What are the unwritten rules for Survivors?

I'd like to hear what everyone has to say about unwritten rules and honour codes that exist in DBD, just because I think it's an interesting topic to explore.
Killers - are there any unwritten rules around sportsmanship or a type of honour code that you expect survivors to follow, or that you consider toxic behaviour (for example, no bodyblocking, no flashlight blinding, no teabagging at the gates, etc.)? Do you follow the same rules when (if) you play survivor?
Survivors - similarly, are there any rules of sportsmanship that you impose on yourself while playing (such as no teabagging) or that you expect other survivors to follow (for example, don't leave teammates behind on the hook)? Is there any survivor behaviour that you would consider 'toxic'?
Full disclosure: I'm a design student, and I've decided to centre my Honours project around the DBD community. Insights gained from this discussion may be used to inform my practice (although I won't include any identifying information, like usernames, if that does end up happening).
My personal unwritten rule is to body-block a survivor that preemptively wastes Killer Shack, Cow Tree, or any other strong pallets.
Best of luck with your project though. Honours and AP classes aren't very forgiving as one may learn.
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To start off, I enjoy to meme and thoroughly do so throughout the match. This usually only happens with my allies or if it's a specific killer (ie pig or ghostface) therefore, there are certain things I do that aren't intended to be toxic but are likely to be perceived as toxic due to the influence by the community.
With that said, there are things that I view as toxic, such as blatant tbagging at every pallet to be toxic. I hate seeing it as eitger side and refuse to do it. Personally, it makes me think the survivor is doing it just to be a nuisance and/Or want to ruin the killer's day.
Tbagging at the exit gate is also toxic or rather just mean. I find it mean because it just rubs salt into the wound. Especially if the killer has been given an awful match. If I see a survivor doing it, I am very likely to go back into the match and try meming while also giving the killer a kill.
I also find most forms of pointing (ie after pallets, after certain "tunneling" or "camping" scenarios) to be toxic and rude which leads me to another matter -- I find survivors that farm with the killer right there to be unsportsmanlike, especially when they don't have borrowed time or are doing it just to farm those 1k points. As killer, it makes me feel bad when I have to strategically go after the injured person-- even often throwing the game to let the injured person go to chase the healthy survivor.
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My opinion, is that people can chose to play as they want. This goes for killer/survivor. They paid for the game, dlc, internet connection, their platform. As long as they play within the rules and mechanics that are allowed by the game/devs.
As a killer, My objective is to try to stop survivors from escaping using everything that is available and allowable. I expect the survivors i play against to use everything available and allowable for their objective.
As a solo survivor, my objective is to try to escape/ help others escape...If I die, but i helped progress the match and in turn others escaped, I at least feel good because i was productive. I expect the killer to use everything available and allowable for their objective.
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My codes are completely self imposed and i have no issue with anyone that uses everything to win. By unfortunate design dbd is a full ranked mode and i expect the sweatiest team every game. My personal codes of honour go like this:
- Never camp unless its 1 gen or EGC and you don't have a single kill. I tend to proximity camp (roam around a 10m radius) to not add insult injury, but I'm not trying to de pip,
- Never slug unless neccesary. I've played against my fair share of slugging killers, and unless you all run unbreakable it's not fun to play against. It's boring and leaves a sour taste in your mouth especially against infinite evil myers. But, if a swf is body blocking, blocking the hook. I will do it. Or if im playing oni for example who's playstyle leans into it.
- Only slash hooked survivors if they did something equally bm like T-bag or flashlight spam click.
I have nothing against moris or keys, allthough having 3 escape on hatch can be irritating and robbing of a well played game.
- Never T-bag, especially at exit gates. Regular t bag is kinda fine because if someone tbags you in a chase, they're obviously distracting you from something. At the exit gates even after a wp gg....you do you bro. Hope you get morid first next game.
