Why did they remove moon bouqets
Anyone have an idea why they got removed🤔
Many maps were buggy with them, either becoming too bright or too dark. They removed them so they didn't have to have a set lighting on certain maps, so they could spend more time on detail and less on lighting.
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As I recall, it's a lot of work in the long run to ensure that all the bouquet offerings work in each new map.
not sure but I think they were bugged on Lery's when it first came out and didn't do anything, or something along those lines
I'm just glad I don't have to deal with the Yamaoka Estate with darkest moonlight
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ok thanks i have only been playing dbd for like 18 months no clue what they where.👍 only new about since i was playing with my freinds in custom matches
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Why are they still in the KYF mode but enabled? Is there a chance they might come back?
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There's a couple reasons, but it basically boils down to far too much upkeep and an undesirable result. Often times making the map very dark allowed people to hide in plain sight, which wasn't exactly exciting. Whenever we updated the engine and the lighting changed, we'd have to go through each map and tweak them to make sure that the lighting is as close as possible to what it was. With bouquets, you'd have to do that for each combination of lighting offerings as well. With a growing number of maps, it's just not sustainable. It would take quite a bit of work, and the end result is a match that might arguably be less enjoyable.
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Good lighting update
But srsly, is this gonna be fixed? It looks very bad
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TLDR: Devs are lazy.
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Ok thanks everyone just wondering why they got removed. 👍
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I think it was Tru3's clip that showed it perfectly.
Here is it:
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is this lighting update?
It feels like BHVR broke the lighting, I remember in 2016-2017 it was more beautiful, but now its just pepe popo
But we have a cool battlepass and the best amulets that fit into the atmosphere of the game. I still hope that the game will improve for the better, sometimes they do really good things
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This thread is on the subject of why the bouquets were used, not on discussing how good the current quality of lighting is. Please keep the discussion relevant or create your own.