Can we get gen rushing addressed already?



  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Global said:

    @Orion said:

    @Global said:

    @Orion said:
    There have been endless suggestions, mainly revolving around new mechanics and buffing Killers, but the devs have stuck to their roadmap, so we'll just have to wait and see. I even made a thread showing why chases are too long, but some people became confused by it.

    you still have a link to that thread m8 id like to read it.


    I dont understand what is so hard to understand about it xD just sounds like survivors trying to over complicate the fact they always have the advantage no matter what perks are chosen in the end. thanks for the link btw bb.

    Apparently, the fact that I didn't take into consideration the hundreds of variables that make the game more Survivor-sided was somehow relevant to my "best case-scenario for the Killer is still bad for them" point. And here I thought that when someone showed the best case-scenario for one side was bad, it was proof that that side needed a buff. Go figure.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Orion said:

    @Global said:

    @Orion said:

    @Global said:

    @Orion said:
    There have been endless suggestions, mainly revolving around new mechanics and buffing Killers, but the devs have stuck to their roadmap, so we'll just have to wait and see. I even made a thread showing why chases are too long, but some people became confused by it.

    you still have a link to that thread m8 id like to read it.


    I dont understand what is so hard to understand about it xD just sounds like survivors trying to over complicate the fact they always have the advantage no matter what perks are chosen in the end. thanks for the link btw bb.

    @Lockheart said:
    PPS: Sorry to post so much at once. Things I just keep forgetting to add.

    OP. You call it an experiment and yet refuse to account for every variable except for those closed within youe tiny confines of a scenario... But an experiment, by definition, is to control specific variables so that you can then test the many other variables that vary. Cause, you know, variables are things that are able to vary... It's in the name. Come on, I know you can do type type and the write write so surely you must understand the words you're using.

    You did not use mathematics to confirm anything. You calculated the travel time between two objects moving at different speeds. Then that suited the role of confirmation bias all too well.

    Just like I did above, I can put your same variables in a different linear of one survivor after another and you have three easy hooks in the time only a single gen is popped.

    Apparently, the fact that I didn't take into consideration the hundreds of variables that make the game more Survivor-sided was somehow relevant to my "best case-scenario for the Killer is still bad for them" point. And here I thought that when someone showed the best case-scenario for one side was bad, it was proof that that side needed a buff. Go figure.

    No the fact that you chose a scenario that fit your preconceived outcome was the issue.

    You were shown different things that could be taken into account such as grabbing someone off a gen and getting an easy hook. It happens even at rank 1 because either the killer was super sneaky or the survivor was to engrossed. You chose to only use what best fit your narrative.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @powerbats said:

    @Orion said:

    @Global said:

    @Orion said:

    @Global said:

    @Orion said:
    There have been endless suggestions, mainly revolving around new mechanics and buffing Killers, but the devs have stuck to their roadmap, so we'll just have to wait and see. I even made a thread showing why chases are too long, but some people became confused by it.

    you still have a link to that thread m8 id like to read it.


    I dont understand what is so hard to understand about it xD just sounds like survivors trying to over complicate the fact they always have the advantage no matter what perks are chosen in the end. thanks for the link btw bb.

    @Lockheart said:
    PPS: Sorry to post so much at once. Things I just keep forgetting to add.

    OP. You call it an experiment and yet refuse to account for every variable except for those closed within youe tiny confines of a scenario... But an experiment, by definition, is to control specific variables so that you can then test the many other variables that vary. Cause, you know, variables are things that are able to vary... It's in the name. Come on, I know you can do type type and the write write so surely you must understand the words you're using.

    You did not use mathematics to confirm anything. You calculated the travel time between two objects moving at different speeds. Then that suited the role of confirmation bias all too well.

    Just like I did above, I can put your same variables in a different linear of one survivor after another and you have three easy hooks in the time only a single gen is popped.

    Apparently, the fact that I didn't take into consideration the hundreds of variables that make the game more Survivor-sided was somehow relevant to my "best case-scenario for the Killer is still bad for them" point. And here I thought that when someone showed the best case-scenario for one side was bad, it was proof that that side needed a buff. Go figure.

    No the fact that you chose a scenario that fit your preconceived outcome was the issue.

    You were shown different things that could be taken into account such as grabbing someone off a gen and getting an easy hook. It happens even at rank 1 because either the killer was super sneaky or the survivor was to engrossed. You chose to only use what best fit your narrative.

    Yes, thank you, you've already voiced your complaints in the thread.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @CoolAKn said:
    In a vast majority of spawns, generators cannot be worked on by 4 survivors at once. In most instances, the generator is blocked on one or two sides (and rarely 3 sides). I think only the Coldwind Farm maps provide generators that can be worked on by 4 survivors at once. I am sure there are others, but I can't think of them immediately. Perhaps alter the gen spawns so that each generator is guaranteed to have at least one side blocked? Increase the chances for 2 and 3 sides to be blocked?