- See first point
Interesting to see everyone's morals :)
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For me as a solo survivor, I follow these rules:
-Try to save someone from the hook before they go into the struggle phase unless the killer is face camping them. I don't mind hook trading. The only time where I won't bother is if I see the hooked survivor being extremely toxic during the trial.
-Be useful by repairing gens/cleansing totems to respect the efforts being put by the survivor who is getting chased and buying the team time.
-I will prioritize a generator that's more than halfway finished over healing you. Finishing the gen is more important. Speaking of generators, I will leave the generator I am working on if another survivor who doesn't have prove thyself arrives to work on the gen I'm working in. I'd rather have multiple people working different generators instead of repairing the same one. This is especially crucial at the early start of the match. Towards the late game I don't really mind, but I'd rather add pressure to the killer to have to look out for multiple gens being worked on when there's say... 1 gen left.
-if there's two of us left, and I see you putting effort into completing a generator, I will gladly not struggle on the hook. However, if I'm putting all the effort into completing the last gen, buying you time getting chased and I see you do nothing, I will struggle on the hook until the very end in the hopes that the killer spots you to end you.
- If I'm being chased, I will do my best to not use that many pallets. In fact, I won't drop them until I'm injured. There's no point in wasting them IMO when I'm healthy just because I'm afraid of getting injured. I'm cool with staying injured all match. The only exception is if I'm facing a killer who can insta down people. If I'm injured, make your choice is worthless, NOED doesn't scare me, haunted grounds or any exposed effect is meaningless.
-if I see you being tunneled, I will do my best to tank a hit for you if the possibility arises only so you can make more distance. Same goes towards the end game if I'm healthy and you're saved/I save you.
-I don't tbag at all whatsoever towards the killer, WITH the exception if I'm tunneled all game for no reason and somehow manage to escape. That's the only time. Otherwise no. I'll only tbag once if another survivor heals me as a sort of thank you.
-I won't struggle if I'm the last survivor and get downed. Sometimes the killers are nice enough to give me the hatch. If they don't, it's cool.
- I don't send hate messages. Whenever I receive them, I follow it up with a DbD meme relevant to the situation and don't bother replying back.
- if I'm being chased and buying you so much time at the start of the match and see no gens being done by the time I'm downed only to see survivors urban evade and be useless, I'm hook suiciding because it isn't worth my time or effort and moving on to the next match.
-if NOED comes into play, I will scout the area to try and cleanse it so that others can go for the save. However, if I can't locate it or you're hooked near the totem and I don't have borrowed time, I won't bother risking it.
-if there's two of us left and one exit gate is open, I'll leave ASAP to give you a chance of getting the hatch or sneaking your way into the opened exit gate.
- shirtless David.
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- BM begets BM. If you teabag, click your flashlight, point, et cetera, I'm going to single you out and make sure you have a boring game. You're obviously set out to ruin my fun, so it's only fair I return the favor.
- I don't deliberately tunnel people if they were farmed or otherwise forced into a bad situation post-unhook, but if you were recently unhooked and stupidly deposit yourself onto the point of my blade, I'm going to down you again. I'd be asking to lose otherwise.
- If you have No Mither, I let you pick yourself up at least once out of respect. Unless, of course, you have Dead Hard.
- If you meme, I meme back, but don't mistake that for farming.
- If you play Bill or Nancy, I automatically assume you will be a hindrance to the team.
- I never run Perks that give me a free second chance. I hate going against them as Killer, so I'd be a hypocrite to use them as Survivor. Plus, they're just not fun to use.
- I must have Iron Will no matter what.
- If you loop the Killer next to me while I'm hooked, you're an idiot and I wish we were on separate teams.
- If you run Sweaty Butcher as Killer, I don't like you. I'm not gonna teabag or anything, but just... I don't like you.
- If you use Scalped Topknot on Oni, I will report you for abusing an exploit because the simple fact that such a ridiculously overpowered addon exists is an error in game design as far as I'm concerned. (If you consider yourself an "Oni main" and you run this addon regularly, I don't consider you worthy of such a title.)
