Best Rank 1 Survivor Builds You've Seen?

Ravakahr Member Posts: 130
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

Best Rank 1 Survivor Builds You've Seen? Also I only play solo!

Stuck at rank 3.

  • Sprint Burst
  • Windows of Opportunity
  • Bond
  • Self-Care

Other ideas:

Decisive Strike: I find for me I don't get any use out of decisive strike as I'm usually dead on first hook 80% of the time. Cant really get past rank 3 in quick match.

Adrenaline: If I get to end game its going to be me vs killer with hatch shut. So never found a use of this. Ever.

Dead Hard: Doesn't work 90% of the time. Will proc and I take the hit anyway. Forced to take something else. Happens 90% of the time with 32ms ping. Just the worst talent for reliability. Actually wish they'd rework this talent to make it be like borrowed time.

Iron-will: is nice, really nice. but I never have anyone to heal me they'd rather do gens. So I run self-care.

Spine Chill: Would love to have but the other perks are just to valuable for me.

What graphics do you guys play on?

Post edited by Ravakahr on


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    This is my loadout, with key.

  • Ravakahr
    Ravakahr Member Posts: 130

    Do you find you get use out of decisive strike? It's so rare for me.

  • Ravakahr
    Ravakahr Member Posts: 130
    edited May 2020

    NIce post calem I'll have to favourite that. I'm still borderline at the level I need Windows of Opportunity. Is there anything you would build to make it work? Mostly because I get a lot of team mates that dump 8 pallets in the first 20 seconds. And then I feel like I am screwed. What graphics do you guys play on?

  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225

    When I really tryhard I use:

    Dstrike,dead hard, iron will, unbreakable.

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171
    edited May 2020

    Unofficial Perk : SWF


    Classic Perks:






    OFC The perks i use change (SELF CARE / UNBREAKABLE / EMPATHY / IRON WILL) if i go in solo or swf.

    PS Use BT in your builds if you go solo, you help the team and people dont forget you if you go in solo, extra 15sec to run away can change the whole game. Not everyone going solo has always DS in RR, strange but real.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915

    Not a rank 1 survivor, but my opinion on the perks you mentioned:

    I think Bond and Self care together is a bit of an overkill. When i run Bond, I don't need Self care because i usually find someone to heal me in short time. When I run Self care (which i do in solo queue games) , i usually run Kindred, because it helps in solo games to coordinate saves a bit more than Bond.

    I share the opinion on second chance perks. Everytime I equip them, they get no use. When I need them I don't have them...

    I see Iron Will quite often on Rank 1 and I I think it's super useful, have it on nearly every build.

  • Ravakahr
    Ravakahr Member Posts: 130
    edited May 2020

    Noticed a lot oof people use DS. Do you guys ever find you get any use out of it? Seeing as it requires you to be hooked then saved?

    Anyone have any tips for DH

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    This for solo. SB is an alternative to DH. In SWF, one can swap one of the above for bt.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    My favourite build right now is Kindred, Sprint Burst, Iron Will and either Borrowed Time or We’ll Make It, with a yellow med kit and a bandage add on so I can get two full heals.

    I use Sprint Burst to finish unsafe gens early in the match without worrying about being caught out of position. Iron Will helps with looping and not getting tunnelled off the hook. Kindred gives me constant information about what my teammates are doing, when to go for the save vs pressuring gens, where the killer is heading after the hook, and it gives my team a better chance of coordinating a save. We’ll Make It lets me heal an unhooked teammate in 8 seconds, so they don’t waste time self caring or instantly go down again, or BT for saves against proxy campers or in the end game.

    I like the fact that this build gives me survivability, but also lets me support the team as a whole. If I’m not getting injured I can use my medkit on someone else, and if the killer is good I always know where gens are being worked on and what my team are doing and how they play (bold, immersed, gen jockeys, etc.).

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I always run this.

    I sometimes swap out Inner Strength for Adrenaline and Spine Chill for Kindred if I'm playing solo. Otherwise this build is my go to everygame.

    Honestly hate seeing self care at red ranks as survivor. 32 seconds where a gen could have been done. Windows isn't bad as a solo player but in a team it's pointless. Bond is also good but not strong enough to take a spot away. Sprint Burst I can't run personally but I know a lot of my flashlight friends love it.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I’ve been playing the game for like 2 years so I’m pretty much always at rank 1.

