What do you consider "toxic"?

I think anything thats uncalled for is toxic such as teabagging, hitting on hook etc. Im curious what most of the community considers toxic since i see that word everywhere.
For survivor: Teabagging, Flashlight clicking and running OoO (Only in swf cases).
As for killer, camping and tunneling and hitting on hook. I don't consider head shaking toxic and I see that more as banter.
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For survivors:
Teabagging, clicky clicky, loud notification spam at open exit gate and my favorite last second switching.
For Killers:
Facecamping, constantly hitting on hook. Leaving everyone to die after all are slugged.
For both:
Endgamechat insults, deaththreats etc.
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Teabagging, flashlight clicking, hitting a survivor on hook, and tunnelling when there's other targets or when it's unnecessary.
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T-bagging and clicking is toxic but camping and tunneling is just a strategy, it's not toxic. That is like saying gen rushing is toxic.
I played Clown today and come up against toxic t-baggers, so I was toxic right back. I was Clown and hooked one of the survivors and kept throwing bottles at him while facecamping. In the end there was one survivor left and it was the most toxic one, he was t-bagging all game. So I downed him and closed the hatch. Then when he was on the ground I kept throwing bottles at him until time was up and the entity killed him. Now that is pretty toxic I admit 😀 But they deserved it.
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I must be the only one who thinks hitting people on the hook with 8 stack STBFL clown is hilarious.
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Anything that is intentionally trying to upset another player. For instance, if I'm clicking at a fellow survivor, I'm trying to get their attention for something, probably to follow me. If I'm crouching up and down with another survivor, I feel like it's a way to say hello, lol. However, you do these things to the killer, it's taken as a form of taunting. Now, as some will tell you, taunting can be a tactic. I don't normally, but one person here mentioned loud notification spam is toxic. I'll do it though if I see a survivor in a chase, so hopefully they'll give up on them and come to me. Some people see teabagging as something similar; that it'll rile the killer up and throw them off their game. I don't want to upset anyone though, so not my style.
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Killer still on map after hooking, REPORT!
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Tbagging and flashlight clicking can break the focus of killers and thus is just as much of a (cheeky) strategy as facecamping.
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Toxicity is using game elements with the primary intention to annoy or communicate disrespect. No action is toxic in itself. There's no list.
You can usually recognize toxicity when a player isn't gaining an advantage and might even be sacrificing advantages. So for example, when someone spams vaults, he's sacrificing stealth and knows he's doing #########. When someone teabags, it slows down the character and is probably meant to say "neener neener." Whacking someone on the hook doesn't make their bar go down any faster and is probably meant to bother. Endgame chat is always awful, no exceptions.
But really, it's about intention. Is the person's primary goal to bother?
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Anything done with the intent, or even the knowledge that it will, cause distress to another player, which does not serve any strategic value. In other words, if all it does is hurt someone else, and you know it, that's toxic.
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Hacking, cheating, bodyblocking with the intent to hold hostage, Survivor(s) actively playing for the other team.
Mmmm, not much else really.
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Doing stuff that breaks the rules and especially attempting to justify it in any way.
Stuff done with the primary and/or sole intent of making someone mad. "Playing for salt", if you want to call it that.
Aaaand that's it. I don't consider any specific action (besides the aforementioned rule breaking/justification of it) itself inherently toxic.
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Yes but it's by taunting the killer. Facecamping is just guarding the hook to get a kill in the game and perhaps lure other survivors to you. Big difference. Now if t-bagging got survivors gens done faster or something then it would be a gaming strategy.
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Survivor: Tea bagging, notification spam (besides anything skill check related), clicky click, taunting after a pallet stun, following the killer around, OoO, DS(to a certain point because nice killer's that are trying to play fair get ######### by this perk)
Killer: Camping, smacking hooked survivor (to certain point because some bugs can be resolved by doing this once), tunneling
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hacking, disconnecting, holding the game hostage,calling ppl racist/homophobic slurs or threatening ppl at end game chat or over xbox,ps4 messaging...
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Intentionally trying to upset other players.