I feel bad

My guess is swf or matchmaking is really that bad, but like damn.


  • skynightjourney
    skynightjourney Member Posts: 128

    Could be matchmaking, got a game against a Doc while I was solo-ing. Every survivor was red rank 1 and I was purple 6, the Doc was dank 19 :/ felt bad for him he was having a real bad time cause of the match making. Hopefully it gets fixed at some point.

  • Splitsecond27
    Splitsecond27 Member Posts: 52

    Agreed I’m starting to get a lot of games like this on both sides, and I feel bad for the opposing side.

  • treyplayx3
    treyplayx3 Member Posts: 12

    Yeah sometimes I play killer and end up with higher ranked people, my killer rank is 13, and I end up with games with red & purple players, even went with a whole red ranks once. I mean although it does suck, at least they don't shove it in your face. They just go along the lines of "nice matchmaking", and such. Some of them said it maybe because I was the highest ranked killer that queued, but I don't believe that a bit. I hope it's not because I play on the Windows Store PC version. Since I can confirm I barely see anyone else that plays that version, and it's mostly Steam users.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    i feel like they are secretly trying the new match making system...where we will all start around the same level...

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I think in this case maybe they were all swf and it matched you with the rank 4. So don't feel too bad.