    If you want to rank up, builds aren’t necessarily the first thing you should worry about. I’d really recommend watching some good survivor gameplay and seeing what they do and why. Getting good gamesense and knowing how to counter all killers is the best way to do well in this game.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Everyone has a different build and playstyle, but personally I use Spinechill, Iron will, Balanced Landing and either Small Game or Alert.

    Spinechill to get the early run on killers, aswell as to know if I can stick on the generator or not.

    Iron Will for jukes in chases, aswell as being able to work on gens without needing a heal. Only use this if you're confident in looping while injured.

    Balanced Landing for making use out of drops that are otherwise useless.

    Small game to counter NoeD and other Hex related perks.

    Alert because it tells me which pallets have been wasted and which ones haven't.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited May 2020

    I've been a rank 1 survivor since mid 2018 (minus times where I took breaks).The biggest issue I see with your build is self care. You don't need to use self care in 2020. It just takes too much time to heal yourself when you could be spending that time doing a generator.

    For me it took me a while to stop using self care after it got nerfed, as at first I felt uncomfortable not using it. However, if you use that time to repair generators and rescue team mates off the hook, you're increasing your chances of escaping (therefore you're more likely to pip). If you are more effective with your time, the game will be shorter and you'll decrease the amount of times that you need healing.

    I guarantee if you stop using self care, you'll find yourself pipping more at red ranks.

    Furthermore, you use Bond so if you really need to heal yourself, you can easily find a team mate to heal you. Bond is one of the main perks I use, it's also great for avoiding running into survivors working on gens when you're being chased.

    Windows of Opportunity: I actually like Windows of Opportunity, I sometimes use when there's a new map or I've come back from a long break from DBD. It's one of the best perks for planning your chase routes. However, there are better perks for increasing your survival. It's better to try and learn the map layouts, so you can use a perk that will help better.

    Sprint Burst: Great perk, imo it's the best exhaustion perk in the game.

    I would recommend using resilience and spine chill together, otherwise known as the vault build. It enables you the vault quicker which can be the difference between getting a hit or not. Resilience also rewards you for being injured by increasing your repair, healing, unhooking speed. Spine chill is a great counter against stealth killers.

    Other perks you could consider are borrowed time, great against campers. Iron will enables you to perform techs/jukes whilst injured that you may not be able to do without it. Unbreakable is also a strong perk it can be a game changer and compliments sprint burst. I personally rare use it, as it's extremely circumstantial and I prefer perks that will help me in chases.

    I will mention though if you are struggling to pip it's likely due to your playstyle, and there are areas in your game that you need to improve. My best advice is to try and play optimally. I focus on completing generators and being more effective with your time, improving your ability to plan chase routes, work on improving your looping, learn map layouts, and learn how to run jungle gyms optimally.

    Below are the two perk builds that I mainly use:

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    i can’t really give you a direction - since I don’t know your weaknesses/strengths or how you prefer to play.

    I’m rank 1, and I have different builds on different survivors. Personally, I don’t EVER use:

    • Decisive Strike: most killers tend to let DS’ timer run out before they pick up and there’s also a filthy counter (glitch) that the killer can do to waste your DS without you even using it.
    • Dead Hard: worst exhaustion perk. Sure, it can help you create quick distance if you’ve caught yourself too close to the killer. But you really shouldn’t ever end up this close to the killer. I find that perks like SB, Lithe, and BL are better because they can be used more freely and interchangeably.
    • Spine Chill: This is a waste of a perk because a killer could look at you accidentally but not even be going towards you and it goes off. This only really is a counter to the stealth killers but I’d still argue that it shouldn’t be used.
    • Iron Will: This is just a perk that I would rather not waste a perk slot on. If the killer is dedicated, then your best bet is to just run. This perk is really situational too as you may run into a killer that doesn’t come back to hooks etc.
    • Windows of Opportunity: just memorise the common locations of these. Don’t waste a perk slot on it.
    • Bond: you should ideally be going for altruism by unhooking survivors and if the killer is distracted with a different survivor then you should be healing at hook.

    These are some of my perk builds:

    • Fengmin has Adrenalin, Lithe, Self-Care, Kindred.
    • Bill has Adrenalin, Sprintburst, Borrowed-Time, Self-care
    • Jane has Adrenalin, For The People, Borrowed-Time, Balanced Landing.

    I think that solos or NOT - Adrenalin is always a must, there’s been plenty of times when it’s end-game and killers resort to tactics like slugging or tunnelling - where theres multiple people injured/downed and this perk always comes in clutch.

    Self-Care isn’t really a must, but if you’re playing solo then you will probably be relying on it more than since as you’ve stated - relying on random survivors may not be reliable.