- Similar to when I play Killer, BM begets BM. However, outside of that, I will never taunt as Survivor, with one exception: If you bring an Ebony and you fail to kill me, I will teabag furiously at the exit gates until I'm forced out, because you deserve it.
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- If someone (not you) is being chased, do gens or do bones or get the person on the hook. Don't be useless.
- Don't teabag or BM at the exit gate. I have literally pointed at other survivors to gtfo if they're BMing at the exit gate when we went against an obviously newer killer who had a bad match.
- Finish gen, then heal. Especially if it's almost done and we aren't in terror radius. (Some exceptions made for stealth, but still.)
- Don't farm someone off the hook when a mori is in play like!!!!!!
- If you get a fully safe unhook outside of the terror radius, just heal the person! Same if someone just unhooked you and tries to immediately heal, just do it! The number of times I've wasted more time following the unhooked person to some random corner than it would have taken me to heal them right there with We'll Make It is just stupid. Please. Just let me heal you. D:
- I hate tunneling and camping. It's boring. And honestly unless the person is just being awful to me, there's no point. If I hit the unhooked person first and down them again after coming back to the hook, I at least try to find who unhooked them (giving them a little bit of a chance) before rehooking.
- Don't smack survivors on the hook. Especially if they're in struggle phase. Let them get the small about of BP they can. And I'm talking repeated smacking. I understand the first smack cuts the scream short (I still don't get doing it, but I digress), but spamming the hits is just BM.
- Ignore the survivor that's obviously baiting a chase. I don't like giving into it because I don't want to deal with the BM that inevitably come with it.
There's probably plenty of other things during game I think of, but these are the big ones for me.
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Rules I like Survivors to try to follow when I play killer:
-Don't teabag me at the exit gate if I struggled the whole game. It's probably because I'm playing a killer I've never played before at a higher rank. I gave you an easy game. No need to be a jerk about me trying to do a challenge, and having NO IDEA HOW TO AIM THOSE STUPID HATCHETS. OKAY? ITS NOT AS EASY AS IT LOOKS. Also, I may remember your name and bring a Mori just for you if I see you again. And that's when I'll be playing a killer I'm used to. With the best add-ons.
-If there's just you and one survivor left, and I've got a survivor hooked on their second hook state, if you save them I'll probably let you have the hatch. But if you ignore them -- let's just say I have a very specific skill set. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you
Rules I try to follow as survivor:
-I only bring an item into the match if I'm doing a challenge. Rarely I'll bring a med-kit if I'm feeling super altruistic and likely to get injured a bit.
-If gens are getting done fast, I won't work on them and will do totems instead.
-Unless NoED is active, or the killer has an insta-down, never leave a man behind.
-Wait for the killer to leave to unhook someone unless I have borrowed time OR it's obvious the killer has Devour Hope.
-Only teabag killers who camped and/or tunneled. Or in a 3 gen situation, where i'm trying to draw the killer's attention so my teammates can do a gen.
-Never throw a pallet if another survivor is behind you. Let them throw it instead.
-Don't throw the shack pallet unless the gens in that area are already done OR you can prevent a killer from getting a survivor into the basement by throwing it. (Did this one today, actually. Leatherface got a teammate down, the basement was in the shack. I waited at the pallet. Instead of going around, Leatherface came my way to get a hit, I threw the pallet, and we both got away. Good use of the shack pallet, since it bought us a lot of time)
-Heal before doing the generator, because the generator popping will notify the killer of our location.
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I usually do the middle gen when two other gens were already made.
Also when I use borrowed time and there is someone hooked next to a open exit gate I usually kill my self to save the another guy just because it makes me feels a hero
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My one unwritten rule is just don't be super toxic with perks. Killers already got it hard enough, and seeing 4 DS, 4 Adrenalin, teabagging, constant flashlight save attempts, etc really makes you not want too play killer anymore.
My second rule is if you gen rush you deserve NOED. Take the time too do bones or get the expose.
