Ch. 9- New Survivor Perk (Pull Yourself Off 2nd Hook)

So Alex's perk allows you to pull YOURSELF off the hook if you complete a safe save. However, you can only pull yourself off your first hook. Doesnt this seem very situtional? Usually, if youre on first hook someone is going to come to save you anyway (unless youre being camped, maybe). If youre being camped is there any point to pulling yourself off the hook though? What if you safe save someone but youve already been hooked? So youre only on second hook but you still cant pull yourself off. Rip. Does anyone else think it should allow the iption to pull yourself off of 2nd hook as well?


  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    I agree. Deliverance is just too limited this way. If you're the first person to get hooked, that's a wasted perk slot. If you're in no position to safely rescue someone, wasted perk slot. If killer is camping, again, not much point.
    Maybe there's something we don't consider, but it very much seems a weak perk in its current state. It's still PTB though, so who knows.
  • Depy
    Depy Member Posts: 23

    Yes the perk is situational but the perk should only work on the first hook, in my opinion if you run this perk you know its not gonna work 100% of the time. I imagine this is gonna be runned alot by toxic swf groups but other people that are solo rank 1's for example i see not running this at all. But i see what you mean.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @George_Soros said:
    I agree. Deliverance is just too limited this way. If you're the first person to get hooked, that's a wasted perk slot. If you're in no position to safely rescue someone, wasted perk slot. If killer is camping, again, not much point.
    Maybe there's something we don't consider, but it very much seems a weak perk in its current state. It's still PTB though, so who knows.

    I think a slight change for the perk - make it token based. You get 100% chance to pull yourself off the hook regardless of tokens, but the tokens determine how long you are Broken for. You gain one token for each safe hook rescue. This would heavily reward stealth and altruism.

    0 Tokens: 120/100/80 seconds
    1 Token: 110/90/70 seconds
    2 Tokens: 100/80/60 seconds (current perk times)
    3 Tokens: 90/70/50 seconds
    4 Tokens: 80/60/40 seconds
    5 Tokens: 70/50/30 seconds

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @George_Soros said:
    I agree. Deliverance is just too limited this way. If you're the first person to get hooked, that's a wasted perk slot. If you're in no position to safely rescue someone, wasted perk slot. If killer is camping, again, not much point.
    Maybe there's something we don't consider, but it very much seems a weak perk in its current state. It's still PTB though, so who knows.

    best way to safely save someone is using borrowed time

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Yeah well, devs have a gazillion requests, ranging from polite suggestions to hysterical demands. I'm guessing Deliverance is going to stay as it is in the PTB. Which is okay; not all perks have to be OP or meta, diversity is more important.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    It is very situational and not really OP, and i say that even though I play a decent amount of killer. I could imagine a SWF group making good use of it though.

    Say, one person with DS/SC/SB/Adrenaline and the rest with SC/BT/DH/Deliverance. 2 people can charge Deliverance off the Adrenaline guy, and end-game the Deliverance guys could obfuscate while the Adrenaline guy opens gates. Hard to set up, but the idea of a killer going "#########!?" as 2 people auto-kobe and run out the open gate, well that's a funny moments compilation right there.
  • jacowwow
    jacowwow Member Posts: 51
    yes, while that would be amazing, not everyone is that coordinated and people dont like to run perks that they didnt personally see fit for them. Aside from that theres no telling whos going to be found and downed first. The main scenario painted in my head was based on a frustrating experience I had when I was a solo queued survivor with 3 others who were swf. They had a friend hooked almost instantly and I went to save the guy. He was safely pulled off and I led the chase away from him. I held that said while the team did 4 generators. I was finally caught and placed in the basement and I was not in fact camped.  By the time the killer was leaving me they finished the last generator but NO ONE even made an attempt to come for me ON MY FIRST HOOK, WHEN I WAS NOT BEING CAMPED. They made the excuse that if i was hooked in basement, I was dead anyway. Then they also tried saying that I needa play swf to get saved then. I wouldve loved Deliverence here.. but if it worked for 2nd hook as well it would seal the deal since I did my duties as a good teammate, i shouldnt be left for dead when being selfless 😭 haha. Its taking up a oerk slot, lets give it the power to be decent as most of the perks that can be constantly used are.