    Borrowed-Time/Kindred I use interchangeably. With Kindred, you have information of where everyone is, if the killer is camping etc etc. It allows you to use your time wisely and not waste it. If using BT, it’s a counter to camping/tunnelling - so if someone is being a victim of it - you should definitely be trying to go for the save.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Resilience, Spine Chill, Botany & Knowledge, Q&Q + Green Med Kit

    Lithe, Q&Q, Inner Strength, Iron Will or Detectives Hunch.

  • rottmeister
    rottmeister Member Posts: 316
    edited May 2020

    I usually run the following 2 builds:

    Edit: removed gamertag

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Decisive Strike: most killers tend to let DS’ timer run out before they pick up and there’s also a filthy counter (glitch) that the killer can do to waste your DS without you even using it.

    Ds is one of the best perks in the game period. The threat alone, that someone is running DS makes it so much harder for the killer. Play a game without anybody running an obsession perk and with people actually having them, its definitly a difference. And hitting the killer with DS has inpact for sure. And just because there might be a glitch to waste your ds does not justify NOT running DS.

    Dead Hard: worst exhaustion perk. Sure, it can help you create quick distance if you’ve caught yourself too close to the killer. But you really shouldn’t ever end up this close to the killer. I find that perks like SB, Lithe, and BL are better because they can be used more freely and interchangeably.

    Dead Hard is next to Sprintburst the best exhaustion perk. Simple reason: You have it on demand. Ballance landing is a joke compared to it, its situational, Lithe pretty much the same, when you want to loop a killer at a certain tile, you pretty much have to waste it first. Not saying its a bad perk, gaining distance with it is a big thing, but nothing compared to dead hard. We are not talking about Head On. That perk is fun to use, but not very powerful.

    Spine Chill: This is a waste of a perk because a killer could look at you accidentally but not even be going towards you and it goes off. This only really is a counter to the stealth killers but I’d still argue that it shouldn’t be used.

    All i say is: you underestimate the power of Spine Chill. Not even telling you why its the best perk in the game, simply because i like to have it my personal tressure nobody but me and a handful of people can actually use propperly ;). Amusing that it took so long for the big streamers to realise how powerful this perk is, even they have not fully discorverd its real potential yet.

    Iron Will: This is just a perk that I would rather not waste a perk slot on. If the killer is dedicated, then your best bet is to just run. This perk is really situational too as you may run into a killer that doesn’t come back to hooks etc.

    Amazing perk, 2nd best after Spine Chill. It gives you so much more options when loopign the killer, i can not even imagine playing without that perk. Honestly, because of this perk, stridor is A tier.

    Windows of Opportunity: just memorise the common locations of these. Don’t waste a perk slot on it.

    Beginners perk to learn where pallets are, nothing else.

    Bond: you should ideally be going for altruism by unhooking survivors and if the killer is distracted with a different survivor then you should be healing at hook.

    Another amazing perk when running the killer. I combine it with OoO most of the time. Simple reason: Dont bother other survivors when looping the killer doing gens. It helps you plan your next move. Definitly an A tier perk.

    I think that solos or NOT - Adrenalin is always a must

    I disagree. Not worth the perkslot for me, there are just better options. The better i got, the more useless Adrenaline became for me. Especially now at the current meta, when an extra health state does not help you anyway because of noed.

    Self-Care isn’t really a must

    There have been plenty of discussions why selfcare is a waste of a perkslot, i am not starting another one. All i say is that Selfcare is garbage, for solo and for groups especially. There is almost never a situation when you need to heal yourself. And it is certainly not a good option of healing. Use a medkit, ignore healing at all and do gens, let a teammate do the job, use Inner.. all better options.


    A good suggestion, even tho i would not run it, since ... again... better options. But if you are new to the game, it defniitly helps you with decission making.

    Here is the current best build you can run as a survivor:

    • DS
    • DH
    • Spine Chill
    • Iron will

    If you are sure somebody alse is running DS, you can also use

    • DH
    • Spine Chill
    • Resillience
    • Iron will
  • SkullKid
    SkullKid Member Posts: 46

    I'm at rank 2 and in solo Q I mostly rund ds, Iron will, Sprint burst and kindred.

    I sometimes swap kindred for adrenaline, unbreakable or bt

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798
    edited May 2020

    -windows of opportunity

    -self care

    are we talking about rank 1 or rank 20?

    anyway the most efficient build has dead hard, ds and bt as its core.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479
    edited May 2020

    I use Ace because he has a semi built in Iron Will 😀 I'm rank 1 solo survivor and my build is:

    Bond: Gives so much information and can get you a heal when you need

    DS: Don't leave home without it 😄

    Tenacity: Most underrated perk in the game? Feels like it saves me from being hooked once per game.