Third rule is if you have a key I'm gonna tunnel you. Keys and moris ruin the fun of the game and force people too loose because of an item, not because of skill.
For survivor, simply don't use Ebony Mori on first hook. Literally gets rid of any fun the survivor has and makes them depip from something out of their control.
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I feel like I'm a simple person when it comes to this stuff.
Something I feel like is obvious: there's already one killer in the match. I don't need additional ones in the form of my team mates sabotaging me (farming off hook, sandbagging, purposefully failing skill checks over and over or rushed vaulting to give away locations, etc.)
Other than that, I feel like people should respect each others' independence to not have to play according to others' demands. People should help unhook and stuff if it's practically no risk to them, but people get way over the top mad just because they got left behind in a rough situation.
One thing that goes for both sides though: if somebody brings BPS, don't just spit all over them by wasting the game. This includes things like: team mates just instantly killing themselves on hook/DCing, killer just camping into a tunnel into a mori off first hook, etc.) I can't say how many times I've brought a BPS and had people just almost act like it made them want to be even more toxic.
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I drink when i play...so i play like an animal running on predatory instinct...
If i am sure i'm up against newers players i'll end there suffering or walk them through the gens and exit gates...
I was doing my rancor roulette #########, with noed 🤣🤣🤣 just to make it extra spicey...
I let them all escape,, i could have used my noed, but at 5 gens i already knew i was mismatched.
I would like if experienced survivors did the same thing🤣🤣🤣shots
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Don't pointlessly be an ass and don't actively hurt other survivors, that's pretty much it.
My definition of "being an ass" is probably more restricted than it is for many, as I don't really care about stuff like tbagging and flashlight clicking as a concept. Sometimes people do it to try to get my attention, and if they don't get it they go off to do something else like a generator. There's no denying it's effective at times from a team-based perspective, as some killers will throw a match just to kill someone doing either.
And when I say actively hurting other survivors, I mean stuff like bodyblocking to get people killed or repeatedly bringing the killer to others trying to recover or straight up farming people that aren't close to transitioning to the next stage on the hook while making no attempt to protect them. I don't like it when people are simply harmfully negligent like not saving people or basically playing for hatch from the start, but they're allowed to do so if they want.
And oh, this goes for everyone (then again so does "don't pointlessly be an ass"), but don't be a hypocrite when it comes to "toxic" stuff either. If you do something commonly considered toxic, don't cry when your opponent(s) do it back. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
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- Don't try to piss the killer off. No animation/notification spam of any kind.
- Don't rub the victory on the killer. Waiting at the exit gates to escape just before the killer arrives.
I expect bad things from the bad guy. It's great if they try to interact instead of camping or focusing one survivor only. But they are the bad guys, it's obvious they are not going to be nice.
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- self caring = farmed to death
- waste shack pallet = farmed to death
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I only have one rule for myself when playing either side: remember that the person I’m playing against is another person. So I won’t go out of my way to try and annoy them, I just play the game and try to have fun without doing obnoxious things.
That said, if someone tries to be rude to me I will be a little rude back. If someone facecamps me without a reason and I get to the exit gate, they deserve a little teabag. Or if a survivor BMs me I’ll give them a few nods. Nothing excessive, just an acknowledgement.
In terms of in-game mechanics, I don’t really consider much survivor behaviour toxic. Trying to force me to eat your DS isn’t toxic, bombing the hook with BT isn’t toxic, teabagging isn’t toxic, Head On isn’t toxic, using a flashlight isn’t toxic. They might annoy me at times but they’re not toxic. There’s only one in-game behaviour I’d consider toxic: spamming fast vaults. It actually causes me physical discomfort so if you do it enough I’ll try and force you out of the game by any means, sorry not sorry.
On a personal level, I don’t use Object of Obsession because it’s a perk I hate and I’d rather not inflict it on others. But I don’t expect anyone else to be held to that standard, it’s a perk in the game so run it if you want. This goes for all perks, items and add ons. They’re fine. I might roll my eyes at four DS and Unbreakables and a purple key but sometimes people have bad games and just really wanna escape, so whatever. They don’t know me so it’s not personal.
