Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Something that would probably balanced the game.

Kyari Member Posts: 95
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

Something I've recently learned is that regression is 25% of the progression value. Gens at base take 80 seconds to complete, so it would take 320 seconds (5 minutes 20 seconds) for a gen to completely regress from say 99.9% (of course theoretical, but then repairing a gen to half way would take 3 minutes still to regress).

I feel that without perks like ruin, pop, thanataphobia etc that are usually considered very good perks, regression is a bit too slow. From my personal experience playing both Killer (Green rank 12, play vs red ranks alot) and rank 10 survivor I have either pushed people off a gen/left the gen to be chased, left for abit and then just hop back on later with little to no issue with repairing said gen.

For example, if these 80 second and 25% values are correct (i learned this from not otzdarva, very reliable skilled killer i learned from) then if a survivor worked on a gen for 80 seconds, so the gen is 99% complete, and then got chased for an entire 60 seconds, the gen would have received a regression value of 25% percent, or roughly 20 seconds. So for using a whole minute of a killers time (allowing other survivors to tap or get on the gen, but we'll ignore that for a sec) the gen lost 25% value in the time it took a survivor to get 99%.

Now, I'm not proposing anything stupid, but maybe an increase of regression value could both shake up the regression slowdown meta such as forever freddy to introduce variety, and give killers an easier time in the earlier game. It also helps vs a Sweaty SWF group that have split up on a larger map, and by the time you reach another gen after interrupting a first the survivors have made up what they lost at 4x the rate. An increase to 33 or even 50% of the progression rate i think would be a good place to start. A boost to 33% would be a good place to start as that would boost the one minute example to the gen losing 33%, or roughly 26 seconds.This would not only force survivors to commit harder to gens and not think "ah we got ruin it won't regress enough to be an issue) 6 seconds may not sound like alot, but it does add up.

Just my idea, backed with a little of my own mental maths and base values. Keep in mind that the 80 second value i believe does not account for more than 1 on a gen, or the great skill check progression bonuses.

Discuss as you please killer and survivor alike, but please do try to be civil :)

Thanks yall


  • Kyari
    Kyari Member Posts: 95

    Just some more maths, most 115% killers run around the 4.5m/s mark. SO the 6 second example is worth 28m of distance, or almost a whole terror radius. Adds up don't it?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Gens really don't need to be touched at all, they're perfectly fine, buff the "weaker" killers, and pray players will actually play well, the amount of just awful awful players in this game at rank one is astounding, and the majority of them think they deserve to be there (on both sides) so when they have a string of bad matches, or they play poorly, because they think they should be there they don't fault themselves for the match and instead like to say each side is op etc.

    The two major issues with this game is lazy/bad players & maps.

  • Kyari
    Kyari Member Posts: 95

    We all know that the lazy and bad players are not going away. I feel that when this mmr system is introduced itll change a bit, personally i think that with how the ranked matchmaking is having killers like me (green rank, against red ranks) is a bit unfair but the devs are working on it, and as of this mid chapter they are also working on maps. I just experience this regression thing not as a massive issue most of the time but it is a small issue that i just thought I'd propose instead of crying nerf maps nerf this nerf that, perhaps just a small change that could ease the genrush complaints, and make the game a bit more exciting. Just my opinion.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    The "crying map nerfs" is warranted though, some loops have been too strong for way too long, and some maps have been abhorrently large since they were introduced, we need to look at those and see first, they ARE an issue, how ever gen times are fine, and so is the regression.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Survivors already just tap a gen to stop the regression the moment they see a killer walk away after kicking it. Adding more regression speed isn't going to make a huge difference as long as survivors keep making a habit of that.

    Also, rank is largely meaningless. Just saying.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    A good balance change would be to give a 1% debuff to repair speed for all survivors in a Swf group.

  • Kyari
    Kyari Member Posts: 95

    I know its meaningless, but red rank usually is not something to scoff at. Even when they're not AMAZING the skill difference 9/10 is noticeable. I know they usually just tap gens regardless but still, it'd be a useful change for the bigger maps that won't be changed.

  • Kyari
    Kyari Member Posts: 95

    A sizeable (not massive) majority of survivor players are SWF and this would just be punishing them for playing together. However maybe a small percent debuff for each survivor hooked naturally would be a good incentive for solo survivors to play more team orientated but thats debatable.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Find a way to stop camping, and then we can talk gen regression speeds being fair or not.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I disagree that red rank is usually something to scoff at. I've seen people in red ranks playing like I'd expect a rank 18. I've thought the players that were high rank I've played with were just mismatched rank 20s, and then I get to the end game screen only to find out they're rank 1. It literally does not matter whether somebody is rank 20 or rank 1, it has no bearing on their actual skill. Sure, newer players naturally are rank 20 when they start out, and more experienced players will tend to be higher rank, but that has everything to do, again, with playtime. Not skill.

    I understand if people want to say it's not fair for somebody with like 2 hours to be matched up against somebody with thousands, but honestly the only thing to do about it is to just play better. It comes with time. And just because somebody has a 1 or 2 next to their name doesn't automatically mean they're better and that you have no chance. I have screenshots of games I've wrecked rank 1s and I don't think I've ever even touched rank 1 killer myself, simply because I don't actually play enough killer to pip up to 1.

    And I do agree with you though. I don't think it would be the worst change or anything, because it would be something that would give even the weaker killers a better chance, and the stronger killers probably wouldn't even need/utilize it that much anyway. I see it possibly being annoying against Forever Freddy or something, I just wanted to point out in case you hadn't thought of that: gens can easily stop being regressed with a tap.

    It wouldn't hurt though.

  • Kyari
    Kyari Member Posts: 95

    You add nothing to this conversation, if you want to go over the camping discussion go to another post to vent your rage over bubbas

  • Kyari
    Kyari Member Posts: 95

    Oh im not saying that when i see a red rank they are actually good, im just saying that as a newer killer like myself these players usually seem to be better. But yea tapping is annoying, but if it was changed then the whole discussion would be pointless, this change is just for pressure and to like you said help killers possibly with less mobility and tapping would be a good counter.