    Lithe: Ok so any exhaustion perk will do and this is the one I like the most, also a bit underrated.

    Sometimes I change one of the perks for Inner Strength. I love to get a fast heal that counters nurses and I don't have to bother teammates to heal me. There have been games where I use it four times, if other survivors forgets to do bones 😯

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Of course there is a best build. There is a best in everything. It does not have to be neccessary his best build, but if i would be the op, i would start with trying out the best survivor build.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    spine chill, resliance, iron will then I play around with the last perk

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Frequently used perls combined does not make it a best build. Versatile won't make it the best build. This game has way too many variables to even have a best build. There will always be fantastic and strong builds or even unique, but strongest build is not true. The last time the community agreed on a build that could be classified as stronger was the release of MoM with the Ash DLC.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited May 2020

    For solo queue: Inner Strength/Kindred/Iron Will/Exhaustion Perk

    Inner Strength>Self Care.

    Inner Strength- 14 seconds to cleanse a totem and 8 seconds to heal in a locker. 22 seconds total. Not affected by Sloppy. Doesn't require a teammate.

    Self Care- 32 seconds. Affected by Sloppy.

    USE KINDRED. This isn't just for yourself on the hook. This is so you can stay glued to a gen because you see a teammate going for a save. Or you know to go for a save because you see another teammate in a chase and another teammate glued to a gen. This is the best survivor perk in the game. Use it, people.

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    90% of red rank survivor builds I see usually use four of the main meta perks: DS, DH, SB, BT, Iron will, Adrenaline, Spine chill and then the odd non meta perk, I wish I could see bigger diversity on both sides but other perks aren’t viable

  • rottmeister
    rottmeister Member Posts: 316

    I've mostly been using that one as well because I want to experiment with other perks than DS, but it's too good to not run DS in the locker build.

    I've been running some altruistic builds on the side, but I haven't really found a great one yet. Currently experimenting with Solidarity and Autodidact.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Resilience, Spine Chill, Dead Hard, Decisive

    Learn to loop or go home

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I mean its not just randomly put together, it is the best build you can use, at least from my research. Its the build everyone would probably use if the game was put to the test who the strongest role is. Its the absolute ideal build versus Spirit and Nurse which are the best killers and probably also those used for the contest, plus also the most optimal build for looping against any other killers. The build is also very good for stealth if you need it and it its not that bad either for working on gens. Where i am from we would call this build "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" which means that this build can do everything.

    BT, Adrenaline, Kindred, Unbreakable... all good perks, but if you want to create a perfect build to face the best killers, there is no room for those unfortunatly. Those are fun and good perks for sure and i use them frequently on different builds (i run about 40 builds and i pick them by random generator) but in terms of effectiveness, nah... the one i posted outclasses everything by ease. Only the fast vault build and maybe the 5 gen run build is nearly on that level, but thats it.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    One of the best survivor builds i know for rank 1 are:

    • "Object of Obsession"
    • "Iron Will"
    • "Sprint Burst"
    • "Borrowed Time"

    As item you use a medkit to 99% your heal. You completely disable killers like Trapper or Hag and got a good matchup against stealth killers.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I prefer the fast vault because it's funny to watch people get irritated on small loops.

    I'll give your build a shot, but from my PoV it dkes not look much stronger than any other I could use.

    5 gen run build tho?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yes fast vault build like i said is amazing too and definitly better then any 2nd chance build like DS, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, DH constellation, since builds like these does not help you with anything but getting a second chance if a killer does a strategic mistake (which is in my mind at least theoretically never the case). It has also the advantage of having extra 9% on gens, which is the reason i think it is nearly as good.

    The only problem i see is that you have to give up on either Dead hard or DS. While i think you can never give up on an exhaustion perk in any case you have to leave DS behind, which can only be the case if you know that someone is running any obsession perk so the killer is forced to slug or not tunnel.

    Said that, giving up on Iron will is also never really possible, since this is the perk you need for unique pathing (hello Fungoose, thanks for the term, also if you are interested, just search unique pathing ) and also for stealth. Not even talking about Spine Chill.

    Give it a go, its an amazing build but be aware that it will take defniitly time to use it propperly, since you will have to learn 2 important things to experience its full potential:

    • Unique Pathing
    • Use Spine Chill in combinition with iron will on loops

    Well the 5 gen run build, it is a very interesting and super strong build, but it obviously lacks on some things unfortunatly why i dont think it is nearly as good as the one i posted (or the fast vault build). I would not recommend it if someone would ask me what the best build is.