Good luck with your project. :)
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My couple rules as survivor:
1: Don't play toxic. As a killer main, I know what they go through. So I will keep that to a minimum when possible. Although it is hard to be toxic in this game...
2: Never use DS. It's a dumb perk and should feel bad.
3: If I know you are cheating or extremely toxic, prepare for your future games with me to be ruined. Slugging everyone as nurse to bleed out? Using cheat software to know where everyone is as Nurse? Prepare for your survivor games to be just as unfun as that (Looking at you, Rapture, if you even read the forums).
Other then that, Anything is really free game.
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Basically it comes down to treating others as equals until they prove otherwise.
I hate it when people flashlight me at a pallet, attempt to abuse DS (especially annoying considering my generosity and playstyle!) and teabag endlessly. I play Pig because I like her, not to meme.
I also never do these things to a killer, so I expect that they won't camp or tunnel me as a sign of respect.
The only rule I really break is "no slugging", but I only slug one person at a time in the mid-game unless they do something stupid like have 4 people swarm the same generator at the same time, yes that has happened and 2-3 of them ate dirt for a good 2 minutes. I'm actually somewhat tactical about it and I'll leave you on the ground if you have an RBT or got unhooked recently as to give you a chance and apply pressure to the rest of the team.
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When I'm Killer.
- Absolutely no camping, regardless if exit gates are powered.
- Absolutely no tunneling, it's why I don't have a problem with DS because it never, EVER affects me.
- Try my best not to slug for the 4k, a 3k is good enough.
- No NOED. Ever.
For Survivor.
- Don't kick the killer when they're already down.
- Leave the game when the gates are powered and don't waste time.
- Don't t-bag at the exit gates, unless the killer has NOED then I t-bag until I'm dead.
- If the killer was a complete douche, I'll use my DS at the exit gates, get where the camera is facing when he's stunned, T-Bag and leave.
- Always die for randoms, I'll use my med-kit, my syringes, do everything you can for your rando teammates.
I think I have a couple of more but, I'm getting sleepy. It's 5AM and I'm heading to bed.
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I just play DBD by the golden rule: "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
I don't teabag
I don't clicky clicky
If I stomp a Killer, I don't GGEZ them in post game - I thank them for the match. I will stick up for a Killer if my teammates do.
If I stomp the killer, but I'm sure I did enough to PIP, I get "conveniently" caught and die so they get at least one sacrifice
I don't linger on the map in end-game unless I have an actual reason to be there
I don't use the DS locker tech, nor pair it with Head-on
I don't use exhaustion perks
I don't camp
I don't tunnel
If a team is doing particularly bad, I will find something to do on the opposite side of the map to let them reset...even if there's nothing to actually do LOL
I challenge myself to hook everyone twice before I start death hooking people (although I like playing "no-kill killer" and pipping)
I dont use insta-down addons, perks, or moris
I never slug to secure a 4k
I will slug to avoid quickly killing someone who isn't very good
Just general "don't be an #########" type stuff. I do my best to try and make everyone have a good time...unless you try and ruin my time. Then I am spicy. 😂
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I unfortunately gave up on thinking about survivors gaming experience, as I never notice that survivors take care of killer's gaming experience. That happens maybe once in 100 games, that one survivor signalizes that he feels sorry for the killer, granting a free hook/kill after a crappy game happened once in 3.5 years.
But in general, as I would like it to be, I would list the following for survivors:
- Don't camp the hooks and expect the killer to leave. Insta unhooks are bad in two ways: forcing the killer to tunnel (and most likely complaining about tunneling afterwards) and farming/exposing your mates on the other side
- Don't t-bag. Never. It has no use and is just insulting. It may be fine ONCE if the killer just facecamped or otherwise "didn't play by the rules", meaning as a reaction to something else unfair.
