill this discussion is because i know its a pretty controversial topic and people are raging a lot about perks being op and stuff. so i am happy to get some good opinions and ideas here
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Yep, this forum can be pretty wholesome sometimes!
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what perkbuild do u use then? i'm curious about that. i myself use iron will, dh, bt and adre. i switch out perks for ds, resilience or Unbreakable sometimes tho
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"Best survivor perk" would've been a better title no? Since there are no overpowered survivor perks.
DS is still better imo, since Adrenaline is only reliable in full SWFs
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Prove Thyself: increased gen repair speed by 15% PER SURVIVOR in the area is a bit much. Gens pop fast enough as it is.
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You don't need to camp to activate BT, though. You can simply chase another survivor nearby, and so long as the hooked survivor is a millimetre in the terror radius, BT activates. They can then proceed to body block (which should be looked at) until you either smack them, or wait it out. And in the EGC? Where they can guard their savior?
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ur totally right, so there we go
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Dark sense is strong. 5 gens plus exit gates gives you 6 indications during a game where the killer, what the killer is and where the killer is heading.
I love dark sense, especially if the pink silhouette is heading staright at me ;)
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I use Dead Hard, DS, Spine Chill and Inner Strength. Sometimes I swap a perk out for WGLF to get more points. Adrenaline is good but I don't feel like I need it over other perks.