    Yea not every gen can be done by 4 people, my point is that even with 2 you do it way too fast (40 seconds). Factor in toolboxes and more players and it's SUPER fast. There needs to be a limit to how fast it can go, so if we have 2 or 4 on a gen it's the same. That's what a gen rush is, when multiple survs do a gen at once.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437

    @iceman2kx said:
    Before the survivors get all salty at the title, let me state this isn't the typical "wah they finished the gens before I could kill them" QQ. So first, let's address what I am referring to when I say "gen rushing" before we hear the typical, "there is no such thing" argument. Gen rushing is when survivors push generators hard from the beginning of the match and multiple gens are completed within a few minutes. This can be caused by the killer lacking pressure on the map or survivors ignoring everything in order to push the gens. As a killer, when I see 3 gens popped in a few minutes, I get a little frustrated and I think, "wow". As a survivor I think, "okay this is good, but I'll get worthless pips and no points." This is one of the reasons I don't particularly care to play survivor often. What fun is pressing M1 on a generator the entire match?

    A very well thought out and respectful post and I thank you for it.

    There have been plenty of threads offering additional objectives such as gas / parts for the gens or even finding a key for the gate once the gens are done. It would very much help the stagnation of the game if something was implemented. I'm a survivor main but I do recognise how frustrating a gen rush can be for a killer as well as the response of 'what else do we do?' from fellow survivors.

    Also its worth considering giving killers new things to do, or at least new ways to kill. It would have to be something on par with hooking more than once and that ones a little harder for me to come up with at nearly 1am, but it bears thinking about.

    Just my rambling two cents anyway.

    Well uf you want ways to kill I've had nasty ideas for booby trapped chest's and lockers as well as a fake hatch all of these in fact have a entity claw inside to kill you so imaging wounded chased and hiding to lose them only to be skewed and die because you didn't see the slight glow on it if healthy you enter a struggle which if your helped they die in your place but you can escape but get hurt doing so

    Well, thanks for the responses, they were even civilized. Had 9 Notifications and was a bit worried how hard I'm going to be insulted. :)

    What additional objectives could there be if I may ask ? I always thought that killer kinda creates them by hooking people and getting others to stop doing gens and rescue them ?

    Well just saying that depend if there a nice helping team if you get stuck with swf they most likely ditch you to gen rush I've seen it happen heck happens to me despite it being hook one they left me to die when they could have unhooked me first but as to knew things I would think the extra objectives could be laid out for levels like you have that steam barge in the swamp you could have to fix that (gen to get it started and then fixing stuff inside it and the back weeks to open the gate) more dangerous but more fun as you'd still need to do more gens for it
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Orion said:

    Yes, thank you, you've already voiced your complaints in the thread.

    The point I'm trying to make is that you went in with a preconceived bias/outcome already. You did nothing data wise to negate those issues. By assuming best case scenario your outcome was preordained to fit your narrative. You didn't account for the different skill levels of each side.

    The rng of maps/perks/toon selected, or was this a full 4 man swf, 3, 2 man swf or 4 solo's. Is the person playing poorly as in did they turn left when they should've gone right. Did the killer make mistakes, did someone not pay attention to the killer sneaking up behind them.

    For instance the killer grabbing them right off the gen next to a hook, Billy/Bubba downing them same situation. You say devs want this to be a 30 secs or less, well the devs want you vocal minority to stop complaining on the forums every day.

    Is that realistic or going to happen at all or every day, well we all know the answers to that one already. There's so many variables in each match that can affect how long a chase will last. But you again simply deflect any criticism and refuse to follow the same principles you expect others to.

    They'res other threads you could've used as examples of solving lots of the problems that got good input from both sides. Yet you chose your own biased post as an example knowing full well it had serious flaws in it.

  • Mesme
    Mesme Member Posts: 177

    Only way to fix gen rushing is to add a new perk that's better and I mean BETTER if not GOD TIER levels above Ruin or give the Survivors another objective and or option to gens which would actually be nice.

  • kone19
    kone19 Member Posts: 72
    I guess I can kind of understand. The problem is as a survivor your escape options are tied to getting at least 2 generators and the longer the match goes on the more likely you are to lose. My goal will always be to get two generators done as fast as possible. With no hex there is no reason to do totems. Since sabotaged hooks come back that’s pointless. Chests I grab as I come across them but see no reason to seek them specifically due to the increased chance of becoming exposed to the killer.

    I could care less about getting max blood points and do not care at all about rank. My goal is to win. If there were more dailies maybe my playstyle would change but I’m usually stuck with two killer dailies and one survivor or two. So I run out of factors that change my playstyle quickly