- When claiming that NOED is a crutch perk, don't "abuse" DS to sit on a gen or do unhooks. That's the same way of stupid play awarded by a perk
- Don't sandbag
- If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all. Chat flaming just ruins the game for everyone and most likely the following one's to come as well
Sure everyone can play as they want. But tbagging and hitting people on hooks does not grant any progress on your objectives. Noone can stop people from doing so, but I think it is fair to call these people unsportsmanlike and bad behaving. As this is simply just understandable as insult
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There are no rules. Only the game rules the Devs made. Everyone can play how they want, if people like it or not.
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The only Rule there is is that
unless they hack the ######### out of the game. Then be as toxic as possible to them.
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Don’t know if mentioned already but bc I just experienced it:
if I come to save you off the hook from the other end of the map (and no one else is coming), don’t attempt an escape from hook right in my face or else I will assume you want to try it again until you are in struggle phase.
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I had this mindset for the longest time. Killer shouldn't camp or hard tunnel, respect 4% when you're the last person, don't run noed and so on. And for survivors don't looping op windows.
But I changed my mindset a while ago and I ignore any moral or things like that. I'm playing survivor and killer as efficient and smart as I can. And I expect that behaviour from the other side too. So you do whatever is the smartest move in that case. So when I see a killer tunneling the default w-shift claudette I get it. It's smart. If survivors run BT, hook bomb, flashlight safe and do all the crazy stuff to me Im just impressed. That's good gameplay. That's called "improvement". And as long I don't suck balls I am still able to get my kills.
In short: I stopped forcing the other side to behave so and so only because I want them to play inefficient and leading them into mistakes so that maybe next time I have a better chance winning with my strategy. I wanna win, you wanna win. And we both do whatever is needed to win. And I wont telling ya that you shouldn't tunnel just for moral reasons so that my win chances increase.
Nope. And I like meeting people who think the same way. These are those kinda people who say gg wp in the after chat. They're smart and get it. They don't trashtalk. Those are chill people and I really like them. :)
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Killer main, barely play survivor.
As killer:
-If you're teabagging or flashlight flicking, that's toxic and you're dying as fast as I can kill you. (Not the same as using the flashlight to stun, that's a tactic. One that doesn't work because I always run Lightborn.)
-I only slug if it's a serious tactical advantage, such as if I'm in a chase, down a survivor, and there's another injured one close by. I'll go for the double down then go for pickups.
-If a survivor pulls you off the hook in front of me and you haven't been toxic to me, I'm going after them.
-If you try to point out a survivor in a locker, I'm tunneling you to death. If I have time, I'll usually give the locker a nod to say "I know you're there, but it's not your time."
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My only code really is to not be a jerk. No camping unless circumstances warrent it. Try not to hit people off the hook. If i see a survivor purposely give away another survivor i try to go after the jerk not the victim.
I usually give last person a chance if i beat them to the hatch, when they are downed, if they dont struggle ill walk them to a gate and let them get out.
I don't consider flashlight blinding toxic no matter where they are.
Just be cool to each other basically.
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The rules I follow are pretty simple. Mostly.
Play nice til someone does you a dirty. No tunelling unless object of tunnel does a scummy play (see below), no facecamping EVER.
If it's early game, play even nicer. Don't punish farms. Let them have a match.
Don't run: NOED, ebony/ivory Mori, tombstone piece.
Don't use Stridor on spirit. My soundcard and headphones don't let me take much advantage, but the survivors don't know that.
No BM.
Accept boops.
Don't run infinites. Use the window to escape? Sure. Run it? No.
DS only when actually deserved (so rare I never run it). No locker DS, no 59-second DS, no immortality abuse.
Never combo DS/Unbreakable.
Never use OoO, the killer cannot tell you are solo.
Never use a key. If I plunder a key, I hold on to it or hide it. If someone else uses a key, I sacrifice myself to make up for robbed points. Who tf cares, I'm playing survivor, I pip for breakfast and black pip in my sleep.
Never spam noises.