    • OoO
    • Bond
    • DH
    • Adrenaline / Iron Will

    OoO for information and attention

    Bond for knowing where your team is so you can avoid them and plan your loops better

    DH because DH

    Adrenaline or Iron will. Adrenaline gives you a better chance to escape after you looped the killer for 5 gens but I would go for Iron will since it extremly useful in chases itself.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I haven't seen any good builds in a long time. That being said, however, they all contain Self-Care.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I never considered the combination of Spine Chill and IW at loops. I never used them at the same time till recently. How have you been using it?

    Thanks for all the details. I know what you mean by unique pathing though I like him as a streamer. One of the few I occasionally watch. I've never had much issue with needing exhaustion perks. I learned to loops without them long time ago.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    How to put this in words without confusing more then explaining. Hm

    The combinition is so good because of so many reasons, lets go through a very obvious but super effective one.

    If the killer gets a hit, his power becomes significantly stronger, due to louder noises you make. He can simply react to you even you block LOS at for example jungle gyms. With Iron will, he looses this advantage (unless he runs stridor).

    Now comes Spine Chill in handy. While the killer looses his ability to react to your movement, you actually gain that reaction to his movement (i dont know how to say it better). Every player has his pattern to move and to look around, spine chill will make you identify this usually really quick in 90% of the time. It gives you the information what the killer does when LOS is blocked, which gives you the opportunity to react even before you see him. Things like moonwalking become at most tiles useless to the killer, when you are advanced with that perk. Its also much more easy to juke the killer, and guessing games without LOS will become far more rare for sure.

    We would not have such an advantage as survivor if we leave Spine Chill or Iron will out, they basicly need each other... unless you are able to not get injured at all, which is not very often the case.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Sprint burst, Iron will, decisive and unbreakable. Very strong build for solo player.

  • H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3
    H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3 Member Posts: 189

    My usual build consists of

    Adrenaline-Can come in clutch many times. And even when Im on the hook it saves times from having to heal

    Decisive Strike-Allows me to risky plays like finish a gen or go for a risky unhook

    borrowed time-Helps with campers and in the endgame

    sprint burst-A head start to a chase is always good. I dont run dead hard cause most killers wait it out

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I guess I just noticed since I rarely use Spine Chill. I'll have to practice with it more often than. Mostly i have just used it for the extra vault speed and tracking stealth killers.

    Thanks for explaining though.

  • Ravakahr
    Ravakahr Member Posts: 130
    edited May 2020

    Alot of great ideas im soaking it in like a sponge. So many unique styles and I like that some people love self healing others hate it. And others love dead hard and others hate it or even DS some rank 1 hate it. Its really nice for me to see this. Cause it helps me understand as a whole different styles and builds. I need to find one that fits me.

    I'm going to try decisive strike a bit more now and maybe kindred. Again I've never found a use for DS ever in like 50 games because most killers slug wait 1 minute then pick me up.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    My usual build is spine chill+resliance and ds and unbreakable since i can rely someone else has bt to save instead of me.

    My tryhard build tho is ds,unbreakable,dead hard and ironwill

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816
  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited May 2020

    I either do not use them during the match, or use them enough to replenish them in the Bloodweb.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited May 2020

    Sprint burst, borrowed time, never leave lobby sim without them and then I alternate the other two alot.

    Inner strength, detectives hunch: these two are very good if your teammates can lead a chase for more the sixty seconds, abandon the totem busting if your team is bad and you can tell if your team is bad based on hook to gen done ratio.

    Prove thyself, spine chill: I like to use the start with a buddy shroud. Those gens don't stand a chance.

    Aftercare, saboteur: these two are so good late game for rescuing the guy on death hook, I get so many friend requests bc of the relief I provide to that dude that has been really fighting for his life for all match. Just make sure to bring a medkit, you are no good to anyone bleeding out and moaning everywhere.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    My build is very simple and basic. If I didn’t run WGLF I’d probably use Deliverance or Kindred.

  • rottmeister
    rottmeister Member Posts: 316

    This might be another fun build to run if you can get it to work. I'm pretty sure Monto made a video about it recently, that's what gave me the idea. I like running breakout :p

    I was able to prevent 3 hooks and save my mettle of man until 1 gen remaining.

    We all got out!

    I do feel a bit sorry for the Clown though.