Never BM when I am in a safe position. I will t-bag and give the pointer all day long after sandbagging myself. You're an arse if you do it after dropping a safe pallet on an m1 killer
Don't abuse snoot boops. If killer lets me boops, I am chill.
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I dont mind the occasional flashlight, but if you want to keep doing it over and over to where I'm not allowed to play or constantly clicking it at me. Expect I will slug the entire team so no one can play. I commend your skill yet I find no reason in being toxic.
NoeD I feel ruins a otherwise good game minus the titanic amount of bugs and issues. It requires no skill to M1 someone with a speed boost and a permanent exposed status. Anyone who tries to defend it just looks like a bad player to me who was unable to secure a win without it. If they removed the speed boost I feel it would be logical and fair.
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I can understand disliking the add on but reporting them for abusing a exploit? the devs never labeled it as a exploit so your just reporting killers for no reason.
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Well I saw that a lot of people here thinks that gens takes skill XD
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The mere existence of that addon is an oversight as far as I care. Using an oversight to your advantage is exploit abuse.
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Only one rule
Don't do what i wouldn't want to be done to me
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I can tell you my opinion. There are no rules, and i dont respect "those rules", i just respect Common Sense. What does it means ?
I play more Killer than Surv and if survs are very ez it means, probably, mm search has failed again. It means im versus people with not so many hours. What can i do ? I give em usually a free exit. It doesnt happend often but it happens. And when it happens..... to lose -1 pip is nothing, at least for me. Probably i am old for gaming ^..^ but this is what i think. And i have red rank on surv and close to red as Killer.
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- If someone is hooked and you are the only not injured person, it is your job to go for the save. I've been 1 hooked for the full two minutes due to people who don't think like this.
- Don't be obnoxious at the exit gates. Don't spam noise notifications or teabag, you're just being mean.
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As Killer
- Don't camp Survivors unless their hook is right along your patrol route, in which case your check ups will be much more frequent.
- If a Survivor is unhooked, and you see the unhooker, go for them. If you see no one, everybody is fair game, including the unhooked.
- If you have a mori, don't use it unless certain conditions are met: Have they been hooked twice? If so, they'll be dead anyway. Are there more than two gens left? If so, the game is still even, don't unbalance it. Did someone try and fail to flashlight blind you? If so, the blood is on their hands.
- Don't run NOED. Seriously, don't.
- Don't use Iridescent Head. It's broken and needs to be changed.
As Survivor
- Don't teabag the Killer. You're just asking for trouble.
- Don't go clicky clicky with a flashlight unless trying to get another Survivor's attention (or respond to another click from a Survivor).
- If Kindred shows me that the Killer doesn't leave for long or stands still and vanishes, I'm not coming to save you unless I have BT or it's right at the end of the match. Sit there and waste his time.
- If the Killer is chasing you, and you know others are working on gens ahead of you, don't bring the Killer to them.
- Don't be annoying in the exit gates, but stay until you know everyone is clear to leave. Basically, don't abandon your team.
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Cant speak for everyone but i know how bad luck can go, if i see someone just having a hard game (runing into me as the killer a lot) sometines ill down them, shake my head pick them up and let them wiggle free. Tunneling sucks but i cant be expected to always ignore the weaker target. But if im not pressed for time ill just let the go
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Here's my one rule: I will tunnel you if you use DS on me outside of tunneling scenarios. You're just asking for it.
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I usually prefer to play survivor but if I’m playing a killer
- I don’t face camp, like never, like I said I’m not playing killer often so usually I’m playing at very low rank, people are trying to just survive, not to be toxic or piss me of. I just want to give them some good experience, even if they eventually end up dead on hook, it isn’t that boring game play at least.
As a survivor:
-Not farming, unless of course I know the killer is not a ######### and will go after me, or I’m running borrowed time, but still, I won’t be doing this unless it’s a certain situation.
-No t-bagging because it’s just disrespectful, kinda like face camping, and it’s a waste of time to t-bag, a time that’s precious in this game
-Gens before friends, if I’m far away from survivor that’s been hooked for the first time, I will just do a gen, unless its some weird situation. If there is someone healed in my team and I’m injured I count on them to take the hook rescue.
-It’s better to make a gen progress then heal, unless someone is dead on hook or something, and we are within terror radius of the killer, if it’s a stealthy killer I might make an exemption but I’m always running spine chill so I will know when the killer is close.
-Just don’t be a dick, we all wanna have fun in this game, sometimes you escape sometimes you get killed, it’s how this game works, if a killer is good, don’t say some disrespectful things just because you sucked at this match, just learn something, and be better.
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While killers seem to have the often meme about "rulebook" they must follow, I'm pretty sure I've only ever seen a single rule for survivors....a rule they defiantly deny..."do bones".
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Killer main here
No clicks
No tbags
No rock glitch
Thats all I ask.
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I have no rules for either side. Play to win. If there aren’t arbitrary rules, can’t get let down when they aren’t followed. Just play the game
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If you drop shack pallet in the first minute of the game I see you as trash can and will treat u that way. I won't save you because I'm in a better state without you since you burn out important pallets. And I might sandbag you so you die early sovi have at least a few resources to work with before you destroy the whole map.
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Thank you! Luckily, my tutors are incredibly nice and supportive, and they're constantly reminding us to take breaks and get good sleep and prioritise work-life balance and that sort of thing, so it's a really positive environment. The other day I accidentally slept in and didn't make it to class, and when I apologised to my tutor she said, "don't worry about it, sleep is really important!"
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That's surprising. Most teachers and tutors these days would rather have sleep deprived students in class rather than healthy students out of class.
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It is a rarity, but I'm very grateful. I know someone who appears to be having actual mental health issues (largely of a depressive nature) due to the pressure they've put on themselves to do well in their Honours course (in a different faculty), so the fact that I'm able to actual relax and enjoy doing a project on something I'm passionate about for mine is even more valuable by comparison.
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I'm someone who intentionally overwhelms myself (to a bearable extent) at an attempt to get everything I've been assigned done in one swoop, so I know the pressure that the person is dealing with. It might be a good idea to aid him/her or hang out if you're into that.
You're in a good spot if you have the ability to relax though. Schools seem to have this mindset where more meaningless work will help whomever later down the line.
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Unfortunately, as much as I would like to help them, the situation is complicated to the point where there's nothing I can personally do. We're getting super off-topic at this point lol, but I do thank you for the sympathy 😊
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While I take part in both sides of humanity, I like to spend most of my time on the side less riddled with greed and hatred.
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As a killer I....
Don't take it personally, I am nearly 40 years old and it's a damn game
Don't tunnel (but if you stupidly run into me after being saved, you're fair game)
Limit myself to maybe one ebony mori every now and again (i dont play killer often so your talking maybe once every month or so)
Punish anybody who hook farms/sandbags/ points out someones location. You are an ass and will be treated as such.
Don't take a DC out on the rest of the team, especially if more than one person does it. I allow for some point farming or perhaps slow my roll a little so they can get some points
As a survivor I....
Don't take it personally, I am nearly 40 years old and it's a damn game
Don't BM. It's asinine and really not something im interested in doing as a full grown adult.
Will not chase you halfway across the damn map to heal you, if its safe i will heal you under hook (we'll make it for the win) if it isn't we'll sneak away, but im not chasing you.
If NOED is active i will find the totem before coming for the rescue. If I can't find it and the killer is camping...you are on your own. Otherwise its a case of no man left behind.
In the matter of gens v's healing, I will 95% a gen before stopping and healing you. A gen popping alerts the killer and limits the time i have to heal you.
If i am crawling away from the killer to later be picked up, for the love of god DON'T stop to heal me while the killer is chasing you, because now they know where i am again. ( I am the absolute worst person to leave slugged)
If you try to screw over your team mates in any way, I will let you swing.